Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


CΗΑΡ. IX. 22. EPISTLE O HE ROMANs. 36722. What is God, Willin t sh0 22 Quid autem si Deus volens his rast, an to mali hi poWer demonstrare iram, et notam facere known endured illi uel long potentiam suam, sustinuit in multa suffering the esset of Wrath fitte patientia vasa irae, in interitum apto destruction: parata; 23. And that he hight mali 23. Ut notas quoque faceret divi-known the riches of his glor On the tias gloriae suae in vasa misericordiae, vesselsis mercy, hich he had afore quae preparavit in gloriam Θprepare uni gl0ry,

In ali the instances in hieli his metaphor is used by Isaiah and Jeremiali, it is applied to the eWs in thei stαte os degeneraey, and very potntedi in Isaiah lxiv. Q here it is preeeded in themth verse, by that remarkable passage, Me re ali as anmuelea thing,V e. Tho laythen, orithe mass, is the mas of mankinyas corrupted a d depraved. Ed. Crities have in various Ways attemptesto suppi the ellipsis, ut Whatis here proposed is mos approved. a considered the correspondi g


os bella reprohendo in his dispensationi ut that horis


24. Evemus, hom he hathiassed, 24. Quos etiam vocavit, nil rumnot of the Jew only but also of the nos, non solum ex Iudaeis, sed etiam Gentiles Θ ex Gentibus: 25. As he aith also in Osee, I 25. usemadmodum et in see Williati them myis pie, Whieli,ere dicit, Oeabo populum meum eumno my eoplea an her eloved, qui non est populus, et dilectam eam Whieli iva notaeloved quae non est dilecta: 26. An it shali comedo pass, that 26. Et erit in loco ubi dictum est in the place here it Was sal unt eis, Non populus meu VOS illic Othem, e re not m peOple there cabuntur filii Dei viventis.

27 Esaias also crieth concerning 27. Iesaias autem clamat super Israel Though the number of the Israel, Si fuerit numerus filiorum Ohildreni Israel erus the and of Israol ut arena maris, reliquiae ServR- the ea, a remnant shali e saved buntur: 28. For e mill nisi tho ork, 28 Sermonem enim OnSummans and ut it hori in righteousness et abbrevians, quoniam Sermonem beeause a hori Wor Will the Lord abbreviatum faciet Dominus inmine pon the eurth. terra: 29. And as Esaias saidiosore, Ex 29. Et quemadmodum prius diX-cept the Lordis Sabaoth had lenis ors Iesaias, Nisi Dominus Sabbaotha seed, e had been as Sodoma, an reliquisset nobis semen, instar been mad like unt Gomorrha Sodomae facti essemus, et Gomorrhae SSemus assimilati.


Gontiles. V ut a this in torpretation, though it a bo


large a multitude, a mali number Only ould obtain salva


Sermonem enim consummans et abbrevians,V e. Λόγον γαρ, c. It

is litorali the Septi vini excepi in tW instances Paul put in γαρ and substitutes σης γης sor ἐν τῆ οἰκουμένη ολη. It is a dimouit passage in


the ori means On the contra in consumption.' An notoni here is an orror committod by the translator, ut also

There are an venerable ames in favour of this opinion, vel asAmbrose, Chrysostonι, Augustine, c. Not kDOWing the Hebre language, the attache a classica mea ning to the expreSSion, λόγον συντετμημένον, wholinat variance With What the Hebre means, as Calvin justly Observes.


30. What shall, say then That 30. Quid ergo dicemus Quod the Gentiles, Whieli sellowed not after gentes quae non sectabantur justi righto usness, have alta ined to right tiam, adeptae sunt justitiam justi-

31. But Israsti, Whicli folioWed after I Israel autem sectando legem tho lamos right00usness, hath novat justitiae, ad legem justitiae non pertainodri thesia of righteousness. Venit. 32. Wherelare Beeause them G2 Quaro Quia non ex fide,sought it noti faith, ut ascit u ere sed quasi ex operibus Ostenderunt by the ork of the laW For the enim ad lapidρm ostensionis: stumbled at that stuml,lingstone: 33. scit is ritien, Behold, I lay 33 Quemadmodum scriptum eSt, in Sion a stuml,lingstone and roe of eeo pono in Sion lapidem offen-

offeneae: and Whosoeve bellevethin Sionis et petram ostendiculi et om him hali notae astia med. Dis qui crediderit in eum non pude-set.

one.' Buttur version, Iehou of LOrdis hosts, cis the properuender ing. It means the host os animate and inanimate creatures in faet, the Whole universe, ali created illings; ut accordin to the contexi, it osten Specificali refers to materiat thingS, O to things immuteriai. Ed.