장음표시 사용
wores, frum the piet of the intent. The term pietas mos generiali means silia piet O affection.
Vetere et illustri Forojuliensium colonia. In the ancient an illustriou colon O Forumbulii. V The tow of Forumbulii e aliud ais For ulti Was siluate in Gallia Narbonensis, and Sio Frejus. It must noti consolande With Foru ulli in Venetia, o Frtuli. The term illustris is here applied to the former, notis much fro iis
curatorem Coesarum. An imperia procurator. V TheSe procuratores notini eXacted the tribute rom tha provinces, and aeted asSte Ward Where the em peror ad poSSessioris, ut collecte theτigesima hereditatum and ther imperia perquisites. Compare
bilitas est. hicli post confers equestria nobility, V i. e. Whicli POS ratSes a man to the rankis an eques illustris, and gives him theright to sit in the senatu an to ea the toga laticlavia. A diS- tinctionis ranchad arisen even in the time of Augustu among the equites Compare Dio Cass. liv. 30, and Walch, ad loc. Iulius Graecinus. Seneca bear ver honorabie testimon to his character, an Says that he vas ut o death by Caligula ecauseit Was inexpedient sor a tyrant O have O virtuous a Subjeci. Seneci, de Benef. ii. 2I. The natae Graecinu occur in the Fasti, among the consules sus ecti Os the ea A. D. 16. From the contenis Os th books xiv and xv. , sor hicli Plin consulte the work of this individual, he would appea to have rittera n botan or Viti- Culture. Compare alSO, Columell. i. 14. - Sapientiae Philosophy
59. In theae a 33 Caligula married his aughter Iunia Clauditia.
Alin. Vi. 20. He a appo in te proconsulis Africa, an aster-Ward putri denti by the em peror Hist. iv. 48 uet. CαL 23.)In hujus sinu indulgentiaque educatus. Virought up in the boSomani bane ath the assectionatu caretos this parent. V The X preSSion in sinu reser to the triet Supervision exercised by his parent, and
indulgentia Whicli is here tot talion in a good Sense to the milit-
142 OTES O THE AGRICOLA.-CHAP. IV. ness,ith Whicli that Supervision a assectionatet en rced. Agricola' mother rought back the old Roman custom Of Othersthenaseives Superintending the educationis thei children, and noti avin this to lave S. Henue the peculiar Orceis in sinu. Hein-Sius, mistaking the true mean in os indulgentia here, conjectureS, Ver Ulane eeSSarily, in cujus si=r diligenti cura, O indulgenti absque -Per 'nnem honestarum artium cultum. In the cultivationos ali libera Studies. ' Omnem must mere e alien in Sense illi
Arcebat eum ab illecebris, e . In dependenti ostiis Wn good and uncorrupted disposition it served Oaeeptim from the allurements of the victous that 1 rom earlies boylio die hadia Massilia a theseat an directres of hi StudieS a place here Grecian politen esswas ingle and wel united with provincia moderation an frugality. V Observe that the indicative habuerat is neceSSAry beeauSe
Acrius hausisse. Mould have drunt in to eagerly, V i. e. M Ouidhave purSued with to much ardor. Observe that hausisse is heresor hausurum fuisse Pichena conjectured ac juris insteadis acrius, and is sollowed by omo editors; ut the stud Os juriSpruden e
was neve sorbitiden to a Roman and a Senator. Ultra quam concessum, &e. ObSerVe that by senatorici here properi meant notan actua Senator, ut a perSO Of Senatoria birili, that is, hosu
Pulchritudinem ac speciem. The beaut and the array. V Nota hendi adys, a Some maintain, o pulchram speciem. On the contrary, species increaSe the ore os pulchritudo. Compare the re- mare of Bottichem Protegom ad ac , p. IXXXi.) Auget Specie vim pulchritudinis eamque designat qua oculis hominum se prahet.')-Vehementius quam caute Thi i One of the an varioties hi h
Insani sapiens nomen ferat, equus iniqui, Ultra quam satis est virtutem si petat ipsam. V
