The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES V THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XX. XXI. 1both besoro marriage and during Wid hood ieing unde the guardi-anshi of the brottier, is there ere o fallier living. Compare Dillhey, ad loc. Et in accipiendis obsidibus magis erigunt. The mean in is that, in ta in hostage from any one the demand the child re of his sistor rather than his OWnihildren. - Tamquam ii et animum frmius,&e. Ascis these both hold a firme sWayive the assections andeXercise a wide innuenceive the amit at large. V They are notoni dear to the ather, ut equali dear to the mother' brother. Hoeredes tamen, e . The German law of inheritanee may beluarne 1 rom the Salio code, Tit. IXii. de lodis.-Liberi. Under the term liberi are here included the nepotes and pronepotes.-Nullum

Quanto plus propinquorum, &e. The more blOOd-relations theruare the greater the number of relative by the Other' fide, in somuel Ligher favor Stand old agen nor are there an adVantages in belli childless. V Propinqui are thos With Whom there eXist any relationsiti by blood cognati, relation by the Other' Sideri ag nati, relations by the ather' Sideri affines, relation by marriage. Nec ulla orbitatis pretia There i no duantage say Tacitus, inbuin childies among the Germans, ns there S among the Romans andio alludes in his to the ouri ni a Rome uiato teli persona without childron by the Haredipetur, O legasty-hunterS. Thi prZetice forme a frequent subjectis consure and ridiculo illi tho Ro

ita4ium This Ord occurs also in lin the eliter, PetroniuS, andi' ictili in but neve in the writers of the goiden age os Latinity.


commune alacres. Ann. XV. 12.)-Juaeta libertatem. When united

Pro fortuna quisque, e . Eachin entertains his guest With acare fuit preparediariquet aecordiri 'O his means. V Compare theeXplanation Os JaoOb Secundum conditionem suam et opes eaecipit peregrinantes et ad domum suam accedente, '


NΟΤΕΗ THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXI. XXII. 93 regula guestiis mari edi eas assatillity. V ster describin thegenera hospitalit O the Germans, and thei reception O mere StrangerS, Tacitus here Speuk of thei modem receivin and en-tertaining regularly-invited guestS, Or, in ther OrdS thOSe connected illi them by the ties of hospitality. Walther, ad loc. Some editor look upon this Sentenue a a mere glOSS, o margina note, Whicli has ot inserte into the text. Other conside comis SariSin froni a contracte mode of writin communis in the SS. Other take comis O mean, Without an Suspicion Os decet Ortrea ery. V Just a comiter is equivalent O sine dolo malo. The explanation Os Walther, howe ver a give abOVe, remoVeS Very dissicultae.

Quem plerumque in diem, &e. Compare Chap. XV. Dedit somno ciboque. V Lavantur. The bathe. Middie orce. Compareno te on obligantur in preViOus Chapter. -Plurimum. During the greateSt par of the ear.' Suppi temporis. - Separato singulis sedes, &o. Eatin a separate table is generali an indicationis voracity Traces of it oecur, also in the Homeri poemS. Diem noctemque continuare, &e. Tolle drinkinida and night, Without intermission is disgra sui tomo one. V ore literalty tomali da and night continuous by drini ing. V The love os drini ingWa common to the Germans, illi their tem-relatives, the Per- Slan S. Compare Or. Cyrop., Via. S. - inter vinolentos. UAS is natura amon a peopte addicte torarink. V Rhenanus conjee- ture violentos, beenu Se the Germans ere Without an wine i ut consul the commeneomentis the Sueueed in chapter. Sed et de reconciliandis, &e Herodotus relate the Same thing ostho Perstans i. 133 i. 72) and Plutarchis the Greel S. Sympos., viii. 9.)-Invicem. Mutually.V-Tamquam nullo vi tempore,&c. Acis the reas atra time lies operi more so the entertaining os Sincere thoughis, O Warin more so the receptionis heroicones. V Various Xplanations have been given of the epithe sini-plices in his passage. The est is that hicli mallescit equivalenti nudo, risnfucatas, et e. Sincere, ingenuouS, undiSgutSed. V COnsuli alther, ad loc.)Gens non astuta, nec callida, &e. his nation, ne illior acute nor crasty Stili disclos the secret os thei breast anaid the Dee domos sustivity. V Observe here the orcu os adhuc, as rightly Xplained by asso . Tacitus is again contrastin the Germans illi theuomans, Domih lalter os,hom the oririer, a cordin t him,


bOSOm. Ome, leS correetly reniter adhuc here Oreover, mal iniit equivalent O insuper. Omnium mens. The plan and Opinion Os all. V Et salva utriusque temporis ratio est. An the account of caeli time is optEVen. V The XpreSSion salva ratio is properi used when the deblorand creditor Sides of an account balance ne nother. So here



