장음표시 사용
mundurorum. The Hermunduri lived about the Sources of tho Elbo, in the morti of ohemia. In the nam Hermunduri, Hermuncis
ΝΟTEA N THE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XLI. XLII. I 23 probabi no an essentia part but meret martis that the belongedi the Hermiones. Duri se em to have been thei rea name, and thi roo appears illi a German endita in Thur-ingi. Consuli Geographicat Index.)-Fida Romanis. Unti A. D. 152, When a genera conspirae against the Roman was entere int by the Marcomanni, NariSei, Hermunduri, Quadi, Suevi, Sarmatae, Vandali, LatringeS, and Buri. Non in ripa. Notin the bant merely. V Suppi solum aster non. The solitherii bank of the Danube is meant. Penitus. Far in the interior. - Splendidissima Rettiet provincia colonia Thici generali supposed tot Augusta Vindelieorum, OMAugsburg. -Non concupiscentibus. Notiovetin them, V i. e. Without excitin their cupidity.-Notum olim Through the Xpedition o DruSus, Domitius, and TiberiuS.
birge. Ptol. ii. ll.)-Marcomanni et Quadi. Consul Geographical Index. Nec Narisci Quadive degenerant. NO do the Narisci orth Quadi fallistiori of them in Valor), V i. e. nor are the inserior in valor to the Marcomanni Suppi ab iis virtute aster degenerant.-Eaque Germania velut frons est, e V Anythis is, Scit ere, thesrontis Germany so a sortii ascit is Ormed by the Danube, V i. α, s sar sortii a the Danube sortias thi front, and Separates Germany in this quarte stoin the Roman posseSSions. illi peragitur, Whichis hero tot taken in the SenSe of esscitur, Supply frons from the pre-ViOus clauSe. PASSO undet Stand iter, hicli appe ars much essappropriate. Some editor read pergitur, ther porrigitur, but ad the MSS. an earlier edition haVe peragitur. Nobile Marobodui et udri genus. Os Maroboduus mention dibo ound in the cographica IndeX, . . Marcomanni Tudor orTudrus is no mentioned by any the writer ut Tacitus, o by the latior elsewhere than in the preSent paSSage . Neither armother
Lings of the Marcomanni and Quadi spolienis excepti ivriters of a later agen a Attalus Aurel. Vict. and Queen Fritigit Paulinus
among the Marcomanni an Phurtius, ArtogaeSUS D o Cass. IXxi., I 3), Caiobaniarus Dio Cass., XXvii. 20), Araharita S, ViduariuS, Agili mundus, and Gabinius Amm. Marcel in. Eaeternos reges. A Catualda, Vannius, Vangio, Sido. Ann. ii., 62, a xii. 29, 30o-Sed is et potentia, .c. Parti on account
os this chain os mountains, but rom his de Scription it appears to eidentica with the Asciburgian range of Ptolemy, and the modern
RieSemebirge. - Lygiorum nomen. The nation Of the Lygii. VI iteralty the nam Of the Lygii, V i. e. the tribes include under the name. Consul Geographien IndeX.)-Arios, Helveconas, &e. The positions of these subdivision aremo determine With accurasty FO remarii concerning them, OnSul Geographica IndeX, s. v. Arii.-Muliebri ornatu. The rieS Was probabi attire in assOwing robe, hicli, contrastin ascit id illi the losely-sittingattire of the Germans in generat, a mistalion Or a semale drOSS. Sed deos, interpretatione Romana,Me. But the Sa that thegod Orshipe there are, accordin t Roman interpretation, CaStor nni Pollia X, V i. e. riter an traVeler informis that thego des orshipe in his aure grove QSemble in thei attributes, and are tho Samo illi the Roman deitie Castor nn Pollia X. Ea vis numini, &e. Thi is the OWer assigne uiato the irino illi ead thei nam i Alci , V i. e. Sueli are the attributes of these divinities,
i. p. A indicat regionem et statum rei alicujus. Nam ut locum, quem aliqua res Obtinet, verbis designemus, ad aliam rem respicere, et utriusque itum e eae vicinia vel et distantia conripere solemus. Latini dicebant rem ab aliqua re Stare et Sitam esse, ubi intelligebantre regionem adversam, et virinam, vel anteriorem. Reddi igitur potest
