The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


tended sor gloG. V Ernesti an other modern editor have changed the re ad in in the texi, hicli is that of the old editions and the

Vatican S., into Securi de salud pro gloria certabant ThiS, hoWever i un neceSSa . Compare se umquam apud vos verba feci, aut pro nobis sollicitior, aut pro me securior ' Hist. iv. 58.)- Ultro quin etiam irrupere. They now , moreOver of thei OWn accord rustie dupOn the me. V-Utroque Tercitu. ne twO division os the Romanserces, namely the ninth legion in the camp, and the troops thatha come to their id. Debellatum foret. The war Ouid have been ended.


Cujus constantia ac fama fero eaeercitus. The arm elated by the intrepidit an fame of this achie venient. V ObServe that cujus refers acti to victoria in the reviOus hapter We have give tothe word constantia ac fama thei platu an natura signification. Valet malles them a liendi ady sor constanti fama, induring i. e. , ide-Spre ad fame, 'Ut Without an necessity. Lipsius ora theotheriand conjecture conscientia ac fama, a readin actuali Dundaster ard in one Os the S S., and whichariaeSti, Dronke, an oth-ers have ad apte d. his, hoWever, a Walther correcti remarkS, ut spirit. There is a great dealis truth in the observation tDureau de Lamalle Constantia victoriae Si ne magnisque X- pression qu 'il aut bien se arder, assaiblir L stylo do it avoirici autant 'audace que a victoire en donnait a Sol lat. -Invium. In acceSSible. V Continuo cursu. Bymne continue career. Atque illi modo cauti, &e Compare Chap. XXV. Regrediendumque ignari admonebant. '' Iniquissima hoe bellorum conditio est. Such is ver the very unsai conditi0 of Warlike operations. Observo that est is here the pre Sent orist, and hoe eleganti employed sor talis. At Britanni non virtute, sed occasione, e . The

valor, ut meret by a fortunate concurre ne os circumStaneeS, and by the kill os the commander, V i. e. that thei de at a notiWin to the valor os the Roma troops, but o mere hance and the


pos Variou correctionS, uel a arte ducet Se victos rati, Or, non ut virtute, sed arte ducis superati, e There Si need hoWever of

Quo minus armarent. But armed. V Llteralty S a no toarm. V Atque ita irritatis discessum. An thu the parties Sep


tricate and dangerou navigation, paSSed round by the north. -Magnum ac memorabile facinus ausa est. Persorme a Ver darin and memorabie enterpriSe. Ezemplum et rectores habebantur. Serve dis a patier an satthe Same time a controllers of thei conduci. V Compare De La- malle qui, filiis pou leur servi de modete, avalent fur euae ne Sorted autorite. - Tres liburnicas. ConSult note On Germ. 9.-Ascendore. TOGO O board. V-Et uno remigrante. And ne of the

number aving Scaped. V Literalty having one acti. V Ob- Serve that the present participies of intransitive veri, are frequently to e talion ascis the were perseet participies. ThuS, descendens Veli Pat. ii. 25); descendenti Liv. XX i. 32); revertentem Agriα,9), e. e haVe given remigrante here, With the old editions Thereading rem ante, hichialle mand oberi in and Somemther adopi, Domine of them S S., S, as Walch correcti remariis, netther Latinno SenSe. The Latin idiom require gubernante Since ema Os a Pilot navem gubernare, O remigare; and then, gain the ords


NOTES THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XXVIII. IS 3 uno remigante Stand in almOS direct contradiction to amissis per inscitiam regendi navibus. Nondum vulgato rumore. The reportis the assai noti avin asye been nolsed abroad, V i. e. the reportis thei mutin and night. Ut miraculum pravehebantur. They'ere carried along the coasi as a in os prodigy. V Observe that pravehebantur is equivalenthere to pratervehebantur, And compare pravehitur Ann. it. 6). The

Eo ad aetremum inopiae venere. The camerat ast to that degre os deStitution. V Insrmissimos Strici classica usage ould require the ablative aster vescerentur. Zumpi, 466.)-Moae sorte ductos. An thenmpo thOS that were dra ni tot, ' i. e. andaster the had sed on the weakest theni thos of thei number that hance to dra the sata tot. Atque ita circumvecti Britanniam Aster the had reache the orther eXtremit of Scottand, the passe through the Pentland Frit toWard the eaSt, SuStaining ne encounter With the inhabitant of Caithness, Sutheriand, Murray, Buchan, &e. Di mentions that he nearly lightedispon

eithe when attemptin to reach thei native country by land orendeavoringet wor their a round On the wreck of thei veSSeis, the were intercepte by Ome Suevi, and theSe in turn, captured by Some Frisian pirates That pirae in these quarter Wa of very ancient origin is proved by the Xample o GannaSeus Ann. Xi., 18).-In nostram ripam. The est an of the Rhine. Indicium tanti casus illustravit. The proof thus assorded of So extraordinar an adventure made objecta os notoriely.



