The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류



Under the stealthy Overing of the night. V Clamore. B amere hout. V Ii ceterorum Britannorum fugacissimi. These in respectis the rest of the Britons the greatest fugitives of all. V Observe here the peculiar an apparenti illogical constructionis ceterorum illi the superlative, and whicli, have ende avore t Sosten down in translating. It is in laci, an imitationis a Greel idiom. Thus,' have in Thucydides i. 1 'Αξιολογώτατον τον προγεγενη-

penetrate into ood and thicheis, eaeli fierces animal is laid lowby the Strengili, the timorous and weacones are putato night by the very Ois of the and AO, 'Me. The old readin Was mere, Orwhicli ne of the MSS. gives contra mere, the or contra having been ritte nive the line by the copyist, evidenti so the purpose, a Walch remarks, of impartiri Some Sense O mere. Thi latior

Beliker, and thera; ut the true lection, neVeriheleSS i robore, whicli the eo opposition to sono plaint indicates Besides thein sinitive ruere can notae sed in thi Way aster quomodo or sicut ;while is, regarxit no a the infinitive, ut thera pl. of the per et sor ruerunt), e ought the t have the Same ense, inste ad of the present, in pelluntur. Aecordin to the reading hich ohave adopted both robores i. e. agminis and ipso sonorare eonStru ted illi pelluntur, ut there is a Zeugma in the pasSage, and withrobore e muSt, in laci, UnderStand Such a Verbis corditur. Compare rich, ad loc. Reliquus est numerus, ct e. here remains Oni a number os coWardi and timi men, Whom ou have mund at last, notaecause the opposed ou butaecauSe being the last the have been Ov taken and aught by ou. V The Xpression quos imi tandem in-τenistis non restiterunt is an imitation of the Gree idio m so qui,

quod invenistis eos, non restiterant. Urbem quam Status vestra

est Virg., Cn. i. 5733, and Eunuchum quem dedisti quas turba dedit' ' Ter. Eun. iv. 3, l . In his estigiis In his placo


tigiis ederetis, &U. Transigite cum eaepeditionibus. Bring nowhyour eXpedition to

Et alloquente adhuc Agricola. Both Whil Agricola as et addi esSin them. -Mediam aciem frmarent. Formed a Stron centre. ' Observe that frmarent i equivalent here o frmando formarens. Compare iv. XXii. 46 Deaetrum cornu Numidis equitibus dretum, media acie peditibus Irmata; 4nd again, XXiii. 29 Medium aciem Hispanis frmat.' Under the expression mediam aciem acitus includes at the insanir be tween the wO Odie Os cavalry. Cornibus as underentur. Mere poliredipo the ingS,V i. e. Were Sprea out and Orme the wings. Pro allo. Besore the intrenelimentS,V i. e. in the rear of the auXiliaries. Ingens victoria decus, Q. glorious ornamentis victor unio the leade Waging

were Obtained ithout the Xpense Os Roman lood. The more common prOSe formis eXprQSSion Ouid have been, Ingens imperatoris in victoria decus, si bellaret citra Romanum sanguinem. ' Asregard the Orce of citra here, OnSult notem Germ. 16. Ut primum agmen equo, &e. That theirsi lino sto dispoithopla in the thers, a i linite together, rose ne bove the thoralong the ascentis the ountain. V Media campi. The interven- in Space belween the tW armies . V Therapae belWeon the vanos tho Caledonians and the Roman line. Codinarius. The Charioteers. V Singula sor the plural, a in eques immediatet after.


Simul in frontem simul et lateret. GeSner, Without an neceSSity, read et in latera The repoSitionci underStOOd. Compare Ann., vi. 51 Quamquam mater in Liviam, et mori in Iuliam familiam adoptionibus transierit.' Simila eXample Ofillipsis in the caseis de per ad an a may be Seen in ophens, Act. Traj., i. p. 7. Nothiniis more in aecordane With the concisenes of TacituS. Diductis ordinibus. Having Xtended his rankS. Compare Duker, ad Lin. V. 28. Virdungae sera in illuStration to the Gree υπερφαλ

Olde writer commOnly have promtus ad aliquid.-Pedes ante exilla constitu me ino his stationi 1 ootaesore the ensignS.


