Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


Or, That e might possess, e Oy, o retain hope. Η does O deseribe thisiope, itaein suffcienti evident-the liope of the gOSpel. Ed. Some talle patienci' apari fro-- consolation, - through patience, and the consolatio of the Scriptures V but What is evidenti meant is thepatience an consolation Whiel, the Scriptures each an administer, orare the means of suppl)ini forcit is the special object of the passage tostio the benesis derived fro the Scriptures. hen it is no Oubi Maeonia solation,' an no exhortation, though the vor has also that meaning ;for in the nexi verse it clearly means consolation. It is ilius rendered, and in connectio vitii satience, Bezα, Pareus, Dodisi e Mac-knight, c. Inmur versio it is comsori' in ver. 4, and consolation V in ver cibut it,ould have been belle to have retained the Same ord.-Ed.


Therse is a disseretico os opinion a to the nil contemplate here, whethor ita that os sentiment ori Deling. The phrase, το αυτ φρονεῖν, occurs in the folio vin places Rom. xii 16 xv x 2 Cor. xiii 11 Phil. ii 2 iii I 6 iv. 2. Leigh says that the phras signifies to e os onem in i Ofine u ment of one assection, toWard sine another. But thoughthe ver φρονεῖν may admit of these three significations, et the Apostle nod ubi had in te a specise dea; and when, conside that he had been ineulentin the principiem toleration acto unit of sentiment illi regardi the eatin os inseat and of observin of days, and that he has been en- forcing the ut of sorbearance, and of sympathy, and of love toWard eachother, it appear probable that uni tym Delin and of coneor sor euchother' Wolfare is halcis intende here. Beza Seoti, and Chaliners taliethis teW, hile Pareus, Mede, an Stuar tali the ther, that is that unit os sentiment is halcis meant. What confirmithe formor, in addition to the genora importis the contexi, is the clause hiel sol lows aecordin to Christiaesus,' Whiel evita dent ly means, aecordinito his Xample,' a mentioned in ver. 3. Thon in the nexi verse the ord μώ-αδῖον refers to the unit os Delingandis action, ather than to that os sentiment. It occurs, besides here, in these places, Acts i. 14 ii. 1, 46 civ. 24 v. 12 vii. Tu viii. 6 xii. 20 xv. 25; viii. 12; ix. 29. It is sed by the Septuagint sor In , Whieli means Mogether. V It is rendere unanimiter unanimOUSU,Vor, illi ne in d by Erasmus concorditer With ne accord,' by Bezα illi ne ind, Do ridye and unanimously,V by Mac-knight. Dis thus paraphrased by Grotius, 'ith a minit ut o mutuallove De frona contempt, ree romia tred. V Dd.


7. Wherelare receive e ne an 7. Itaque suseipite vos mutuo,

other, a Christ also received us to quemadmodum Christus vo Suscepit, the glor o God in gloriam Dei. 8. 0 I say that Jesus Christ S. Die autem Iesum Christum Was a minister of the circumcision ministerium fuisse circumei Sioni Su- for the truthis God, to confirmulio per veritate Dei ad promissiones Pa- promise maderant theriathersu trum confirmandas: 9. nd that the Gentiles might 9. Gentes autem pro misericordia gloris God for his merey ascit is glorifieare sebent Deum quemad-Written, Foruliis cause I Wil confess modum seriptum est, Propter hoc to thee among the Gentiles, and sin confitebor tibi inter Gentes et O-unt thymame mini tuo psallam :10. An againae salth, Bdole0 10. Et rursum dieit, Exultate Geny Gentiles, illi his Hople. tes eum popul US; II. An again Urais the Lord, II. Et rursum, Laudate Domi-albye Gentiles and laudaim, alij num omnes Gentes, et collaudate

pes ple eum Omnes populi.

12. And again, Esaias salth, Thero 12. Et rursum Iesaias dicit Erit shalli a root of Jesse, andae that radix esse, et qui exurget ad im-shali riserio reigniver the sentiles perandum sentibus in ipso Gentes in him hali the Gentiles trust. Sperabunt.

estabiisti and confirm his union hieli, hau in Christ 'h


sor tho truthis God that he might confirmulie promise mari to. . the falliers and that the Gentiles might gloris God for his mercy, ascit is ritien, d Will there re conses the among the nations, an to thymam Wil I sing. The reasons for his rendering are give in the nexi note. Ed.


no Spentis, must necessarii relate to terna salvation.

