장음표시 사용
S. sinen them has God, o Thoro is nota ubi Icili inli, but that the passage quo ted oro rom Isaiah is that hieli
tain, that bruta stupor sol ges o nil the senses of men, restor tho are givon umto his adnossos that the excito thoni solves by virulunt stimulant against tho truth. For
Tho subjectis imprecations is attended With some dissiculu. To impre
appea ne or UnUSUnt. 11. I say then, Have the stum II. Dico igitur, Num impegerunt biod that tho fhould fas mod sor ut corruerent obsit sed eorum bid: ut ather through thoi sali lapsu salus ontigit gentibus in hoc,
salvation is comerant the Gentiles, ut ipsi ad aemulationem prOVOearen-Druo provolae them to ealouSy. M. 12. NON, is the fallis themi the 12. Si vero eorum lapsus divitiae riches of the Worid, and the diministi sunt mundi, et imminutio eorum in of them the riches of the en divitiae gentium, quanto magis Om-tiles hoi muta more thei mines. plementum ipsorum 13. Fores spea to Ou Gentiles, 3. Vobis enim dico gentibus, qua-inasmuel a Pam the apostle of the tenus certe ego gentium Um ApOS- Gentiles, I magnis mine osside: tolus, ministerium meum illuStror, I 4. Ist, an means I ma provolae q. Si quomodo ad aemulationem
to emulation them hich areis gesti, provocavero carnem meam, et aliqUOS and might fave some of them ex ea Salvos fecero :15. For is the casting aWay of them I 5. Si enim rejectio eorum, recon- Ps lxix. 22, 23. The passage is ive a in the Septuagint, exceptiliat καὶ εἰ ἡ-αν is added, and the two folloWing ord are transposed, illi
ilivoreo, and Seeli reconciliation.
falso notion, and lay d0Wn a sentimenti an opposite hinii, that nothing ould conduco more to advance tho salvation
thei perversoness, liud turne aside. No h Would have spolien more stricti correct is to the
This is notriuite correct therars part is a mere announcementis alae the sali of the eWs and then in hal folio us aecordin to theusua style of Scripture, the fame hin is state in ther Ords, undis corresponding clauseris added and the antithesis is ound tot sui table the diminution and the eompletion. The reason for the restatement Ofth firs clause suem toto his, that the tali might notae penaei astolat, ut in part it Was στημα, a les part a diminution adessening Ofthei number in God's kingdom. contrast to this is the πληρωμα, the ulli complete portion, that is thei complete refloration, ascit is a id in Verse 26. O preserve the antithesis, therars avor mus have iis litoral
tighlyrio estimate, cis halcis generali given here to the verb: ut inin talases it in a sens in hielicit is mostlyunken in Scripture, as
produces the most poWersu effecis
15. For is their rejection, cte. his passage, hiel many
ri sentiment in the last laus is the samerus that at the en os verse II. The Uulgate, andis me of the Latin athers, and also Luther, eadδοξα σι in the future tense Whicli Ouid malle the passage readieiter, Mahat Pshali render, c. TheSe two verses are Ot necessarii connected vitii the Apostle' argument for in the folloWin versea resumes the subjectis vers 12, or ather, as his sunt manne is, he States the Samething in ther ord and in more Xplicit an stronge ternis. So that the γα e in the ex VerSe a Ver propert be rendered sea, is as an illative, alien V Ed.
ti objection hatis me allego, that oconciliation differs not
in the expression, and this a stimulent anSWer.
16. For is the rst-Duit ei ly, 16. Quod si primitiae sanctae, the lum is also holys an is the etiam conspersio; et si radi Sanctaroot be holy so are the branches etiam rami: 17. nil f some of the branchses 17. Si vero e ramis quidam de bearoheniri and thou, ein a Wild acti sunt, tu vero Oleaste quum Olive-tree, eri grasse in amon esses, insitus es pro ipSiS, et particeps them, and With them partakest os laetus es radicis et pinguedinis oleae; the ros and latnes O the olive tree; 18. Boastes Lagainst the branches: IS. Ne contra ramos glorieris: but i tho boast thou bearest uot quod si gloriaris, non tu radicem the oot but the Oot thee portas sed radicte. 19. Thou Wil say thon, The 19. Dices ergo, Defracti sunt branches Were br0ken iis, that rami, ut ego insererer.mighti grasse in . 20. elli lecause of unbelles 20. Bene propter incredulitatem the 'ere brohem iri and thou defraeti sunt, tu vero fide stabilitus standes in faith. Be no aigh es me animo esseraris, sed timeas. mindsed, ut ear: 21. For i God sparo no the 21. Si enim Deus naturalibus
natural branches, ta eraee testae ramis non perpercit, id ne qua fit, also spare nos thee. ut et tibi non parcat.
Some te in last ords, dis froni the dea d,' as underst00d of the Jes an notis the Gentiles. ut the antithesis seems t require thelalter meaning The rejectioni castin aWay, αποζολἡ, of the JeWS a Sthe occasionis reconciliation to the orld that is, tho Gentiles then thereception προσληψις, of the Jews Will e lis froni the desidV to tho Gentiles o to the orid. He expresses by Stronge term the Sentimenti verse I 2 the riches of the orid,' oni intimating, as it appears thedecaye statem religion among the Gentiles foro b dead sometimes means a religious deciension, Rev. iii 1, 2 or a state of Oppression and Wretchedness, a the case Was illi the Israelites hen in eaptivity EZeli. XXXVii. 1-Ι Is XXvi. 19. The phras is evidenti figurative, and signi-ses a Wonde ut revivat, suci a the comin to lis of thos in a conditionresembling that os dea th. The restorationis therae N unt God's favour Wil occasion the revivat an sprea os true religio through the whole G sentiis orld his is learly the mea ning. Some of the athers, uel a Chrysostom and Theodoret, regarde the Word as reserring to the last resurrection: ut this is holly at variance with the context. d.
here ore Wo ind of irst fruits the heas, ein the rs ripe fruit, Lev xxiii. J0 and the dough, therarstaneaded calle, Num. v. 20. It is to thecius that the reserene ichere made. Theirst-fruits are considered by omo suci a Mede and Gulmers, toliave been thoirs Jewish convertit Christianity the apostles an dis- ei plosa ut this is not consistent illi the sual anne of the postle, Whielicis to expres the fame thin in Wo Ways, O by tW metaphors. Besides the whole contexi refers to therars adoption of the JeWisti nation, o to the covenant made illi Abraham an confirme to the patriarchs.
That tho holinos here mentioned is xternat and relative, and notpersona an inward is evident Do the whole context. The childre os Israel Nere denominuted hol in ali heir Wickednes and dis bedience, be- cause the had been consecratei to God adopte as his copio, an setapar sor his service, and the onjoysed ali ho externa privilegos of the covenant hiel Godiad ad villi thei luthers.