Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


Havin been ostended, and justly O by an unguarde an erroneous X- pression of Stuari derived D in Chrysostom, and by the salse rendering of me night he wendit another extreme, an maintained that to die, o tobe dea to in means tora Deed se in iis uili, hile the whole contextproves that it means deliverance Dom iis OKer a a master froni theservitude oriondage of sin To live incit, oes no mean to live underit guili, ut in iis service and unde iis ulin power; and this is haline Apostle represent as a contrast to ein dea to in Notu serve Sin,' in ver. 6, is iis true explanation See also verses 11, 12, and 4. The Ver argument requires his mea ning The question in therarsi verse, Shall, continue in in Θ does no staret mea n-shall, con

expression to favourrit; et the whole tenor of the passage, an many Ofthe phrases, Seem clearlyrio constrat usu adopi the ther vieW. Ed.


220 0MMENTARIES O THE CHAP. VI. 1.3. nomye nos that S many of 3. Num ignoratis quod quieunus as were baptized into Jesus Christ que baptigati sumus in Christum, in wero baptiged into his death Θ mortem se jus baptizati sumus Θ4. Therefore e re burie With 4. Consepulti ergo sumus ei perhimi baptism into death: that like baptismum in mortem ut quemadas Christ Was raisedes Do the dea modum suscitatus est Christus ex by the lor of the ather, eve so mortuis per gloriam Patris, sic et nos we also hould Wal in neWnes of in novitate vitae ambulemus. isse.

iaptigod into εις one Ody, a Cor. ii. 13, are at the fame form Ofexpression, and must mean, that by the rite o baptism a professed unionis made, and in the tworars instances, a submission to the authorit exercise is avoWed. baptige into his death,V, are to understand, Japtiged,' in orde to die ithaim, orci die a he dies no that thedeathris tho amen forcit is a like dea th, as it is expressed in ver. 5, a theresurrectio is a like resurrection. His death Was naturat Ouriis spirituat; the fame disserene hold a to the resurrection. It is the likeness that isthroughout tot regarded and this is theae to the whole passage. Itis truo that through tho efficac o Christ' death a lono the death of hispeopte takes place, and through the operationis his Spirit; ut to leaelithis is notuli designis the A postle hereri his object seem to e merelyto ho that a change ahes place in very true Christi an symbollae bybaptism, and that this change bear a likenes to the death and resurrection nou Sariour. e spealis os bapti Sm heremo meret as a Symbol, butos ineludin What it symboliges; as e does in a simila paSSage, Col ii. II, 12, here e reser to this change, fidit unde the symbol fcircumcision, and the of baptism hicli clearly proves that the same


That the modem baptism, immersion, is intimated by iuried,' hasbeen thought y most, b Chrysostom, Augustine, Hammond P ΓρυλMede, rotius, Dod i e Chalmers, and thers; hile Ome, Such RS Mou Stuari, and Ho e domo conside this a necessarii intended the


' the lor of the ather, that is by that illustrious p 0wo by hieli ho exhibited himself a reali glorious, and

5. Orci me have est plantes a. Nam si insititii laeti sumus togethor in the likenes of his death, similitudini mortis ejus, nimirum Wo halli algo in the likenesmof his et resurrectionis participes erimus:


6. Knowing this that ou old man 6. Illud scientes, quod Vetus nosis crueilied With him, that the od ter homo simul cum ipso crucifixus of in might be destroyed, that hende est, iit aboleretur corpus peccati, ut

sortii, should not serve in non ultra Serviamu peccato.


t me that thor is omethin more significant in tho xpression sor it no only Serve to intimnte a resurrection,

but it foenas also to indicato this that, dis no lilio Christa natural death, ut that thor is a similarity botw00n ur

he had assume from us, o e uis die in ursolves, that W0 ma livo in him. It is ot thon the fame, ut a similardeati, foro aro to notice the connoction etw0011 thodoath fili present life and spiritual renovation.


cae of his resurrection, in reneWin Within us a spiritual


The genitive case here a be rogarde a that of the objeci, a thelove of God means sometimes love to God Evidenti the truth intendedio e conveyed is that a the Christian' death to in bears likenescio Christ' death, o his risin to a spiritual lis is certain to bear a similarlikenes to Christ' resurrection. The in the folloWing verses this is morofuit explained. The postle,' say Beza, usos the future ense, , shal be,'


Christ, e re delivered rom his miserabi thraldom notthato immodiatoly coas entiret to sin, ut that, be- come a last victorious in the contest.

7. 0 ho that is dea is Dee 7. Qui enim mortuus est, justifi-

8. Nom, inWole dead With Christ, . Si vero mortui sumus cum me belleve that e hal also live Christo, credimus quod et vivemus Withaim: cum eo 9 KnoWing that Christ, belligauis 9. Scientes quod Christus SuSci-od Do the ead dieth no morse tatus ex mortuis, ampliu non morideath hath no more dominion ver tur, mors illi amplius non domina-him. tur: 10. For in that he ted he die I 0. Quod enim mortuuS St, peeunt sininceu ut in that he liveth, cato mortuus est semel quod autem h liveth unt God vivit, Vivit Deo. 11. ikeWis reclion e also Four 11. Sic et ipsi aestimate vosmet solves toto dea findoedinto sin but esse mortuos quidem pecento ViVeΠ-alive unio God through Jesus Christ te autem Deo in Christo Iesu Do-

It is thought y Pareus and thers that iod V is here assigne to

prave in him. It is the infuliod of the old man. Ed.



This verse has Oecasioned various explanations. The mos ObViOUS meaning of theirst claus is that to die V ore means to die illi or in simila manner illi Christ, or in the nexi verse, here the de is resumed With V or like Christ,' is expressi stated. The veri, δεδικα - σαι, cis, Or has been ustised, has been considered by the early and mostis the later commentator in the sense of etiamfree o delivered. I his is the vie v among thers, o Chrysostom Basit, G cumenitis, Beza, Pareus, Hamm9nd Grotius, Dod iridye, an Machnight. But it mustbe added that it is a meaning of hiel there is no Other esea instanc in the Ne Tostament, though the ver occurs osten Scotti Ware of this,givescit iis common meaning, justi sed;V and thoughae oes not tali thevie of Venema, Chalmers, and mldane, as to the genera impor of the


This disserene may be gathere stom ille generat tenor of the hole


passage for his dea th and ur eath a re sal to have a likeness, and notiora fame Andriarther, in mentioning mur death in this connection, in the ex verse, e changes his phraseology it is νεκροῖς εἶναι an notαποeανειν, hicli means hos deprived of life the iseless. Tho ead νεκροῖς in trespasses an sitas, lare those ho have no spiritualdis and

It is usual With tho Apostlerio adopi the fame formis Woriis in disserent senses, hicli an onlyio distinguished by the contextis by the paris

of Scripture, ascit has been noti ced in a note On ch. V. 25. Ed.