Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


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δ his explanation is that os Chrysostom; ut o to malae the wor isto give suci a meanin is a matter of 0me dim culty. The obvious importis the passage corresponds'ith ch. i. 11. Al the author quoted by Poole, except Estius, ah the ther VieW, Such a Grotius, Beza, Mede, Le. The ast gives the follossin a the sentiments of Origenand Anselm preachin and conversation hali impar t yo an abundant nowledge of the Ospei mySteries, love comi Ort, grace, and spiritua fruit.' The word blessing, 4υλογία, is aida Grotius to mean


30. o I beseetabou brethren, 30 obsecro autem Vos fratres, perso the Lord Jesus Christ's salae, and Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum so the love of the Spirit, that e et per dilectionen Spiritus, ut constrive together illi me in Our certetis mihi in precibus vestris proprayers to God sor me; me ad Deum 31 Thates may be delivere Dom I. Ut libere ab inersedulis in them that O no belleve in Judea; Iudea, et ut ministerium meum quod and that, service hicha hane suscipi erga Ierusalem acceptum sit for erusalem a be accepte os sanctis; the sainis; 32. Thato a come unio ou 32. Ut cum gaudio veniam ad withcio by tho ill o God, and vos per Voluntatem Dei, unaque may ithoouae refreShed. vobiscum refociller Deus autem 33. No tho God of eaee e pacis sit cum omnibus vobis. Amen. withoo ali. Amen.


Ut concertetis mihi,' συναγωνισασθαί μοι; ut mecum certetis that

ye trive illi me V Bez ut mecum laboretis that e labour illime,'' Premedius, froin the Syriae Literati it is, thato agonigo ithme. V It is an allusion say Grotius to Jacob's restitia With the anget. Gen. xxxii. 24. A strenuous and earnes supplication is intendod. Fareus says that it is a metaphor alien rom artare, hen a soldier comes toris helmonariothera ut rather froin the games, hen there is astriving so the prige. e oes have the Romans' malae a similarstrρnuous effor for him in praye to God. The Word αγ- is an agonistic an Dot a militar term. Ed.


in amore livet an strenuous manno labour amon them.




prosunt With an savour the Roman in a genera sense, ut that ho ould ut an guido very one of them But thoword pecto rosors, Pthin k, to thoi circumstances at the timo, that God th author of eaee, ould 00 them allinit d

3. Greet Priscilla and A quila myhelpers in Christiaesus 4. Who hau soris life laid down

besore me.

8. Greet Amplias my belove in the Lord. 9. Salute Urbane, oux helper in Christ, an Stachys, belOVed. 10. Salute pelles, approve in Christ. Salute them hicli are os istobulus' household. 11. Salute Herodio m kins- man Greet them that be of tho

I. Commendo autem vobis Phoeben Sororem OStram, quae Si ministra ecclesiae Cenchreensis;

2. Ut eam suscipiatis in Domino, ut dignum est sanctis, et adsitis ei in quocunque Vobis eguerit negotio etenim ipsa cum multis affuit, tum etiam mihi ipsi. 3. Salutato Priscam et Acylam, cooperarios meos in Christo Iesu;

g. Qui pro anima mea Suam ip-SOrUm erVicem posuerunt, quibus non ego Solus gratias ago, sed etiam Omnes ecclesiae Gentium; 5. Et domesticam OrUm celesiam. Salutate Epaenetum mihi dilectum qui est primitis Achaiae in


6. Salutate ariam, quae multum laboravit erga VOS. 7. Salutate Andronicum et Juniam, cognato meos et Ocaptivos

meos, qui sunt insignes inter Apostolos, qui etiam ante me fuerunt in Christo. 8. Salutate Ampliam, dilectum meum in Domino. 9. Salutate Urbanum, adjutorem nostrum in Christo et Stachyn di

lectum meum.

10. Salutate Apellen, probatum in Christo. Salutate eos qui sunt ox Aristobuli familiaribus. 11. Salutate Herodionem, cognatum meum. Salutate eos qui sunt God of peace, speciali When referring to the discord Whiel prevassedamon Christians. Se 1 Cor. xiv. 334 2 Cor. xiii 11 Phil. v. 9 1 Thess. V. 23 Ihess. iii 16 Heb. xiii 20. Ed.