Suionum. The Suiones inhabito the ouili os Weden, hich
regula Order. V observe the employmentis in With the accusative, o account of the de of movement implied in adjungunt.-Solutum, ut in quibusdam suminum, e . Thei mode of rowin is Without an regularity, a si praetioed in Some riVers, and changeS, RS OceaSion requires, O thi Side Or O that. V The Ovementhere describe is like the addlingis a canoe. In quibusdam suminum. PronounS, MeetiveS, an participies in the plural j0inedWith a genitive areis frequent Occurreno in TaeitUS. Est apud illos et opibus honos. The wealth here reserrexto asaequired by trassic. What Tacitus here states relative to their honoring wealth is directi the reverse Os What was the case illithemther Germans of the Se ast Our author remarkS ehap. V. : Possessione et usu haud perinde assciuntur,' &e.-Nullis jam erceptionibus. The partici jam here implies that a me o furthornorthward theseopte degenerate more and more rom the spirit oflibert whicli characteriχed the outherii tribes, tili at last, cometo a peOple illi an abSolute uter. -Non precario jure parendi. Mithio precarious conditions os allegiarice. V ore freely illi an absolute elaim upo thei obedience. V Precarium jus is a right grante to a perSOnys entre attes. Ome editor take parendi in paSSive SenSe, and adduce, a parallel inStanees, censendi causa Cici, Verr. i. 18ὶ celandi Tibul , i. 9, 23 But this is uri neceSSary. Nec arma in promiscuo. or are arms alloWed Oie kepthpromiSeuouSty. V Suppi concessa sunt. -Et quidem servo. Andae, toO, a lave. V-Oceanus. Thei SuppOSed in Sular Siluation. Otiosa porro armatorum manus, &e. AS in the eaSe of the Praetoria sol-dier and the Janissaries. Ome editor give otiosa but the constructionis a Singula nou of multitude illi a plura ver is onlyallowable hon Ome clauSe intervene and Separate them. Sucha phras a turba ruunt ould e inadmiSSible. Enimvero
NOTES O THE GERMANIA. CHA P. XLIV. XLV. 12 regia utilitas est. In truth, tris the polle os Lings. In the pre-
12. Dierum spati ultra nostri orbis mensuram, V c. In the ageos Plin and Tacitus the globularis Ormis the earth was ellino n. Compare Vin. ii. 64. An Tacitus considere the earth, thoughno completet spherical a a globe at est in the centre of the univerSe, With the an completet surrounde by ater a Pliny ii. 66 Say Est igitur in toto globo tellus medio ambitu praecincta circumsuo mari' Compare alSO, Plin. ii. 70, 75. The partis thecarth from Britain to the polo Tacitus conceived to e statier than that 1 rom Italyrio Brita in Sine there a no chainis mountain ut ali tot compared to the Alps and liene he talli os the extrema et plan terrarum Agrici 12 . An a night is nothin eis thau tho Shado os the Carth Plin. ii. 10 risin in the formos a cone, sine theiod illumine is les than the bod that illumines it thenotion entertaine by Tacitus is that at the time of the solstice, When the Sun approache ne are the Ole Plin. ii. , 5), and ac- cord ingly oes no sint sar elo the origori, the hado of the natior paris Os the earthrio ard the pote an notishroud the wholo
heaven in dari nes sertrema et plana terrarum non erigunt tenebras ;
Star appea above the hadow, and are illumine by the rays of tho Sula infra caelum et sidera no cadit, Agrici I 2). Sonum insuper audiri, c. Popula belles adiis that a solan is, moreOVer, eard, 'Me. The ound here reserre locis no that os the sun issing as e Sintis into the Oeean, hieli ho ever, RSthe vulga belles compare Strabo, iii. p. 138 Iuv. XiV. 280), ut that producod by the Aurora Borealis and the formas deorum et radios capitis reser likewis to the sancisu Shapes assumed by thoso plectrica phenomena iliis Sotirce, perhaps may be traced ho
