Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


Caluin has in his expositionis his verse, soli Ned Chrysostom, and the fame vie has est tinen by Beza, Grotius, Vitringa, o ridye, Goti, an Chaliners. ut Pareus fossoWin Ambrose has talae another VieW, hich Haldαne has strongi advoea ted and with considerable OWeros reRSOning though, as ome may perhaps thinii, unsuccesssul ly. The


Ver remarhable Sentence, letis examine vor partis it.

sessi, ut accordin to the Spirit. For is aut intonuod to

sin is inconsistent With the latior part of the forme chaptor and that the la of faith, hiel thr O tho Spirit conveys life malles iis reo romtho morat a vos the conditionis liso, is the uniform euehingis Paul. his Ddedom,' saysiareus, cis aserit,ed o God, to Christ. and to the

Gospei, to God a the author, hap. vii. 25, to Christis the mediator, an to the Gospei a the instrument: and the anne of this deliver- ance is more clearly explained in the verse hiel folio us. V Culnin is no singula in this rendering Pureus and Grotius ive invia et quandoquidem ecause or inde; and the alter Says thatis si is an Hebruisin sor ἐς see hap. v. 12. Iez refersu Marti ii I9, and Luke v. 34, as instances here it means heri or hile, and Anys thati is sed in rculi to designato notini a certain time, ut uis a certa in statem condition 'iscator' rendering quod beeauSe.V-Eu.


conjecturo os a Grecian scholiast, ho conne is the lauSe

Thesbeginning of this verse though th genera impori ossit is evident,

does et present om dimetallies a tociis construction. The elaUSe, Sgiven by ait in is, Quod enim impossibile erat legi,' το γαρ Δυνατον



though God in requiring hat is justly duo, ad rogarded


Tho roserene had bester been made to Non a sin-ossering so calledbecause Non, in Was imputed tO What Was offered, and it Was accepte asan atonement. See LeV. i. g iv. 3, 4, 15 vi. 21. See alSO EX XXX. 10. Tho Septuaain adopte the fame manner, an rendere sin Ossering in many instances by ἀμαρτία, in and Paulias One the fame inra Cor. V. 21 Heb. ix. 28. That sin V should have two different memings in thosam verse O in the Same clause, is Uliat is perfecti consonant to the

Apostles manne of writing he eems to delight in this Lindis contrasti meaning Whil using the fame Ords dependingin the contextris to tho


s00 in sin conquere and aboli Ahod in ur ver nature, urexplanation He uses the ord hope Doth in his chapter an in hap. v. 18, in his Way. An this is no peculia tota ut it is lint, observe in ali paris of Seripture both in the ei and in the old Testament. strii in instanee of this, a to thoe vord disse,' ψυχή, is found in ali xvi. 25, 26, in the last verse i is rendere improperi soul.

is God allud et to in the punishment duo tocit. The mean in is nitideto bo the sume a When it is alii that God da id onaim ho iniquitios of


5. For thse that are after the fiesh Qui enim secundum earnem do ind the things of the festi ut sunt, ea quae carnis sunt cogitant; tho that a re after the Spirit the qui vero secundum Spiritum, ea quaethings of the Spirit. sunt Spiritus. Commentator a re divide sis to the meaning of this verse This

and the seeon verse eem to est a relation in sense omne another so

that is the secondierse refers to justisdation this also refers to it; ut f reed0m Dom thoeso eris sin and death 0 hat is augiit in the forinserverse the actualis personat fulfilmentis the tam musti What is intendedhere. Ome, Such a Paretis an Venem , conside justification tot tho subjectis both verses and thers, sueti a Scott and Doredri e considerit toto sanetification. ut Besa Chalmers, as et a Cal in SomeWhat inconsistently regar the secon verse a speakin o Deedom frona thepoWer Or dominio O sin, anilio froni iis guttiis condemnation, and this verse a Speaking of the imputed righteousnes of Christ, an notis that righteousnes Whieli bellevers ure enable to perform by the Spirit' aidand influenee. The verses seem O connected in the argument, that ne of thsesse two ideas mustrae held throughout. There is nothin decisis in tho ording of this verse though the east of the expreSSiOD seem more favourable to the idea entertuine by Do dri and coit, and specialty What ollows in the conteXt, here thew0rk of the Spirit is exclusi vel spolienis The Or δικαιωμα libetter


281 0MMENTARIES O THE ΗΑΡ. VIII. 5.6 For to e carnali minde is 6. Cogitatio certe carnis, mors death: ut tot spirituali minde est cogitatio autem Spiritus, vita is life and pene : et paXQ7. Beeaus the carnal insis en 7. Quandoquidem cogitatio carmit against God forcit is not sub nis, inimicitia est adversus Deum; jectu tho la vis God, either in nam Legi Dei non subjicitur, nec

deed cunae enim potest. S. So the tho that are in the S. Qui ergo in carne sunt, Deo flesti cannot pleas God placere non POSSunt.

vi. 13. That this is to effabiisti a justification by the laW, is obvia ted by the consideration that this righteousnes is performed through the efficacyo Christ' death, and through the revivin posse of the Spirit, an notthrough the law, and that it is notis ustii yin righteousnes besore God, forcit is imperfodi, and the la canincknowledge Othingos righteous esst,ut liat is perfeci. The sanctification O bogii Willae inali completed; ut it is at through grace and the completion of this orti Willbe a complete conformit With the immutabie la o God. Ed


evident that σο φρον 1μα σης σαρκος is the abstrae of incing the things of the esti,' in the precedin verse. The mindedness, ather than ille ind- in of the flesti, ouldi m si correet But the phras is no Oub Heabraistic the adjective is pullas a noui in the genitive case so that iis right version is, The carnal ind;V and minuV is toto talion in tho idosen se of the verb, as includin the whole oui, understanding, Will, and affections. The phraseris thusalven in the nexi verse inmur version andit is tho mos eorreet rendering The minit of the est is it thoughis, destres, likings, and delight. his carna mini is deuth, i. e. spiritualdoath no K leadin to that hicli is ternat o death, as bella unde condemnation, and produeing retehed nos and misery it is also enmit to-