장음표시 사용
Sallor the Calla-Thurm. - velo ingenio, &e. Observe the elliptica sortii of the Sentence, here e muS Suppi et intraSSet, Orsomethingaequivalent. There S an ellipsis, alSO, Offuisse a1ter elogingenio nil mobilis poenitentia.-Ingentes adversus Germaniam, &C. Consuli note On Germ. 37. Auctor operis. Ma the ne that carriet these designs into effeci.' Literalty 'as the author of the work. V Araritisti resu-gee, name Bericus, ad viSed Claudius notrio mis the Opportunityos subdit in Britain. For an account of the SucceSSe of Claudius, Or, ather, Os A. Plautius and VeSpnStan, in A. D. 43, OnSult Hist..iii. 44 . Suet. Clarid. 17 Dio CaSS. lX. 19 Seqq. -In Partcm eru n. To hare in the undertaking. V Domita gentes. Only the Boduni aro mentioned by Dion ut his account is imperseel. Asini Cynobellinus' SOnS, Caraetacus und rogodumnus, appeared in the fiet against Plautius and Vespasianuarid, ster the capture os amatodunum, the war a considere ascompleted Qt appear probabi that mos of the tribes solith of the Thamus and Severn ere unde the dominionis Cynobellinus. Capti reges. Wh theSe ere e do not know. Bede Say thocount 'as divide among tWenty-sive peti LingS. Monstratus fatis. Mas potiate Out by the lates. V A this expedition laid the oundationi Vespasian's Subsequent elevation tolli throne, by the fame hichae therub acquiredis a Successsulcommander it ma welli faid that the fates no iuga to give indications os his future carcer Observe that fatis is here in the ablative ithout a, instances of whicli construction remo unlla quently ound Compare iv. v. 15 Diterpres futis oblatusu' 'and Hor . Od. i. 6 I Cura fatis illa. ean no regard fatis in the present passage a the dativo, Sincera person could hardi bo
162 Noae EA N II AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XIV. sal to se commende to the favor of the lates, lio, a Seneca
Quoest. Nat. 35 SayS, liter jus suum peragunt, nec ulla commonentur prece, non misericordia sectuntur, non gratia. Servant cursum irrevocabilem, et eae destinato suunt. Τ)
Though ho penetraled to the risit ea, an Caractaeus a de- liveredi by artismandua the queen of the Brigantes, he didiotSubdue the Silures. ystor Hill near Hereford, the Site Os a Roman
Pop. Rom. regum viribus reges oppugnare. Attalo adjutore patrem suum oppressum Eumene adjuvante Antiochum superatum.' 'Mox Didius Gallus, Q. ConSult Ann. Xii. 40, Bd iv. 29.
Tho Britisti insurrectio unde Boadice happene in . U. C. SI 4, and Suetonius' arrival in Si 2. Veranius Was legatus sor SomeWhat les than a year, in Sil. Accordingly, Didius hel the command during the year 80 810.-In ulteriora. Apparently in the territoryos the Silures. Fama aura sicli The creditis having extende d
NOTES N THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XIV. XU. 163th bound of his administration, V i. e. Os havin enlarged hi provinco. The term Ocium, a Walch remari S is Sed in the samo Sense by deSar B. G. in. 5) oti tamen osscio maritimo Bibulus proe positus. ' Comparet . de Oss. Pro Si quid uaeores eorum, qui ad osscia prosciscuntur, deliquerunt.' '-V ranius. Thi commander made Ome incursion into the territor of the Silures, and would no doubt have pushed his conquest further, hadae o been cut ossi a premature death. ConSUI Atin. ii. 56, 74 citi. 10, 13, 17, 19 ii. 5. Suetonius hinc Paulinus, &e. Trom his time Suetonius Paulinus enjoyed prosperous fortune so tW years in the S ubjectionistribus and the establishment of garrison S. ' e must e care sui notato translate inster the rebellious tribes ad been subdued, V assoni do. The past participi has a Simila lare in Ann. XVi. 21