Prima castrorum rudimenta, e. me aequired the rudiment os militar training in Britain to the fuit Satisfactioni Suetonius Paulinus, an active an prudent commander, Sine he had been selected by that generat asine of Whos characteri might sorua an estimate through the intimae O a common meSS, V i. e. Sine he hadbeen chose by that generat a member of his militar family, illithe vie of Ormin a more aecurate eStimate of his ab ilities antidtho familia intercourseri Whicli this relation ouldiive rise. It was usual Oraoun men os rari an talent to e admitte to this familia intercoiarse illi the generat, Sin Ortis pupilage, O initiation into the uties Os a militar lise. Contubernium properi denotes a certain umber of Soldier quartere in the fame tent; and then a common Oecupying fine and the Same tent, a messing to-gether, &e. Suetonio Paulino. Suetonius Paulinus as appotnted to the command of Brita in in A. D. 59, during the eignis Nero, an Agricola probabi came illi imo the Staiad. At ali evenis, he was in
Britati in A. D. 6l. Approbavit. When a perSon contracteda per-s Orminii ece Os Work and rought it ac complete accordiri tothe ternis Os the agreement he a Sal approbare opus locatori. Grono n. ad Plaut Amphit. Prol. 13. Henue the figurative emi Ioynient os ii veri, On the present occasion. - Electus Equiva-
Nec Agricola licenter, e . either id Agricola licentiolisly, o the ne hand), after the manne Osboun men in general), Who convert a militar lis into a scene os dissipation nor lothsully, Onthe ther , vati himself of the rank of tribuno sor indulgin inpleaSureS, O leave of absenue, O sor continuin in ignorance. Literalty did Agricola reser the rank of tribune tolleas-ures, V e. e muS not oin together titulum et inscitiam tribunatus, ut ad voluptates et commeatus et inscitiam titulum tribunatus retulit. O expres the sui sorce of the Sentenue a pause ShOuidie madolesore inscitiam. Sed noscere provinciam. Butae proceedexto mali himsel ac- quainted with the province . V The infinitive noscere, and thos that solio throughout the sentenue, are historical Ones, and there i noellipsis os an ver i gover them. -Nihil appetere in jactationem. Me ough aster nothinisor mere diSplay, V i. e. he Ought usterno employmen or Siluation meret so the purpos O makin an ostentatious display of himself-Simulque anetius et intentus agere.
an dis hargo his duties at onerand the fame time illi solic, lude and with spirit, Ti. e. Willi equat solicitude and spirit. Observethat anaeius resem to thing suture, intentus to things preSent. Eaeercitatior. In a more agitated State. V Oeticalisage Thoprose Ormi eXpreSSion Ouid e bello Tercitatior. Cic. de Or. , ii. 15. Compare Oudendorp, ad Suet. p. 355. - Trucidati veterani, incensa colonice. The Veterans in the colon o Camulodunum Colchester), hos tOWn a completet deStroysid. -Intercepti Tercitus. ur armies ere cutiss and deStroyed. V Tacitus refers here to the legion unde Petilius Cerialis, hich was comin t theaSSiStanee Os the Veteran S. The disturbane Was uelle by Suetonius Paulinus On his return rom Mona. Ann. XiV. 29 Seqq. γCamulodunum a the ni colon in Britain herice it has been propoSed to re ad incensa colonia but the alteration is unneceSSary, Sine Tacitus ni appear t have Sed the plura in an Oratori calmanner, a the ther Ord veterani and Tercitus are in the plurat. Ibondinium a notis Olony an Verulamium St. Alban's wasu municipium. De Sides, e re not Oid that theSe places ero
theless, imparte ii professionaliskill and experiene and incentivest the Outh, V i. α they, neverthele Ss, improvei and animate theyOun Agricola.-Ingrata temporibus. A des ire uncongenia to
In Urbem digressus. A. D. 62.-Domitiam Decidianam. The name Decidiana may probably have arisen stomae mother' havin been calle Decidia. The name Vespasianus and Domitianus arOS in usimila way. ConSult alch, ad loc. y Idque matrimonium, C. This arriage Secured Ortim in Seeli in preserment, the influonceos the powersu Gens Domitia .-Et invicem se anteponendo. Andoach giving the preserenceri the ther. Nisi quod in bona uetore, &e. Save that thor is o much moroos,hat is prais wOrth in a good Wisi i ho much morems,hatis laniable there is in a ad one. V Laus is hero Sed Or hat ovo i pratSe Orthyri anxit OppOSite, culpa, O Whate ver Silam- able. Nisi quod, hieli restrici Or correcta Something that hasbeen aid bosore, is osten Sed illi an ellipse, hichiustae supplied by the re ader. So here the meaning of the Sentone is, alio both oved ne nother incorely, and ach gave tho Other the preserene eri or hic both deserve credita Ialy e must allo that in a virtuous Wis there is proportionabi a much more ofwhat is pratSewOrthy, as in a ad is there is of What is lam- able V