장음표시 사용
THE GOLDEN LEGEND 187seignior o prelacy, and the ast is ahen in his Thepit o ministration. The prelac in anget is se 'ttrebie For anget dominate Ver Spirit angelic, Mkh,6iand the be sat dominations and the dominate also ver good Works, and the be aid principales, and the dominate ver deviis, and the be aid potestates, and the orde and the degrees of their dignit appeareth in these things. The ministryof them is three ld. Some tandeth in orking,
The fifth apparition is it hicli is rea in the History ripartite There is a place beside Constantinople hereas sonaetime the oddes Vesta Wa Worshipped, but om there is bullde a churchin the honour of S. Michael, an is named Michael' place There a man that a named Aquilin Was ahe with a right great sever movedo red colour, and the physicians aveo him,so burning in an gue, a rink, hicli non he vomited ut at his mouth, and what he te ordrank alwayche vomited an casted out so that he
liave plein health. Whicli thingae did, and anonhe was delivered froni his malady how wel that after the udgment of the physicians that drin or
medicine a contrar to them that e choleric.
This i ha in the Histor Tripartite. Secondiy, his solemnit of S. ichael is aid victory, and the victor of S. ichae is manis old.
188 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe An also of ther angeis, the rst is that S. Fe t ichael gave to them os Syponte in his manner. Mieh.hi ter a certam time nat ne place ac und theyo Napies ere et paynims, and ordaine their hos for to glit against the of Syponte and Benevento. An by the counse of the bishop, the christia men too truce for three days that the might ast hos three day an require their patron . ichael unt their id an help. In
the hird night the olyra. Michael appeared to
hundred of thei adversaries die of the eryarrows hicli came frona the tr. An ali heresidue of them, that were not lain, est their idolatry and submitted them non to the christiannith. The secon victor of S. ichael as hen e ut ut of heaven the dragon Lucifer
the Apocalypse Factum est pretium magnum, Apocalypsis duodecimo. For hen Lucifer coveted to e like o God the archanget whichbare the anne of the celestia host, came and chased Lucifer ut of heaven illi ali them that foliorue him, an hath inclose them in darhai unt the da of doom. For the be notsuffere to wel in heaven, netther in the upperpar of the air, ecause that placeris clear and delectabie, ne et to e in artii illi us to theend that the should tot ivernauch empi me
be S many nevertheles after the sentence of
Origen, hei power ne strengili is ut right litile, and that e ma overcome them here. An is an of them e vercome o any oly man, hema neve aster temptin manis that vice of hichii is overcome The thir victor is that angelshave ver da of the deviis hen the figlit forus against them, and delive us froni thei temptations. An the delive us in three manners.
First, in refraining the power of the devit, lihe sit is aid Apocalypsis vicesimo), of the ange that bound the devit an sent hi into abysm, that is the pit of heli; and obit, hicli aith that theange Raphael bound the devit in the uterest desert. An this indin is non other hingbut the refraining of his uissance an might. Secondiy, he deliverethis in refraining ou covetiSe, the whicli hin is in Genesis XXXii Chap. there hereae aith that the ange too the sineWo Jacob, and non it dried p. Thirdly, in impressin in uraearis the memor of the passion
angel ichael hali ave of Antichrist he heshali sta him. Then ichael, the reat prince, shali rise, as it is sat Danielis xii. He hallaris for them that e chosen a a helper an a protector, and shali strongi stand against Antichrist. And after, a the glos salth: Antichrist
three days, an after, he hali appea saying thathecis risen rom death to iis, and the deviis hallbear hi by ar magic, and shal mount up into the air, and ali the people hali marvel and worshiphim. An a the ast he hali mountis o the Mount of Olivet, and when he hal be in apavilion in his lege, entered into that place Whereourior ascended, Michael hali come and halista him. Os hicli victor is understood, after S. Gregory that whichris sal in the Apocalypse. The batile is made in heaven This ord of the trebi batile in heaven is expounded of the batile that he had illi Lucifer hen e expulsed imout of heaven, and of the batile that he had withthe deviis that torment s. And of this ast solemniinis aid dedication, ecause on his day the aid place in the ount Gargan was dedicate an hallowed of him by revelation. For henthe of Syponte ere returne froni the occisionos thei adversaries, and ad so nobi victory, et
specia patron to them An he ave to thema sign os consecration, that was that the shouldgo polleret by a poster toWard the east, and the should find there the lepsis a man impressedi a marbie tone. The thetishomon the Orn, and much great people, came to the place andentered in and found a great cave and three altars of hich two ere et toWard the outh, and thethird toWard the east much honourably, and wa8 covered ali about illi a re manite. And whenthe solemnities of the masses ere done and thepeopte ad ahen hol communion, ali returne tothei proper places, and the bishop est there priest an clerks for to in and say goodi thedivine ossice And within the sat church sourdethclear ater and weet, hicli the common eople
our ministers, ur rethren, our eighbours, thebearer of our ouis into heaven an representerso our prayer unio God right nobi knights of the in of heaven, an perdurabie com rtersos them that be in heavines and tribulations. An first, ought to honour them for the be
Andri these three states is an ange nece88aryto a man. For lienae is et litti in the womb
