장음표시 사용
Monumentorum arduum et operosum honorem, e They eontemntheriosi and laborious honoris monumenta Structures, a burden- Somerio the de ad. V Compare the versionis Botticher Der Denh- ni die hochi agende milherolle Ehre erschmEhen sie. V Tacitus h ad invie the Splendidis ausoleum Os Augustus as et a the Other lostyani expensive unera structuros in the vicinit of the Roman capital H does not ho ever applar to have been Warem the X- istorice of the celebrate Hunenbellem i. e. mortuorum lecti in Germany. OnSul Etenim Germ. Alterth. p. 102, and the representation salve of these tombs in plate i. of that Work. Lugere. beu ait the os o friend s. V Lugeo an luctus alWays reser o mourning so the de ad. Compare Ddderlein Lat. Syn. iii, P. 237. - Singulam rentium. Os individua tribes.
In enumerating the distrent tribes os Germany Tacitus ullo us this oriter In hapter xviii. hu Spealis of thos Who id not properir
Calidiores olim Gallorum, cho. The deified Julius, the hiraestos authorities, relates that the assair of the auis ere formeri in
Quamvis mutatis cultoribus. Observe that quamvis Siere so qua Di- quam a Sage Occurring ni in the later prose riters. Gruber, ad loc.)Sed ut cum Ararisci, &c. Tacitus here calis the si a Germannation, herea in hapter liti he remariis that heir se of the Pannonian Ongue prove them tote Ot Germans. Some editores thini that in the present passage thei Settiement Onlyrare referre dio, but the contradictio is to manisest tot remedie in thi Way. PASSO regard Germanorum natione as an interpolation, hich S,
probably the true Opinion, though rejected by Walthe and thers.
-Eadem utriusque ripa bona malaque erant. heremere the Same advantages an disadvantage On Oth Si de of the Stream, V . ., there a the Same ree domand the Same Overty. The rivermeant is the Danube. Trereri et Nervii Consul Geographica Inde X, s. v. Creca adfectutionem Germanicae originis . a regard an eager Striving astera German origin. V Compare the explanationis Freund Norterb., S. v. in dem treben, fur Iermanen tu gelten. '' e have heret o specimens os the Latinit of the Silve age, amely the employmentis circa in the ense of quod attinet ad and the use of the noui ad ectatio. Compare Botlicher, Leae. Tac , p. 30, 85.)-A simi itudine et inertia Gallorum separentur. They en Separate them-Selve from ali reSemblane urito, a mel a frO the indolence thatis characteristic of the auis, ' i. e. caidistinguisti thenaseiveisi Omlh Gauis, hom the resemble in person and in indolenue. Observo themiddie ore os separentur. Vangiones, Triboci, Nemetes. ConSul Geographica Index. Ne
Ubii quidem, c. The Ubii Gero the allies of Caesar against the SueVi and were astorWar transporte to the est bank of the Rhino by Agrippa B. C. S). y origine is meant thei German Origin, besore the beeam a colon sincerit Was hardi likel that aleoplo Who ad been made a colon os by the Romans, and placed in a post
O tru St, a Tacitu SayS, ut arcerent, non ut custodirentur, houldblusti sor his honor. Some commentators, however, have referredorigine to Agri priua Consul Lipsius, ad loc. Conditoris sui nomine. IV have n direct eviden ceras to ho unded the colon in question The OWn no v Colopnc Wa Scallei Colonia Agrippina, o Agrippinensis, the sirstis, hic his ames Ouid mean, the Colonyis Agrippa, V and the Secunil the Olonyos Agrippina. V Lusche, Leae. Rei Num , Ol. i. col. 6S Oresti, Inacript Lat. 338 l. NON, Agrippa af engaged in thi quarterint o Occasions While, o the ther handi Agrippina, the aughter
104 NOTEA N THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXV1II. XXIX. os Germanicus, an granddaughter of Agrippa, a borri in his place. t i probabie, there re that the colon Wa originalty foundedi Agrippa, and Was calle Colonia Agrippina merely untii Agrippina, sterier union illi Claudius, Sentiu her Wn colony, of whicli Tacitus elsewhere malle mention Ann. Xii. 27), and the objecti Whicli, in ali likelthood, a to strengthen the firSt. Thenam Colonia Agrippinensis egan aster his, it ould Seem, to beemployed in common With themther. Compnre Plin. , rex, i V., 17.)Erperimento dei. From trial havin been made of thei fidelity, V i. e. in conseque ne of their trie sidelity. Observe that errerimento is here the ablative. Ut arcerent, non ut custodirentur.
