Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


mor abominabie, a the more remarhablocis the manno by

The passago is ahen Do Is lxv. 2. he Septuagint is fossoWed, excepi that the ordor of the word in the rs par of the sentenc ischanged though the Septuagint has prρserve the order of the Original. The versio is accordin to the Hebrew, with the exceptio of the lastvord, hieli froni iis form the last radicat letteraei nidoubled, an hardlybe expressed in another langvago by a single term an f the Septuvini has employed tWO. It mean revoltin again and again, ir illati re-Volting. The simple ver Iz, signisi es t turn aside, O reVolt, t apoStatig and in a reduplicate forni, as here, it means ither a repeated or an obstinate revolt. Indeed the revoltis the apostas of the deWs as bothreiterate and perverse, a their histor abundanti testifies. d.


mysel seven thoiisan men, holiave not 0Wed the ne to theimve of Baal. 5. Eve so then at this present time also there is a ramnant accord- in to the electionis grace. 6. Andri by graee, then is it nomore of Wortis; therWis grace isno more graee. ut i it e fWorks then is it no more graee; otherWis Wor is no more Orti. 1. Dico igitur, Num abjecit Deus populum suum 3 absit: etenim ego Israelita sum, ex genere Abrahae, tribu Beniamin. 2. Non abjecit Deus populum

tis in Elia quid seriptura dicato

quomodo appellet Deum adversus Israel, dicenS, 3. Domine, Prophetas tuas oeciderunt, et altaria tua diruerunt, et ego relictus sum Olus, et quaerunt

animam meam.

4. Sod quid diei ei oraculum Θ Reservavi mihi ipsi septem millia

Virorum, qui non flexerunt genu imagini Baal. 5. Sic ergo et hoc tempore, reliquiae secundum electionem gratiae


6. Quod si per gratiam, jam non ex operibus alioqui gratia, jam non est gratia: si Vero ex operibus, jam non est gratia alioqui opus, jam




peopte a in uel a manne rejected that o member of

the subjeci. It ould have been uel more appropriate in this a se fortit Apostleri say, mod ill receive every de Who ill rende himselfworth b his ortis. V On this supposition there a no necessit fortimio go uel to election to remove the objection hieli he had statod heliadisul to refer to the ternas of the gospei, hici regar Jeri' and Gentiles Without an differendo But instea of doinithis, hich seem ade-


this passago, hieli Paul quotes, no imprecation, ut a com-

Quomodo appellet Deum adversus Israel ο he appealito orialiso God against Israel: V ώς τυγχανε σῶ Θεῶ κατα σού 'I αἡλ ho he

solidit. interpellet God against Israel,V Beza; ,hen e pleadeth With God against Israel, Dod i e hen e complaineth to God against Israel V Mae night. complain to God against Or, illi respect to, Israel, ,ould probabi be themost sui table rendering See Acts xxv. 24. The quotation in the folio vin verso is froin I ings ix. 10, and is nottaken iteralty ei ther Dom the Hebrew, o froin the Septuagint Theoriter of the tworars clausos is hangod propheis, an no altars, ars mentionedirst in theseae has adopted the ord of the Septuagint, but in the clause hiel follows he has changed the ternas insteadis καὶ


nes of Superstition.

Paretis observes that these even thousand ad n public ministry, for that a idolatrous and that et the were preservest y uel instruction a they derive froni the written Ord. Ed. Caluin a somemthsers, has supplied - imago' before Baal,' a tho feminine artiel ση is by Paci prefixe to t. In the Septuagint it is σῶ, and a masculine pronou is found a tho end of the verse in I ingsxix. 18 so that it could no have been a female deity, as Ome have sup- posed It is indeed evident, specialty rom a passage in Obit, ch. i. 5, that there as a semale deit of this namen ut the texi in ings di notallo usu regardaliis g0ddes tot intended. Ed.


i r gratuitous election.

one Verturn the Othor.


no h draws his argument Do in the fame fountain,-thatis ortis com to the account, heu God adopis a certain numberis en uni Salvation, reWard is a matteris obi,

7. What then Israel ath not 7. Quid ergo Quod'tupri Is-οbta inest that Whicha seekethrior; fel, non est assequutus; electio but the electioiliath obtained it an autem assequuta est, reliqui veroth rest ere linde eXcaecati fuerunt; S. Accordin alit is written, o 8. Quemadmodum scriptum est,hath ive them the spiritis flum Dedit illis Deus spiritum compunc-ber, yes that the shOuidio See, tionis, oculo ut non videant, et au- and ear that ther hould not ear res ut non audiant, usque ad hodierunt this day. num diem. Theclas hal of this verse is considere spurious by Griesbach beingno found in the greatest number of SS. nor in the mitigia te nor in the Latiis athersu ut it is ound in ome of the Greeli athers, Theodoret, indumenius, Photius, and in the texi, thoughiot in the commentis Chrysostom, and in Theophylaci With the exception O the ast eluuse, therWise Work,V e. The Syria and Arabic versi in uis contain the hole verse. The argument is complete ithout the last portion, Whieli is in faet, a re petitioni therars in another form. ut his hinὸ of statsemen is hollyin unison illi the character of the Apostle' mode os riting. He ostenstates a thin positivet an negatively, o in Wo disserent Ways. Seocha p. v. 4 5 ix. Ι; Eph. i. 8, 9. The an omission is more probablethan an addition. Bezα, Pareus, olfus, α, regard it a genuine and Dod i and Macknight have reta inest it in thei versions. ver reason, except the number of SS., is in favouri it genuineness. Ed. Literati it is, ,hat Israel seelis, his he has no obtained. V Thopronou sor this,' τούτου riesbach has displaced, and introduce mor, in iis stead, a the mos approVed reading. Ed.


4l coMMENTARIES O THE CHAP. XI. 7. 9. And David satili, Let their table . Et David dicit, Fiat mensabe made a nare, an a trap and a eorum in laqueum et in captionem stunabling bloch, an a recompense et in ostendiculum et in retributio--t them: nem ipsis :10. et heir yes e darhened, 0. Obscurentur Oculi eorum ne that therma nodisee, and boWHOWn videant, et dorsum eorum Semper in- thoiriae alWay. MVR.