i. e. When place in compari Son illi the virtuos and vicosos thora iustia nil ecauso, rom the wealter character Os wOman, therostra ininios an ovil propcnSitieii more Orthyis pratSo. Comparo ulch, ad loc. Sors quaesturae The tot milio quaestorship. V Tho ossico os quae stor a the Ontrane to ali public emplOymenis, an ii as, thorci ore the si rest ne old by Agricola The quaestors, illi theoxeoption os tho Candidati Principis, re tot so their severat provinces, that there might be no previoris connection etweenthem and tho Overnor Os tho Samo, ut that the might Serve as L Ck upon ea hither. Satrium Titianum. Lucius Salvius Otho Titianus the olde brotheris M. Salvius Otho, the latur emperor, who was a thi timo Servin a proconsul in LuSilania. Consultauri. Xii. 52 Iiat. i. 77, 90 i. 23, 33, 39 60.3
b grantiri Agricola an facilit sor tundering whicli ho might
be alien illi i=iter quasi ac trib., S ellis tribunatus.-Quibus inertia pro sapienti fuit. In hieli indole nee was WiSdom. V Proetura Agricola a praetor in A D. I. He ad been tribune in A. D. 65, and quae Stor in A. D. 3. Nec enim jurisdictio obvenerat. For no aetua jurisdiction ad salieno his tot, V i. e. he a ne i ther Proetor urbanus, O P torperegrinus, ut of the number of thos from hom ali judicia funutions ad virtuali been alien by the usurpationis the emperor ;for Ven the quoestiones perpetua ere in the hand of the Senate, and carrie diu unde imperial directiora. Litile elSe theres Ore, WASlest to the praetor than the managementis the games. Walch, ad loe. y Mith obvenerat, Suppi Sorte. Ludos et inani honoris, e . me Xhibite the umes an dempt page antr connected illi meia preseruient, b Leepingwithin the limit rescribe di prope calculation and the extent of
exhibite them in such a way that though celebrate Withou any great profuSion, the would e extolle so thei Splendor, atherthan passedive in Silenee, a though Xhibited in a palir manner. The game S, c., res erret to here ore hos exhibited by the praetor ori attaining t Ossice, and On hicli these magistrate usu atly Spent enormou Sum in Ordero ingratiate themSelves illi thopeople, and thus pave the Way O tili igher preseruient.-Modorationis atque abundantia This A the uni sormae ad ingis the earli eroditioris, ne falle S , howe ver has medio, altere proba bl by
TheSe conquisitiones sacrorum ere Ot uni requently institu ted. Compare iv. XXV. T.)-Ne sensisset. Should Ot have seli, i. e. di no seel. There is no enallage of ten Se here, a Some Up-
Sequens annus. A. D. 69.-Classis Othoniana, c. The assair
here alludet to occurred in the moniliis Marcii, A. D. 69, during thebrie rei gni Otho, an his contest illi Vitellius. The crueities aridi prodations committed ora the coastis Ital by this nee are describet in livet color by Tacitu Hist. ii. I 2, sq. .-IntemeliOS. The Intemelii, V i. e. the territor of the Intemelii The nameos the town itscis,as Albium Intemelium. Thus, Strabo remariis
μέλιοι. The attacli, there sire, as On Intemelium and iis vicinity, and was a conseque ne os ille ill plannei measures of de senue adoptodi Martiis Maturus, the procuratoris Liguria, lio had gone ove froni Otho to Vitellius. The modern nam os Intumelium is Vintimietia. In pradiis suis nier OWn States. - Causa. The inciting
Initi principatus, &c. The commeneement of the ne reisin, and the welsare of the city. Mucianus directe d. V observe here thepeculiar Orce of statum, and compare Dial de Or. 1 Ann. iii. 28. Vespasian a conducting the War against the revolte Jews illi great SucceSS, he he was urged by Mucianu S, then Overnoris Syria, and by his own On Titus, O RSSume the OVereignty And, durin his Sta at Alexandrea, he was proclaime empero b Tiberius Alexander, the Overno Os Egypt . e sortii illi repared so war against Vitellius, leavin his Son Titus to conduet the lege of Jerusalem. O the overthrow of the orces of Vitellius by Antonius Primus, ne a Bedriacum, hi lalter commander marche to Romo at the end of December, A. D. 69, O that he sit St, in reality, had charge os assair thereri ut in the ollowin Januar Mucianus arrived, and acquire nil the OWer HiSt. iv. II. Admodum juvene Domitiano He wa at that time eighteonae ars old. Tantum licentiam usurpante. laiming Only the privilego ofindulgin in licentiolis ness. V Domitian ecame asterward ne fili mos serocious an deteStable of the Roman emperors. Missum ad delectus agendos. In the eginning O A. D. 70, Agricola et ut O Britain, probabi in the pring f the Same ear.