장음표시 사용
Germania omnis observe that omnis is here place aster Germania, beeauSe the emphasis salis upo the noun, and the adjectiveis appende Di Aho in ha Sense the nou is tot taken, namelya referring to German Proper called RiSO, Germania Transrhena-χia, to distinguisti it sto Germania Cisrhenana. ConSul Geograph.
Ratisque et Pannoniis. e have tW conjunctions here beenuSeth Raeti an Pannonii were more losely connected With ne another than illi the Galli. Compare c. 3 7 28, 34. A regardSthe Raeti an Pannonii, consul Geographica IndeX. Ne have writtentatis in the texi a more correct than Rhoetis, just a Ratiabis more correet than Rhatia, a result wel established by the langvage of ancient inScriptions. Consul Draherib ad Liv. V. 33 Oudend. ad Suet. Aug. 2 Niebuhr, Rom. Gesch. VOl. i. p. II 8 Mulier, Etrush. VOl. i. p. 162. relli, Inscr. Lat. n. 49 I. Sarmatis Dacisque Consul Geographieat IndeX. The European
Sarmatians here meant mere the lavonian Os a more recent age. Mutuo metu, aut montibus. i mutuat ear, o by mOuntains, 'et e. the were either Separate Domine notheri Wide interven-
in districis os Waste and test purposely uncultivate an deSolate in orde to chec the inroad Osine another, Or elSe by Ountains. The mountain meant are the Carpathian and ohemianmountains Observe here the peculia employmen O metu and montibus, thing Os an entiret disserent nature, in connection illione another and consul Bbtticher' remarksin the stylo os acitus, appende to this volume p. lii. Cetera. Therest of the counita. V Supplyloca The reserencois to the orther and weSter pariS. Latos sinus, et insularum, &e. Embracingiroad projections os lanii, and istantis os vas figo. V Literalty ast Space of Slaniis, Van instanc O the poetica complexion of the Style o Tacitus. ConSult Botticher Remarses, & e. p. liv. The Greeli and Roman Sicio exupon that par os Europe orthis Germany a compose os
meanin tot assigne to versus, an compare note On nec obligantur, e . 21. Di belle t malle versus a participi here, than to Con-
Side it a Some do a preposition used pleonasticatly Ernesti and Brotier, indesed adoptethis initer opinion, but Without much propriety,
sine Tacitus noWhere elS employ Sueli a pleonaSm S in . . . . verSuS, O ad . . . . versus. The resere ne in the textris to tho bend
NOTES N TH GERII AMA.-CHA P. I. II. Isummitis Mount Abnoba. The SS. have Arnoba, Arboriae, &e The rue readmiis Abnobae, hieli a firSt ive a a condeo tureb Hermolaus Barbarus, and Subsequently confirme by two inseri intions Mund in this quarter. Ount Abnoba answers to the Ori herupartis the Blae Forest, OppoSit therio nis Augusta Rauracorum,nO Augst. Compare Gerberi, Hist. S. . . m. 1, 7 ii 243 Cand Seeboia, V Arch. 1826, Ol. i. p. 153. Plures populos adit. On the right bank, the Vindelici Norici Pannonii, Illyrii, Moesi on the lestiank, the Hermunduri, Narisci, Marcomanni, Quadi, Daci, Getae, and BaStarnae Dilthey, ad loc. Se meatibus. UB Six channeis. V The number os mouilis ap- pertaining to this Stream is disserenti give by the ancient riters. Herodotus iv. 73. DionySiu Perlegetes, Arrian Claudian, Eustathius an Other nam sive Pli ny H. x iv. 24 and Some therauthorities ive SiX. Strabo, Ovid, Mela, Solinus, and Anamianus Marcellinus make Seven. Tacitus appears to unite the wo alter accounts. At ille preSent da the Danube enter the se by se ven
Erumpat A belle re adin than erumpit, an sanctioned by thebes MSS. Passo makes a Singula error. Whenis asseris, in his comment On the pre Sent passage, und in desene os emumpit, that donec ith the subjunctive is contrar to the praetice O Tacitus.
The rue distinctio appear torae his donec illi the indicative reser to an actua saet O a thing that is no actuali takin placeabiit donec illi the subjunctive indicate Something that is t be realized, ut has not et actuali oecurre d. Compare Walther, ad Ann. ii , .
Ipsos Germanos, Le. The Germans themSelves I, o m pari, bellove tot an indigenous race. V The pronou ipsos here marks the transition rom the subjectis the count to that of the eopled elling there in Observe, moreOver, that the perseet Subjunctiveis here employeest Soste an assertion investiniit With an atris modeStoeServe. Zumpi, β 27. -Indigenas. Equivalent to the Gree αὐτοχθον . his belles in the indigenous originis disserentra es a Ver common among the Greek an Romans thoughno deserveci rejecte d. The ancestor of the German rae migrate by land sto Asia, and om ne of tho inlis in the Indo- Europea chain os nations. Compare Geograph. IndeS, . . e mania.
alther, ad Ann. ii. 20. Utque sic diaeerim, adversus Oceanus. and SO to eXpreS mySel
up-hil Ocean. V The ancients ad a notion that this par of the world wasaigher than the est; O that in Sallin tocit, the had to
is sed olliptically, and the ellipsis musta Supplied in eaeli ease,
Marinum. MannuS, themon of Tuisco, is meret a personificationos the German man mann , or race, and the three OB O Mannusare the three main geographica division of this race. Ingaevones. The Ingaevones, horare here describe a dwellingon the Ocean, are the inhabitant of the inne coaStS,V i. e. the Inhewohner; and in like manner, the Staevones, homilitan re N. , iV. I 4 Spe ak of albeing prorimi Rheno, V are the inhabitant of the wester partS,V i. e. the estbeeteohner. Is his etymolog be correct the penulis of both ames Ought to e regarde a long. Compare Manneri Geogr. Vol iii. p. 145 seqq. A regard the appellatio Herminones, it is probabi that it contain the oot of thsnationa nam GermaHi, amely, Herm-, O Gherm i. e. Hermiri OneS, Gherman-one S), is e Suppose, a many no do that this naene sis Oriental origin. Compare the remari. Os Von Hammer, Wien Iahrb., Ol. i. p. 319 and Ol. X. p. 39. Accordis to this eXplanation the Herminones mill e the maini parent Stem Oecu-pying the centra paris os the counto. les correct reastin is
Licentia eiustatis. Through the usual licensem antiquity, Vi. e. avassing themSelves of the licen se hic his remote a periodastores oriagardiniboli speculations. Plures de ortos. Witti deo suppi illo, the reserene be in to TutS O. -Marsos Gambrivios, &c. Consul Geographica IndeX. The SS. Var With regar to the nam Gambrivios Theomereati in probabinis Marsos, Sigambros Consul malther, ad loc. Ceterum Germanice ocabulum, e . That the nam os Germany, ho ever, is os ancient origin and latet added, V i. e. i a comparativel modem addition. Accordin to the account herecited by Tacitus, the nam Germanicis tho Latinige sormis the inpellation assumed by the Tungri, therars German tribe that eroSSed the Rhinen and the gave themselves his nam in orde to StrikR