Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류



Wo are in a manne mute unti God' promise pens ur


version of his oWn, he et gives no the original literalty, ut accommodates tuo his oWn purpose: e leaves Out in the mountains,' and adopis the plural number instea of the singular both as to the participi se a nouncini is evangeliging, and a tonse Ord M OOd. V Themoriis eaee, good, and salVation, in Hebrem, seem to reser to the fame thing aceordingto the usua styl of the Propheis. The Ord of Paul, a rendered by Cainis, coincide more illi the Hebream than a the ure rendered inmur common version. The ver εὐαγγελίζω, is osten USed Simplfin the sensem annot cing, publishing, declaringor proaching, as in Luke iii 18 civ. x Acts v. 42, c. and in his senseit exacti corresponds With n I, Whieli means the fame, though the ther


400 COMMENTARIES O THE CHAR X. 16.110 to tho argument, hieli Paul design0d t solio in tho

shines in us by tho light of his Spirit; and thus the inward

or, hat is heard itaeing a nou Dom arcta, to hear, in iis passivessense it signi se a repori, a meSSage, rinnynidings conveye to the earing of men. The Greel Wor ἀαο 1 is sed in various senses, a signifying the M of hearing Mati xiii 14, the fc u of hearing 1 Cor. xii. 7,- the organis heuring the ear, Marti . Vii. 35, and what is heurre, a Word, report, as here nil in otin xii. 38. Schleuaner reser to instances in the classic in hicli the or is sed in ali these meanings. tris notnecessary, nor is it in aecordane With the sua manne of the Apostle, togive the ori the sume meantia in the nexi verse as in this It is thepractice of the Apostlerio us the sanae Ord in disserent senses in thesam paSSage. See hap. v. 18 viii. 24. Hererit means halcis heurit, repori and in the soll0Win verse, the et that is, hearing. -Ed.


calling, hicli alone is ossicaci us an peculia to the loci, is distinguishod rom tho ou tward voice of men. It is heneo evident ho scolistit some maintain that ali aro indiseriminalsely the eleet, ecause the doctrinum salvation is universal, and hecaus God invitos ali indiscriminatolycio im-ssis ut tho generalit of the promise does not alone and by itsol mali salvation common to ait o the Ont1 RV, the peculia revelation, mentioned by the Prophet, confines it to the eleel.

there atready iven an videlice of his election and then,

that he by oui in his biossin oti ho ministration of thog08pel. t illuminat themiud of mon by faith, and thor0byto lead thom totali on his nam se had thus tosti si sed that tho Gentiles ero admitted by him into a participation of the


18. Buto say, ave the not 18. Sed dico Nunquid non audi-heard y ses verily their ound went erunt Θ Quinimo, In omnem terram into at the arth, and their ord exivit sonus eorum, et in fines orbis

unt the end of the Orid. Verba eorum.

19. ut I say, id o Israel I9. Sed dico Nunquid non cogno-knowJ Flast, Moses salth, I Will pro vi Israel Θ Primus Moses dieit Ego

volio ou to ealous by them that ad aemulationem provocabo vos in eoare no eople, an by a Doli Ahia qui non est populus, et in gente stultation I Wil anger ou. irritabo Os. 20. ut Esaias is ver bold, and 20. Iesaias autem audet et dicit,saith, Ioas found of them that Inventus sum n non quaerentibus me,sought me not I Was made manifest conspicuus factus sum iis qui me non unio them that asked not after me interrogabant. 21. ut o Israel he salth, At da 21. De Israel autem dicit, Quo- long I have stretched forthis hand tidie expandi manus meas ad popu-unt a disobedient an gainsayin lum contumacem et contradicentem people. vel non credentem )


great reverene eXplaine Scripturo, and avo o turn odthsem a pleasuro in ali directions I cannot e persuaded, that aut has in his manno misconstruod his pasSage. Ithon ah his quotation aecordinito the prope and genuine meaning of tho Prophet so that tho argument,ill bo ome


it is certain that tho sam thin is mention0d wid in his


no conviction of his truth.

λ Is lxv. I. The tW sentences are reversem the Septuagini and the Hebre are the fame. The reason se changing the Orde does no appearu ut it ma be observed that it is an instanc common in HebreW, Where essentiali the fame de is expresse in tW successive lines, so thatit is immaterial hiel, of them is putrarsi. Ed.