The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


Consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur. The conside a mari rather of prudenc thanis ear, V i. e. a prudent Stratagem atherthan an ae of OWardice. The ellipsis of magis here, like that os μαλλον in reek, i S common incit Occurrene as O nee no X- ampleS.-Scutum reliquisse praecipuum sagitium. TO have ban-donexone's hiet is a prime disgraee. V Ompare Horace, O , ii. , T lin and the well-known injunction Os the Spartan omen, When presentiri thei sons illi thei ShieldS, 'H ταν stum ac, and Taυτην

Ignominioso. For ne thuibrande&Willi ignominy. V Compare, a regard the puniShment of the ignavi and imbtiles, halcis mentione in hapter ii.-Multique superstites bellorum, ce. Andmany Sueli Survivor os Wars have ut an en to thei insana by the halter.

Eae nobilitate. accountis nobilit os birili, ' et . . Splendoros deScent. Observe here the ore of eae, hicli is ne ari similario that o propter o secundum. Compare iistinctio poenarum eae delicto' c. 12); ex modo trium e. 34), and onSult Botticher, Leae. Tricit. p. 166.-Nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas. Formia account of the prerogative an po er of the early Germanaings,conSul Memm Germ. Allei thunish. p. 204 seqq. Omeis them Orth e tern tribes appear, hoWever, t haVe been ule ove more des


-Admiratione proesunt Thentake the leadi reasonis the admiration hiul the in Spire. V Animadvertere. putrio death. This ver commoni means a puniShV Simply here, OWeVer,it is orae alien in aratronger SenSe R in Hist. i. 46 An iU. 49, and e ma Suppi gladio Or Somethin similar. Tacitus, it Milbe perceived is descendin stomae avierit lighter puniShmentS. Vincire. Bond wouldie Omethingaei more offensive to 1 reementhan StripeS. Nisi sacerdotibus permissum. The Statementis acitus is at varianee illi thatis CaeSar, Wh remarkS B. G. Vi. 23), Quum bellum civitas aut illatum defendit, aut infert, mugistratus, qui ei bello prasint, ut vita necisque habeant potestatem deliguntur.' Lip-Eiu Seelis to reconcile theS tW authorities by supposing that Tacitu reser to a State fieaee, but CaeSaruo ne of War. He is

Among the Roman a turma containe thiri me here, hoWever, the wor is Sed in a genera SenSe.-Familia et propinquitates.


evendere et comparare inter se vulnera, cum laude ejus, qui majora et honestiora tulerit. V Rhenanus conjeeture eaesupere, no vel , Vwhieli ho Bipon edition adopis ut the present rendinii far more Spirite d. - Cibosque et hortamina. Both ood an eneouragement. VI w disserent things connected illi ne ver gestare. Compareehap. i. Mutuo metu aut montibus separatur. V


cius obligentur.' re more effectuali bound to obedience). V Puella quoque nobiles imperantur. Heinsius and Huot, Without any neceSSity, Conjecture nubiles A rogard the fac itfel here referrei to, e ma compare Suetonius Aug. 2 l): A quibusdamnorum genus obsidum feminas, Tigere tentavit,'' U.-Inesse quin

etiam sanctum aliquid, c. may the even thinii that thor is somoth in Sacred nil rescient in the emale sex). V Compare Caes. B. G. i. 50 Plui. de Viri xu , ii. p. 246 Ann., iv. 29. Vidimus. It Ouidiora great error, a Dilthe romariis, O inserstoria his expressio that Tacitus ad himself been in Germany. Veledam. Statius Silo. i. 4, 89 gives the penult of this ordShori Captivaeque preces Telcdre,' ' &e. While Dio Cassius in thoothor and lxvii , 5 , rites it in recti With tho long quantity, namely, ελι dat . The ornae appe ars more correet Veledam

a se male os thu Bructeri, and ad much to do illi the projectis


Dilthe mallescit signis a semale inhabitant of the forest ' Wal bereohnerin); an Grater Idunna, 18 16 N. 6 derives it froni cile

Alioruna, a term equivalent, che ins Orm US, magae mulieres. '' Complures alias Among thes may be name Ganna, Wh Suu-ceede Veleda, and was held in equali high Veneration Sh aQ- compante Masyus king of the Semnones, toruom in the time os

Deorum marime Mercurium colunt. Searcet an thiniis linown abolit the religio of the ancient Germans. The se notices ehave respectiniit are clites in the writings of the reolis an Romans, ho did Ot underStand thei language, and With very 0wexceptions had neve ViSite the country or in those of tho Christia sather an eccleSinSticS, Who ere more ager' condemnthe superstitions of the pagan thana malle minute rese arches intothei character an origin ab deit Whom Tacitu calis Mereu-