Constantia. With Steadiness. V Arte. With dexterity. Ingentibus gladiis et brertibus cetris. Mithauge Word and shortiargetS. V These arget cetra Were mali an round and madctos the hidem a quadruped. The broad-sWord and large long re- mained even in modem times, the peculiar arm of tho ScottishHighlanderS.-Vitare, vel ercutere. AvOide or Struch Side. Accordin t Vegetius i. 4 , he Roman recruit a instructed plagam prudenter evitare, et obliquis ictibus venientia tela de flectere. This is lia Tacitus expreMes here by the word evitare and z-


Tungronum duas Man monuments of thes Tungrian cohoris remat in Britain, n hich, sin the word COH. UNGR. orCOH. I. UNGROR MIL.-Ad mucrones ac manus. TO thosWord-point an a hand-to-han fight. V The Briton strue millitho elige of thei sWorta caesim the Romans,in the contrary, and the allies that were armo aster the Roman ashion, sed theirshorter eapons sor both cuttin and thmStin coesim et punctim . O the present occasio the Batavians and Tungri are ordere toruin in tollos quarter and emplo the thrust, hich Would placothei opponent completet at thei mercy. Compare egetiua l. , I 2, and Brotier, ad loc. Quod et ipsis vetustate militis exercitatum, e . moVement


no easit Wiel de at elOSe quarterS. - Compleaeum armorum et in arcto pugnam. The thruSt of the Roman eapon S, and a close 1ight. V Aecordin t Erne Sti, compleaeus armorum S pugna quae it cominus et conSerendis manibus Brotier unde rStanda it in the fame senS : Complerus est quod Gallice dicimus da moloe, ' cum cominus hostis petitur is hoWeVer, thiS interpretation ere Correet, compleaeus armorum Ouid haVe the Same mean in a the solio ing Ords, in arcto pugna that S pug n cominus. Ut u in arcto pugnam reserS, apparently t manus precedini ut rem ad mucrone ac manus adducerent , O compleaeus md reser i mucronesu an it ill the merelymean the lows o thruSts of the Roman enponS.-In arcto pugnam. O in arcto pugna' ' Liv. XXViii. 33 . The old reading was in aperto, hic does no Suit the meaning. Miscere ictus, ferire umbonibus, &e observe the atris rapidityan animation hicli the SuccesSion o infinitives imparis to tho

In their ager ursui os victory. V Observe that festinatio heresollows the active mean ing, Whim festino anil propero nearly alWayS have in Tacitus Compare Ann., iii. 17 Hist. iii. 25. . Equitum turma fugere. e haVe giveri theS Word a the aro und in ali the early editionS. LipSius, imagining that the Romancavair Were here meant, SUSpected the paSSage of bein corrupi, and conjecture equitum turma sudere et ovinarii, &C. Or, ather, equitum turma sus et ovinarii, C. Erne Sti preser erupere to

Ann., iv. 34 WriteS, Britannorum copia passim per catervas et turmas aesultabant. ΤCodinarii peditum se proelio miscuere. While the cavair of tho Britons, o thei desea by the Roma horse, ne froni the sceno ofaction, the charioteers, in like manne repulsed retreate to thoirown insaniry. y peditum, there re the ritish oot soldier aromeant, not a Some thiny the Roman. -Et quamquam recentem ter-


