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ΝOTES O THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XVIII. XIX. TITac. s. v. Paternus et Patrius, p. 344.-Qui clasSem, qui naves,
&c. Who expecte a Roman neet, WhO Xpected hips, hoexpecte the dissiculties of the Sea, V i. e. the dissiculties hicli Wouldi opposed to the progres of the Romans by the intervening Stratis. Compare Botticher, emarks,Me. p. lii.)-Nihil arduum aut invictum. Othin arduous o insuperabie. Observe theemploymentis invictum, a per et participi paSSive in placem a neuter adjective in Ue This is ne of the peculiarities of the Styleos Tacitus Compare Botticher, Rem rhS, p. l.)mciorum ambitum. Emoris to procure the homago and salteryo the inhabitants. V Compare Ulpian Antequam nes provinciae
decreta sibi proconsul ingressus sit, edictum debet de adventu suo mittere, continens commendationem aliquam sui, si qua ei familiaritas sit cum provincialibus, vel conjunctio, et aaeime eaecusantis, Ne publice, ne privatim ei Occurrant esse enim congruens, ut unusquisque eum in Sua patria
erciperet. V in D. de Oss. Proc. et Leg. i. tit. 16 S. V. I. Nec Agricola, usus prosperitate rerum, e . Neither id Agricola, having sed prosperit O assairs O purp0se os mere Vanity, callthe havin curbed thos atre ad conquere an Xpeditioni a Victo . o didiot even solio u his achievenient With laureled letters. Aecordin to the Roman custom, aster an decisive batile had been on, O a province Subdued by a Series of Auccesssul OperationS the Successsu generat sorWarde to Rome a laurei-Wreatheddispato containing an account of his exploitS. The laurei i. e. , bayhwas considered by the Roman the peculia emblem os victota.
With laureatis suppi literis. The sui sor is gi veni Lirn xlv. ,
I) Litera a Postumio laureata sequuntur, victoriam Populi Romani
Animo in provinciae prudens. Being et amare of the tone os et in in the province . V Per aliena erperimenta. By the Xperie iace of Others. V ore closoly, i theorials hicli others ad
hou Sehold. V Domus is here used in a wide sense than in hapter xlvi. and means his uite militar family and attendanis. Nihil per libertos servosque, &c me transactedis public usines throtio medmen or laves. Suppi age e in the SenSe f
agebat This omissionis ille veri agerem facere i notrans requent. Compare Amr. i. 43 Melius et amantius ille, qui ferrum mihi obtulit, ' Scil agebat an iv. 38 Melius Augustum qui speraverit,' 'SUil egiSSe, e .-Non milites adscire. me promotedi recruits tolli rank of the legion). V Tacitus is speat in here notis levying Sol diers, ut Of the promotionis recruit to the honoris Servin in the legion through private favor studiis privatis , O O the recommendationis the centurions. The term milites in iis fuit orce be- longe Onlyrio the legionar tro ps. The tirones thought much fili honor of Servili in the legion and frequently importune thecenturionisO this promotion The prudenceis Agricola aecording-ly, provide against What occurrest in aster times, a xv learn froni
Uegetius se Legionum nomen in Xercitu permanet hodieque, sed per negligentiam superiorum temporum robur infractum est, cum virtutisprami occuparet ambitio, et per gratiam promoverentur milites, qui promoveri consuerant per laborem.' Veget. iii. 3.
Sed optimum quemque, c. But he thought eauli best man liqniost aithsul. ' Observe that optimus is here, in aut equivalent tofortissimus. Ompare SalluSP Iug. 98ὶ Optimus quisque cadere.' - Omnia scire, non omnia aesequi. meane at things, he di notpunish all. V Observe that aesequi, in the ensem ulcisci, is ound nolint in riter of this age, but in Livy, iii. 25, and V. II. Thismean in is deduce naturali enough srom the litera significationos to solio OUt. 'Commodare. He applied. V There is no need, a Waltherio recti remariis, 1 regarding thiS, With alch, as an instance of Zeugma. The mean in We haVe here given to the verb, and whicliis closely allie to iis literat ne, ill fuit equalty et both eniam
an severitatem.-Nec pagna Semper, sed sapius, dee. Nor ache
satisfied only With punishment auVVS, ut more frequently illi repentanee. V There is no nee Whateve of Our Supplying uti With
poena, as Ernesti OeS. Cicero a supplicio contentus in Verr. , ii. 37), and we nee no Objeci, theres Ore t poena contentus in thepresent inStnn e. Frumenti et tributorum auctionem, c. me mitigate the in-
The mean in is that Agricola ut an en to ali hos devices solenrichin theniselves hicli ha been practice by the inferior G1icer os overnment, and were eStee med heavier burdens tha the
Namque per ludibrium assidere clausis horreis, e FO theyWere compelled in mockery t Sit by the losed granaries, and tobuy, esides, their Wn corn, and to elicit ut again a a smali sixedirice. V The meaning of this passage has been very generallymisunderstood. The Xplanation hicli, here give rom Walchwilli mund on examination, O be decidedi tho true one. Fromthe provinces, at leas during the times of the republic, and stomSicily the Roman procured cor in three disserent Way namely,
by means of the frumentum decumanum, emtum, ne Pstimatum.
