The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES O THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXXIII. XXXIV. Illos it, and the timerio have been the sirst year of the reignis Trajan. Brotier, ad loc. Maneat, quoeso, duretqrte, &e Iay, Pentreat, is no an affectionsor us, yet at least a Delingis anim0Sit against e acti Other remain and continue Strongi Sente in the nationS,V i. e. remain and longcontinueri remain. Observe that quas has properi an ellipsi os deos, an compare Terent Andr. iii. 2, 7. ObServe moreOVer, that duret rises in Strengili bove maneat. Urgentibus imperii fatis. Whil the sate of the empire S thus urgent, ' i. e. in the preSent critica conditio of the empire A this reatis Was ritie in the re igni Trajan when the assair of the Roman appeare un-uSuali proSperou S Some crities have imagine that Tacitus rotuvigentibus, violariShing, ' inSte ad Osurgentibus. ut it is sufficiently evident, frOmither paSSage S that the cauSe Whicli,ere Operatinggradually, ut Surely, to the destructior of the Roman Empire didnotis Scape the penetrationis Tacitus, even hen disguised by themostialtering appe araneeS. The common reading theresore, muSt Stand Athin, ad loc. -Hostium. the partis our oes


eibini. This tribe elonge to the race of the Cherusci, and were apparenti dri ven east ard by the Same irruption of the auui asthat whiel expellud the Angrivarii. Consul Geographica Index.

- Chasuari. The Se ere alSO a tribe O the Cherusci, and were conquered by Tiberius and Germanicus. Consul Geographical Inde X. -Aliceqite gentes. The Ansibarii, Tubantes, Turonii Nertereant, Danduti, arvingi, e. Dilthey, ad loc. O these nations littio, is an thing, is no n. The ast mur are amed by Ptolem alone. -Frisii. The Frisii majores Wolt in halcis noru est Friesiani anil Gron ingen the Frisii minores in berysset, Gelders, trecht, and the reater par os the provincem Holland Consul Geographica Index. Rheno praeteruntur. Are Ordere in fronti the Rhine, V . ., the setticinent of both stretch along the Rhine. Immensos lacus. Aneienti this country a Covered by large lalles, whicli,ere madestili large by frequent inundatioris of the ea. Since tho inundation, ho ever, Os 1569, hicli submerge almost ali Friefland the Zuyde Ze has talien the placuis most of them. -Γomanis classibus


igated the Albis, o Elbe. The Stilpwreck of the neetis Germanicus

prove likeWiSe a Soure os discovery, and accOrdin to Mannert Geogr. iii. p. I), Ointed utri navigator the way to the Ballio. On the oXpeditionis Drusus in ortherii Germany conSult the Me- motri Wilhelm in Kruse' Deutsche Alterth. ii. 1. Herculis columnas Be Side the well-known illars os Hercules a the Stratis of Gibraltar, the ancient,riter Spealiis Similarines in the norit, a tradition hicli arose in ali probability DOm the eX- istence of simila natura senture in that quarter. Where, hOWEVer, the Orther promontorie were that received this nam has neve been Satisfactorii ascertained. I i generali SuppoSed, however, that the legendioinis to the ound belween Delamari and SKeden. Compare Dilthey, ad loc. Indi eri Geogr. i. p. 216. Sine adiit Hercules. On the legend of the wandering o Hercules

Druso Germanico Mentioned in a precedin note by the ameo Drusus merely, hieli is his more sua appellation He Wasthe brotheris Tiberius, an Step-SO Of AuguStuS. The Ounger DruSus a the Sonis TiberiuS. Mor nemo tentavit Editor generali interpret his a me an in thatis one aster DruSu venture dilpon hi Sea, and necordingly, a re puZZlexto reconcite his illi What Tacitus says in his Annals ii. 6, 23, 24). his ariSe 1 rommifunderStanding the meaningi mox, hieli, O sar rom Signis in that no ne saliedin his ea aster Drusus, implies that someon didiso, ut that the expeditions of the Roman in this quarterwere oon abandoned. The thermen Se Ouid require postea. Sanctiusque ac reverentius, &e. Anxit See med more pious and reverentia to entertain a belles concerning the actions of the gods, than to spei to econi actuali aequainted With them, V i. e. to belleve in the present instance that Hercules actuali visite thonorth, and that illars erected by himi reali exiSi in his quarter, than to Seel to ascertain thei preeis position.