542 COMMENTARIES O THE ΗΑΡ. XVI. I. househol of Narcissus 'hieli are ex Narcissi familiaribus. hos qui

in the Lord sunt in Domino. 12. Salute Tryphena an Try 12. Salutate Tryphsenam et Tryphosa, ho labour in the Lord phosam, quae laborant in Domino. Saluto the selove Persis, hieli Salutate Persidem dilectam, quae laboured muel in the Lord multum laboravit in Domino. 13. Salute Rufus, hosen in the 13. Salutate Rufum electum in Lord, and his mollier and mine Domino et matrem illius ac meam. 14. Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, 14. Salutate Asynchritum, Phle- Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and gontem, Hermam Patrobam, Mer-theirethren hieli are illi them curium, et qui cum his Sunt fratres. 15. Salute Philologus, and Julia 15. Salutate Philologum et Iu- Nereus, and his sister, and lympas, iam Nereum et Sororem US, et an ali the ainis hicli are it Olympam, et qui cum his sunt omnes

16. Salute ne nother illi an 6. Salutate vos invicem in os-hol hiss. The churches o Christ cui sancto. Salutant vos ecclesiae Salute Tou. Christi.


assistant of tho Cenchroan Chureli, he id that on that

i ministra,' λάκονος minister, o servant, O deaeonesS, ne ho ministers. Origen and Chrysostom considere heroo e a deaeoness, ut the word does no neeessarii prove his for it is sed non to designate generali one ho does service and contribules to the ei and assistance of others. hemas evidenti a personis Nealth and influence, and Was nod ubi a great suppori and hel to the Cenchrea Chureli. Thos spolienosi Paul in 1 Tim. v. 10, and Tit ii 3, ere idows and aged, and theyaro no calle αἱ λακονοι, deaeonesses There arOSe a it appearS, an ordor of this hin in the early Chureli, and rotius says that the wereordained by impositionis hand before the Laodicea Council Whicli sor-bad the practice. Thei office Was, accordi nito instham and Siacer, referre tot Schleusner, o baptige omen to leach female catechumens, to visit the sicli, and to performisther inferior offices in the Chureli. Butthis as a state of thing after the apostoli times, and there is no reasonto belleve that Phoebe a of this order. he as evidenti a great helper of the Christia cause, as Ome ther omen also are mentione in his


S read Griesbach it is the fame illi Priscilla. See Acts xviii. 2, 26, and 2 Tim. iv. 19, here heris also called Prisca Names in formertimes, as ei as OK, ere Sometimes used in an abbreviated form. Ed. Whether Aquila as a layman or not the Apostle connecis his is ewith hi in the or o co-operation illi im in his ministeria Work; and we se by Acts xviii. 26, that the both augiit Apollos. It is ome-What singular, that the wise, notisnt here but in severat ther iustanees, though not in ali is mentione besore the hvsbaiad. Ed. The occasio is no mentioned. di Was probabi at Corinth, Record- in to the aec unt given in I 8th of Acts.


Som of the ather considere that th family, ein ali religi iis, Was the Church: ut his is holi inconsistsent illi the mode of expressio that is sed, and illi the state of things a that time. Theyhadio churchesi temples to meet in private hOuses,ere thelmehurches. Superstitious ideas a to places of Worshipi doub led men to ste sueti an explanation. Would the Apostlo have sed suci a phraseolog a thesoli Wing, i he meant only the family,- aquila and Priscilla salute oumuel in the Lord, illi ο υν-together illi tho Chureli that is in their


i It is no certa in t What the postle refers formo havem particular account of him hitheri as a prisoner except D a hortatim a Philippi, Acts xvi. 23-40 anxit is probabie, that it asin that occasion that theylia been his felloW-prisonersa forcit appears froni the narrative, that there Were more prisoners thaniau an Silas, ascit is sa id that the pris01 ors V eard them singing, verse 25 an Paul' sayin to the allor, inverse 28, , areii here,' clearly impli es that he had somo illi imbesidos Silas. -Εd.