Hostium Muretu an GrOnOViu conjecture nostrorum, an Ernesti cohortiuiri, ut Withou Any neeeSSity. Minimeque equestris ea pugna faries erat, &e. And the appear-ance thus presented a by O means that os an equeStrian On-

cui spernebant. sere regarding With contempt, hil thus discngaged. V Observe that acui et iis ore here rom pugnae pertes, hicli precedes. i id ipsum veritus, c. An theywould have accomptished thei object), adiso Agricola, hau ing


que praecepto ducis, C. and the quadron havin then, by orderof the generat, been move acros the fiet 1 rom the front of thebatile, /e. i. e. haVin been Ordere t v heel stomuli front. Tum vero patentibus locis, &e. mitated stom Sallust Iug. 10I : Tum spectaculum horribile campis patentibusu sequi, fugeres occ/di, capi,' &c. ObServe the animaled effect produce in both passages by the series of historica infinitives, and the absene Os the On-neeting conjunction.-Eosdem oblatis aliis, trucidare. laughterediheSe Same, RS Other came in their Way. V B eosdem are meant those Who had been tinen . Prout cuiqrte ingenium erat. ACcord-

inpas the disposition 1 hachine prompted. V Compare Sallust Iug.,

93) Uti cujusque ingenium erat.''-Iam hostium virtuSque. There is an antithesis etWeen jam hostium . . . . ferre, Bd St. . . . virtuSque. O tho Ormerci SUHOined alit consequent, passim .... humuS; Andri the latior, postquam silvis .... circumveniebant Dahi and Somemther editor propos to alter the Order of thoclauses, but by SO doing the distur the natural Order of the ideas Est aliquando etiam victis, &e. Rage and Valor ere at times preSent even to the anquiShed. Compare Virg., m. ii. 367:

suondam etiam victis redit in proecordia virtus.' ObSerVe, more-over, that est in thi position is emphatio. Quodni frequens ubique Agricola, &c. An had not Agricola bein ever Where preSent, ordere Someratron and lightly-equippe cohoris to encompas thoground after the anne O a hunting-circle, and whereVer heremere thicheis a partis hi cavair totismount an make thet waythrough these, and at the Same time another parti horsebael to Scour the more pen Ood S, Ome diSaSter ould have been en- countere through,XceSs of confidenue. V Observe the Zeugma in persultare, by hicli the ver acquires three disserent significations in three SucceSSiVe clauSeS. Indaginis modo. The term indago refers to that mode of huntiniin Whicli the hunter sormella Omplete circle round a large pace of round and graduali contract- in it, drove ad the animal together into the centre, here theyseli an eas prento thei daris. Compare Liv. Vii. 37 Flor. , V., 12, 48. -Sicubi arctiora erant. Suppi loca. Compositos irmis ordinibus. Arrange in Complet Order. V Agminibus. In banes. V-Vitabundi inricem. Mutuali avoid ingeach ther. - Satietas Satiet of Alaughter. V Suppi cadendi. - Seraginta. Ome editions haVe quadraginta. The change is very



Gaudio prcedaque lata. Mendere gladSome by the o os suc

separare Uppi alia, i. e. consilia. -Frangi avectu pignorum uorum.

ricola A OreeS. Circumvehi Britanniam This a more so the Sahe of conquestthan o discOvery Henee, the XpresSion empl0yed immediatelyaster data ad id vires, A sussicient orco as urnished hi sortha purpOSQ.V-Ipsa transitus mora. By the very lownes of his march through them. - Secunda tempestate ac fama. Mitti favo ing weather an fame, V i. e. both savored by proSpe u galeS, and bearing along With them the fame of the Roman armS.-Trutulensem portum. Where this ascis not known Brotior identisios it withthe portus Rutupinus, O Rutupensis, the modern Sandreich thera Mith Porismout Or lymouth But the wores unde redieratinus mean Quo redierat, inde lecto morimo omni Britanni latere, into hicli it ad returned aster avin Set out rom the Samean coaste ali themearest shureis Britain ' and a proetimo latere omni evidenti means meret themasterii coasi and partis the northan west eoaSt, Mannert' Opinion is probabinthe true ne that the


Falsum e Germania triumphum Thi reser to his sirs fictilious triumph ver the atti, in A.D. 84. The occaSion a furnished, apparently by the Cherusca Ling, Charomer, ho by mean of Roman innuence and Roma money, having ecomerio pomersulsor his hostile eighbors, Was expelled by the Catii. Dio Cassius

like Germans havin also caused thei hai tote dyed in imitationos the rvdd loelis of that nation, and the parade these in triumplithrough the Street os Rome as O many rea captiveS. Caligula had done the fame thingies ore him. Suet. CαI, 47.