Novimus. Me have Xamin ed. V Ingenti serv. his boni is forme by the Cimbri Chersone se, o modern utland whieli Tacitus conceived tot rather curve and round than angula aud


ii. 6 Agric , 42.)-Idque pracipuum virtutis, &o. An this factis a principat proos of thei valor an proWeSS that the do Ot aequire thei Superiorit by any acts of injustice. ' Observe that ut

superiores gant i an XpreSSion borrowed rom the langu age of the Stage, in hieli agere aliquem is the Same S partes alicuju agere, a repreSenti exhibit an character, ' &e. Ac, A rc poscat, Xercitus. Ome editor IC ad ac, si res poscate1crcitus, phirimum virorum, &e. ut his is contrar to the USageos Tacitus, ho always employ the Ormula si res poscat abSO- Iutoly, and without an casu attache toralio What i requiret ordomanded. -Et quiescentibus eadem fuma. An the enjoy the Same renoWn even in inaction, V i. e. thei Warlike reputation is notat ad injured by thei pacisi Spirit.

Cherusci. The tribu os the Cherusci must se caresuli distinguishod rom the leagile of the Cherusci. The alter includo the Cherusei, Dulgi bini. An Sibarii Chasuari, Chamavi, Tubantes, and


nam of this tribocis connectedi Leibnitet illi that of the Riveri se, hieli stolus into the Alle nea Zelle. They,ere annihilaled by the Langobardi.


Eundem Germania sinum. Thi Same bendis Germany, V i. e. , thi Same quarteris Germany Vphicli endS, a just taled, to then orth. The resere ne i to the ingens eaeus mentione at the e- ginning of hapter XXXV. Cimbri. The Cimbri ne veri et in thoquarte here SSigne them by Tacitus, amely, O the Cimbrio CherSOneSe, O modern utland Their reat countr lay, probably, o the northeast Sidem Germany. Consul Geographica IndeX. -Parva nunc civitas. N State of the Cimbri existe here, as e

are to e Sought sor ei ther in Italy Upon the Rive Athesis Adige , o in Gallia Narbonensis, ne a Aquae eXtiae Aiae), here Florus siti. 3 mentions that the Teutones, de aled by Marius, too post


the account generali give of the vast number of the Cimbri that

date is 41 . U. C. O B. C. II 3, in hieli alter ear, o in B. C. 114 Metellus an Carbo ere conSuis. Dilthey, ad loc. -Audita sunt arma It wa in thisaea that the Cimbriirst appeared in Noricum, in the orthea St of the Adriatio, an on the ank of the


Ad alaemon imperatoris Trajani, &c. Trajan was sive times On-Sul the econi time the periodiere meant in A.D. 98, in hicli Sameaea Nerva dieit, and Trajan ascended the throne. The preSent ten Se here employed by Tacitus, hOWs that the lalter a en-gage in rit in this orti at the timete Speali Os, amely, A. D. 98. Conliguntur. Are compriSed. V Tamdiu Germania incitur. Toris longin pace of timeris Germany gettin conquered, V . ., during o longin perio has German with Stood the arm Os Rome. Medio tarn longi ari spatio, &c. During the interva o so longa period. V Non Sam)ris. Not the Samnite, i. e. no the nationos the Samnites. Observe the synecdoche. The Struggle bet centhe Samnites and the Roman was a fiere an obstinate ne and in the defites os audium Furca Caudina a Roman arm WRS COI pellet to pas unde the Ohe. Liv., X. 2.)-Poeni Alludin toth disastrous de se at insticted by Hannibal. - Hispaniae. The Spatiis,' i. e. the w division Os Hispania, amely, Tarraconensis and Baetica The Iberus formed the boundar botween these Wars Were carrie On in these two provinces by the Romans against tho Carthaginians, Viriathus, the Numantines, Sertorius, an OtherS. Galliet. The auis, ' i. e. Transalpine an CiSalpine Gaul. Parthi Allud in particulari to the overthrow of Crassus, and the ec received by Marcontony. Saepius admonuere. HaVe more frequently rem indei us that e re not invincibie). havehere an ellipsis more in thought than in ord Compare the X- planation os Longolius, admonuere, scit nos cladibuS, OS Vinei


thico the monaretis of Parthia ein in the time of astitus of thedynasty f the Arsacidae, o called froni Arsaces therio unde of the


Manlio All the old SS. and edition have M. quoque Manlio Cn. an M. are frequently cons unded in the SS. In the present in- Stanee, hOWEVer the trire re adinii Cnao, Sinee Phad beon deeroedaster the de alli os M. Manlius Capitolinus, ho a accused by the patricia part of aimin a roya poWer, that no ne of this fami lyshould bear the nam Os Marcus. Liv. Vi. 20 in , Phil. i. 13.)Varum. The reserene icto P. Quintilius VaruS Who a de-


tion et a Rome, hen the new of this deseat reache the capital, is ellanown Compare Suet. Aug. 23. Impune. Mithout loss. V Caius Marius in Italia The allusionis to ille amous de seat of the Cimbri, in the audii Campi, ear Vercellae, and west ar of Mediolanum, by the combine sorces os Marius and Catulus. Marius h ad previousi de se aled the Teutones an Ambrones at Aquae Sextiae Aiae , in Gaul. Divus Iulius in Gallia. For the campaigias offultu Caesar againSt the GermanS, COI4Sultities. B. G. i. 32, sqq. ii. I, sqq. iv. I, Seqq. Vi. 9 Seqq.-Drusus ac Nero et Germanicus B Dru Sus is here meant Drusus

