Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


Tho phraso is talae disserently Ἀνω νον λέγω- spea What is human, alia is, hat is proportionabie t man' strength says Chrysostonι What is done and nown in common illa, as in Gal. iii 15 Or, hat is moderate, says Hammond What is leve to au's understanding, says atabius Theirst proposed by Hammontis the meaning mos sultable horo for the postle ad previously used reasons an arguments and saere similitudes ut e comes no to hat is nown in common liseamon men the connectio belWeen master and servanis, and he di this in condescension to their ea ess, hieli heialis the wealines of the flesti, that is, the wealines of Whicli flesti the depravit of nature, Was the cause; it Was ealines arisin fr0m theraesti. Ed. The disserent lauses of this verse have been a noti potn to alicommentators. Probabi the Apostle id not intendri heemus a regularc ursem antithesis, the subjectio admittin of this; beeauseris progressos evi and the progressinit remedy ma be different, and it seem to bes in the present case. Si is innate an in vard, and it character, ashere represented is vilenes an iniquity, and it realis ut into et ofiniquity he oes no repea themther character, denegs; ut When hecomes to the contrastae mentions holiness, and oes no adὸ What is antithetierio iniquity. his is a striking instance of the elliptica style of the Apostle It is no neglectis caretessness, ut no doubi an intentional


is sanctification, a tho casse is hon th faithlal devoto themsolvos o serve God in puritD

20. For hen e ere the ser 20 Quando enim servi duistis vanis of sin, ae Meres Dee fro peccati, liberi fuistis justitiae.

21. What fruit ad y the in 1. Quem ergo fructum habuististhos things hereos e re o tunc in iis, de quibus nune erubes-ashamed for the en of thos things citis siquidem finis eorum mors. is dea th.

22. ut noW, eing made re 22. Nun Vero manumissi a see-froni Sin, and ecome servant to cato, Deo autem in servitutem ad-God, e have Four fruit unt holi dicti, habetis fruetum vestrum in ness, and the en evertastin Efe sanctificationem, finem vero vitam


23. Fordhe wage of in is death 23 Stipendia enim peccati, mors but the in o God is terna life donum vero Dei, vita aeterna, in through Jesus Christisii Lord Christo Iesu Domino nostro.

omission it sein the charaeter of his mode of Wriling, hieli he had incommon illi the ancient Propheis. The comes the or righte usness,V hieli I am disposo to thinhis that hicli allislon has been poken of the righteousnossi fuith; hisis no innate, o in Nard, ut Whicli comes DOm Withoiit, an is apprehende by faith, by hieli in aro largiuen, and God' favo ibi ained; and the who bee me tho servant of this are to cultivat holines both inWar an Out vard the ought to present ali thoi members that is, allthei faculties, to the service of this master so that the may become holy

But Pthis dea os righte usnossi di sapprovexos e ma stili account for the apparent irregularit in the construclion of the passage. Itis an instaneem an invertet order, an examples O Whicli re foundove in his Epistlo. Ho egins illi incleanness,' ho end with 40liness,' and then the intervening ord Whieli are in contrast corresponti, ciniquit V and righteousness. V Here is also an inversio in the meaning in cloanness V is the principie, nil hol insess V is sto action; hi le iniquit V is the aetion, and right eousnes.' is the principio I this Vie v is right, e have here a singula instanee of the invertud parallelisin, both as to ord anymenning. -Ed.


Science, unda confossin Shameis it Were in their person.


1. nomyo not, rethrsen, ford 1. Num ignoratis fratres scienti-spea to them that no the laW, bus enim Legem loquor quod Lex homiliat thesia liath dominioniver dominatur homini quamdiu vivit Θ

husban is bound by tho la to her venti viro alligata est per Legem husban solon asino liveth; ut i quod si mortuus fuerit vir, soluta est tho husband o dead sh is l00sed a Lege viri. Domuli law of he hvsband. 3. So then is hil her husband 3. Proinde vivente marito, si auliveth, he e marrie to another teri viro conjuneta fuerit, adultera man, he hali e calle an ades vocabitur quod si mortuus fuerit teress but is heriusbandi dead vir, liberata est a Lege ne amplius in is De Do that las; so that sit adultera si alteri nupserit. Ah is no adult0ress, though heae

also areaeconio dea to the la by mortui estis Legi per corpus Christi, the Ody 0 Christ that e hould ut posthac alterius sitis, ejus qui X

Thougha had, in atrio mannor, sussicienti explain edthe question respecting tho abrogation of the lam; et ascit


i ho connection of the beginning of this hapter With tho 14th verse of the forme chapter deservos o be noti ced. He say there, that sin hali


part the eWs orither strangers, and in pari common and

This is a plausibi reason, derive seo Theodoret an Chrysostom; but hardi necessary. Commentator have seli much embarrassed in ap-pbing the illustratio give here. The oman is freed by the death fili husband but the belleve is represente a Deed by in himself. This does no correspond: and is, attenda What theraposite says, eshali se that he id not contemplate uel a correspondeuee. et SDotice ho-ho introduces the illustration the law, a says in therarsi VerSe, tuleS, O eXercises authority, ver a man whileae lives;V and thenietis observe the application in vors 4, hereae spealis of Our dyin toth law. The main designis the illustration then vas, o hoW that thereis no Deedom Domin ta buti de th; so that there is no necessit O a correspondence in the Other paris. As in the a se of man and wise, death

destro1s thea0nd of marriage so in the case of man and the law, that is,


theria a the condition o lise, thero must be a death; eis there is nofroedom But there sine thin more in the illustration, hiel therapostle adopis, the liberi to marr another, hen death has give a releaSe: The Ond of connectionaeingarohen, a union illi another is legitimate. Soriar ni is the example adduce tora applied deat puis an on to the right an authorit os laW and then the pari released ma justly form another connection. I i the attemptri mali alliaris of the com- Parison to correspond that has occasione allatio dissiculty. Ed.


5 For hen e ere in theraesh, 5. Quum enim essemus in carne, the motions of sins, hicli,ere by Metus peccatorum qui sunt pertho law did Work in Gur member Legem in membri nostri operato bring 0rth fruit uni death. bantur ad fructificandum morti: 6. ut no v erare dolivered fro 6. Nunc vero soluti sumus a Lege, tho a v thataeing deast Wherein e mortui ei in qua detinebamur ut more held that, shouid serve in serviamus in novitate Spiritus, et nonneKnessi spirit, and not in the old in vetustate literae. Des of the letter.