The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


every Where. V Suppi viros. -In aliquo ramorum neetu. Beneath Eome interlacin O boughS. V-Ingemere agris, illaborare domibus.

πο groan overields, to labor uponi ellings,V i. e. t g an Verth plough, to labor in the erectionis dwellings. The ver illaborare is here formed aster the modet O ingemere Ι nowhere lactappear in his meaning Since illaboratus, hich doe occur hasth gignificatio of no labored, V done Without labor. V Suas alienasque fortunas, &e. TO Lee their Wn ortune and thoseos other in a state os constant disquiet through mingle hope and sear, V i. e. to e haraSSed by the alternate liope and ear Os enrichingi ruining themselves and Other in trade and tractio. Securi adversus homines. Mithout care an anXiet a regardamen. ' Observe that securi, in his and the solio in clause, must notae rendere Sase. V Compare Agric., Castrensis jurisdictio secura et obtusior, '' e. and unice Securus' ' Horat. Od. i. XXVi.,

3. - illis ne voto quidem opus esset. That the would not need even a isti. V Rhenanus conjecture opus it Or opus esset, and

Vangionas ac Nemetas Ann. Xii. 27 .-In medium relinquam. Iwil mali a subjectis doubi, and leave undecided. V Equivalent, a Botticher correcti remarks t in dubium vocatum relinquam in medio. The reposition in though oine here illi the accusative, includes at the fame time the idea os the ablative, and the clausu may theresore, e ranked unde theae ad os a Syllepsis. Consultthe romark of Botticher o the Style Os Tacitus, p. lii Os the preSent Volume.


Clarorum virorum facta moresque Sc. O transmitrio posteri tythe exploiis and character os diStingui Shed men a custom prevalent in early days, no even in uriwn time has the age, though takingli tile interest in iis own eminent individualS , entiret neglected, as Osten as SOme great anili nnObling instance of merit has triumphedove an Surmounte a vie common to Smali an great communities, an insensibilit to, and an enVying of Virtiae. V Observe that the epithet esurus is properi applied to those horare distinguished, noti birth, buti persona merit, a Warrior Or StateSmen. G2tulum AeeuSative Sing. neut of the participio, agreein Withribo precedin clauw.-Recti. The term rectum here correSpondS O


θύν, ὀρθότηc in the Platoni SenSe. Compare Auct ad Herenn., iii. 2 Rectum, constans et virtute et osscio, diriditur in prudentiam, justitiam, fortitudinem, modestiam '-Ιgnorantiam recti et invidiam. TWO RUSe Rione an aecordin to TacituS, deprive the eminent

men of his time of the fame to whichahel merit is entilled namely, thei contemporarie either de ny their claim to distinction, stoma ignorance os What i trul great OritSe meant enVnthem.

Pronum magisque in aperto erat. Wa eaSy an more nob

jecture pronum magis atque in aperto erat, or pronum magis magisque in aperto erat; ut magis i not requirest Witti pronum, Sine this epithot of itfel denotes that whicli inclines more in Some particular direction COInpare Walther, ad loc. Celeberrimus quisque ingenio, e Beside Arulenus RuSticus, and Senecio, mentione in hapter ii. Plin the lde is amen a thebiographer of Pomponius Secundusa Claudius Pollio rote adis of MUSOnius BaSSus Plin. Ep. Vii. 31 and Julius Secundus, a liseo Julius Asiativus. Diui de Or. 14. - Sine gratia aut ambitione. Mithout predilectioni intereste motives. V The term ambitia is notised here in the old Roman ensem an honorabie suin sorprofermen or public favor a mel eXplaine by Ernesti, Clas. Cic. s. v. and Heusinger, ad Cio , Μ. i. 30 9 , ut in the unsavorabie meaning hicli it acquire during the Silve age, hen ambitiobecam a mitium, and denoted a deSire t gain notoriely, O t promote One' own interest by ministering to the Wishesi prejudices of Others. Consuli alch, ad loc aldiu, ad Quintil. i. 2, 22

Rotticher, Leae. Tac , S. v.