The constructio of this rs sentende is disserenti vieWed. rotissand Stuar connec it With I sayV at the eginning of the forme verse; but Bez and Fareus connec it vitii the last clause, and consider is, asbeinthere understood and this seem toto the est construction Christbecum the minister of the circumcision a minister unde the AbrahamiceeOnomy, O tW objecis, that he might confirm the promise made to the alsers, and that th Gentiles might gloris God sor his merey. Mere Was destine to come to the Gentiles through the covenant madevitii Abraham, of hicli circumcision a the sign and seat. The promise In thee hali the nations of the arth beatessed,' vas made to Abraham, and notrio the Gentiles. ene it is calle mercy' to them, there ein no revicus promise ad distincti ni t m, hile the samo mercyrus to the Jews is calle truth,Vaeeaus it vas the fulsiment os a promise cremarhable instance of this disserende, noti ced by Haldane, is found in ieah vii. 20. Ulia is sa id orae Mercy' to Abraham, towhom the promise vas frst made, is suid o b truthV to Jacob, to homit a confrmed. I may also by the way be observed that this verse in Micali assord an example of hat e osten sin in Paul' style; or in mentioning tW o more things, he osten reverses the regula order. What Midali mentioncsrst is truth to Jacob, and thenae goesiae to God's Merey rio Abraham. The quotation rom Psalm xviii. 49, is verbati froni the Septuagint. The Hebre verb vitii iis postsx, JπIN, inmur version, d Will ive thanysto thee,' may more properi be rendered, d vili conses thee. V Ed.


versaries lare mentione in the context. There ave Ver been adversaries to God' people and God even no denounces his udgmentsin his adversaries, though the Gentiles asin eople, as a separate clas frona the

JeWs have been long ago admitte to the privilege of r olein With his


13. No th God of hope fill, u 13. pus autem spei impleat vos With ait o and pace in belleving, omni gaudio et pace in credendo, that y ma abound in hope, through quo abundetis in spe per potentiam the p0Wer of themoly Ghost. Spiritus saneti.

14. An I myset als am per 14. Persuasus autem Sum, fratres

suade of you, in brethren thato mei, ipse quoque de vobis, quod et also are fuit of goodness, filled With ipsi pleni sitis bonitato, refert omni allanowledgs, able also to admonisii cognitione, idonei ad vos mutuo ad-

Isaiah xi. 10. The whole of this quotation is iven ascit is found in the Septuagint. Tli differenee, a notiosed by Cainin belWeen the ordSas give in HebreW, is considerabi se Thelangvage of the Prophet is metaphorical, tho Septuagint interpreted ii, and this interpretation the Apostle approve and adopted. The essiali is represented by the Prophset asa generalis tenderi an army, aisin his anne so the nations, γ' v, Π people,' as inmur version: and th Gentiles repatri resor to thisbanne sor protection and so Lowth rendor the ver ni h does no preserve the metaphor, by rondsering UM unt him, instea of tocit,' as in ur version It liene appear evident, that the passage is substantiali the fame; and indesed the ver ασειν, retains in Ome mea-sure the de of the original, Desit stricti means toae a leader, t rule as


5 24 COMMENTARIES O THE CHΑΡ. v. 13.15. Nevertheless, brethren, I have 5. Audacius autem scripsi vobis, writte the more Oidi unioso in Datres, ex parte, Veluti commone-SOme Ort, a pulting O in ind faciens vos, propter gratiam mihi because of the grace that salven to datam a Deo

me of God, 16 That Pshouldae the minister 16. Ut sim minister Christi erga o Josus Christo the Gentiles, Gentes, consecrans evangelium Chris- ministering the ospe of God that ii, ut sit oblatio Gentium accepta-theimring up of the Gentiles might bilis, sanctificata per Spiritum San boeaeeeptable, eing sanctified by the tum.

enem; ut that he command thos things whieli roquiro thonidis his grace, that he a stimulate A inmur attention