Tacitus ad sinished his regula account of Agricola' proceedingS during the re violas ear, and that the narrative of the adventures of tho Usipi is orae lookexupo a a Lindis Supplement. Ome editorS, hoWeVer, Suppi septima, Whieli, when abbreviated into VII., might be absorbe by the letters VII at the lose of the las chap-

re et Ormis the name, as restored by Ernesti and Brotier from SS. an early editions. The common teX has Galgacus. Beckerthiniis that Calgarus is the true o , and reser in Supportis his opinion to OSSiant




Causas belli et necessitatem nostram. The auSes of the war, and Our preSent neceSSity, V i. e. the motive that necessarii impelisto Rr. Nam et universi servitutis euertes FO werare both, allosis, reo as et from lavery. V Suppi nos bes ore universi, undsumus aster evertes, Zn compare Annibal peto pacem Liv. XXX., 29), and Achai arma Romana sustinebimus Id. XXXii. 21).-Proelium

Proelium marks here the eginning of the conssici, an arma themaintaining os it gallantly by arm and pro e SS. - Spem ac subsidium in nostris manibus habebant. Mad theiriope and last refoure in Our proWeSS. V In Ordinar prose the Sentence Ouid have run SsOllo Priorum pugnarum spes sita est in nostris manibus V and the generat de is his, In ali the batiles hiuli ave et beens augii against the Romans, Our eountrymen may be doemed O have reposed thei final hopes an reSOurces in us . V Nobilissima totius Critanniae. The Caledonians Iookedispo themselves as an indigenou race, and theresore Style themselves the obleSt. Compare Caesar B. G. vi. 12 Interior pars ab iis colitur quos natos in insula ipsa memorice proditur. V-Eoque in ipsis penetralibus siti. nil, heres ore, Siluate incit ver inmos recesses. V AS in the penetralia os a dwellin ali that was mos value Was preSerVed, Sohere, in the very heartis Britain, in the Ver Sanctua , alit ere, of ili land dwen the nobies and braves of her SonS. Nos terrarum ac libertatis eaetremos, &c urSelves the sarthostpeopte os the wori and of reedom Our Ver remoteneSS, and thebosom os fame whicli has thus sar cherished us), have u to this da defended, V i. e. we, welling at the extremit of the orid, and the last people ho have preserved their Deedom have been defende thus a b both the remotenes os ur Siluation, and by the circumstance of our eing the cherished ones of fame. The CXpreSSIOn sinus fama ha OceaSion exconSiderabi dissiculi here. Lipsius understand it a me aning that the Caledonians eros arcet known to ameri that the were in sinu fama conditi and Gro novius adopis the Same interpretation. ut e have presenedthe explanationis Walther, hieli Scenis to fuit the contextiliter.


motenes of Siluation illis longe deseri them and the alter pari, omne ignotum pro magni est sho S in like manne Why their forme fame illio longe serve asin protectiore so the RomanS, Who, hen at a distance, magnifieothei strength, rom knowinglitti concerning it, ill now that the are ear conceive a leSSformidabie idea respectiniit. Sed nullabam ultra gens, &c. Tho connectin idea belween this und the reviolas Sentenco is purposely suppreSSed by the riter, DOm motive of brevity, and must be supplied by the reade Someone here may Say Letis themasEtherui os other nations, but therei no natio beyOnxus, V c. Et infestiores Romani. And Onthe ther Siderare the Romans, stili more hostile even than theSe),V

Opes atque inopiam. Mealth and indigence,' i. e. Wealthy and indigent communities. Equivalent to opulentos atque inopeS.-Imperium. Empire.

Hi per delectus, alibi servituri, e Briton are traced in Illyrieum, Gaul, Spain, and lSewhere. Cannegiet de Brittenb. p. 57. So wein Sigambri in Thrace Ann. iv. 4T , and Ligurian in umidia Sall. Iug. 100. -Bona fortunasque in tributum egerunt, Q. Theytonsume ur OOd an properi in taXeS, the produce of the ea in contributions os corn. V e mus no consound werunt here stom egero Willi egerunt stom ago , a Some have ery Stranget done As regard the Orest O egerere here, compare Quinti , Deciam. 5, 17 Census in eaesequias egerere, ' and consult

alch, ad loc.-Annos. Employed here so proventus annorum. O Lucan iii. 452 Agricola raptum severe juvencis annum. '' Ompare Germ. 14 Nec rare terram et etspectare annum tam facile perSuaseris,' &e.


hera inter ac contumelias. ObSeme here the anastrophe of the repositio aster the manne of the poets, an arrangement admitted also, though les frequently by the writer besides Tacitus, ut chiessythose, like him, Os the Silve age. SO' have insulam inter Germanosque' ' Hist. V. 19 ripam ad Emphratis' ' Ann. Vi. 3T ;

hostem propter Ann. iv. 4S . - Britannia servitutem suam, Q.

