The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류





moreOVer, the XpreSSion bellatorem equum, an Compare Virgil, Georg. ii. 145 Hinc bellator equus campo sese arduus infert.''ConSult, alSO, Bottielior' remarkSin the poetical complexion of the Style of TaeitUS. -Nam epulae et convictus, C. Forianquet and

common tables, although Omely, et marked by abundant Supply, tali the place of pay. V e have sollOWed here the re ading of the earlier editions by hicli largi apparatus ecome the genitive s

Tho cultivationis the solds,as test, a Tacitus himself insorm us, to the women, id mera, and weal est par of the samily. Vid chap.


Multum venalibus. The SS. haVe non multum, but the negative has con rejecte from the texti man editor S, at the SuggeStionos Lipsius, hocin thi Way Seel. t reconcile the account of Tacitus illi that o Caesar L. G. vi. 2l , here e fini it Stated of the ancient Germans that Vita omnis in venationibus atque in studiis rei militaris consistit' o again B. G. iv. 1), it S aidos the ancient Suevi, that multum sunt in venationibus ' Per otium. Amid tota inaction. ' Observe here the employmenti per illithe accusative aster an ablative renatibus in the provious and correspondin ClauSe There applar to e morem continuance expressed by the reposition illi it case. Longolius cites thesollowing instances of this Same peculiarity in ther paris of Tacitus : ter acies aut proscriptione. V Ann. i. 2) Per obaequium proeliis ' Germ. c. 40 Virtute aut per artem' Agric. c. h: emeritate aut per ignaviam. Ib., c. l. Deleg stta domus et penatium, e . alie care of thelouse, and lam-il assairs, and of the solds, hau in been given vera the omen, &c. The veri, delegarem legare properi means, clo commiSSion anotherri ac sor Ou. V The penates, in triet neSs, preSide OVer the penus, O genera receptaelem famil stores an also ver thooperations by hich ood was endere more vallabi sor humanpurpOSES. Henee, eveniuntly the beeam the guardians os fami lyasIair in generat. It is in his ense that Tacitus transser theterm rom Roman to German cuStomS. Compare Virgil, n. i. ,

Familia Properly the an os laves. V Here, however, it meret mean Usamily. V Mir diversitate naturae. By a Strange contrariet in thei nature. - Vel armentorum, vel frugum. Elthera certain number of Catile, O a certain quantityi grain. V Thesegenitives may bo Supposedo dependis aliquid underStood, although Diltho reser them at ne to the quo Whicli OllowS. Gaudent. Referring to the principes.-Phaleret torquesque. Michrappings and gold chains. V ConSult Dici Ant. s. v. Iam et pecuniam, &c. The Romana ad not ni procuro thos riendAhipis Ariovistus, Segestes, Malovendus, and thers, in his Way buti ad alSoteguit purchaseaeace of the Germans. Vid. hap. Vii. and compare Ann. ii. lx Dio Cass., lxvii P lxviii so



misiali here. AS a generat rute, hOWever, eSpeciali for Germania Transrhenana, hi Observation Seem to e correet. For there ason of this customis the ancient GermanS, Se Hist. iv. 64. Iunctas sedes. Contiguou SettiementS. V Colunt discreti ac diversi. The dwelliso attere an Separate. V- Ut fons, ut campus, ut enὶus, placuit. Traee of this early mode of wellin remain

Diligentius. illi more than Ordinar eare. V Suppi solito. Illinunt Barth, in his Urgeschichte non euischland ii. p. 249), conjecture inlinimit, ut, uni ortunately thi Wor i no Latin. Terra ita pura ac splendente A in Of gypsum is meant. Ut picturam ac lineamenta, &e. to give the appe arance of assaintingandis colore Outtines.

Subterraneos specus aperire. O dig Subterranean caves. ' Ompare the account Whicli Xenophon gives of the dwellings in the collupland of Armenia Anab . iv. 5, 25 . Sus gium hiemi In these Subterranean welling the appea to have carrie di thei manufactu reis linen Compare Plim Η. N. XiX. 2 Germani autem defossi atque sub terra id opus agunt '-Aperi populatur. me laySwaste meret the Open Ountry. V Suppi loca. Fallunt. EScape his observation.


