Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


10. An notisnt this; ut When 10. Non solum autem hic, sed et Rebecca also ad conceived by one Rebecca quae X uno conceperat,eMena Our father Isaac, patre nOStro Isaac: 11. For the chil en ein no II Quum enim nonduti nati es yet orti, ei ther avin done an sent pueri, nec quidpiam boni aut good is evit, that the purpos o mali egissent, ut Secundum electio God aecordi election Dight nem propositum Dei maneret, Stand noti Wotas, ut of him that

12. It was sal unt her, The 2. Non ex peribus, Sed e VO-elder hali serve theaOunger cante dictum est ei Major serviet minori; 13. Ait is initten, Jacob have Ι 13. Quemadmodum scriptum est, loved, but Esau have Phaled. Jacob dilexi, Esau autem odio habui.

The expositionis Gesenius, adopted by holuch and Stuari, ,hse thotime halli reneWed,' does not compori With the passage, ascit introduces tautology. Hammon says that the HebreWs interpret the expression in ings as meaning the time belWeen the conception and the birth. Ed.


II th verse in a parenthesis seem bymo means Satisfacto . The three verses may be thus rendered, 10 Ani no Only so, ut Rebeeca also received a messasse, hen heconeeived by the rst, i. e. son O seed, even Ur fallier Isaac:

srs d V in Gen. i. 5, is rendered by the Septuagint ἡμέρα μία. Isaac asthe frs sonis seed os promise and a disseretice a made in the childrono the very srs seed But this mean ing of εἰς is uidi Schleusne to besanctione by Gree Writers such asierodotus an Thucydides Thereis no necessit os introducing the ori hildron,' at the eginning os vers 11 the antecedent in his case, scit Omelime happens, comes after tho pron Oun and it is the elde V and so ger' at the en of





le illi the argument of the Apostle, and with the instances he adduces, it is indoed a very hard matteruo sese. ne a by hiel the postle's argument is evaded is that the electio here is to tempora and utWard privileges. erit so tot thisi granted; ut it is addueed by the postloas an illustration and of Whati mos cloarbi spirituallanditerna election He refers both to the fame principie, to the De choice of God, and nodito anythin in man. God foresa the dispositionis ach. V Theodore an Chrysostom. His election corresponds With the foresee disposition of men. V Theodoret. It was done by the preselene o God, Whereb he no vhile et unt,orn, What ach Would e. V Augustine. These are quotations madea a modern riter Bosanquet With approbationa ut suret nothin couldie suggeste more directio contrar tothe talements and the urgument of the Apostle. There is a misi e Iapprehen d a to the last quotation perhaps simila to that made in quot- in Augustine n the lalter parti thooth hapter of this Epistle, herethe writer quotes a sentiment of Augustine, hichae asterWards retracted, a thin Whichias been osten done by the advocates of Popery, ut by nomeansiecomin a Protestant. Ed.


thon o much the Orse, nasmuch a the remembrance of so


have mercy on homes ill avo cujus miserebor, et miserebor quem mer , andes ill have compasSion miseratus fuero. on homes Will have compassion.

16. So thon it is no of him that 16. Ergo non volentis neque e Willeth nor of him that runneth, but rentis, sed miserenti est Dei. o God that heweth mereJ. 17. O the scripture satili unt 17. Dicit enim Scriptura Phara- Pharaoli, ven or his a me pur Oni, In hoc ipsum eXeitavi te, ut Os-pos have Uraised the up thates tendam in te potentiam meam, et ut might he m power in thee, an praedicetur nomen meum in univerSathat My nam might ae declared terra. throughout at the earth. 18. Therofore ath he mere on 18. Ergo cujus vult miseretur, et Whomine ill hau mercy, and Whom quem vult indurat.

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