Germanicus, the brother of Tiberius, aridi Nero Tiberius himself, whose sulliam Was Claudius Tiberius Nero Drusus Germanicus Was the sonis Dru Sus, and nephew of Tiberius. Observe the change of the conjunctio ac in his Sentenco, ecause Drusus and Nero Were morem an equalit With ne another a brothers, than illi

GermanicuS.-In suis sedibus. FO an account of the expeditionis DrusuS,Me. consul Geographica IndeX, s. v. Germnni Moae A. D. 39. Cui Caesaris. Caligula is meant, hos historica name a Caius Caesar Or, more sully, Caius Iulius Caesar GermanicuS. In ludibrium versa. Terminate in ridiculo. ' He

Inde otium. During the rei gras of Claudius and Nero But com

Civilium armorum The ars carricis in by Galba Otho Vitellius,


IIS , o ΤΕ ΟΝ ΤΗE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XXXVII. XXXVIII. an VeApaSian.-Eaepugnatis legionum hibernis. This a done in A. D. 69 by the Batavi unde Claudiu CiviliS. Hist. , V. 12 seqq.;


or under, ' and lienee, clo in stom elo , ' Or, in the wOrds, to bin or lie p. V It is a poetio term an belong to the Silvorage of Latinity. - ceteris Germanis. Other ancient riters however, malle thi mode Os,earing the hair a badge of the Germans in generat. Dilthe compare Seneca de Ira iii. 26, and Iuvenal, iii., 164. Separantur. Αre diStingui Shed. - servis. The flaves Wore tho lini cui olose nn Shori. as a the cu Stum sterWard


stant an patras-takinitiabit of puttinibael both the individua and

collected atra Consuli alther, ad loci, here Varioti interpremtations are iven, an compare Botticher, Leae. Tac. s. v. Sequi.- Ipso solo vertice. y solo vertice is meant alie crown alone, ' an

Ea cura formae, sed innoria. Suelicis thei attention to personalapplaranee, though uiamleS cne, ' i. e. thoughiot Springing Domthe Samo corrupi motive a among the Romans A es forci-blo re ad in is innoritie.-In altitudinem quamdam et terrorem, e . teuked in this Way, When about to proceld O arS, t make them solves appear alter, and thus Strili terror, the are adorned, sit ero, so the yes of thei ReS,V i. e. to conque by the very View. Compare chapter liii. a cited by Dilthey nam primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur.' '

Vetustissimos. Eariter riter more frequently emplo vetustus in an uias avorabie ense Z in Cic. Erut. 2l sed multo tamen vetustior et horridior ille.' Tacitus, ou ever, Sescit in imos thasamo signification a vetus. Bullicher, Leae. Tac , p. 48S.)-Semnones. The lived et cen the ibo and the Oder, inhabit in thotrael hieli compri se What is no Mechlentur an Brandenburg, with partis Suaeony, ohemia, Lusatia, Silesia, and Polanii. Consul Geographica IndeX.)-Fides antiquitatis, c. Tho ulte fila thei antiquit is Strengthene di a religi Ous Observanee pre Vari lent mora them . V Compare the Xplanation o Ernesti Ut

credamus gentem antiquam esse, etiam religionis ratio suadet. ' Theob'Ervane in que Stion a connected With a human Sacrifice, a rite


risice sorme the eginning of the riteri What the remainder of the

erentiat homage aid unt the grove. V- Ut minor. an inseriorbeing. V Compare the usage of the Gree language in the case of ῆττων, nd ni SO Ann. XV. 16 Hor. s. i. 10, 35. The chain indicates that the weare regard himSelf a the lave of the deity. Et potestatem numinis, e . An di Splayin in his own person thepower of the divinity, V i. e. in the chain that etters him.

this impori, has this object in VieW.-Inde. From thi Spol, V i. e. , tho aere grove They belleVed in the autochtho nous originis thei race. Adjicit auctoritatem. Suppi superstitioni illi. Observetha adjicere is also Sed abSolutely menning t inere ase. Centum pagis habitant. deSar B. G. i. 37 iv. I Say the same of the Suevi Both riter probabi oni drew thei insormation rom Ome vagiae tradition A. Manneri contend that Semno es a no the nam O an particula tribe, ut a common one, lilio that os Suevi, an applied to the northerii branches of the lalterpeople. The nam doe no Oecur in hiStor after the re ignis Αntoninus Pius Manneri Geogr. iii. p. 33 I, sqq. Magnoque corpore. Uppi civitatis. Compare Hist. , V., 64.;