Ac plerique suam ipsi vitam narrare, e . many too consideredit ather a a confiderice in thei integrity than a a marco arroganee so them Selve to rite the histor of their Wn lives. Tacitus frequently malles plerique a in the preSent inStanee, equivalent meret to πολλοι, an notato have iis sui sore os o ποηλοί. Nec id Rutilio et Scauro, c. o di this prove uni a Rutilius an a Scaurus, a ground Or ithholdin sul credit, or a Sourceis


some rations. He was te utenant O Q. Metellus Numidicus, Α. U. C. 45. He a aeeuSed of ribery by Scaurus, as unjustly condemned, and went into Silerat Smyrna, os,hicli place e bucam a citigen, and refused O retur at the invitationis Sylla. MAE milius Scaurus a conSul With M. Caec Metellu in A. U. C. 639, and again i 647, an censor in 645. He a one of the commissioners sent into Asriea in the Jugurthine ar, an suffere himselfiora corrupte di Iugurtha He Was a violent OppoSer of Saturninus and was eharged by Varius illi hau in been instrumenta in excitin the revoltis the Italia allies, ut Was acquitted. Cim, Drui. 29 Plin. XXXiii. 6. It is no unlikely that Rutilius, in his voluntar eXile, rot hi Si ilisera a desene of his conduci, and that this induce Scaurus to rite aiiography f himselfAdeo. S truo it is that. alteralty Ut Such a degree. Compare De Lamalle, tant i est ra que,' 'Me.

At mihi, nunc narraturo, e Though, unde Nerva, liberi had again da nexupo Rome, an men 'S Ourage had beguit revive, Tacitus ad stili to ea the maliciou accuSation O many Whowould imagine that in portraying the crime of the past age, a Sidereseretice a made to thei OV m and theres ore, at the commence- mentis his memsi h asks D securit against ali charge of this Lind. his passage may becillustrate isto the Annals iV. 33).- curδaturus tempora. Were Uno about to traverse times. V Ametaphor Orrowed rom the movement of the circus Some of the early edition read ni incursaturiis, Dom hiel LipSius conjecture ni incusaturus, and this alter readin has been adopte by Severat Subsequent editorS. O change, hoWever, is required in the

Dici Ant. S. v.)-Aruleno Rustico. Di Cassius states that Domitian ut Arulenus to deuthraecausu he was a philosopher, an be


tho account of the death of this individual unde Nero A. U. C. 820),

CODSUlt Ann. XVi. 21.-Herennio Senecioni. illi regarest this individunt, consult hapter lv.-Priscus Helaidius. Helvidius Priscus a the On-in-la os ThraSea. ConSult Hist. iv. 5. Hewas anisho an put o death by VeSpasian. Suet. V Sp. 15; Masson, it Plin. P. I 5.)Triumviris. The Triumviri Capitales are meant, Among WhOSeother uties a that os caroin into effect the sentences of thelam dic. The were attendedi eight lictor to execute their orderS. Plin D. Vii. 19 SVS senatus consulto abolitos libros, 'alludin to the present assairri ut this contain no contradiction to the narrative Os Tacitus, Sine the decree Of the Senate WOuid comefirst, and the burning of the WorkS by the TriumvirS, Or, ather, their lictors, ould OllOW. Walch, ad loc. -In comitio ac foro. The comitium aloine the forum, and wa the placemf public eXecution in the time of the emperors Originalty it a the pol here the Comitia Curiata ere held. Compare Seneca Cont. Vii. I):

fas omniissum est, ad viandum scelus Triumviris opus est, comitio, carnisce.)ΤConscientiam generis humani. The Seeret conviction Os mun-

Lind. V The term conscientia is here employed to denote theanowledgem persuaSionis a thing Whichineia in common illi Othors, or, a Botticher term it, communis alicujus rei scientiet, ' and theide os Tacitus is et carrie out by the Delphin editor cognitio

hinc intern et arcana omnium mortalium qu simul et secreta ac tacita accusatio fuit scelerum Domitiani quae conscientia ad tempus cohibitavi dominationis, preSsaque silentio, tandem erumperet. ''- pulsis in

rati reser in Tacitus to the periodies ore the batile factium.-


NOiES N THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. II. III. 139Quid ultimum in libertate esset. What was the furthes limit in 1 reedom. V By the ultimum in libertate, are odit understand thegreate St happiness, nor the laSt remnant of liberi unde Augustus an Tiberius ut ather, a Walch remari S unbridie licentiouS-ness, the immoderata libertas of Cicero. Cic ad Quint. r. , L I.)-Per inquisitiones. Byrapyings in the ver bosonis of our families . V Compare Walch heimliche Nachv lihungena' and asan illustrationis the de intended tot conveyed by the term Ann.,

iv. 69 Pavens civitas notet ignotaque aures vitari etiam muta et inanima tectum et parietes circumspectabantur.' ' Et loquendi.