Sagum. The Sagum as a Sor O cloali, hicli cove iid the Shoulder an bacii, an among the Roman was Orn clites byrustius and SoldierS.-Fibula, aut, si desit, spina consertum. FnStene by a clasp, or is that be anting, by a thorn. V The rich Ouid O eourSe, Se the former, the oo the niter. - Cetera intecti. Compare Caesar' account of the en durance of col by the Suevi. B. G. iv. 1. SO Pomponius Mela says of the Germans in generat: Mazimo frigore nudi agunt, antequam puberes in '

Non sultante. Notio initoosely. V Compare Lucan. i. 430 Pers. iii. 53 Iuv. ii. 169. - Sicut Sarmata ac Parthi. The Orienta nationS, in generat, ere accustomed to ea loOS and stoWin gamenis. The attire of the Sarmatians and Parthians appearson ancient coins It was imitate di the Vangiones a German tribeon the Rhine, in the territor around morin and Speier, a medearn from Luean l. c.-Singulos artus eurimente. EXhibiting the Shapeos caeli limb.

Gerunt et ferarum pelles. Ompare CaeSar, B. G. iv. Ι.-Prs

imi ripa negligenter, &c. hos ne arest the bank of the Stream With litile care in thei selection), hos farther inland displaying

more reSearch, V i. e. the tribe ne a the Roma frontiers having the meansis procuring other Lind of dress by mean o Commerce, dii notis much care in Solecting the Si in and sursu hos in the interior, hoWeVer, havin no Such means, ere compelle to emore particular. Observe that ripae reser to tho animas et of the Danube a the Rhinon in the wOrds to the whole Roman frontier. Muretus Acidalius, and thers, re in favoris tranSpoSing the preSent arran gement anilis re ad in proaeimi ripae eaequisitius, ulteriores reglige)ὶler' but the explanation justiive is a sussicient

Et detracta velamina spargunt maculis, &c. and the diversisytho hins alienis Troin them illi spois, and with stripsis the sursos marine animais, V c. Allisa vage are Ondis variet os colors, heiace the practice here allude duo on the partis the Germans. Themari ne animal meant ere probabi Os the ea Lind.-Maculis, pellibusque. IV have place a comma aster maculis, O ho that Wo have here nomen dindys, a sonae maintain, but that the alluSion m maculis i t actua colore spois, an idea whicli agree very ellwith therus os the ver spargere compare Virg. Eclog. ii. 4I, and


Dillhey, ad loc. -Eaeterior oceanus atque ignotum mare Aecordingio Brotier, hQmOrther Ocean and thecie Sen. Variant. They Variegate. -Partemque vestitus superioriS, C.

Sed et proaeima pars pectoris patet, e . NOr his lone , ut the par of the osom immediatel adjacent als lies ope to theviem although thei matrimonial en gagements are rigidi adheredio. ' There is some doubt with regard to the word at the beginning of this hapter, rom sed et to patet, severat editions eXhibitin themat the close of the precedin chapter The arran gement Whicli,ehave adopte Seem thementer ne of the wO. The Xpression quamquam severa illic matrimoni is intended toto explanator ofwhat immediatet precedeS, Sine a Roman reader, udging romthe licens and corruption that characterige dio many of the feniales of his Own Ountry, ould imagine that this nudenes Os person onthe partis tho German women betokened a corruptistate of moralS. Qui non libidine, &o. Who, not through incontinence on theirpart), butin account of thei rank are Olieited by very many offersos marringe, V i. e. haVe numerous ive Osserest them by the parenis Os these emales in Orde to derive ad Vantage frOm the rank and influence of the part to whom the offerri made. Comparo the eX- planationis Orcellini, suorum favorem et gratiam plurimi capta=nt datis in matrimoni)ιmbiliabus. '' e musti caresul, hoWeVer, Otto consoland this mode of Speaking with the orm OfiXpreSSion empl0yed by Virgil AEn. Vii. 333), Ambire connubiis, to circumVent, or in the favoris, by the pretextis a marriage.' An illustrationos the language of Tacitus may bo ound in the caSe of Ariovistus. a montione d by deSar B. G. i. 53).

