Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


longin to nature, ut liat proceode fron the Ovenant.

But allisor Hili hol in the sense intended sero by the Apostle, a theywer circumcised, and inherite the transmissibi right an privilegcs of

li liness, o consecration to God is here XelusiVel meant. . . . Abraham

Was ascit ore the oot of the visibi Chureh. Istimae Was rohen 1 and the tre gre u in Isaac; and When Esau asaroheniis, it re up in Jacob and his sons. . . . hemine nation rejected the essiali, thoirrolation to braham an to God was ascit ere suspended. se nolonge reta ined even the utWard ses of the covenant for circumcisionios iis validit and baptism ecam the sign o regeneration they eretheneeforti deprive of the ordinances of God.V Ed.


thom everito consider Whonoo was the originis their salvation.

There is a disserene o opinion ait the precise meaning of the Words ἐνεκεντρίσθης ἐν αὐγοις Caluin's version is, insitus es pro ipsis thou hastbuen ingrane so them, is in thei stead that o Bez and Pareus is the fame, and ais that of a hnight butirotius has inter illos belween them,' that is, the remaining branches and Dod iri iste rendors the ord amon them, laeeordin t Our verSion. What is most consonant With the irst partis the verse, is the rendering o Calvin What is state is th cuttingis of s me of the branches, and the most obvious meanin is that others ore ut in for them, o in thei stead. t hasbeen aid that it Was notuli praetice to grain a Wild Olive in a good olivo, except When the alter a.dec ing. Such may have been the case; ut the Apostle' objectoas notis much t refer O What vas usual a toformis comparison uitabieri hi purpose; and this is hal ovi Savisurin his parabies adis metimes done Contra 'o What the cas is in naturo, the Apostle malles the stocli good and the rasi bad, and alios the stoeli to communicate it goodnes to the gran andri improve thoquatit oscit fruit. ut his main Objec is to ho the factis incision, without an rogard to the character of the stoeliand of tho gras in naturalthingsu D both his stoc an his gras are Ona disserent character. Ed


Somo have deduced Dom What Paul says here the uncertaint of aith, and iis possibi fallure This has been done through an entire misapprehensioni th subjeci andled by the postle. e spealis notis indita viduals, ut of the Gentile orid, notis livinisaith ut o professed salth, no the inward hange, but of outWard privileges, notis the unionis thes ut o Christ, ut o union illi his Chureli. The two things are hollydisserent; andri draman argument froni the onesto the otheriis altogether illogitimate that is o say that a professed faith may be lost, heresere living faith may be lost.


nes an severit o God On them veritatem Dei in eos quidpin qui Whiel fell, severi ty; ut OWard ceciderunt, severitatem in te verothee, goodness, i thou continue in lenitatem, si permanseris in lenitate; his os, ines V othergis thou also alioqui tu quoque eXcideris :shalti cui off23. And the also, i the abide 23. Et illi, si non perstiterint innot stili in unbelles hallae grasse ineredulitate, inserentur potensim for God is abieno grast them in enim est Deus rursum inserere ipsos.


24. For i thou ere ut ut of 24. Si enim tu ex oleastro, quae the olive-trese, hicli is Wild yma tibi nativa erat, exeetus es, et praeter ture, and eri grasse contrar to naturam insitus es in veram oleam natur into a good Olive tree ho multo magis hi secundum naturam much more hul these, hielii the propriae oleae inserentur. natural branches, grassed intotheir Wn olive tree Θ




25. For I Would not.brethren that 25. Nolo enim vos ignorare, ra-ye hould e ignorant of this mys tres mysterium hoc iit ne apud VOS-tery, test e liould e is in oti metipsos superbiatis, quod 10citas OKn conceiis that blindneSs in part ex parte Israeli contigit, donec pleni is happensen to Israel, unfit the nil ludo gentium ingrediatur: ues of the Gentiles se come in . 26. Andio ali Israel shallie saved: 26. Atque ita universus Israel salacit is ritien, heroeshali come out viis et quemadmodum Scriptumof Sion the Deliverer and Shali turn est, Veniet ex Sion is qui liberat, et uiua ungodlines Doni Jacob avertet impietates a Iacob:


CHAP. XL 25. EPISTLE TO HE ROMANS. 43527. For this is, covsenant unto IT. Et hoc illis a me testamentum,

them, hen I shal take Way their quum abstulero peccata eorum.



S Ure, sublime, or pro und as great is the myster of odliness, ' Tim. iii 16 ut here the mysterycis madeanown in the fame manne a Paulmentions a factarespectin is resurrection, I Cor. v. 51 and ais the cado the Gentilps Rom. Vi. 25. Ed. The explanationis his verse is ymo means satisfaetory It Oes not corr0spon Latini inith What the postle has atready declared in verses II, 12, and 5 Where the restoratio of the Jews to the fatili is ostes early set orth. Besides by akin Israel, in the ex verse, O mean generali the eople o God the contrast, observabi through the holeargument, is completet destroyed. The wor for illiadnes.' is πωρα πις, ardness, aliousness, an heDee contumaey. In pari,' is generali regarded as havin referene both to extent and duration the hardiaesidi no extensio at the Jews, and tWa notrio en dure, but to continue for a time; and the time is mentioned, M untii the fui nes of the Gentiles come in. V his is obviousty the mean-ing, and confirmed by the whole context. The attemptis GDotius and Hammond, and of Some of the athers, o cons ne hat is sal to the

ειλλὸν That the event a future in the Apostle' time an future stillas histor proves is evident, speciali 1 n the folloWin verse, and soat Israel hali e saved. V The pluin constructionis the passage is, unti the fui nes of them n lites hali 0me. V What this futuess V is to bellas beon much controverted. Lut by takin a vie of the whole contexi, Without regar to an hypottiosis, o hall, With no grent difficulty, Scertain iis meaning The sitan s ' of the JeWs in vers 12, is determine d