Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


tur, Wor it nos that contestation contestatio has a difforent meantia in Latin But Paul means that tho Spirit os God


Spirit na eum nostro spiritu, ind the Vulstate 'sesti fies totur Spirit, lasthough the verbi ad not it compotans anxit is quid o have only the simple meaning of testibing though compOunded, in chap. X. I and in Rev. xxii. 18, here it has a dativo case after itis here I testis to very man, c. The soli appear tot here calle spirit, adestus the re neWed Aout is intended, o the ou havin the spiriti adoption or it maybe an instance of the Apostle s mode of riting. Who Osten ut the fame Word tWie in a sentende, ut in a disserent meaning The Hol Spirit testi fies totur spirit, sa Origen and Theodoret,' produein obedience, love and imitationis God Whieli are evidences of Our adoption aut Chrysostomand Ambrose say, by nablingis to ery Abba, ather, necordin to the forme verse. The alter feem to e the meantia adopted by Caloin. It is sa id by Estius, aeeordin to oote, that the oml Ound ver is neverusest illi ut the de of a Uint testimon boin implied and that in Rev. xxii. 18, it is a testimon in conjunction illi Christ. Then the importifthis toxi,ould e that tho Holy Spirit tosti fies, togothor illi the spirito adoption to Our spirit, totur soliti reneWed ind that, are thechildren o God Thus a direct insuene of the Spirit, in addition to that Whieli is sanctif3in an filial seem to have been intended. Se 2 Cor. i. 22 Eph. i. 13.14 1 Johesii 20, 27. Professor sive this paraphrase, Not ni doesmur filia spiriti Ward God prove that, a re his hildren, ut themoly Spirit iiset con veys tomur Oul the assurance of this delighti ut fael. V his seem to bellio fui and preci se importis the passage. m.

om Pelagian principies agree, deter frum tho certaint of the state fgrace, an destres uncertaint tOWard God. Suel uncertaint of hearisis then a convenient mean to uel men in the eading string of thopriesthood or ambitious Ounder of Segis sor sine tho are o ullo Vedio have any certaint thenaseives respecting thei relation to God theycanini restipon the udgments of thei leniter about it, ho thus utes uis illi absolute dominion the triae evangelie doctrine malles fre froni

Thero is no doub much truth in these remariis; ut another reuson



ma b added Those ho kno nos themselves has assurance S, annot consistenti teach the doctrine and real genuine assurance, is an eleValed State, to hicli man, attache to meret natura principies, an never


The partirie περ is rendered the fame acherea Ambros and Beza, si modo is in casse that; uti Chrysostom and Peter Martyr in thesens of ἐπειδαν quandoquidem since,' Sinee e suffer together, inorde that, may also be together glorified. V The Vulgate has, si tamen ii hoWever. Imma be suilabi rendered provided. V Ed. The partiele γα cannotae causa here. It has it primar meaning, tru , indevici, O verrily though it has commoni iis secondar meaning, for because, thermore. The conteX is urauideri heia there is nothingpreviousi sald, sor hiel a reason salven then it has oni an affirmative senseri oris ome thinii, it is tote vieWed as a particleis transition or assignif3in an addition, an may be rendere besides, further, Oreoυer. Perhaps this alter meaning ould e sui table here. In the precedingverse the postle says for the eneOuragement O Christians that heir conformit to Christ in suffering ould terminate in conformit to im inglor and then, as an additiona consideration, he states his fuit conviciation that present sussering are a nostin to the lor Whicli the would have to e oy. The connection an hardi be therWis Seen excepi in-deed, consider Omethin understood, as, oni so;V and then it ma be rendered for a gi Vin a reasOn O the quali 13in negative. uollipsis of this in is no Without examples in Gree authors, as et asin thome Testament. -Ed.


19. Fordhe earnest expectationis 19. Siquidem intenta expectatio the creatur Walteth so the mani creaturae, revelationem filiorum Dei festatio of the fons o God. Xpeetat: 20. O the creatur Was ad 20 Vanitati enim creatura sub subjecto vanity not illingly but jecta est non volens, sed propter eum

by reas , of him hyliath su petes qui subjecit ipsam in spe

the fame in hope 21. Because the creatur itfel also 21. Quoniam ipsa quoque creatura inali se delivere Dom thoiondage asseretur a servitute corruptionis ino corruption into the glorious liberi libertatem gloria filiorum Dei. of the ehildremo God. 22. For e lino that the wholo 22. Novimus enim quod creatura creatio groaneth and travaileth in universa congemiscit, et ad hunc patu together untii noW. diem parturit.

19. For the nient eaepectation of the creation, c. Hetoachosis that there is an sexample os the patienco, o hieli ho ad exhorte iis, ven in mute creatureS. For, O mitvarious interpretations I undet stand tho passag to avethis paning that ther is no element annis partis thuWorld whieli, eing oueli sed a it ero, illi a sense of iis prossent mi Sery, oes no intensely ope se a resurrection.


for a creatures, ein no Subjeet to corruption, anno be


on the arth, and On nil creatures It liene also appear to


22. For e now, e. He repent the fame Sentiment, that ho might passive to us, though What is no sat hastho Mei and the formis a conclusion forins creature are

The various opinions hiet have been ive O theSe verses are referre to a s me longili by tuari an he enumerates no les than eleuen, ut conSidersint two as entillest specia attention the materialcreation, animate and inanimate, as held here by Calvin and the rationalcreation ineludin manliind, illi the exception o Christians, hichae himself maintains. In favour of therars helames Chrysostom, Theodores, Theophylaci, incumenius, erome, Ambrose Luther, Oppe Dod i isse, filiis is not correet, Flati, an Tholu k; to hom a be adde Scott, Haldane and Chalmers, though coit, ather inconsistenti With the wordso tho texi, i the alserial creatio includin animal be meant, regariis

as a reveri thei resurrection See VerS 21.

Aster a minute discussioni Various Oinis, Suar avoWs his preserenee to the opinion, that the creature V means an in in generat, as eing the ldas liablerio objections andae mentions a iis advocates Light Dot, Loche, turrettin, Senuer, osenmulier, and thors He might avo addet Augustine. Referen ceris made for the meaning of the or creatures' tomar xvi. 15 Col. i. 23 andri Pet. i. I 3. It appears rom olfus, that the reater par of the Lutheran andReforme Divines have entertaine therars opinion that the creature means the wOrid, materiai and animal to hichaelimself muini accedes; and What he consider nox to this, a the most tenable is the notion, that the creature' means the faithful that the fons of God' are the lessed