tho Vahalis an Mosa aster thei junction, and the Oceano hieli istandiso constitute par of Outh Holland They Seem, alSO, from the language of the teXt to have occupied a mali tractin thebantis of the Rhino no include in the insula utar omini, Scit Scalled by Caesar B. G. iv. 10 . Compare On thi Whole Subjeci, the account give by Tacitus Hist. iv. 12), and also Geographical
Ripa. When ripa is sed alone, in spe aking of tho Rhine, it generali means, a in the present instance, the est bank of thuStre m. - Seditione domestica Compare Hist. iv. 12. The timewhen his appene is notinive n. aeSar mund them iready eS- tablislied in thei ne seats.-In quibus pars Romani imperii serent. Thi martis, OsiourSe the OnSeque nee, O the intent. Contemnuntur. A reserring O the degradation connected withthe paymen O tribute. -Nec publicαnus adierit. Or oes nysarmer of the revenue oppreS them. V The publicani, O sarmers of the revenue, ere principali member of the equeStrian Order.
NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXIX. I05 serior officer Were notorious sor heir insolene an oppreSSion, and it is to uel that allusion is made in the preSent inStanee. Adterit. A peculiari appropriate term . The Ver adterere denoteS, properly to ea aWay by dint of rubbing, ' an is here ver sillyapplied to the aste of private SubStanee Occasione by repeate d
Bestis reservantur. The Batavi ere styled Fricnd and Brothersos the Roman People, a the ollowin inScription in unius Batav., p. 31, indientes Gens Datavorum Amici et Fratres Romani imperii; Vanil also the ollowing in Gruter, sol. 72, N. Civ. Lutavi Fratres et Amici P. R. Mattiacorum gens. The Mattiaci, ike the Batavi, probabi abrauel of the alti, dwel o the right ank of the Rhine, in et-terai and Hesse Darmstadi, the trae possessed by the Ubii es ore the crosse the Rhine, et veen the Moenus Main an Logana Lahn). Consul Geographica IndeX.)- Ultra Rhenum. The Rhine as always regarde a the natura lineis division etweenthe Roman an German Way.-Ita sede nibusque in sua ripa, &e. Thus, a regard Settiemen and Orders, the live o their own bank of the Stream); in Sentiment an attachment the aut illius. V Observe the Zeugma in agunt. There S nothing Synonymous here, a Some SuppOSe in mente an animo. y mens there meant cogitatio; by animus, O the theriand voluntas. Nisi quod ipso adhuc, &e. EXcept that from the Ver nature of thei soli and climate, the Still retain more Spirit. V They are more warlike than the Batavi, in conseque nee of thei Oecupyinya OUntainous Ountry, and livin unde a more rigorou climate. Botticher gives adhuc in his paSsag the meanin Os insuperi pretierea
Leae. Tucit. p. 33 ; ut it i belle to regar it, illi Gruber, as a partici Os time. De males agros The tithe-land s. V Thi is nova prope namuhelongin to any tribo or placeri ut a applieduo land conquere dby the Romans, m hicli, O the Sallem Security thatis hostilo tribes might wel clos to their Orders, the allowed Gaul or Roman Soldier to Settie, Who ere charge with the paymen of tithe to the Romanes. The Ornan Ver commoni eXaete a tithe romahose ho occupiet the public land the greator partis Sicil Was taxe in thi Way. For more particular respecting the Decumates Agri, consul Geographica IndeX. Dubiti possessionis. At sirs thes land layicyon tho Romantis undary, and were unprotected against the incursion Ofilio hostile Germans. -Limite acto, &c boundar lineae in run an sor-
The province reserre t was thatis Germania CiSrhenana Oris Raetia.
