장음표시 사용
There is a passage in Job xli. 11, 2, in th Hebre Bible, of Whielithis verse eem to e a translation, ad by the postl himself, astotali another meaning salven in the Septuagint. The person is lone changed. The Hebre is literalty this, Who has anticipat ed me,
ache leasos, reel determino respectinitiis Wn creatures,
1. I besepeli ou heresere, re 1 obsecro itaque Os fratres, per thren, by the mercies of God that miserationes Dei, ut sistatis corpora ye presens your odies a living saeri Vestra hostiam Vivam, Sanctiam, Re- sice, holy aeceptable unto God, hic ceptam Deo, rationabilem cultum
2. 1id e not consorme to this 2. Et ne conformetis vos huic W0rld; ut be e transforme by mundo, sed transfiguremini renOVR- the reneWing of your ind thato tione mentis vestrae, ut probetisma prove hat is that good, and quae sit voluntas Dei bona et placita acceptabie, and persect Willis God et perfecta.
Whateve excollone Ahines sortii in thei precepis, it is asit ore, a beautis ut superstructuro ithout a foundation
Dod i e It was not sumetent unde the luxv so the sacrifices them-selves tot holy blameless, sueti as Od requiret; ut a right motive anda right Delingin the par of the offerer ere necessary in Orde that theymightae accepte or approved by Od. Without faith an repentance, and a reformed illa, the Were not acceptest, but regarded as abominations Sue Ps. li. 9; s. i. 11 - 19 It is gaidi Wolfius that allati ternas here are derived Do the sacrifieiu ritos of tho law, and that Christians are represente both a thopriosis homilared, and a the sacrifices hicli,eremiseredi them. Eu
The wor λιγαἡν reasonable, Was considered by Origen, and by many after im, a designatin Christian service consonant illi reason, in opposition to the sacrifices unde the laW, hiel, ere not agrepabie toreason. ut Chrysostom, WhOm ais many have followed vi0wed homor a meaning What is spirituat, or ha belong to the ind, in contradistinction to the rituat an externa service of the laW: ut there is noexample O the or havin Sueli a meaning except it e I et ii 2,whieli is ymo means decisive Rationat, or ea sonable is it meaning, or, hat agrees illi the ord, as havorinus explainscit. There is nonee here to suppos an contrast the expression oni designates the actor the service hiel theraposite proscribes a though he aid, 'hat Iexhort Ourio do is nothingaut a reasonabi service, consistent illi thedietates of reason. God has done great things for ou, and it is nothingbut right and jus that ou hould dedicat 30urselves hollyrio him. This spem tote the obvious meaning Tydrainthis expression to another Subject in orde to et up reason a an iampire in matters of faith, is Wholi a perversiOm and O say that ascit seem to referri the ord in 1 et ii 2 it must e so considere here, is hal does no necessari tyfolloW; forins λόγος Sometimes means Mord,' an s metimes leason,' solis derivative may have a similar arietJ.-Ed.
highly than ho ought to think, but praeter id quod oportet sapere,
to thin 40berly aecordin rus God sed sapiat ad sobrietatem, sicutiliath dealtrio every ma the measure unicuique distribuit Deus men- of faith. suram fidei.
sol o laid the Romans unde the necessit of Obeying, utiles the were prepare to despis God in the personis
betotiens a return to a sane ind: and an humbi estimate of Ourseives, asProfessor o e observes, is the ni found sane and right estimate.-Ed. sud a simila transposition in I Cor. iii 5. d.