Id sibi marime formidolosum. Me thought that thi Was most tobe apprehende by himself V Putabat or eristimabat muSt e supplied frOm inerat conscientia. Observe, moreOVer, that formidolosus is here passive Thucydides i. 36 uses deeστερον in the Same Way. Frustra studia fori, &e. Domitia thought that it was os nous sortim to have ut an en to the Stud of eloque ne and polite literature, an to have banished those ho excelle in Such pur- Suiis compare chap. ii. , i Some ne hould obtain popularit by


sollo SQ et cetera, utcunque sit, facilius dissimulari. Quodque arce cogitationis indicium erat, &e. And, hat Was a

Sure indicationis Some malignant intent, havin broo de dive them sor a long timo in his Onte privacy. V ore iteralty havingsated himself withiis Wonted privacy. V The allusion is to that loveos solitude hichiecame the most confirme dis at tho habit os Domitian and in hichi indulge either so the purpos o plotting


Triumphalia ornamenta. Sine theaea 735 aster Agrippa' victor ove the Cantabri, the honor of the triumph itsol belonge tolli emperor an to the imperia princes Other generat Were Drce to e contente With the mere insignia of the triumph, the ba chapiet, the toga proeleetta, the trabea triumphalis, triumphalstatue illustris , curule chair ivor sceptre, &c. In the XpreSSion quidquid pro triumpho datur are included the public sacrifices and

thanksgivings. Compare Dio Cass. liv. 11, 24. -Multo verborum honore cumulata. Loade With much complimentar language,' i. e. together Withis pro su Sion Os Omplimentar eXpreSSionS. Addique insuper opinionem. Andine eaUSe S, alSO the Xpectation tobe entertained. -Majoribus. For person Os more than Ordinarydistinction. V Observe that foribus is here equivalentri illustrioribus S minores, in Ann. XVi., SQ Hist. iv. 85. The proVinceos Syria embrace a very large portionis the East, an forme oneos the mos important and opulentis Oret g command S. Compare Herodian ii. 7, and Bergier, in Grav. TheS. VOl. X. P. I 8 Seqq. I Eae secretioribus ministeriis. Os the number of thos employed in considentiat services. ' Compare Botticher aus de vertrauterenDiener ahl. V Codicillos. Tetters patent. V Ut, si in Britannia

foret, &e. Agricola as immediatet recallex but the Suspici ous Domitian Dared that ho might maintain his post by Orce and thesendin os this confidentia stoedman with letters patent, conserringon him the governmentis Syria, a meret a device to dra tim


Eaeceptusque brevi osculo. An havin been received illi a Stight kiss. V o Salute illi nais Was an Ordinar cuStom among the Romans, and the warme the friendShip the heartier the salutation. Unde the emperor the cuStom Stili continued, and the princewas,ondito receive With aliss the more distinguished of those hos uot an audience With im ThiS, O ever, Oon ecam the

meant the mere menifieaee, is, may SOAEXprem it, Or in Other WOrdS, mere civilianS. Tranquillitatem atque otium penitus auaeit.

me gave himself up entiret to tranquillit an ease. V Penitus is here equivalent O prorsus, omnino, valde. Compare Cic. Os . it.,

18 Consuetudinem .... penitus amiSimuS.' '

Cultu modicus, c. Plain in his mode of life assatae in conver-