Namely by payin tribute, an supplying the Roman armies illi

Dod. Observe that pascere is properly used Wit reserene to catile. Et con erris. ObServe that et has here the orce of etiam. In hoc orbis terrarum vetere famulatu. In his ancient ousehol of the wOrid,' i. e. amid hi troOpis nations Subjected in succession stomos Oid. Novi nos et iles. EquiValent to nos tanquam novi et viles.-Quibus Xercendis reservemur. For estoWing our labor Upon

hicli e may be reserved. V e have ive erercendis here genera signification, hicli suit equali mellisl the three notans that recede. In triciness, hoWever, there is a Zeugma in theterm Sine eaeercendis properi applie Sinint arva and metalla, theworkin os fiuid an mines, ' Whil in connection illi portus it refers to the collectingi custonas and port-duties sor the benesit os others. Some editor thinii that rercere portus is meant to denote here the servile drud gery of rowing. his, hoWever, i Dot correet, sine the alluSion in portus, as in arva and metalla, is to Ource Osgain agerly ough asteri Roman cupidity. Brigantes femina duce, e Cambden Substitute Trinobantessor Brigantes here, sto Dio Cassius lXii. 1), and Ann., iv. 3I and in thismo has been ollowed by severa editors But the alteration is unnecessary. The inSurrectionis the Briton against Suetonius Paulinus egan illi the Iceni, and thei queen Boadicea. With the Iceni, ere unite the Trinobantes, et qui alii, nondum se ritio fracti, resumere libertatem occultis conjurationibus pepigerant. Ann., iv. 3l. B theSe e ea not et understand the Silures, in hos territor SuetoniuS WAS OSted and Recordingly, emus look to the norther tribes above thoescent. The wide extentos the Brigantes, the oose connectionis some of the tribes illithei queon Cartismandua, and thei sondnes sor arithe adventure. Whicli is marked by thei very name Brigandes), rende it noturillhely that ome of the outher division of this ac too parti the insurrectio of thei ne ighb0rs. Why, moreOVer, hould Calgacu menti O the remote nil comparativel smal tribo os tho Trinobantes, ather than the eighborin and owersul ne os the Brigantes Compare Ann. X u. 32. Et dertatem non in proesentia laturi here S Ome corruption


1SS , ΟΤΕ Η AD AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XXXI. XXXII. in the ex here, and endles conjectures have been agarde re- Spectiniit butis One eem to have discOvere the triae reading. The corrections may be divide Dint two classes. 1. hos ut hich malle theopord contain meret a repetitionis the idea conveyed by integri et indomiti as, libertatem non in prasentia illaturi lib. non in proeSenti ablaturi lib. non in proesens indicaturi. Ost of the interpreter Leep the word libertatem laturi, and explain latur in the SenSe of earrying 1r a a priZe. Ompar Plus sagitii et periculi laturos' ' Ann. Vi. 34), and ἰσομενοι do a Thucyd. ii. 12 . The genera mean in given to tho Sentence S, Me, Wh have not)OWfor the sirs timerio inmur reedom. V And this, no doubi is hebest vie tora talion of the subjeci. 2. Those Whicli mali a Sorto opposition etween the two elauses. Among these are Et lib. nunc demum periclitaturi GronoviUS Et lib. omnem in procinctu laturi Et lib. in ramium laturi ErneSti); Et libertatem in pracipitem aleam laturi Walch). Compare elatus felicitate summam

rerum in non necessariam aleam daret.' Liv. XXXVii. 36 lii. 59. Non ostendamus. The emplOymenti non nonne is no un- frequent. Compare Cic. in Verr. iV., Quis estrum igitur nescit, quanti hac restimentur ' In auctione signum eneum non magnum HS CXX millibus venire non vidimus '' and Virg. AEn., X., 144 At non viderunt moenia Trojae, Neptuni fabricata manu, conSi


Lasciviam. DisSoluten eSS. V-Eae diversissimis nationibus. AS, sor Xamplo the Britanni, Batavi Tungri, Galli Itali, e . COm- par Chapter Xiii and XXX vi. -Nisi si Consul note nisi si patria sit,'' Germ. 2. Pudet dictu . Instea O pudet dicere. Compare iuditum est factis' ' Plaut. Bacch. iii. 1, 12), and Quia dictu fastidienda sunt V Val. Mag., X. 3, 2).-Licet dominationi aliena, e .