This term does no necessarii impi be in spollod it Wouldie applied to any natura productionis,hicli the character is completelychangedi artrio adapt it to the use of man. ProXimi ripa et vinum mercantur. ThOS Wh borde on theriver's an also u Wine. V The reserene is to the bank of the Rhine and Danube, ut more particulari the sortiter. Comparechap. vii. Aecordinnio ae Sar L. G. v. 2), the allowed nominoto e brought in amon them Therarat vines e re introduced into Germany by the Emporor rubus, a i thought Vopisci c. 19.


Agrestia poma. il fruit. V Pomum is a very genera terna, an includes an eatable ruit. Recens fera. FreSh veniSon. Suppi caro. Some, miste by the language of Pomponius Mola iii. 3 an Florus iii., 3), thini that a festi is meant ut

recens feracis noth in ClSe thdn fera recens capta.-Lac concretum. Coagulated milk. V Curd are meant, rather than heese, althoughthe lalter,as likewis an articleis Germanitet. Compare Caesar B. G. Vi. 22) Major pars victus eorum in lacte, a Seo, carne consistit' Some suppos bulter tot here meant, but this a rather the ood of the higher classes. Compare Pli ny II. N. XXVili., ): E lacte fi butyrum, barbaramian gentium laudatissimus cibus, et urdirites a plebe discernat. Τ' Sine blandimentis. Without an coaxings of the appetite). The contrast belween this an Roman luXury a Strikin enough. Compare Pliny H. ., X. 17. -- Temperantia. Self- Ontrol. -Ebrietati. Thei propensit to intOXication. ' Haud minus facile &c. his is notrio e underStood a me an in that the Germans ere eas tote conquered by arms, but meret that theiriwn vices prove sormidabie means os Subjugation.


Nudi juvenes, quibus id ludicrum est, &e. Naked ovilis, hoen gage in his spori, thro Somerset amidis Ord an frameae potnte at them. ' Observe that there is nothin in infestus itselfWhicli ver implius hostilily. Festus is ni the old participi offero, ille gestus rom gero. Tho solio in WoOd-cut stoin the Museo orbonico vol. Vii. tav. 58 manthrow lightin the Speciosos diversion here referre to.


Quintilian. Non in quoestum tamen ara mercedem. TheyχOhnoi,

hoWever, do his has a trade, or Ormire. V Suppi hoc faciunt Thecase a far different illi the Romans, in both thei sceni and

Discriptis per familiam ministeriis. In Services distributed through ut helousehold. V The rue re ad in here is undoubtedlydiscriptis, hicli, though f frequent occurrenue in tho S S., is commoni altere in the edition t descriptis. The derivation filiis alter sorm hoWever, does O te ad to the ideam distribution,

sine describere is meret to marti ut, O Opy,V e. Non in nostrum morem. The Roman wenta a very great tengiti in appotntin dimerent lave to Superintend the variola depart-ments of thei domestic economy. Among the wealthy, in lator times, there a Scareel a Single Ou Sehold ut that Wasmo al-lotted to Ome particular Alave, ho attende to that nil nothing

thera o maris,' ' p. 13l, sqq.


e Romana term coloni. The term colonus is here employed in thesensu hielicit had during the later imperiat period Tho coloni paida certa in early rent so the lanxon hicli the lived, and were attaclied to the Soli ρἰeba adscripti), rom hicli, a a genera rute,