o a man to the end that he ad dres and inducema against the fallacy that he exhort, and summon himeto do good against Πaltering and blandishes,
and that he defend hi frona oppression against violence And the profit of the eeping of the
The rst, that the foui a profit in the wealand good o grace, and this doth the ange to the
sout in three manners. An the rst is in to Theremovin ali lettin to do ei and good, and PF that is signifie in Exodi duodecimo, here the Miehaei
anget mole ali the rst egoite o Egypt. Secondly, in Wakin or excitin Dom loth, and that is signified Zachariae quarto The angelo the Lord ath aroused me as a man that is Wahed ut of his fleep. Thirdly, in ead in ama in the way of penance an bringin again, and this is signifie in obit, in the fifth chapter, in the ange that ted hi and rough him again. The secon profit that the ange doth, is that he falliso into in and this doth the ange in three manners. First, in letting the evi to b done, that it e no done and this is signifie in thebook of Number in the wenty-Secon Chapter. For Balaam, hicli,ent foro curse Israel, astet of the anget. Secondly, in lamin the sinpast, that man depari from it, and that is signified in the book of Judges in the secon chapter hoWthe angel blamed the childre os Israel forareaking of the law, hereser the wept. Thiresy, in bringin strengit for to take aWay the sinpresent, and this is signified in Lot, henae,as ted ut by force, he his isse, and his daughters,
froni the cit of Sodom, that is to it, rom thecustomance of sin. The thir effect an profitis that is e fali, that he rise non again, and this doth the ange in three manners. First, in movin a man to contrition, and this is signised in obit, in the welfth hapter, here a hetaught Tobias' anoin the yes of his ather illigati, that is to understand contritio of the eartanointelli the yes of the eari. Secondly, inpurgin lipsi confession, and that this is signified in Isaiah the fifth chapter, here the ange purged
os a sinne doin penance than os inely-nine rightfu men hichiseedis penance. The fourthprofit is that an falliso so se into si a thedevi inciteth in thereio, and this doth he in three manners, that is to it in refraining thepuissance an might of the devit, in f eblingthe covetis and destre of sin, an in imprintingi our ind the passion os uri ord Jesu Christ, of hicli things it is aid tofore. ought to
They be spirit os administration, ali spirit besent for us. The superior be sent to the Gyens, the oyensi sent to the lowest, and the lowest be sent to us, and this sendin cometh of the
divine bounty And in his sendin appearethhow much the divine bount appertaineth to thelove of ur ealth. Secondiy, of the charit of the angel; for his ending appertaineth that it eo ardent charit speciali to destre the ealth of Others, here re fatali alti, Lo I am here Lord, en me fortii. An the angels may helpus ecause they se that e have nee of them, and may et overcome the evi spirit and angeis, and there re the law of charit angeli requireththat theyae sent o s. ThirdIy this endiniis needis to the nee o man, o the be sent toinctam our affection to love, here ore, in ignhereos, it is read that the were sent in a ierychair. Secondiy they be sent to enlumine to understandin uni knowledge, and this is signified
Apocalypsis T in the anget hicli ad a book ope in his and Thirdly the be sent for to
strengthen in us ali ur perfectio uni the end Theand that is signised I Regum xix. Where the east
unde ashes an a vesse of ater, and e te
for the diversit of thei meriis. An hoWbest that the Blessed Virgin e bove ali like as S. Gregory hometh in his homily. For e salth:
There e sonae that ahe the mali hings, ut 3 et the leave noto stio it to the rethren, and the run in the number of angeis Andthere e the that may ake the fovereignties of the secret celestia and sho it to thers, and these e the archanget celestiat. Andthese e the archangeis, and e the thalmahe marvellous signs and orks uissantly, and these e the that illi viriues orti Andsome there e that has away the wiched spirits by the virtve of prayer an by strength of theirpower received of God, and thes have theirmeriis illi the potestates. And therei sonae that by their virtues mount bove the merit of them that he hosen, an dominate Ver thebrethren, an sor thei merit illi the principales. And there e some that ouercome and dominate
ove ali vices in thenaseives, and the by right be calle of the worid, god amon men Like SGod aid tomosex L, I have established thegod o Pharaoli, and thesei mitti the dominations. An there e sonae that sit in the thrones like president an examine the works an deed of
196 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe others by whom he hol church i governed, Eeast ali hev that De chosen e udged, and these e Mihi, hi thrones, andi they that illi the charityand love o God and their eighbour e re thersbe fuit, and these by thei merit have ahenthei sor in the number of cherubim for Cherubim is aid the plenitude os science, and a Paulsatili, the plenitude of the la is love and charity. And theseae the that, embrace in theburning love os superna contemplation, isti onlyto e in the destre of thei maher. The destre nothing of this orld, ut onlyae sed in the love of the Lor perdurabie, the esche ali arthlythings, and verpas by thought ali temporal things. The love the burn, and res in that burning love, the bur in ovin and e inflamed in speahing, and ali that ver the touch in an manne by Word, the mahe them non to burn in the love o God. And where hali these tali thei fori ut among the number of Seraphiis Haec Gregorius 'his satili S. Gregory. Fourthly they ought to bellonoured hecause that the be bearer of our ouis into Paradise, and this do the in three manners.