The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류



said: He ad indulgetice in his eari, ut he

God ad been true, for at thos sin thatae notpurge in artii, e promise that the should evertastinglyae punished. his an received a

Vestur os a usure and was no thereos punished,

where is then the righteousnes of God Towhom the angel aid Hold our eace, sor eknowno the secret judgments of God As longas a man opelli to do his penance, o long the mero os God is ready to the man. The devitanswered: Here is no place of penance. TOwho the angel aid: e no no the pro-found nes of the udgments of God Then the devit smole him so rievousty that, after inhenae Was re-establishe to life the token an trace of the stroke abode ver aster Then the deviis took one that was tormented in the re and threm him o Forse so that he burn his houlder, and then Forse fa mel that it was the usure ofwhom he had received the estnient. An theange said o him : Because thou received si it heliath burni thee, is thou hadst no received the gisitos him that is dea in sins, his ain hould nothave burn thee, and thou has this ain os burning because thou receivedst of the vesiment of him. And that other devii then aid: et mustae pass


tha be of the worid, ut he loved welicio dispendthem uni them that ad need. An the devitans ered: In Whatsomeve mannera loved themit Was against the commandmenti God Andthes adversaries thus anquished, et the devilbegan again malicious accusations saying It is Writiem I thou hom noto the wiched man his

and this an ath not howe worthil penanceto the inners. An the ange said When thesinners despis the ord that he hear, then thetongue of the doctor is lettexto speah. When heseeth that his predication is ear and despised, then it appertaineth melicio a is man to e stili, when it is no timerio speah. An this batile as right strong, o much that the came tofore theange of God, and that the good ad overcomethe adversaries. The this oly ma Wasenvirone With great clearness, an a Bede salth, one of the anget sal to him: Behol the worid.



deceit, a b extortion and tyrann for nought. And after, these ires assembled together in one,

which had supposed that he had been dead. Andaster his e live a certain time, an sinished his life laudabi in good Work8. Here folio et the fas of S. Michael the archange and Pst the expositio of his name.



understand that non mando that God mando, Theand there re e attribute to immany things tmarvellous virtve. For like a Daniel WitDe3.eth, relahaei he hali aris an addres in the time o Antichris against him, and shali standis a defenderan keepe for them that e chosen He also fought with the dragon an his angeis, an castingiliem ut of heaven han a great victory. He alsolia a great ple and altercation illi the devi fortheiod of oses, ecause he would not ho it; for the childrenis Israel should have adore and worshippe it He received the ouis of ainis and rought them into the paradis of exultationand oy. He a prince of the synagogue of the Jews, ut o he is establishe of ur ord,

prince of the church of Jesu Christ. An ascit issaid, he ad the plagues of Egypt he departed an divide the Red ea, e led the eopte os Israel by the desert and et them in the and of promission heri had among the company of holyanget a bannerer, and bearing the sign os urLord, he hali sta by the commandinent of God, right puissantly Antichris that hali e in the Mount of Olivet. An dea men halloris atthe voice of this fame archanget. An he halishow at the da os udgmen the cro8s, the Spear, thematis and the crow of thorns of Jesu Christ.

appearing dedication, victor an memory. The apparitio of this ange is mani ld. The fratris Whenae appeared in the ount of Gargan Thismountain is in aples, hicli is name Gargan, an is by the cit name Syponte. An in the



the nam of the an And he was right ricli, and had a great multitude of shee and beasis, andas the pastured bout the fides of the mountaingit happed that a bulldest the theraeasis, and wentupon high o the mountain and returnedio home again illi the ther easis. The this ricli man,

the wner, too a great multitude os servanis, anci

beasis, and made ne of his servant to hoot anarro at im. An anon the arro returned

b my Will Pammichael the archanget, hichwill that this place e morshipped in arth, and wil have it uret hept. An there re I have proved that I am keeper of this place by the

demonstrance and showing of this thing. Andthen non the bisho and the of the cit went illi procession unio that place, and ursi notenter into it, ut ad thei prayer Withoutforth. The second apparition a in the ear of our Lor seven hundred an ten, in a place Which wasnamed umba by the seaside, si miles rom the



made in the mount of Gargan, and in like miseshould hallow the memor of S. Μichael here.