Consul Cic. in Verr. Act ii. lib. iii. 6-9S. The frumentum d cumanum a the tentii partis the produce of the ager publicus Ordecumanus. It was Xacte sto the cultivator Without ament Asconius, ad Cic. Verr. p. 29 , and had O e carrio down to the Sec Cic. in Verr. iii. 14); ut a generali purchaSed Or On- tracto sor by the revenuo-sarmers, Wh were thene calle decumani, and whomither Senicitat Rome Or Oid it in the provinces. The emtum frumwntum a cor Whicli a furnighed in compli-ance illi the ordor of the proconsul, to Supply the wants of the armios o of the capital, an sor hiel a fXed price a pald, at sirst stoin the public treasury, and asterWard from that of the emper-Or. When the Overnor of the provinco a in eagus illi thodecumani the lalter, by means Os Such dicis as thos mentioned by Cicero in Verr. ii. 3, 13, 14), go ali the com in the counita intothei pomer, as in the caS O the Briton alluded to in the texi, who ere compello to purchas it aclidrom the Romans at alighprice, both sor heir Wn consumption, an in orde to surnisi thoemium frumentum, O Whicli the were aid ni the mali fixodprice B horreis, therelare, in the texi are meant the public orRoma granariCS and Ot, a Some OS erroneouSty thinii the private ne os individuales With regard to ultro, observo that ithas here the orce Os insuper Or amplius, and conSult Botticher, Leae.
Devortia itinerum, e . By-road and distant paris of the coun- try Ore appotnted, ' i. e. a tho quartor unt Whicli the com Was. be carried. Here Tacitus reserario the frumentum stimatum, as
174 Noae EA N II AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XIX. XX. it was called. The provincia magistrate had money give them
Here it implies that the had maintained their ground and preServed
Sequens hiems. Thi Wa in A. D. 78-80. Saluberrimis consiliis. In mostra holeSOme me ures. V-In bella faciles Prone to War. - Ut templa, fora, domus aestruerent. Julius' hossi or liouse thehous o Julius Agricola), and Arthur' Oven, in Stirling, ne a themouili of the Carron, are Sal to have been uili unde the directionis Agricola. Aa we oon asterward findaboracum an important ity the reSide ne os the ritish governor, an Sometimes of
the emperor imael cit is no unlikel that Agricola ounded this
set. When, in reality, it constitute a partis thei Siavery. V
Tertius annus. The time meant i A. D. 80.-Novas gentcs.
Quarta cestas. A. D. l.-Obtinendis quoe percurrerat. In Securing the colant 'hichie had OVerrian. V Suppi loca. Observo that obtineo is sed here in iis common Significationis to holdagainst another, t Secure the POSSeSSion Os,V- . Compare theremar o Gronovius obtinere est perseverare in tenendo, quod Galli dicunt maintenir. V Pateretur Had allowed. V Inventus in
ipsa Britannia terminus. limit to ur conquestshwould havo been mund in Britain itSel V i. e. With in that partis tho istand deserit,ed immediatel asterras lyin to tho solathis the Frithios Clyden ni Forth. Here ancient Britannia ende an Caledonia egan. It was in his fame quarte that the ampartis Antoninus a Subsequently erected by Lollius Urbicus, tho imperiat legate. Clota et Bodotria, c. The estuaries of Clota an Bodotria, carriod bael deo into tho land by theclides os opposite seas. V Thereserenee S, RS already remarked, to the Frith o Clyde and the Frithos Forth. Renectae. Observe that re has notinfrequently the orco here assigne it in composition as in repostus, place sar ach. Compare USO, Horaee' reducta vallis Epod. ii. II.