in gratiam alicujus aliquid proebere, '' and con Sult btticher, Leae. Tac. S. v. -Metu et terror est. It is ea an terror that rotainsthem), Debleiondsis attachment, V i. e. that retain them in lOyalty and assection sde et assectu tenet . Aut nulla plerisque patria, aut alia est. Nostis them have eithorn counto OritSe a disserent ne rom hiS,V i. e. One sar Way.


a the Batavi Tungri, Galli, e .-Pauco numero circum trepidos ignorantia. Ome editor tali circum trepidos to e equivalent tocircum trepidantes, O trepide circum vagantes, hil Other Strille out ei, cum But that Wouldie equivalenta Saying, Qui non solum omnino trepidi sunt ignorantia, verum etiam ignorant, qua in coelo, &C., appareant. MOS probabi Some Such Ord a locorum, viarum, Orregionum has been loSties re circum Circum muSt thenae taliena in Ann. Xii. 55 iuri circum loci.' The word may thenio translated, in number, diSmaye through thei ignorance of the surround in country. Nostras manus. Ur WibandS,V i. e. number ready to unitemith us. He alludes no meret to the Britons, but to the Gaulsalso, and the GermanS. - Tamquam nuper Usipit, c. Compare hapter xviii. -Senum coloniae. Ialy one colony S in saet, meant. Consul note On Urucidati veterani, incensa colonia,' ChApter V. AEgra et discordantia UitSassected and distracte d. ' Hic Here Withis . V In hoc campo est. U Depend Upon thi sielit, ' i. e. depend upon Our exertiora in thi sield. Compare De Lamalle, ildeperi de ous, fur e cham de balaille. Τ'


Eaecepere orationem, &e. They received his haran gue illi excite Delings, and aster the barbaria manner, illi OngS, and yelis, an dissonant eries. V The ver excipere is used in the fame manneri Livn XXiv. 3I Eaeceptus clamor ab aliis.' Compare Ann. ii. 38 Haec plures per silentium aut occultum murmur eaecepere. V-Iamque agmina, ct C. Suppi appar t. The ellipsis os this Ver is common in TacituS. Audentissimi cujusque procursu. In consequene O the urryin to the frontis the partis eaeli most darin One. V his asSign the reaSO Why the armorum fulgores Were Seen, and ther ought therelare, a Walch remariis, O be a comma aster agmina. -Instruebatur acies. The arm of the Caledonians was belli drawn up in line. V-Coercitum. Capable Ofbein restra in ed. V his has here the ore os an adjective in uis. So, Genus mobile, ins lum, neque benescio neque metu coercitum. Sall. Iug., l); and again, suamquam insilitum id eaeistimatur, Nec temere sine aliqua reprehensione tractatum,' ' insteadi tractabile Plin. II. N. iii. Proem. Militem adhortatus This per et participi is in mean in equiv-


Blent to a present participle. O Horat. Sat. ii. 3, 34 Solatus jussit sapientem pascere barbam ς' an Hist. ii. 96 insectatus ;)'Ann. i. 40, compleaeus,' 'Me. Compare the remark of Botticher, p. XXXiX. Grammarian cali hi USag the employing of the persectparticipi 40ριστως, O indesinite y.-Octavus annus est. It WaS, in

Pulchrum ac decorum in frontem Lipsius took frontem here in the Same en Sem speciem Brotier, alSO, tran State Diti en apparente. Ome render Dacis it Were prosciscentibus in frontem, hici, would e rathe a harSh XpreSSion. Frons here is equivalent toacies qua adversu hostem spectat Veget. iii. 14 . Translate there re the whOle Senteno as OlloWS For, a the havin sur-mounto AO longin Oute, the haVing made ur Way through Oresis the havin crossed arm of the ea is glorioia an fullis honor toan arm marchin againSt the Oe are theSe Same things,V-c. Pulchru=n in frontem, Or pulchrum fronti ObSerVe that pulchrum, jucundum, gratum mihi, i the common XpreSSion ut Tacitus uses grata in vulgus V Ann. ii. 59). O the writer Sa dissimilis alicui; ' ut Tacitus has, haud dissimili in dominum' ' Ann. ii. 39); and Magni ea in populum largitio V Ib. ii., S).-Hodie. Thisday. V et explain edi Walther Eo statu, quo hodie versamur :opp0Situm est fugae. Iam pridem mihi decretum est have long sine come to the conelusion,' i. e. it has long been a principiem action illi me. Neque Tercitus neque duci terga tuta esse. Compare Xenophon,