Lipsius conjecture etiam loquendi, ut Without an neceSSity, Since et iiseis has here the Orce of etiam. alther, ad loc. Memoriam quoque ipsam, &e. The meanin is this : e ould have gone Sisar iniuriatient endurance of tyranny, a nodito have dare even to remember is c. his explanation ill obviat theobjection aderio nostra by Jacob in Jatin's Iahrbucher, sor 1828, Vol ii. 2, P. I 6 l.


Animus Ourage. V-Et quamquam. The conjunctio et has here the orce of et tamen, and yet V Beatissimi saeculi. of thismost lisssu period. V The term oeculum here OeS O mea a century, ut a period sincertain duration lastin unti anotheromperor introduce a ne Orderis things Thus Pliny Ep. X. 2)stylus the eignis Domitian aristissimum aculum .' The period, to the commen ement of whicli Tacitus here alludes, deserved asthe event abundanti AhOwed the epithet beatissimum here besto edupon it. Itiegan when, after the de ath os Domitian the imperialauthorit devolvedin Nerva, and the Virtve of this prince were emulate by the Successive emperor Trajan, Hadrian, an both the Antonines. The rei gna os these sive monaretis embraeing a periodos ne arlyminet yearS, forme the happies era in the histor of the Roman Empire. Aerra Casar Sinc Tacitus oes no appl to im the term Dinus, it ma be conjectured that the lis of Agricola was published While Nerva was et alive that is, bet eo the 16th of September, AD 97, hen Trajan was adopted, and the Titi Os January, A. D.


140 NOTE ON IIS AGRICOLA.-CHA P. III. lectio a Paris, Muth the inscription NERVA TRAJAN. CAES.

GERM NERV. AUG. F. P. R. P. COS. ΙΙ. that S, Nerva Trajanus, CoeSar, Germanicus, Nerva Augusti situs, Pontifer, Tribuniciae Potestatis, consul iterum an O the reverse ADOPTATIO. Neo Spem modo ac votum, &c. in the public securit has no onlyconceived ope andi isties, ut has attaine uni considene in the fulsit linent of thos ver vitishes, and unt a State of Stability. VObServe the Zeugma in assumserit by whicli it obtains in the sirst claus the Orce O conceperit. The public Security, moreOVer, Shere perSOnisied, and there is an allusion to the edallion AtDuckby the emperors, With the figurem theioddes Securitas, and the


Ingenia studiaque. Talent an literar induStry.V-Subit. Steal ove us. V Analogou to the Greeli πωχεται. Per quindecim annos. Referring to the fifteen years of Domitian styranny, rom .D. 1 t 96, etween the eigiis os Titus and Nerva. Multi fortuitis castibus. This is the emendationis Lipsius, in place of the common readin multis fortuitis casibus. The Oppositio belween multi and promtissimus quisque prove atine thecorrecine S Of the change. Promtissimus quisque. allatioSehOSι distinguished sor readines an activity. VPauci, ut ita dieterim, e se Oscis are, is I may use the expreSSion, Survivor nolint of OtherS, ut evenis Ouriwn Selves, i. e. have Outtived nolint OtherS, in a corporeat Sense, but eventurown solve in What relate to the minx: ecause, torus the wOrdsos Plin Viii. I 4 Ingeni nostr in posterum quoque hebetata, fracta, contusa Sunt.' Observe that the wOrd ut ita direrim aro intende a an apolog so the boldneS ODeXpreSSion in nostri superstites. illi regard moreOVer, O the employment herem direrim instead of the earlier dicam, consult Zumpi, k 528, note 1. Quibus juvenes ad senectutem, e Tacitus couldio includet Sel among the senes, a lalter claS here mentioned, Sine at this perio he was ni about Orty-sive ear Oid. Per silentium Bysilentium is here meant the repressionis menta aetivity, referringi What was Sal besore studia represseris facilius quam revocaveriS. Memoriam prioris servitutis. memorialis forme Servitude. Namely, in his Annal and Histories. Testimonium proesentium bo