Leg. i. 2. -Lucos et nemora. Groves and woodlands. V Theterm nemus is more extensive in significatio than lucus, an has

the fame relation to it that the whole has tora part Compare Cato



Auspicia, sortesque, e. They bServe auspices and tot a mucha an seople lintSOever, V i. e. note Oplerare more addicte t di-Viningi means Ofimens and Ois. Observe the eXpression ut qui mazime the Same in aut a tit illi faciunt qui marime observant, and compare the Greel ἐν τοῖς suuHστa. In surculos amputant. Theycut into mali pieces. V Notis quibusdam discretos DiStinguished by certain mari S. V Temere ac fortuito. Withou Orde an atrandom. V Observe that this is nodia pleonasti formis eXpreSSion, buvilissa fortuito enlargesin the de implied in temere. A methodos divination simila to the one here described by Tacitus Wa praetico by the Scythians Herod. iV. 67. Si publice consulatur. I there e a consulting of the tot scin amatte Os publie import. V e have iveri consulatur here illi Beliker, Litneniann Grotessend, and Gunther. The more common readiri in the latest edition is consuletur, hicli alther an Dother advocate, butis Ver unSatiSsaetor grOUndS.-Ter singulos tollit. Three time talie uina lot, ' i. e. take V three tot onerasteranother. e must e cares ut notri render hiS, takes up achthree times. V Compare Orelli, Symb. P. I 3. Si prohibuerunt. Suppi sortes, an Observe the employment of the active prohibuerunt in conjunction illi the paSSive permissum, change of Oice notinuSual in Tacitus. -Auspiciorum des adhuc erigitur. The Sanctionis auspices is required in addition, . ., a confirmationi omens is in addition required.

Et illud quidem etiam hic notum. That Other custom, indoed is also'nown even here. V The pronou illud refers to tho customprevalent in other lands, namely, among the Greelis and Roman S,


NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. X. Tand is in apposition illi avium voces volatusque interrogare Dode tein ad Agric , p. 4 regarii et etia=n here a pleonastic,

Proprium gentis. He here Spealis principali With reserenue tolli Romans. The fame custom is recorde of the Perstans thol insinen of the Germanaaee. Herod. i. 189 vii. 55. Compare Dillhey, ad loe . Candidi. his ill reminaeus of the whit horses

ings. V Dilthe compares With his the stor of the manne in hicli Darius Hystaspis is falxto have obtained the Lingdom Herod. iii., 85ὶ connected a that stor is illi the adoration aid by the Pe

stans to the sun. Iustin, i. I 0. Ulli auspicio. To any in Os augury.V-Sed apud proceres. But among the obles alSO. V Observe that sed is hero sor sed et,

O sed etiam. Compare chap. v. Sed publice. ''-Sacerdotes. The

Germans ad n distinc ordor of priest like the Druids Cas. , B. G. Vi., l), though, rom his hapter it Seems that in acti State there e re men invested with both a sacre an a magisterialcharacter, ho ere frequently fiOblem even Lingi descent, asin the case of Segimundus ut Ara Ubiorum Ann. i. 57), and LibyS, th pries of the Catii mentionedi Strabo vii. p. 448 . In eaSeSos minor importance, the headis the famil persormed the neceSSaryrites Compare Luden Gesch de DeutSchen, i. p. I 81, fg. Se enim ministros deorum, &e. For the conside themSelves during the eremony a the minister of the Ods, the horses Aprivn to thei mill), V i. e. a divinet inSpired. Aster conscios Suppi voluntatis eorum, O SOmethin equivalent. Alia observatio auspiciorum. another mode of Ain the auspices, Ti. e. another mode os divination. Erplorant. The strivet ascertain. - Cum electo. Mith a chOSen champion. - Committunt. The Veri, committere, comparare, an componere re properly


