Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


CHAP. VII. IS. EPISΤLE T THE 0MΑΝs. 267d nos: ut the evil Whiel, I, ut bonum; sed quod nolo malum, id nos that I do. ago. 20. Now, i I do that Ι Would not, 20. Si vero quod nolo ego id facio,it is no more Iciliat, it but sin non jam ego operor illud, sed quod that dWolloth in me habitat in me peccatum.


21. Irand then a laW that, hen 21. Reperio igitur Legem volenti Would do good evit is present With mihi facere bonum quod mihi malum

me insideat.

22. For I delight in the la of 22. Consenti enim Legi Dei se-God astor the inWard man cundum interiorem hominem. 23. Butes se another la in m 23. Video autem alterum Legem member Warring against the lamo in membris meis, repugnantem legii Insideat,'' παρακενταί the Same ver in vers 18, is rendered adest is present. It means, tocli near, t berat hand. Ed. Repugnantem,V-αντιωτρατευόμνον, placiniitself in batile array, fght-


CΗΑΡ. VII. 22. EPISTLE TO II ROMANS. 269m mind, and bringin me into mentis meae, et captivum me red-tivit to tho lamo sin hieb is in dentsem legi peccati, quae est in

m members. membri meis.

Consentio,' συνήδομαι it is no the fame verbis in ver. 16; his



signifies moro than conssent, laesit includes gratisdation and delight. Seo Ps. i. 2. The ver is found ni here Machnight' version, amplea sed Witli,' is ver Debl and inexpressive Si uari' is bellor I alieplea sure in; ut our common version is the est, I delight n.'Th γαρ here ould bo etter rendρro indeed V the Apostle malios declaration ait his higher principie and then in the nexi versei states more fuit What he had sat in vor. I. This exacti corresponds With his usua mode in treatin subjecis Herarsi states a thin generally, andasterWard more particularly in more specifie terius, and with somethingadditional. Ed. Somo conside the conclusioni ver 23 to the la os sin hiel, sin my members, las a paraphras for desitself; las th Aposti describesit at thesbeginning a thesia in his member and the eas in hich maybe assignest for the repetition is Wofold, t preserve the distinction be- tweon it an thesia of the indV in the precedin clause, and O giveit a more distinctive character, b denominatiniit the law of in. V oin faet sudis gradation in the Way in hielicit is et sortii in ver. 21, he calis it simpl laW;V in this verso horars calis it innother lau in

his members,' and then, the la of in in his members. The constructioni Ver. I, is dissiculi. Pareus quotes Chrysostom assupposita σύμφηναι rom Ver. 16, to e understoo after laW Viso a to

HaW,' and that m, in tho last clause, is to e construe though: V tho Verse is then to e rendere thus - Irand theia tho law, that Dis goodio me destringo do good, thougs evit is present With me V The verso talieni itfel may thus pressent a good mean ing biit no One that harmoni ges illi the conteXt, or hut xiii a par of the Apostle's argument. The ni other construction ibat deserves Oile is ibat O Our Wia ver- Sion, an O Caluin, and it is that alone hicli corresponds illi the 0n-


cipio rightly formo i ii is vident that this passage is very



24. o retelio ma that Pam 24. Miser ego homo i quis me Who hali delive me Domuhelo eripiet a corpore mortis hoc Θ

25. I thanti God through Jesus 25. Gratias ago Deo per Iesum Christiuriord So the With the Christum Dominum nostrum itaquemin I mysei servo the la of God idem ego mente servio egi Dei, but With the flesti thecla os in carne autem legi peccati.

na man and members sor Paul potiat out his a tho originosivit, that man has separtod rom the la os his creation,



ritual excelleney, e compares him, by Way f reproach, Otho brute creation./



I. here is heres remo no con 1. Nulla igitur condemnatio est demnation to them hicli are in iis qui sunt in Christo Iesu, qui non Christ Jesus, Wh Walli not after the secundum carnem ambulant, Sed Se- festi, ut after the Spirit. eundum Spiritum. 2. 0 tho la of the Spirit of 2. Lex enim Spiritus vitae inliso in Christ Jesus ath ad me Christo Iesu, liberum me reddidit afro Don the la os in and death lege peccati et mortis. 3. For hat tho iam could no do, 3 Quod enim impossibile erat in that it was eat through the Legi, eo quod infirmabatiar per car- flesti, God sendin his o vn Son in nem misso Deus Filio suo in simili-th lihenes of inful flesti, an for tudine carnis peccati, etiam de pec- sin condemned si in the flesti eato damnavit peccatum in earne g. That the righte usnes of the . Ut justificatio Logis implereturia might e sulfille hi us Who in nobis qui non Secundum carnem Walli notisne thoraesh, ut after ambulamus, sed secundum Spiritum.

tho Spirit.


2. For the lare of the Spirit os life ad. his is a confir