I NOTEA N THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XXIII. XXIV. Atque omnis propior sinus tenebatur. δεnd the wholo en os the coast, in the more immediate eighborhood of the isthmus was likewisehoccupied with soris . V A regard the orce of si
isthmus a Sumeiento prevent an irruption of the enem by Ian While, to checli thei attemptib Sea, in Which Way the Picta made thei incursion in latur times, Agricola ad oriresses uilleas and west in the adjacent region, hicli,ere united with the main chain. Dis this adjacent region to the eas and west of the Sthmus that Tacitus mean to indicate by the XpreSSion propior sinus. V The wor no called Graham 'sithe was erected by Lollius unde the Antonines, ut coincide&with Agricola' line, hicli an
Quinto anno A. D. 2.-mve prima transgressus. MaVmg
cordingi conclude that Tacitus as at this time in Britain. ut there cani litti doub that it refers to Agricola.
braced in his plans the states Siluated beyon the Bodotria. V Theresere ne is to the easter paris of Scotland norit os the rit os
Forth, here are OW the Ountie of Ue, inroas, Perth, Angus, &c. illi regard to ampleaeus, achere employed, observe that thesulter an more Augusta formos Xpression ould have been Miritates ad subigendum animo et cogitatione compleaeus '-InfeSta. Infeste by. V Observe that infesta ha here a passive SenSe, ni compare Cic. de Prov. Cons. 2 Via barbarorum etcursionibus infesta' A much in serior re adin i infesta hostilis Xercitus, &c., where infesta muS have an Retive Orce. Portus classe euloravit. Agricola' plan was apparently that the
passes, Ahould landaroops in the rearis the enemy. In partem virium. As a par of his orces. V Virium is here equivalent to arunt.-Egregia specie. Willi impOSin diSplay.V-Impelleretur. Was urged On. V The Simple ver pellere is, properly toput in motion; V liene the ore os impellere here. Comparing ire casus res humanas sine ordine impellit' Sen. D. I 6), and Placidum quo mille narium remis strepere aut elis impelli ' Ann.,
Miati copiis et latitia. Ningle together in orces and in joy,
IS NOTEA N HE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XXV. XXVI. les naturat, and leS in accordance illi the Context. -Attollerent. In the sense of eaetollerent. ConSul Ernesti, ad nn. XV. 30). Adversa. The ardShipS. V Victus oceanus. e have adopted here the emendation O Lipsius. The Ommon re ad in i auctus oceanus, the Ocean welled by tempeStS. V ut victus oceanus issa more Spirited an is more in unison illi militari juctantia immediatet solioWing. Compare, alSO, Domitus oceanus' ' Suet. , Claud. 17), and Spolia oceani' ' Suet. Cal. 46).
majore fama, &e. Mith great preparation, illi the Stili greater fame a is Sual illi reporis concerning hat is unknown that the had commenoed hostilities, ' i. e. With great preparation S, ut augmente by the reporta ascis usual Where the truth is uni nown of havin commence hostilities. The infinitive oppugmasse 2Pend On fama, a Walch correcti remark and aecordin to this Same commentator the mean in of the paSSage i the sameras is Tacitus had writte Magisque id fama celebrante en oppugnarunt Britanni ultro Romana castella. '' Castella Some sort in Ue, Perth, and truthern the rematris Of,hicli Stili XiSi manifestly,
Et aecedendum potius quam pellerentur. The alteration Os potiust prius a propOSed by GronoviuS i UnneeeSSary. Compare Plaut. Au L, i. 1, 1 Utinam me divi adarint ad suspendium, Potius quidem, quam hoc pacto apud te serviam; 'land Liv. XXXiv. 25, Mortatusque conjuratos, qui aderant, ut potius quam aetorti morerentur arma Secum caperent' Specie prudentium. With the ir of prudent ad viSerS,V i. e. unde the maS Os prudenee.-Hostes pluribus agminibus irrupturos. That the enem intended to beando ius uponiim in severa hodies.
Universi nonam legionem, e Brotier, Ollo in Gordon D. Sept. p. 32), place the cene of this Oecurrenue in Fise, here theremain o a Roman cam are Oundisi Oeliore. e muSt OtSuppoSe hoWever, that ali the remain os Roman intrencliment in this par are to e re serre to the time of Agricola many erebuit unde the Antonines an Severus Aster a caresui Xaminationis the whole subjeci, Walch come t the conclusio that the