Principes The clites S. - Quorum penes plebem arbitrium est. The decision os,hicli est With the peOple. -Pertractentur This is the readinvo at the early editions and of almos ali theΜSS. Muretus an OtherS, hoWever, referrest proetractentur; ut, in therars place the wOrd ea quoque militate againSt thi conjecture, and beSideS, pratractare S OunxnOwhere else, and S, tu saet,no Latin the ancient,riter USin ante tractare. Fortuitum et subitum. Aecidental and Sudden. V Certis diebus. state days. V Cum aut inchoatur luna, &e. The OOn WASone of the principat deities of the German Cres. B. G. Vi., l), and it change Would the resore naturali contro thei mos important deliberations. Compar Cas. B. G. i. 50, and Plin. H. N. XVi. 44. -Nec dierum numerum, Q. A trace of this modo ofreckon in appear in the w0rd se 'nnigh and forinight. Compare, also the langu age of the aere Writing And the evenin and the orning were the sirSt Gen. i. 5); and again, In theninthia os the monili at even, DOm even uni even, halibe celebrate ou Sabbath. V Levit. XXiii. 32. Sic constituunt, sic condicunt. In his Way the decreo, in his Way the Summon, V i. e. When the appotnt a time in hicli ny thiniis orae done or Summon an individual O uStice, the eom-put the period by o many nightS, no byra many days. Brotiercitus illustrationes of this practice froni the alio iam, Tit 48 niter decem noctes V Tit 50 In noctes quadraginta,' 'Me. Illud e libertate ilium. The solio in evi habit arises Domitio re edom hicli the evi Oy.V-Quod non simul, nec ut jussi, &e. With regard to the Treviri, O the theriand C deSar B. G. V. 56 SayS Qui eae iis novissumus venit, in conspectu multitudinis omnibus cruciatibus assectus necatur. Τ' Ut turbs placuit. A SOOn ascit has leaso the assembled throng. V observe that ut illi the perfeci indicative has the orco os simul ac Gronouiu conjecture ut turba placuit, in SOOn Stho number has appeare Suffcient, V i. e. so the transactio os business. ut the MSS. re ali against this, netther is the changuat ali required. Quibus tum et coercendi jus est. Compare Chap. Vii. - Decus bellorum. Martii e renoWn. V-Auctoritate suadendi magis, Q. More byaeasonis abilit to advis than rom any pDweru command, V . ., eight Os character an genera abilit to give good


NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHAP. XI. XII. sad vice insures them attention, ather ilia an authorit to compelit aris in froni an or Station. -Frameas concutiunt. They astithei frameae. V Armis laudare. Compare Hist. V. 17 Sono armorum tripudiisque ita illis mos approbata sunt dicta.' '

Apud consilium. TheS aSSemblies mere convene chiossyno dis-CuS matter relat in t war, and the offences trie bes ore them Were principali such as assected the military interest of the nation. Other crimes e re place unde the cogniZanc O the principes, inlio ere electeda administer justice among the disserent canton Sand Villages. Discrimen capitis intendere. preser a capital Charge, V i. e. t proSeeute capital Ostiences Literalty t aim ordirect at ne auis os lise, i. e. a charge involvin a riSk of lila. There is no allusion hatevertere to the Roman capitis deminutio, in iis judiciat sense For an account of thi last, consul Dici Ant. ,

S. v. Caput.

Eae delicto. Accordinito the degre O delinquency. -Arboribus suspendunt. The were, in faet gibbete alive HeaV penalties ero denounce against those ho hould ake them downativo o dead Theserare particularigod in the Salio law, an cited by Brotier. Corpore infames Lipsius conjecture torpore infames, and Strive to deseri this re ad in in a patriotic XcursuS, Whicli Agivon in Obortin's editio at p. 30. Consuli, however, Dilthey'Snote, here the whOle Sullaeet i discuSSed - Coeno ac palude. ' Amid mire, and in essen, V i. e. am id the mire os a se n. Aiod WaS si uni in I SIT, at a considerable depili in a mOOrci EaStarieAland, whieli is supposed to have undergone his punishment. Memm,

Illuc respicit Has the Ollowin principi in View.V-Scelera sagitia. By the orme are meant, open crimes; V by the lalter, aut os insamy. V Sed et lenioribus delictis, de . Northis lone); ut there is also sor lighter ossenses, a puniShment proportione d to the degre os delinquency. V Delictis is generallyregardet here a the ablative, illi an ollipsis os in but tho dativo i sar eator. -Poena. e have ollowed here the conjecturo ossi id alius With Ernesti, Brotier, Oberi in Bel Lur, and ther lii


common teXt B pro modo poenarum, equorum pecorumque, e .

statu of the alti Was divisse into anton and VillageS. Ann. i. , 56. Helvetia pas divide into four enntonS. CoeS. B. G. i. 12. A simila division was adopted by the Saxon in England . Consilium simul et auctoritas. AS a counei Of advice, and ut the Same time, a means Densorein thei authori ty. '

have distinguished theniselves in the feld; and accordingly they