Nero virtutem ipsam eaescindere concupivit, interfecto Thrasea Poelo,' oqui valent to intersciendo Thrasea Poeto Nero istie to de Stroyvirtuo itsol by illin Paetus. V Compare Ann., V. 34 Cremutius Cordus postulatur noro ac turn primum audito crimine, quod editis annalibus, laudatoque M. Bruto Caium Cassium Romanorum ultimum
Monam insulam aggressus. The Monais Tacitus is no thestileos Anglesea, hereas the Mona o Caesar is the si os an Atrace of the nam Monet stili rem ain in that of the Menoe strati. The Monais Tacitus a the clites scat of tho Druidica religio in
ily. his expression has eo forme aster the mode Os Suchphr e a eae inopinato, eae insperato, eae abundanti Quint. IV. 5, ib);
observe the employment of the subjunctive, as indicatin the Sen- timent of the Speaker, O thos of the writer. AEque discordiam proepositorum, c. That in an qua degre di tho discor of thos place ove them in an equat segre did thei union prove de- Structiveri thos Subjecte to their Way. V Observe here the emplOymentis aeque .... Eque. O e haVe pariter . . . . pariter in Ovid Met. Xii. 36 Et pariter Phoebus, petriter maris ira recessit. yyThe se of atque in Sueli phrasea as aliud atque arOSe rom theomiSSion fine alia d, hicli Occurred in the fuller an Original sorinos the XpreSSion, aliud hoc atque aliud illud. Atierius manus, &e. That the ossiciat of the ne the centurioris of the ther, mingle violenue an insulis,' i. e. treate themwith mingled violence an insuit. The sirs alterius reser to the
Pro eurator, and by manus ure meant hi under-Ossicer an attendantS; the econ alterius reser to the legatus. e have IV enhere the re adin suggested by Gron Ovius Diatrib in Stat. p. 264), and whieli appe arcto great advantage by the idem the Strange emendations hicli disserent editor have proposed The holequestion is fuit discussed in alch 's Ole. In proelio fortiorem esse qui spoliet. That in atti it is hobraver man wh deSpollS. V ObServe again the emplOyment of the subjunctive in spoliet a indicatin the Sentiment of the Speaker,no Of the writer. Tamquam mori tantum, &o. AS i the were ignorantini hoWri die so thei native land. V Compare the analogous Greel constructionis, Wit the abSolute caseis the participio. Quantum HOW mere aiandsul. V ne Os th MSS has quantulum, the Orreetionis Some cOpyiSt wh Walignorant that is talis, tantus, quantus, and the like are emplOyed to eXpres diminution asOsten a enlargement alch, ad loe. The infinitive is the more usu a construction in Sentence of thi kind BS, quantum rosci Hist. iii. 70 Quid dicturos' ' D. iii. I 3 . ut the subjunctive may be used S, cur petisses Hist. iii. 70 .-Sic Germanias aecussisse jugum. y the verthrow of Varus, and thostata gliter of his legions The plural Orm Germanias has reseren coto the subdivision of the count cini Uppo and LOwer Germany. Compare note On Germ. c. i. -Et sumine, non occano, defendti
the o ean. V Observe that et has here the ore os and yet. V Sonec sor nec tamen, in Chap. Viii. Compare ivn XXV. 25 Nomina partium urbis, et instar urbium sunt; and again i. 3T) Mormies sus cursu Sabini petebant, et pauci tenuere.' 'Dirus Iulius. This expreSSion Seem rather Strange in the mouthos a barbarian ut the Roman writers ere notis ScrupuloUStyexae in such matter a modern eriticiSm requireS.-Recessisset.
Quod disseillimum fuerit. What has ove been mos dissiculi.
