Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


through th sanetiscation of the Spirit, unio Obedience V the were notthen elected aeeordin t God' fore noKledge or Oreordination, ecause of thei obedienee This entiret subveris the glos put on the ver in


for aut only 0ant, that God ad so determino that allwhomas has adopto stiouldaea tho mage of Christ norsas h sinapi said that the wero tora consorinod to Christ, but to the mage of Christ that ho might saetiis that thorois in Christis livin and conspicuous exemplar, hicli is X-hibitoxio God' childron or imitation. The mean in thenis that gratuitous adoption tu hicli ou salvatio consis is, is inseparabi frona tho the decreo, hicli determinos that We are O bear the ros for no One cani an heir of heaven

Christ' primogenituro, Paul meant ni to expres thiS,- that sine Christ possessos a pre- eminene among the hil-


tho faithsul, ut also that ho might includo ali unde him-

30 And homo has foredeterminet praefinivit, them


31. What hallis then a to I. Quid ergo dicemus ad haec Θ thes thingi I Godie laris, Who Si Deus pro nobis, qui contra cancte against ut nos Θ32. He that spare no his own 32. Qui proprio Fili non peper-Son, ut olivere him prioris ali, cit, sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit,ho shalli not withaim also Deel quomodo non etiam cum eo donaret give, at thingi nobis omnia 33. Who hal lay any thin to 33. Quis intentabit crimina ad- thoiharge of God' elect It isto versus electos Dei Deus est qui that justiseth. justificat.

Quis intentabit crimina Who hali hargo crimes;' -- ἐγκαλέσει κατα ἐκλεκτων Θεισυ Who hali implead oririn a charge against the elect


CHAP. VIII 3I. EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 32l34. Who sae that condemneth Θ 34. Muic ille qui condemnet ΘIt is Christ stat died, ea rather, Christus est qui mortuuS St, quin that is risen again, Wh is even a potius etiam suscitatus, qui et in the right hand of God, ho is dextera Patris est, qui et intercedit

malleth intercession for US. pro nobiS.

have made the nex clauseruis a question and also the clauses in the nexi verse There is not uel disseretice in the sense, ut the passage illilius appea more Strihing,-


the certaint of thei salvation, and that alm quietnes of tho oui through,hiel, it comes that adversities are Weetened, or at least the bitternes of sorro mitigatoii Hardly

anxietios and ears. e then more emphaticalty concludes, that tho hildron o God are 110 subjectri an Recusation,

laithsul ar vor sar rom sin involve in the angeris condemnation, sine Christ y xpiatin their in has an-


but ais came forti, by a resurrection, a the conqueror f

tua advocate nil in torcsessor in Seeuring our Salvation Ithone follows that Whon any one eelis to condemn S, ho

Supreme authority. his S great an assuranee, Whiel, dares

then an o deviso more pestilent an ruinous, than theseliolastic dogma respecting tho uncertaintyi salvation. Who intercedes, o It was neueSsar o Xpresstyrio add

35. Who hali separatu us Dum 35. Quis nos dirimet a dileetionethodovom Christ Θ hali tribulation, Christi Z tribulatio, an angustia, an


Or distress Or persecution or famine, persequutio, an fames, an nuditas, O nakedneSs, O perit, Or Wordi an perieulum, an gladius

36. scit is ritien, O thy sae 36. Quemadmodum scriptum eSt, we are Lilled ali the da long We are Quod propter te morimur quotidie, accounted a shee Dr the Slaughter reputati sumus tanquam Oves mactationi destinatae: 37. Nay, in ad these things'mare 37. Sed in iis omnibus super- more than conquerors, through him vincimus per eum qui dilexit nos. that iove uS.