장음표시 사용
17. NON, I beseech ou brethren, 17. Obsecro autem vos fratres, ut murti them hieli cause division observetis eos qui dissidia et offen- and offences contrar to the doctrine siones contra doctrinam, quam V Which e have earnes an auoi didicistis, excitant et ut declinetis them ab illis.18. For the that are sueti serve IS. Qui enim tales sunt, Christo notisur Lord Jesus Christ, ut their Domino non serviunt, sed suo ventri; own et ly and by good Word an ne per blandiloquentiam et assenta fair speeches deestive the earis of tionem decipiunt corda simplicium. the simple. 19. Or ou obediene is come 19. Vestra quidem obedientia ad road unt ali men. I am glad omnes permanavit gaudeo igitur dethereforemn ouriphulf but et I vobis; sed volo vos sapientes esse ad Would have you Wiseranto that Whieli bonum, simplices vero ad malum. is Ood, and Simple coneerning evit. 20. And th God of eaee hali 20. Deus autem paci conteret bruisse Satan unde your Dei Ahortly brevi Satanam sub pedibus vestris. The graee o ou Lord Jesus Christ Gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christibe ithoou. Amen. sit vobiscum. Amen
mentions rs the esseet divisions,' and then the cause offences. The Gentile Christians by pating, gavo ossene to the bellevin JeWs, and this offenco texto a divisioni separation. he viis hieli he had re-Viousi attempte to correct ere doubiles thos referre to here. Servin theiriwn belly,' in the nexi verse, has in his respectis em
21. Timotheus myMota sellom, and 21. Salutant vos Timotheus, O- LuciuS, and Jason, and Sosipater, Di Operarius meus, et Lucius et Ias0ΠkinSmen, salute Fou. et Sosipater, cognati mei.
22 Tertius, ho Wr te this 22. Saluto ego vos Tertius, qui epistie, salute o in the Lord scripsi epistolam in Domino. 23. Gaius mine host, and of tho 23. Salutat vos Gaius, hospes Whole church, salutethbou. Erastus, meus et Ecclesiae totius. Salutat the chamberlain of the eity, saluteth vos Erastus, quaestor aerariu UrbiS, Jou, and Quartus a brother et Quartus frater. 2g. The grace of ur Lord Jesus 24. Gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christ be illi ou all. Amen. Christi sit eum omnibus vobis. Amen. 25. No tolim that is of p0Werno 25. Ei vero qui potens S VOS Stablislibo aceordin t my gospsel, confirmare secundum Vangelium and the reachin O Jesus Christ, meum, et praeconium scilicet Iesu uecordinito the revρlation of the Christi, secundum revelationem mySmystery, Which Was hept secret since terii, quod temporibus secularibuSthe woridiegan tacitum, 26. Butio is made manifest, and 26. Manifestatum nune fuit, et by the scriptures of the propheis ac per scripturaS propheticas, Secundum cordin to the commandinent of the aeterni Dei ordinationem, inobedien-eVil, is to exereis no aris, by plausibi speetae and fiatteries, a Was done by thos referre t in vers 17 in orderito do miselites, O create divisions. The Apostle' object throughout seemit have been to produce unanimitybetWeen the eWs an Gentiles Hetice in the neXt verse he pestk of God the God of penes,V the author of eace amon his people and he says that this God of peaee ould oon rea doWn Satan the authoros discord the promoteris division and Offences Or, a most considerithe passage, he prays that God Would do his for the future, after the man-ner O the HebreW, is somptimes used by the Aposti as an optative. Andindesed the seri, is found in om copios in his mood reί km and in the Syriae Ethiopie, and Vulgate versions. Ed.
552 COMMENTARIES O THE CHAP. XVI. 21. evertast in God madeanown to ad iam fidei ad omnes gentes promul- nations for tho obsedience of faith gatum, 27 a God ni Wise, e lor 27. Soli sapienti Deo per Iesum through Jesus Christior e ver Amen. Christum gloria in secula. Amen. 'ritis to tho Roman Do Ad Romanos missa fuit a Corin- Corinthus, and sent by Phebe, thoe per iliceben, ministram
servant of the church at Cen Cenchreensis ecclesiae.
evident. The conclusion has, at the fame time, his to re- commen it,-that it servos o ais 11 and strengthen the
This conclusio bear an evident referene to the poliat the Apostle had speciali in iew the reconciling of the Jews and Gentiles. He On-neet the gospet with the ancient Scriptures, an mentions the Ospe asbein in uni son illi them Then the Jewsaad n reason to complain. As in verse 1 to 20 inclusive he reproved the Gentiles h caused divisious in these verses his specia object is to ut an en to tho objections of the JeKS.-Ed.
of the ages V is the rendering fies and of Macknight and in ancient times, cis that os Dod i e and Stuari. The sanie subjec is handio in lavo other places, Eph. iii 5, and Ol. i. 26 and the ord used by him
This clauseris disserenti construedri s me connec prophetic Scriplures V With manifestod,' o made manifest. So Dodisi e and tuari; but Bezα, Pareus, an Machnight agre Willi Calvin and contieet the Word With made nown V or proclaimed. The conjunctive σε after διαfavour this construetion and λα means here by the means,' o by theat an sanction, of the propheti Scriptures. V Then the meanin is that the myste , hi foringos, is no manifest, that is by the gOSpei and by means of the prophetic Seriptures, an consistent ly ith the decres ἐπιταγει or ordinatio of the eterna God is madeanown to ali nations for the obedience of faith.V ecordin to this te is the expositionis Cainin Whiel, is no doubi correet. But it is more consistent With the tenor of the lalter part of this epistie, and with the other passages, uel asiph. iii 4-6, and Ol. i. 26, 27, herehementions the sam mystery, to conside the reserene here t be exclusivol to tho unioni Jews and Gentiles, an no generali to the gospei, a Cainin and others have thought. There is a grammatica difficult in the last verso the relative pisDundie re glory.V Bez and ther considere it redundant. The verse is literati as sollONS, 27. o the ni Wis God through Jesus Christ, to hom e the loryso ever Amen. It is omitted in arie copios severa copies avo αυτῶ Which Would ead
betier: ut it genuinones is ejected by Griesbach and thers. The ascription o prais is evidenti give to Od as ne ho has contrivedand arrangsed his dispensationis grace an mere : an his isdom herereserito the fame hing, as in h. i. 33. HOWeVer mysterious may his dispensation appearri us With regar to the JeWs and Gentiles, in leaving the alter foris longin time in ignorance, in favouring the forme Only in the firs instance illi a revelationis himself, and then in hoWin savourto the Gentiles, an in rejecting the eWs for a time, an afterWards restoring them hoWeve mysterious at these things may appear, the Apostle assures us that the are the arrangements of the ni Wis God.