Compare chap. ii. In commune non consulunt.' ObSerVE, Bgnin,
Boadicea. his nam is Variousi Spelt, Boudicea Boodicea, OrBoudicea. The last formias mos authorit in iis favor Dio Cas-Siu gives o doυlxa. he was the wis os Prasutagus, hing of the Iceni, a tribe inhabit in the easter eoastis Britain. The tor Of
Camalodunum a talion and destroyed by sire. Londinium asals taken, and Verulamium Oon aster X perieneed a simila sate. In these places early Severat thouSand Romans and Roman allius were Stain illi cruei tortureS. Nec ullum in barbaris, &e. Ordid ange and the licens os victor omit an Lindis crueit usualamon barbarians. V It is errore Ous t regarit ira et victoria here asa more hera dindys. The expreSSion is meant tolera sar more forci-blemne Compare the remark of Botticher, p. lVi. Quod nisi Paulinus, &c. Hadiso Paulinus, therelare, /Q. Quam unius proelii fortuna, c. The fortuno of a Single batile, howevor, reduce it to iis ancient subjection although many Stiliremat ne in armS, hom the consciolisnes os revolt anilire ad os the legate more early asseclud. Suetonius a that a battri
cesses of Whichahe oe had been guilly, and there sore more disposedio reat them militi On thei repenting. Compare novus dolori' ' Sit Ital. Vi. 254 irmus adversis' ' Agric , 35). Compositis prioribus. Aster the forme disturbarices ad been allayed. V Trebellio Mazimo prodinciam tradidit. When i uncertain probablyin A. D. 64. Trebellius' stight to Oli place in A. D. 69. Hist. i. ,
Nullis euerimentis. O nulla eaeperientia. Comitate quadam curandi. Ut a certa in OurtQS in Overning. V Curare i no Un-
frequently used by Sallust and Tacitus in the sense of overning, administerin g, commanding. V ThuS Is in ea parte curabat. V Sall. Jug. 60 Qui proconsul Asiam curaverat ' Ann. iv. 36). Vitiis blandientibus. Through the eductive influence of Our ViceS,V i. e. through the eductive charm O luXury. Literat ly, tu vice coaxin them into hi State Os se eling).V-Et interventus civilium armorum, &e. amely, in Orde that the empire might no b harassed by oreign ars a the Same time that it a torni, intestine conVulSion S. Sed discordia laboratum. Danger, OWe Ver V a incurred by mutiny. V The noui labor is Sed in hi Same SenSe. Compare Tibuli, i. 1, Quem labor assiduin s vicino terreat hoste.' IIovoc
Precario mo praefuit. Commande aster his by a precarious authority. V Consul note precario jure parendi, ' Germ. 44. -Proefuit. Supply Xercitui. Ac velut pacti, Xercitus licentiam, e .
Vettius Bolaniis. Consult hapter viii. his Overnor arrived in Britain etween pri an May, A. D. 69. Durin his administration the circumStanees happene d whicli are recounted by Tacitus, in Hist. iii. 45. Eadem inertia. Statius, then, must e charge d villi alter in addressin CriSpinus, the Son Os BolanuS. Silv. , V. 2, 53 Seqq. I 42 Seqq.)-Nullis delictis invisus. Hate sor no
crimes. V Compare so a Similar Sage Ann. Vi. 42 recentropibus aut sopientia delecti. ''-Caritatem paraverat loco auctoritatiS.
