장음표시 사용
was based on a gratuitous oconciliation for is an ono
Error is osten a greater obstacle to the salvationi me than are-leSSneSMO Vice. . . . et D man thin error in doctrine a light praeticalevit. Nouoad to perdition has evertoen more thronged tha that o false doctrine. Error is a litet ove the conscience an aiandage ver the
The citation in this verse is made in a remari able manner The firSt
I. Brethren, in heari s destre 1. Fratres, benevolentia certe and prayer o God for Israel is, cordis mei, et deprecatio ad Deum that the mightae aved super Israel, Si in salutem. 2. Fores ea them record that 2. Testimonium enim reddo illis, the have a ea os God, ut not quod olum Dei habent, sed nonaeeordinito knowledge secundum scientiam 3. O they, ein ignorant of 3. Ignorantes enim Dei justitiam, God's righteousness, and oing ab ut et propriam justitiam quaerentesto establisti thei oWn righteousness, statuere, justitiae Dei subjecti non have nos submitte themselves uni fuerunt; the righteousnes of GOd. g. For Christ is the n of the q. Finis enim Legis Christus inla for righteousnes to very ones justitiam omni credenti. that belleveth.
With respectri tho last elaus Paul has soli Wod tho Septuagint, shali
GDin's Latin sor his verse Fratres, benevolentia certe cordis
mei et deprecatio ad Deum super Israel est in salutem Brethren the good-wil indesisti m heari and prayerit God for Israel is for their salvation. The word goodwili,' εὐδοκύα, means a Lind dispositioit Ward another,it means here a benevolentina Sincere destre, or aceordinito Theophylaci, an earnos destre Dodisi e renders it inisectionate destre V Beza propensa voluntas propenSe isti V and Stuari, hin destre. V
ma be eat for error and false doctrine as eli as O that whichris truen2. That e may understand the comparative importance of things, o asnodito malae uel of What is littis, and mali litile account of What is great 3 That, ma prosecute an defend the truth in the right way, With prudenee, firmness, fidelity, and mee ness q. That Our ea may have the right objeci, notis iwn interest an reputation, but the glor os God and the salvationi men. d. Complementum the complement,' the filiing up the completion. The ord τέλος, isnd,' is sed in various Ways, a signisting-I. The
5. oses enim describit justitiam quae est e Lege, Quod qui feceritea homo vivet in ipsis. 6. Quae vero est ex fide justitia si dieit, Ne dixeris in corde tuo, Quis ascendet in coelum Θ hoc est Christum deducere: 7. Aut, Quis descendet in abyssum Θ hoc est Christum e mortuis
8. Sed quid dicit Z Prope est Verbum, in ore tuo et in corde tuo; hoc est verbum fidei quod praedi
9. Quod si consessus fueris in re tuo Dominum Iesum, et credideris in corde tu quod Deus suscitavit illum ex mortuis, Salo eriS: 10 Corde enim creditur in justitiam, Ore fit confessio in Salutem.