The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


ne SA a a judge heri e came to preside in a civi tribunal Thoallusion here is to the conventus uridici, O circuit court aSSi ZeS , in hiel Agricola, asinoverno Of the provin eo, a no calle topreSide. Gronov. ObServ. iii. 22. - Togatos. The term togati is here equivalent, in esse et to litigantes sor fuit could only be carriedon in the toga, and in Latin I doe no mea laWyer Or adu cate alone, O citiZens meret in OppoSition to Soldiers. Compare Walch, ad loc.)Jam ero. FrOm his time, indeed. - Conventus The circuit s. In orde to facilitate the administrationis justice, a Roman province a divide into a number of districis r circulis, eaeli ofWhich wa called conventus, forum, Or jurisdictio. At the Se conventus litigant parties applied to the proconsul, o gOVern0r, Wh preSidedin them, and this ossice Selecte a number of jud ges 1 rom the per-SOn aSSembled, t try thei causes The proconsul pron Ouncedien- tene accordin to the vieWs of the udges, ho ere his assessors O COUnSel. Dici Ant. s. v. - cio. The latins os ossicialduty.V-Nulla ultra potestatis persona There a no playing the par of the an in pomer aster his. V Observe here the figurative mean in offersona. It litera signification is in theatrica mask,UWhenderit oblatiis the pre Sent Sen Seis SuStaining a character, Or playin a pari.-Tristitiam, et arrogantiam et avaritiam aeuerat. Heliad, then , completely lai aside ossicia stern ness, and the rigid

hoc fecit ararum possumus Tistimare, crimen in eo constituere Non pos


a a time, anxit doe no Seem that the were osten changes Sotha this plura must impi disputes uel a commoni ariSe be-

tWeen Overnor an procuratorS. Et vincere inglorium, et adteri

sordidum arbitrabatur. Me thought that in such disputes a these both to conquer a attended illi no glory, and to e orstodWa a positive diSgrave. V observe here the peculiaris Orceis adteri, whicli an swer thus to the Greel ἐλασσουσθtit, and is Sed flany infringement upon a perSon' dignity, O tho respectinni attentionto hicha lia nilnim. Minus triennium. Suppi quam aster minus. Zumpi, k 485.)Ac statim ad spen consulatus revocatus est. and was immediatelythereaster recalle to the prospectis the consulShip, V i. e. With the prospectis Obtaining the consul Ship. Comitante opinione. Publio opinion asseOmpanyin him, V i. e. Whil a the Same time a popularopinio prevallest. Compare the Homeri xυdoc πηβεῖ. Il. XViI., 251, e. -Nullis in hoc suis sermonibus. UNO remariis hau ingbee made by himself to this effeci.' Observo that in hoc is here equivalent O ad id, and compare the Gree εἰ τουτο. The Onstruetion in nullis sermonibus S the ablative absolute. Par. Equalto the Station. Aliquando et elegit. Tomotimo it has ven fixod a choice.

There is a peculiar Ore here in elegit, and nitending, Scit ere, of the perseet an norist, the tenSe Otini indieatin What Ome- times has been done, ut also What Maccustomeduode done Vher.


nia an Hispania re dativus d pending on obtenditur.-Gallis in


Dieridiem etiam inspicitur. It is even See by the aut o the Bouth. V Compare the explanation o DrOnk non solum obtenditur, sed etiam inspicitur inspicere autem est conspicere HiSt. it.,6 auditique Saeptu in Syria Judaeaque deSare quam inSpecti. V Nullis contra terris. Xamples Os ablatives absolute, sed in his manner, are mund in the writer besides Tacitus S, ionistribunis plebis' ' Cic. Phil. i. 10) Multorum eo statu, qui diutur

Heteromeros quadrangulum, nec latera habet paria, nec angulo rectOS,

simile scutella.' ' De Die Nat. 18.)-Et est ea faries citra Caledoniam,&e. and thimis in reality, it appe arance, Xelu Sive Os Caledonia, and leno the popular reportae Spectinctis Orm has passe diver an dbeen applied unt the whol istand. V Fama is here the nominative, and we must suppi With it a genitive 1 rom facies. In universum is equivalent to in universam Britanniam. The whole clauSe is paraphrased a sollows by Walch Fama ejus faciei, non in una

parte Britanni constitit, sed in unirersam Britanniam transgressa est' Sed immensum et enorme, &e. But an immen Se and Oundlessextent of larid, and jutting out DOm that pari here the coasi noWalmos comes O an erad, i gradu ali contracted ascit ere, into the ormis a sedge. V Observe that the wOrd eaetremo jam litoreare nodito e Gined by means of the figure callex perbaton, illi velut in cuneun tenuatur, ut illi terrarum procurrentium. In the


id tempus insulas, c. Accordin t Eusebius, Claudius ad al- ready annoXed these istand totis dominion and the Sameris saidb Eutropius vii. 13) orOSius vii. 5), Bede Hist. Angl. i. 3), Gildas, and therS, and certaini a repor of their Xistence ad reached Rome by that time. Mela estimates thei number at thirty, Plinyrat ortyn so that incognitas musti here equivalent to leviter

