Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


o a testelior, ut that os an admonisher, hos ossico it is to

Consecrans evangelium,' s AugustiNe; ρουργουντα σο ευαγγέλων,


is no oni a commendatio of the ministi , ut also a singula consolation to those ho surronde thomsolves to ethus consecrat ed. NON A the ancient victims sero dedi

I7. I have heresore hereo I 17. Habeo igitur quod glorier perma glor through Jesus Christ in Iesum Christum in iis quae ad Deum thos things hiel pertain to God pertinent.18. Forri Williso dare to spea 18. Non enim ausim loqui quic- of any of thos things hieli Christ quam de iis quae non effecit Christus hath not rought y me, to mali per me, in obedientiam Gentium, the Gentiles obedient, by ord an Sermone et opere deed, 19. Through mirat signs and 19. In potentia signorum et pro-Wonders by the poWer of the Spirit digiorum, in potentia Spiritus Dei, o God so that rom erusalem, ut ab Ierusalem et in circuitu usque an round about unt Illyricum I in Illyricum impleverim evangelium

have fuit preache the gospe of Christi:

Christ. 20. ea, o aveo trive to 20. Ita annitens praedicare evania prestet thea spei nos here Christ gelium, non ubi nominatus erat was named, est Pshouldiusdipo Christus, ne super alienum fund another man' solandation : mentum aedificarem; 21. ut ascit is ritien, o Whom 21. Sed quemadmodum scriptumhe was not spolienis the shal sem est, Ii quibus non annuntiatum estand the that have not pard shali de eo, videbunt, et qui non audi- underStand erunt, intelligent.

otho things, ut the or does O impori a sacrifice an more hanina in HebreW. The vor here Oes O mean O ODSecrate, o tosancti θ, o to sacrifice, ut o diseharge a hol function. Perhaps homost literat rendering Wouldi performin a hol office a to the gospei,' but dispensing administering Or reachin the ospe Would e the bestversion. The postle ad previ ousi calle himself λειτουργὸν a public functionary, a public minister of Jesus Christ he no designates his ortias such bein a Sacred administrator of the gospei and thenae states theobjeci, that the offering of the Gentiles that is that the Gentiles boingossered, mightae an acceptable sacrifice to God sanctified by the Spirit.


cles the are designexto repare men to reverene and O


order no ought, to conside it a fauit, that a successor

The clauseris rendered by Beza and Grotius, Impleverim praedicandi evangelii Christi munus I have fulfille the office of preaehing the gospelo Christ. V The gospei is ut for reachin the gospel. See Acts xii. 25


ready received Christ' nam must e constanti preached. Ρaul the was a reacheri Christ, et unknown to oreignnations for his pnd,-that aster his departur the fame


CΗΑΡ. XV. 22. EPISTLE TO HE ROMANS. 53322. For hicli cause ais I have 22. Itaque impeditus etiam saepius been uel hindered Domi minit, fui quominus venirem ad vos:

23. Butio having no more place 23. Nunc vero Ulum amplius in these paris, an haviti a reat locum habens in his regionibus, de- destre these any years to comemn Siderium autem habens a multis anto Ou; nis veniendi ad vos 24. WhensOever Idalie mydourne 24. Si quando in Hispaniam pro-int Spala I Wil come o ou for fiet scar, veniam ad OSui per enim I trusino see ou in my ourney, and fore ut istac iter faciens Videam Vos, to e brought on m way thither et illuc a vobis deducar, si tamen Ward by ou insrstriae omewhat prius ex parte veStra consuetudine fille Withoour compav. mero Xpletus.


25. But no v I go uni Jerusalem 25. Nunc vero proficiscorderOSO to minister uni the ainis lymam ad ministrandum sanctis.

26. For it ath pleased the of 26. Placuit enim acedoniae et Macedonia and Achaia o mali a chaiae communicationem facere incertain contributio for the oor pauperes sanctos qui sunt IerosOsainis hieli are at Jerusalem. lymis: 27. I hath plea sed them verib 27. Placuit, inquam, et debitores and thei deblor the are For i sunt ipsorum; si enim spiritualibus the Gentiles have been ad par ipsorum communicarunt GenteS, de-takers of thei spirituat things, heir bent et in carnalibus ministrareduinis ais to minister uni them ipsis. in carnat things. is ommon in many things connected illi antiqui ty, ather later than Origen an Eusebius eam to know of this ourney, but hoW, it is not asyto kno an in proces of time various particular Uere discOVered, orrather invented in connection illi his ourney. It is omethin similario tho stor of Peteraeing the Dunder of the Churchis Rome. Ed.

In carnalibus; Ἀν τοις σαρκικοῖς. The ord carnal V in Ou language


CΗΑΡ. XV. 25. EPISTLE TO THE 0ΜΑNS. 53528. Whon heresor I have per 28. Hoc igitur quum perfecero, et sermed his, and have sealsed to them obsignavero illis fructum hune, prothis fruit, I Will come by o into eiscar per vos in Hi Spaniam. Spain. 29. An I am fur that, hei I 29. Scio autem quod quum Venero come Unto ou I shali come in the ad vos, in plenitudine benedictionis mines of the lessing of thea spe evangelii Christi venturUS Sum. o Christ.


more satisfactor is the explanation futuari he says that thewor sealed' means that the instrument to hiel a sea is applied is

So here the Apostle ould notastoprahor in the performane of his tity,