128 NOTEA ON HE GERMANIA .-CHA P. XLV. Iays of the orther tribes, and of Ossian respecting the Walhyis, ah ghost light a the lastis Cromta the rider of the torm
right-hand Shore of the Suevio ea are Washed by iis aves. V Bythe Suevi Se is meant thera altic. The nam of the styi stillrematiis in that of the Esthen. The inhabite PruSsia, Livonia, and Courland Some thin that thei nam meret means thepeople of the east. V COInpare Meldinger, tymol. orterb. p. 508. -Lingua Britannicae propior. Compare Agrici, ii. Where Germani origin Whether correcti Ormo is uncertain is attributedio the CaledoniunS. Matrem deum. The sis o Hertha of the Suevi, the Frigra fili Scandinavians the Foset of the Cimbri. Consul Iacobs, ad
dee. The cultivate cor and the ther fruits of the arth ithmore patient industry than might have been expecte froin the
tho Phoenicinn S. Nec qua natura, qu ceve ratio gignat, .c. Nor has it been inquire into Or ound ut by them, Scis Sual amon barbarianS, What a b it nature, O What principiem productio ma givei birili, ' i. e. What icit natur O the manneris iis production. 'ectamenta The term ejectamentum, here emplOyed i Os rare Occurrenue. e meet illicit alSo in Apuleius. ApoL 297. Tacitus appear partia to Ord of this termination thus e have placamenta Hist. i. 13); meditamenta Hist. iv. 26); turbamenta Hist. i. 23); tentamenta Hist. ii. 38); libramenta Hist. iii. 23),&C. Donec lueturia nostra dedit nomen. Unti Our luxur gaveritu name, V i. e. celebrity. his remari mustae received with someabatemerit, incerit Would appea that amber a certaint held in Some degre os estimatio by the ancient Germans, at leastismali balis of this substanee Struit On OrSe-hair, an large Un Ought piceos have been mund in tonabS. Spangenberg, N. vateri Archiv.,
Perfertur B trader through Pannonia to the Adriatio ea, and
thene to Rome. - Succum tamen arborum, dce. The Same notion A
sian lose to them no in to the ne ighboring ea, and are Washedupin the oppoSite hores by the orcem tempests. V The incensores ursao Arabia, the balsam to Judaea and Arabia. Compare Virg., Georg. i. 5T; i. 1lT: Plin. Xii. 54 XVi. 59 Pausan. ix. 28.)- Ut in picem resinamve lentescit resolves itfel into a glutinous mass, ascis into pitch O resin, V i. e. reSemblin pitch O resin. Suionibus Sitonum gentes continuantur. The tribes of the Sitonos solio in immediate succession aster the Suiones. ' Observe that continuari in the paSSiVe, i Sometimes as in the preSent in Stanee,
equivalent to proaeime luerere, O continenter sequi. - Sitorium cntfS.
Ac ordinito Manneri, tho Sitones and Suiones aro mer ly branchesos ille fame race unde disserent forma Osiovernment, the e0utitry
Comment in mesesiast. c. 43 V 2 ornandes, Gel. c. x Manneri, Geog. iii. p. 32 l. In tantum. TO Such an Xtent. in quantum modum' ' Ann. XV. 25 quantum' ' Ann. vi. 21): in quantum. '' Iuv., XiV. 3I8. -Non modo a libertate, &e. Compare the paraphrase of Pichena Degenerant a libertate, quia ceteri Germani fere omnes liberi, hi servi degenerant a servitute, quia serviente populi Regibus. ideoque hominibus, servire solent, hi feminis. ''
Peucinorum, Q. ConSul Geographica IndeX. Sede ac domiciliis. In fixednes of Settiemen and in the natur of their dwell-ings. V The Settiement an habitation Os the Peucini,sere fixo dandistationary wherea the Sarmatians andere abo ut in their
WAgonS. - Sordes omnium ac torpor Filth and lagines are characteristius os all. V Adar more natural re ading than to place a Somedo a cola aster procerum, undis Stopraster torpor.-Procerum connubiis laetis, e Through the intermarriage of thei chisesswith the Sarmatians the are gradually SSumin the disgustingcharacter of that people.