Or non penitus cognitam ascit is in Cicero de Orat. ii. 24 causas dicunt incognitas. V Ignotus has a simila sore in the Same riter de Orat. i. 39 Ius applicationis obscurum sane et ignotum patefactum atque illustratum est. V Compare de Orat. i. 42 iv. XXVili.,

is dolabis ut in quam hactenus ni et hiems abdebat. e have giVenthe reail in Whicli makes the est sensu. Some editions have Dispecta est et Thule quadamtenus; niae et hiems adpetebat Thule, alSo, Was to Some Xtent deseried Ario and winter ere Seel in tomati it thoi own. V ther variations have alS been propOSed, with rogarduo hicli, consuli alther, ad loc. Pigrum et grave remigantibus. luggisti and laborious to OW


compare Germ. 5 Possessione et usu haud perinde ad sciuntur Rariores. Are here os more rare occurrenee. V Et profunda moles continui maris,Me. An the dee mas Osisne continuedoXpan Se of Sen is more lowly et in motion. V The Xpression continuum mare menn the main ea just a continens terra Signifies the main and Or continent.

Indigentie Caesar mentions that the inhabitant of the interior paris of the fland were Supposed to ei indigenou Origin. B. G. V. 12. - Ut inter barbaros. AS usual amon barbarians. VSupply seri solet. -Habitus corporum The characteristic of their


nam an namque a betWeen enim an etenim, γαρ and καὶ γαρ. Namque ma be frequently translated a in the preSent paSSage, alius, o in Stanee. Rutila Caledoniam habitantium conice, lic. Compare the deScriptionii ven os the physica appe arance of the Germans, in the Germania, . Silurum colorati vultus. The warthy compleXions of the Silures. V The Silures aris e to the peOple Os ales. The occupio What are no the Ountie Osirechnoch Glamorgari, Monmouth, Hereford, and adnor Some commentator reser theeXpression colorati vultus to the Staining of the face aniliody. his,hOWeVer, a notin custom peculia to the Silures, ut common to at the Britoris, and ean not theres ore, e meant here the contra , colorati reser to the dari complexion produced by the raysos the sun. Thus we have the XpreSSion S, Indi colorati, Seres colorati, e. - Torti. Curly. V The torti crines are tiat Brotier

Prozimi Gallis et similes sunt lisse ne areSt the aut re Sem-ble also tho inhabitant of that country. ' Literalty are also like them).' Os these the inhabitant of the modern Kent are OSt favorabi spolien fi Caesar Eae his omnibus longe sunt humanissimi, qui Cantium incolunt, quia regio est maritima omniS, Neque multum a Gallica disserunt consuetudine.' Cas. B. G. V. 14.)Seu durante originis i &e. Elther ecause the influence of a common Origin Stili rem ain S, or ecause, the land advanuin tillibe tie opposite ne nother, climate has given hi character tothei frames, Similarit Os climate has iven a similarit Ofcharacter to thei frames With habitum Suppi eum. Tacitus means that the Oast Os the wO Ountries, hichis sirst run in disserent directions gradu ali approachine another, tili at the o intv bere the eui the lie Opposite and parallel. Observo that di-

pare Germ. 6. his Se of the dative is excoedirigi common in Greeli Compare Herod. i. I 4 V., M. Thucyd. i. I 0,Me.)Eorum sacra deprehendas, &c. Ou mandiScove traces of the irreligiolis systoni in the sirin buli fio tho Britoris in certain Superstitions.' Observe that eorum here resors to the auis, the eoplementioned a the close of the proviolis sentenue. The SuperStilious rite meant are particularly the mysteriou and blood solemniti octos the Druides. From tho langu age of Tacitus it Ouid Seem to


stitionum persuasione. EquiValentu persuasione de superStitionibus.