-Ιntegreque ac Strenue vergatum. And wh had conducto himselfin that employment With fidelit an vigor. V Vicesima legioni, &Q. Thoueason hy, of the Our legion poste in Britain the seeonii, ninth, ourteenth, and tWentieth), the seconii ni too the oathpromptly i giveni Tacitus elSewhere Hist. iii. 44). The wentieth legion a Staying among the ornaVii a Deva no Chester). Ubi decessor seditiose agere narrabatur Station in hichiis predeceSSO Wa reported tot aetin seditio usty. V The individualhere referre t Was Roscius Coelius FO an account of the assair,
Quippe legatis quoque consularibus, e . For this legion a un-manageabie, an formidable even uni the consula lieuienantS, Vi. e. even unio Trebellius Maximus and Vettius Bolanus. The legati consulares, in the time of the emperors, ere individuals holia been consuis, and were overnor of the provine an commander OVer at the legion Statione incit. O the ther hand, the legati pratorii ere those holad fille the ostice of praetor, and were in command of oni a single legion. Nimia. Α Ver eXpreS- Sive term literalty to much Dr. V-Legatus pratorius. ROSeiUS Coelius Hist. i. 60. Incertum sim an militum ingenio. Eitheriecause he didiot knowho to command O thent Obey.
Dignum est. Ome have propoSed esset here instoad os est; ut though this ould do very et is it ore meret a remari Os Tacitus, 1 undedipo past evenis, est is equali Wel suile to tho time in hicli Tacitus as ritin g; Or, after the de athis Agricola, Britain, or at leas Caledonia, had thrown O the oke. Hist. i. ,2. The nam os a secon Calgacus, the Caledonia Arviragus,
150 NOTEA N THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. VIII. IX. From therisAue,V i. e. in con Sequence of the SueceSSsul terminationis Some assair. Equivalent to quum eventus id suasisset. Hand ad Turset , ii. p. 659. Nec Agricola umquam, e . Nordidagricola ever exul in Euch eXploit in Orde to increas his own renown. V Observe here thepeculia constructioni in illi the accusative, an compare iv.,
XXi. 43 In hanc tam opimam mercedem, agite . . . . arma capite.'
Generalty in the lde writers , he in Or ad is sed aster a verbio XpreS an Objeci, a participi is uiuoined Otherscio in insuam famam illi factis. Walch, ad loc. -Ad auctorem et ducem, ut minister, Q. Me tways, as a Subordinate Ossicer gave the honor of his Ood ortune to the individua with whom his ordera Originaled, and who a likewiSe his tender. V Nec eaetra gloriam erat. ObServe that nec is here equivalentu nec tamen. The SenSe of the whol clausu is impinthis et invidiam fugiebat, et gi riam assequebatur. V Dronke, ad loc.
Revertentem ab legatione legionis. On returning Domuli command of the legion,' i. e. the wentietti legion in Britain. rovincia Aquitaniae Gallia Comata compriSed three provinceS, Aquitania, Gallia LugdunenSi or Celtica, and Belgica Aquitania asthe traci etween the Garonne, the Loire the Pyrenees, and the Cevennes It wa anneXed O the Roman Empire unde AugustuS. Cas. B. G. i. Ptol. ii. 7.)-Splendido in primis dignitatis, e . Anime of the sirst distinction, On account of the importanc os the command itself, and the ope it gave of the consulfhip towhieli ho Vospasian had destine him. V stor destinarat, Supplyeum, a harsh ellipSiS hOWeVer, a Walch correeti Stylescit. Subtilitatem. cuteneSS. V sui castrensis urisdictio, e. mee auso the mode of administering justice in a camp, caretess respecting the niceties O law), an more blunt incit character), and oin moest things in an Thand way, oes O cal into Xercis the subile distinctions of the bar. V Observe here the emplOyment of the Subjunctive mood eaeerceat, as indieatin the Sentiments of thers, no thos of Tacitus himSelf. I i the Same, heres Ore, a saying, Moes no eat into eXerciSe, a the thinh. VAgricola naturali prudentia, &c. Agricola, hoWever), b d into native sagacity, decidest With aS promptiles and Witti justice, though in the midstis civilians. V Tacitus mean that the Summaryan ossilian modem decidin cases, to hicli Agricola ad been