Vius Tullius, Augustus Hadrian, and thers, O cheel the crueityos the Romans toward their laves. ConSul Seneca de Ira iii., 40 Id. de Clem. L, I Id. Epist. 46, 47 Plin. H. x, X. 23 Iuvenci, i. 2l Heyne, opusci, Ol. iii. P. 189. Non disciplina et severitate, c. Not in the way os chastiseis ment, and rom an severe insictionis the Same, but 1 roin the impulse of the moment, an anger in particular, a the excitingcause). Inu St e caresul notri regard this as a mere hendi- ady sor disciplina severitate an impetu iret. It is in reali ty, amuch Stronge formis expresSion. Compare the remark of Bottielior ori the so-callei figure ἔν ὁια δυοῖν in Tacitus, p. lVi.- Si quod impune. Excepi that the do it illi impunity, V i. e. kill a Sinue illi impunity. A private enem could not e Stain illi


Tit. lvit. l. 4. Attali odition besor that of Ernesti have Libertiti cre sor hicli that editor correcti SubStitute Libertini, in aceor lance illi the strici distinction belween the tWO termS. Conmparo Cic. in Verr. i. 47. Walther, Dilthey, and ther oppos thachange, ut o Ver Un SatiSs actor groundS. The reserenue is notto the fro0dmen os partieular a Ster o families, ut o reedumen considere asin elass. Hene the employment of the term libertini immediatel aster impares libertini , and whieli confirm Ernesti semendation.


usuras Commentator mali a reat dissicult with this simple passage Thei Variolis opinions may be Seen State di WeiShaupt, p. 379. Ono of the wors of these is that ad vance by Walther, Who malles fenus have here the mean in meret os capital, ' a Signification hieli, as reund correcti remari S i eXtremel rare. Tacitus is silenti comparin German illi Roma manners. At Rome the mos exorbitant usu 'a practiced, herea the Germans are here describe d a notini Stranger i USuriou eXactions, but even to the tendingitatis money on interest at all. Ideoque magis servatur, e . and theres re the abStaining 1 romthis praetice is more essectuali observe than is the practice iselfhad beon sorbitiden by law. V A remari able instanceis conciseneSSin the original, hicli can noti imitate in a translation. The reserenue t What recedes Saather a menta thau a grammaticalisne, and e muSt, lieres Ore, Suppi With servatur came ueli XpreSSionas abstinentia a fenore agitando. On his Sage Os langu age, consultili re martis of Perigonius, ad Santi Minerv. iv. 8, note . Somo Commentator give servatur here the meaning of is providen against A voided, ' Without an ollipsis; ut so this hero isno Ruth Ority.-Lege vetitum esset. Sur Was sorbidden a Rome, though in vain by the law of the Nelve Tabies, and by vario usenaetinent madet Licinius Genucius, SemproniuS, Juliu CaeSar, and thors. The Germans ero si e 1 rom it, On account O theirlitile acquaintance illi moneyed tranSaeti OnS. Agri, pro numero cultorum, 'de The laniis are occupio bywhole communities in turn, accordin to the number of person totidoli in V The tria re ad in here is undoubtodi in vices, and themean in os the passage is that the Same territorie Were occupied by dissere ut tribes o communities in turn, ora greater o leSS X-tent, accordin to tho number os person to tili them. The est commenta in a itus here is tot soland in the account givon by Caesar of the Suevi B. G. iv. l). Ome commentatorS, hoWeVer, disregarit in tho aut horit Os Caesar re ad vicis sor in vices, and thini that tho Germans didio live in the manne of nomad tribe to uelia degre a is commoni supposod ut that individuals ad pos-8 Asion os their own Whicli tho retained, Without an os the ex-


Species. Se RSOBS. V. Intellectum ac vocabula rebent. Are

known and have nameS. V The emplOyment of the nou intellectus here indicates the silve age of Latini ty, and intellectum habent is tob regarded as equivalent to intelliguntur i. e. ristia Sunt. -Auctumni perinde nomen, e Particulari the grape and olive Tacitus asprobabi mistalion in saying that the hadio nam so thi se ason. Herbst, or herbist Wheno the Englisti term harvest), appear to have been iis a me. In Eginhari s is of Chartemagne c. 29 themolithis November i called Herbist-monat.


mentur. Uie reduee to She by means os particula Lind of WOOd, ' i. e. those Lind of wOOd that were et apart so this purposub la o custom. The Odies of the dea were generali burnedamong the ancient Germans, and this custom continuod evora astur