the church was edified there Michael et a pleceo stone of marble there, pon hic he tood, and a par of the pati that he haddaidis the altato that ther church e brought hither o his church. An because the had great penury and nee of ater, the made, by the admonishment of the angel a hole in a tone of marbie, and non there flowed ut o much water that unt this daythey be sustained by the benefit thereos. Andiliis apparitio is solemni hallowed the eventeenth kalend of November in that place. An there apped in the fame place a miracleworthyrio beaut in remembrance. his mountainis enutrone about illi the sea-ocean, ut on


The company, and When the returned the waves and FeRSVwater came With great force so that the compan for

she en a-land ait hole illi her hild. The thir apparition apped in the time of Gregor the pope. For hen the sat pope adestablished the litantes for the pestilence that was that time, an prayed devovit for the eople he

The memor of Adrian, the angelis God, hichwipe and ad clean a bloody Word, and ut it into a sileath. An thereb he understood thathis prayers ere eard. The he id do mahethere a church in the honour of S. Michael, and that casti is et ante the Casile Angel Andyet another apparition a in the ount of Gargan hen e appeare an gave victor tothem o Syponte, hicli is hallowed the eighthides of July. The fourth apparition is that hicli is in the

Gerarch of the fame angeis. For the rst apparition is sal Epiphany that is, the apparitionos fovereigns the secon is aid Hyperphania, thatis, the mean apparition, and that ther is aid Hypophania, that is, the most lo apparition. An Gerarchia is sat os gerar, that is holy, and of archos that is, a prince, an so Gerarchia is to say a hol principate, and ver Gerarchia

containeth three orders of angeis. For thesovereiges Gerarchia infiter the assignation of S.


Denis containeth Cherubim, Seraphim, and the Thethrones : the iddie containeth the dominations t e ετ the viriues, and the potestates and the 38 COR Miehaeitaineth the principales, angel8, and archangel8. An the ordinance and dispositio of them maybe seen by semblabi and like in arthi principales. For of the minister that he bout 'ing, omewor immediatet about the person of the hing, scubiculers coungeliors, and the 88istants, and theybe like uni the order of the firs Gerarchia. Some there e that have the rule of the reaim,

Some in ne province, some in another, a belleutenanis, captain os chivalry, and judges, and the be like uni the secon Gerarchia. Andothersae assigne to particularissices in the diversparis of the reaim, as mayors, heriffs, ballisis, and suci, thercles ostices, and theseae like to theorder of the third Gerarchia. The three orderso the sirs Gerarchia e taken inasmuch a theyassis God andae converted o him. An theret be three things necessary that is to Wit, Overeigntove, and that is as Ouching the orderis seraphim, whicli e sal saery perfectonowledge, that istouchin cherubim, hicli is a much o say splenitude os science an perpetua fruitio oruSance a touching the thrones hicli e said sitiing, o God sitieth and resteth in them Thethree order of themiddie Gerarchia' taken and had inasmuch a the dominate and over the universit of peopte in common. This seignior3 and thi governiniis in three things: the sirs in seignior and commanding, and that appertaineth tolli orde os domination, hicli seignioreth aboveother that e lower, and addresseth them in allthe ministrie divine, an commandeth to them all



commande to them for to them is ive poWerto do allit,ings dissicuit,hichie pertaining to divine

mystery, and theres ore it is attributed to them todo miracles Third ly, in constraining for o constrat the impediments and destourbies, and this appertainem to the order of the potestates Andiliis is signifie in obit, here Raphael bound the

devit in the overest desert The three order of the las Gerarchia e ahen ster that he have governmen and limited. Some of them seignioryand gover in ne province, and that e they of the cder of the principales, lihe a the prince of Ρersia seignioreth po the Perstans, like ascit is read in Daniel in the tentii hapter An sonaebe depute to the overnance of a multitude os acity, and the be sat archangeis, and the therbe committe to the governance fine person, and

the be sat angeis, andae sald to horu the mallthings and litile, ecause that thei service and ministrycis limite unto ne man. Archanget besaid more an greater, o the wealis a multitudeis belle an more orthy than the weal os oneman. In the assignatio of the order of the sirst Gerarchia, Gregor accordeth With Dionysius, and Bernar also, hicli is ahen about thei fruition, whicli is in burning love a touchin to Seraphim, in pro und cognition a to Cherubim, and in perpetua retentio as ouching the thrones. ut the discord in the assignationis themiddie and last two orders that is, principales an virtues. Gregor an Bernar have another consideration, that is to it that the iddie Gerarchiacis in his