Dotem non uetor marito, e . Among the Germans, wives erebought, as appear sto the SaXO laWS. Thus Tit. i. de Conjugiis, e I) Urorem ducturus trecentos solidos et parentibus

ejus si autem sine voluntate parentum, puella tamen consentiente, ducta fuerit, bis trecentos solidos parentibus ejus componat,' 'Me. O this whole subjectison Sult Ducange, GloSS. S. v. meta, mundium, idem os and also the work os Hager, te ritibus veterum Germunorum circa


NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XVIII. XIX. Tmatrimonia ineunda. ' LipS. 1738.-Munera probant. PaS their approbation On the preSentS,V i. e. Xamine in to thei Suffciency. Munera non ad delicius muliebres quaesita. PreSent not Selected

2, II Dum moliuntur, dum comuntur, annus St.' '

Eaetra irtutum cogitationes, e . EXQuSed si Om exertioris of sortitude, an exempt DOm the caSualite O War. V Commentatorscat our attention to the wOrd bellorum casus putet, ipsis incipientis,' a formin an hexameter VerSe. O also Urbem Romam,' 'ete. Ann. i. I . ccipere se, quae liberis inviolatu, Q. That e receives, hat he is to return inviolate and wOrth Os their acceptarice toto children, What he daughterS-in-la are t receive,

and in thei turn transmit O her grandehild ren. V Editor disserin opinion respectiniboth the rea ling and interpretation of this passage. IV have iven hat appe ars to e the eas objectionabloone. The allusion an Ot, 1 courSe, e to the tincti boves and equus, ut the reseretice muSt e to the arma, hicli are nota be


gari per vicos vicinantes ipsius loci. '' Per omnem ricum. Equivalenti per totum vicum. Publicata enim pudicitia, c. I Ormo indulge ne i ShOWit Ope prOStitution : Such an offender illi atranda huSband by beau ty, O by Outh, O by richeS. V Literalty toprostituted modesty, V publicaice e in here equivalent' vulgatae. LipSiu SuggeSt etiam in place of enim, O the ground that Tacitus reser no notri the adulterou semale juSt pol en os, ut omn-wedde ones This is ali very true, and et he entiret mistat esthe meaning of the writer. The alter i meret aSSigning a re asonsor the Severe punishment of adulter among the Germans and this is beeausemo indulge ne is hora it a prostitute. Orie howould spurn the de of Peddin a prostitute ould certaint nottolerate a prostitute in ed loci malther, α loc.)Nemo enim illic vitia ridet, &e. A bitte allusion to the contrastassorde by the vice Osai OWn Ountrymen .-Sceculum. Thesashionis the age. V Compare Seneca Desinit esse remedio locus, ubi, quin fuerant vitia, mores sunt 'Melius quidem adhuc ea civitates Stillieiter, indeed do thosu


NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XIX. XX. 9 communities of the Germans act. V Suppi Ogunt. The later

Latin riters Se adhuc to Strongilien comparativeS, here ille earlier ones Cicero, Or Xample Would have employed etiam. Compar Seneca Epist. 49), Adhuc paulo mi=ius: ' d. b. 4T, Adhuc tenuior est: '' Suet. Tib. IT, Amplior adhuc cumulus, ' A c. Et cum spe votoque Toris semel transigitur. and in hi hythecXpectations and wiSbes of a Wiserare brought ora close ne sor

B agnati Tacitus mean children born aster here a atre ad anhel to the nam mi d properi Os the ather. Generalty by agnati, in Roman law, ere meant relations by the ather' fide. On thesteque ne os infanticide among the Roman S, See Ann. iii. 25, 26 XV. 19. Iuvenal, ii. 32 i. 366 seqq. - Quam alibi bona leges. Corruption a neve more riserat Rome than after the passage of

the Leae Iulia and the e Papia Poppaea. The earlies law of the GermanS thOSe, amely, of the Salio code, date oni frona the fifth

centur os Our era.

Filthines os person ould hardi be consistent,ith thuaealth and Strenuit,hicli the evi Oyed. In chapter xii. we are tolli os their Washing themSelves illi arm ater in the old eaSon and CaeSar B. G. iv. l mention theiriath in in rivers. Uberibus. The term uber i generali uSed When Speat in os animais Among the ancient Germans the mollier u Sexto nurturoth child with tho breast so the pace Os two ears, is no ne OsΓApring ere bor during the intervat. Hunc tho basis of goodii alth laid o the ac durin insaney.-Nec ancillis ac nutricibus delegantur. Among the Romans, o the contra , the care os trio


attempis, thoughiot Ver clearly to desend. The originis the custom mentioned in the texi has neve been satisfactorii eXplained. I may perhapS, have ariSen rom the circumstanceis the sister's