account of the aulS. B. G. iii. 19.)-Plus ferocia. More fmartia Spirit. V Observe that ferociae is here equivalent tO irtutis O fortitudinis. In hapter XXXi virtus an ferocia recioine to-gether. So the adjective feror oes no mean ferocious, ' ut proii an davntleSS. V Compare Dronke, ad loc. Cori ad Sali.,


huntur is sor distrahuntur. -In commune non conSulunt. Compare

Germ. 33 Nihil jam praestare fortuna majus potest quam hostium

discordiam. Nilarus duabus tribusque civitatibus, &c. aSSembl of two orthree States, o the purpOS O repellin Some common anger, is Oflare Oecurre nee. V B conrentus ichere meant an assenibi sortho sormationis plans o uchin thei common intereStS.-Duabus

tribusque The substitutionis re so que, as introducedi Pichena


hi in cloud Or OgS.-Asperitas frigorum abest. Compare deSar B. G. V. 12 Loca sunt temperatiora quan in Gallia, remissioribus frigoribus. '' Ultra nostri orbis mensuram. BeyOnd the meastare of th Se of Our par of the worid. V or ultra mensuram

EumeniuS Paneg. in Const. 9) Ut sol ipse, qui nobis videtur occidere, ibi appareat prater ire. 'Scilicet eaetrema et plana terrarum, &e. OnSult note On Germ. , 45.-Non erigunt tenebras. io Ot 3St their hado in a perpendicular direction. V Praeter Vith the exception OLV-Patiens

frugum. FO a long time Britain a the granar so the Romanaruinon the Rhine. Osimus iii. 5 Spealis os eight hundred vesset employed by Order of the Empero Julian, in transpori in eoruto Germany. Compare Amm. Marcel , viii. 2, 3 an Vales. ad Ioc. - Tarde mitescunt, &e. The ripen to ly the come soriti quickly, V i. e. gro th i quieti, but maturation low. illi mitescunt anil proveniunt the term fruges muSt e mentali Supplied. Cuclι. The atmosphere. V Ompare Pliny II. N. ii. 38) Namque t hoc coelum appellarere majores quod alio nomine aera, omne quod vituli simile vitalem hunc spiritum fundit. Τ' Fert Britannia aurum, &c. Strabo iv. p. 138 agrees illi Tacitus Cicero, O the contrary SayS, Illud cognitum est, neque argenti scripulum esse ullum in illa insula. '' Ep. ad Att. iv. 16.

Cambden Spe ak of goli mines in Cumberland and collarid, and Os

Silvor minos ea Ilsracomb.-Gignit et oceanus margarita, C. Pli ny spcaking os the Britishlearis, says, In Britannia parvos et decolor ca nasci certum est.' II. N. iX. 35. Bede On the contrary,


SAFS, In quibus sunt muscula,silibus incluSam Soepe margaritam omnis coloras quidem optimam inveniunt, i. e. Rubicundi et purpurei, et hyacinthini et prasini, sed a1ime candidi. '' Hist. An l. i. 1. ThelearlSwhicli are solan in Caernarvon Ahire, in the River OnWay, and in Cumberland in the Rive Irt, are equa to the est of thos brought froni the Indian Oceanu ut the are o se an Smal a novi re- pay the troubie fiearchinisor them. Artem abesse legentibus. That Akill is antin to those hogather them, V . ., kil in removin them rom the Oclis. Compare Plin H. N. ix. 35 Altius mersce harent, nec nisi vi ac

summo periculo velluntur legentibus. -In rubro mari. In therin-dian ocean. V etween Ceylon and Persia The rubrum mare 'Eρυθρα θαλασσα of the ancient include both the sinus Persicus and the sinus Arabicus Compare Pliny H. N. Vi. 23) Quod

in duos dividitur sinus, Persicum ab oriente, et Arabicum ulteriorem eae adverso.' -Prout evulsa sint. Amthey have been thrown up by the Sen. V-Naturam margaritis deesse. That a prope natur is ant-


Ipsi Britanni. From an account of the Sland he O proceed sto ne of the inhabitant themSelves. Comparem Simila emplOyment of the pron Ou ipse in the Germania, . - Impigre obeunt. Gheerfuit undergo. V-Igitur. FOr. V his partici has hereth sorce os enim, an is intended t be Xplanator O What re- CedeS, amely, jam domiti ut pareant, &e. ConSultiand ad Tur- sellin. iii. p. 286, I 87. Britannisim ingressus. In B. C. 4 and 55. Mor bella civilia. Supply fuere. -Principum. thecie adera. V Consilium id dirus Augustus, Q. Thi the deisie Augustus calle poticy, Tiberius an injunction os his predeceSSOr), i. e. of AURUStuS COII1- par Ann. i. 77 Augustus addiderat consilium coercendi intra terminos imperii. V Strabo ii. p. 115; V. p. 200 RSSign the Oa