Et Cattos suos, e . and the Hercynian Forest bothiscoris and set down iis own Catti. V A bold and livet image. When a magistrate les Romerio tali commandis a province, it Was sua sorhis friend to escor him partis the Way the term uSexto express
NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXX. I 0 this a prosequi. O in the present case the Settiements of tho Cattidie alonga continuous range Oftilis, untii the ridge inlis do nand the chain is broken. t then bend to the eas and leaves the Catii. In the old an vigorous language of Tacitus, the hilis aresaid to escor the Catti, and lo set them down a tength in the lower
anis. Compare ch. vii. The in sinitive in this clause an in thosethat solio is ver abrupi, ut ut the Same time ver characteristicos Tacitus. It is not of Oui se the historica infinitive, since thepreSent Ouidie require diere, not the imperfeci. Neitheriis there an ellipsis os solent a Jacob SuppOSes. The infinitives in question depend in aut on hat immediatet precedes, ach clause eing
s emedo promise OOd CSuli S. -Disponere diem, vallare noctem.
assigri tomach par of the da it prope dii ty, to sortis thum-selves uring the night. V Literalty t diStribute the day, to en-tren et tho night. V Grammari an rank this orni os Xpressionunde tho Prosopopoeia O Time. Compare the remariis o Botticher, p. lv. Nec nisi Romano disciplina micessum. In the age of Tacitus, tho Wars carrie On by the Roman were ni against undisciplinodbarbarians that orde an diScipline mi glit, illi Ome reason, he olai med a peculia to the Romans Dilthey, ad loc. Veia vo
common readin i =nec nisi ratione disciplina concessum, mor eo
hai and shavin thei beard. This custom Stand in Singula opposition to the ordinar usage among the Germans o regarding
Certum jam alveo. NON Settie in iis channei. V Litorally, io certain i. e. tot relied upon in hat relatus to the edissilio river. V The reserenc is to the quarter here the Stream isnow continet within xed limiis, and oes no sorm S many branches and akes a in the counto of the Batavi. Usipi ac Tenctera. Tli QS tW tribe generali g together in geograph and histo . The frequently change thei setilements. ConSult Geographica Inde X.)-Super solitum bellorum decus. In additioni the warlike reputation Sual with the German ace). V Supplyceteris Germanis aster solitum. Equestris disciplina arte pracesiun
StaVeS, Q. Compare eishaupt, ad loe. Eaecipit. InheritS them . V Literalty receive them, ' i. e. by inherita nem; O thatercipit is here equivalent to hareditate accipit, and there is an ellipsis of equo3 - Sed prout fero bello et ιelior. But ecordin asi is siere in War, and Superior in his respectri the reSt). There isn tautolog here, B SOme SuppOSe. Compare the Xplanationis Walther Ercipit equos fero bello inter non feroces inter feroces excipit ferocior sive melior. 'Τ
Bructeri Chamavos et Angrivarios A regard thes Severa tribes, consul Geographica Inde X. Occurrebant. Me theview. V Suppi oculis Or euntibus, Bn Compare Columella ii. 2,where the fuit orni Sinive oculis ejus tot paludes, tot etiam campi salinarum occurrerent. V-Penitus aecisis. Tacitu i mos probablymis talion in asserting that the Bructeri Wer entiret extirpated so we find the Roman commander, Spurinna, en gaged, illi them in the rei gn o Trajana an in later time the appear a a powersulpeopte among the FrankS. Their ame a finalty lost he theywere verpowered by the SaxonS. I appear so the last time in letteris Pope Gregor III., ab0ut the ea 720, hen the are calle Borthari. Nam ne spectaculo quidem, &e FO the di not egriadge severi in the matteris allowinius tot Spectator Os a batile. V Observe that spectaculo is here in the ablative, and that invidere gov-orii a dative of the person I the mean in ha been, sor theydi notaegrudgerus even the Spectacleis a batile, ' the accuSative,
spectaculum, V Ouid have been emplOyed - Oblectationi oculisque. For Our entertainment, and the mere plenSure of the Spectacle. Not equivalent meret to oblectationi oculorum by a SO-calle heridiadys, ut a much Stronge formis eXpreSSion. Compare the re-