Et Britanniam reciperavit. RecOVere Britain alSO, V i. e. Testorei it to the benesit os a sirm and wis administrationis assairsat orno. Vespaesian place the Roman wOrid nee more poli as rin basis, aster it had been halien O iis centro by the civi contest etween Otho an Vitellius. Dronhe, ad loc. -Reciperavit. The earlier formis recuperarit, and whieli, have given illi thebest oditors. Consul Gronon and Drahen b. ad Liv. 7, 18.ὶ-Magni duces, egregii Xercitus, &e. ur generals in that istand weromenis great ab ilities Our armies ere excellent, the confidelice of
the o was tessen ed. V Supply fuere in the sirs and Seconditauses, and fuit in the thiril. Petilius Cerialis. Already mentioned in hapter iii. Brigantum. The Brigantes inhabited What aremo the colantie ODYork,
Observe that ictoria amplecticis no subduc, Vlut bello amplecti to OVerrun. -Et cum Cerialis quidem, Although Cerialis, in-deed, might have obseured the care anil sum os an Other Successor
permitte by the times in hieli h lived when to appea eminent Was angerous and it was dangerous, Speciali so the goVernor of S important a province even in the time os VespaSian. Frontinu live tit A. D. 106, and was an augur at the timem hi de ath. Η was the aut horis a Work po the artis War Stratagematica), and of another po the que ducis of Rome the Superintende nee os,hich was intruste tomim during the eigiis of erva an Trn-jan. -Validamque et pugnacem Silurum gentem. Sine the Victori es of Suetonius Paulinus, rom bout A. D. 2 to 5, eae a nothingos the struggles illi the Silures. ut that the subjectionis thesewili molintain tribus hae notoe been a compli Ahed is hOwn notoni by Frontinus' expedition, buti Agricola' enterpriSe againSt
Ordovicu- civitas. The Ordovices inhabito Itho counties os Flint, Denbigh, Caernarvon, Merioneth, and Montgomery.-Alani in sinibus
i. e. o Withhel thei determination ill the had scortaine his seelings. The mean in is that Ome di the ne and ome tha ther. Ut qui generally, and alWays in Livy, scioinod ith tho
subjunctive ood; ut Somotimes illi the indicative. Observo, moreover, the imitationis the Greel idioni in ut quibus bellum olentilis erat, here the regula Latin formis expression ould havehoon ut qui bellum volebant, and compare Mumrer, G. G. 599, 3, d. Jel . SO e have in Sallust I g. 84 Neque plebi militia olenti putabulum; '' and e 100), militibus aeoequatus cum imperatore labos olentibus esset and again, in ivn XXi. 50) Quibusdam volentibus noras res fore 'Nu1neri. The Orces. V The term numerusci here employed in iis militan Sense, a meaning Whicli appear tiliave come in during the re ignis Augustus. It is ollisXplainodi Torrentius ad Suet. ,
Vesp. 6 Est mi itare vocabuliιm non solum pro catalor seu bre-riculo militum, quam etiam matriculam ocant, sed pro ordinibus ipsis
turmisque et cohortibus militum. V Walch rendor it here the co- horis, 'ut this appears too limited the reserenoeteinyrathe to various subdivision aridiodie os troops Bottielier, there sore, tranSIates, more correctly die Truppenabtheilungen. ''-Proesumta api dmilitem, &c. In action so that eur Was anticipate among the soldi ery. - Turda et contraria bellum inchoaturo. CircumStances Whieli dola and thWari ne ho purpOSe t Commene War. 'This must e talion a a parentheSi independentis quamquam. Custodiri suspecta. That the Suspecte diaris Os the count shouldbe Walched mere ly, V i. e. thoSe part Where the inhabitantes ero
suspected os an intention to throw of the Romanaoke. Contractisque legionum eaeillis. Andiavin dra n together the veterans os the logioris. V Observe that rerillis is here sor erillariis. On comparin ali the passages here the erillarii an veailla legi num aru mentioned, it ill e mund that e re t undorStand by
Irde, ubi satis subisse ratus est, erigit totam aciem. '' Instandum
cietatem semper dubiam et incertam abrupit ta=ὶdem. ''-Ratio et constantia ducis trans*erit. The abilit an resolutio of the generaltransporte his soree aerOSS ULectissimos au1iliarium. Virdun Suppose these auXiliaries toliave been Germans, especiali Batavians, and resers, in supportis hi opinion, O Hist. V. 14, here the Germans are polieni as suminibus suetos, ' and O Mela, iii. 3, c. ut OtherS, Willi more probability thinii that the were Britons Sine the Batavians could not be aequainted illi the hallows etween Britain an Mona. Eighteen ear besere, Suetonius Paulinus ad sent his cavat ryaeros the traiis in the Same Way. Ann. XiV. 29. - Quibit nota vada, c. a Whom the sord were lino , and the praetice ossWimmin Was the peculiar ne os their Ounto. V Compare, a regard the orce os patrius here, the remark Os Boetiicher, ex.