Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


as here sed by C. Nep. Τ-3. Explain the se os thoplurals exponemus, veniemus inStea Os the sing.-4. What is the constructionis ordiri anxiis compoundit S. Distinguisti belween ordiri an incipere, inchoare, in DisSe. hat is in opposite os ordiri '

Z.4 481. 3. The jurat is sed in a modest Way the Speukerappearinito tali in others, instead os appropriatinnino merit tol--

geli. 4. Thentako etther an ace or an in . uster them e greliquos ordiamur Alcib. 11. . de quo scribere exorat sumus. Ῥolop. 1. 4. 5. Seo Doderiei incipere. Wores iis Lare tot omitted in translation.




the celebrit os his ancestor.'-4. ive the deriv. and me anin os modeStia.-5. O ha Greeli ord oes it corresponda 6. What is iis opposite l-T. DistinguislibetWeen modestia an moderatio. S. How di tho Ronans j oin three o more notion A, B, C together Τ-9. How did the not oin them together'-l0. What is the grammatica term so the frequent repetitior of the conjunctioni-ll. ive the derivation Os this ord. 12. When Should A, et L, et te referrexto A, B, C

C13. I. 1 I. He generali begins illi the nume, samily, and counitam his hero us a Sortis inscription, Ometime unconnected with What sollows ostener, however, as in the lives os Aristides and Pausanias the nam os the hero is the subjectis the fini verb. 3. Accordin t Herodotus h was descende Dor themero Lacus o AEgina, Κ. . p. 146 , Philoeus, the son o Max bein thoirsto tho familΠwho setile at Athens Codrus is also salesto havo been one of his ancestors. 4. Modestia, sto modus, the truo mea O measure it implies moderation in one' destres and as apolitica virtve tho disposition hicli akes an obedient, Orderly, peacem citigen: unas ming ehavior 5. σωφροσυνη. 6. immodestia. 7. Modestia relates more t the in ard character moderatio to tho habitis actin in conformit to t. Seo Dod. 8. ither A et B et Cy or A, B, C V k 783 9. Nota B, et C. 10 Polysyndeton. 11. πολυς ει ν ὀίω ligo . 12. When stresiis to e lai on ac notion. 13. It istho gen aster the Superi adu maaeime. 14. It strengiliens it bymaining out the individua os Whom in statemen is ad Dorn all

In xxiv. Cato , 3, 1, et is repente Si times nam et a risola sesters, et reipublicae peritus, et juris consultus, et magnus imperator, et probabilis orator et eupidissimus litterarum fuit.



qualem cognitum judicarunt referri a precedivi a foLlowing Xperience and jud entl-24. Why ould qualem cognitum judicarant e ronil-25 Resolvo cognitum into a Sentence it quum .-26. What tenSeis accidit prove it .-27. Distinguisti etween accidit,

tingere nobis quam accidere.' Sen. Ep. 110'-29. Overn Chersonesum.-30. What Chersonesus Smeant l

. Oe Cic. ver Se hoc Or quod genus in thi Way,

simus. 19. Iam ulways implies a progression umto tho resent timeri or sto the present' a future time it thus compares taciti What is now With a sormeri future state of things. Nunc relates to the present moment; 'now as opposed to then. 20. Tho jam stand fimi, hen the notion os time is to e stronglybrought ut it here refers to ea etate. 21. It reserario ei orde eo, omitte aster conjidere. 22. Civem n Such compoundus concives exigis. 23. O thei aster-experieuce Such a they

thei final sentenco on his character. 25. qualem, quum cognovis sent, judicarunt. 27 Dod accidere.

Cint in git uso of things, lihe, But accidit, hen erit Strihe. 29. The aco. goVerue a the nam os a town. The genera practico suo expres the prepositio belare the nam os an istand exceptwhere ita aut ne ity os,hicli the wholo stan is tho district But ep. has Cypri, Lesbi an Cyprum mittere. ΗΘ utSO Enys: Chersones habitare. 4mal peninsula ould naturali sollow tho Samo ut v an istand. Cic. says Ithacae vivere, ut in Cyprum redire. -Seo Z.4 398. Note. 30 The Thracia Chersoneso. 2J es hujus generis havin the closest relation to colonos in the precedin Sentenoe. 2. es sun eligendi amici), cujus generis est magna penuria de Amic. t T. 62 hujus

Non jam indicat rem in tempore quod posthac sequitur non locum habere

nec recurrere jam non autem rem significat non esse, ut erat ante. Hana. Turseli vol. 3. 130.


instoad os the simple relatives Give instanee S.-3. In the Sentence, eae his delecti, α, hat Ord is no absolutet necessar to the ense -4. ive the derivationos deliberare. 5. How oes Bromi distinguis icit Domconsulere '-6. DistinguiSh betWeen potiSSimum,praecipue, proeSertim, maaeime, imprimis. What i the prope positionis potissimum y-T. What peculiarit is there in thopositionis cum be re the et in ep. l-S. Is it eversound in this position in Cicero Give an instance.-9. When hould cum alWays precede the relative '-10. What in os contest oes armis dimicare intimatess 3 l. To What Eng. Wor os commansing do e Sprincipere early corre Sponda . Construe Miltiadem

sibi imperatorem sumere.-3. Over futura.-4. What generis est plenus Novius de r. 2. 70 285 . . deliberatum the clauso, qui consulerent, c. Wοuid conventhe purpose without it 4 deliberare, sto de libram libella, a balanco. 5. remi underetand deliberarem tho previous consultation illi thopriesis consulere os the formul inquita. ut deliberare is sed ii. 2. 6. os consulting an oraclo 'deli Der an tibus Pythia respondit. 6. potissimum reserario the actis choosing this in presereneoto that it sollows the word Whos meaniniit Strengiliens proecipue reser to a distinction hichisne ei oys bove allisthera, and to thoirexclusion praesertim - καὶ ταυτα reserari a condition or causo whicli add strengili or importance t What is amerted mazime, intho highes degree, a strensliene valde et cum imprimis, among the frst, places the subjectis predicato besore ali the rest. In Eng-listi potissimum ould generali bo untransluted proe sertim an-swera best to evectatim priscipue o particularly, in particular, erclusive ly ma i meo chiesy, principally. .mo earlyalways places cum besore the rel. cum quibus, O quibuscum. 8. YeS: e. g. cum quibus cauSas cognovit. 9. Whenover

Uith is emphatio e g. Opp. to ithout a in 'ira procul absit, cum qua nihil recte feri, nihil considerate potest. C. W1 38.

Seo ch. 2, 3 i. 8, 3 viii. 3, 3, c. 10. A violent contest toto

Compare the solio in Sentences, Nep. xiii 3, 2 huic in consilium dantur suorum silio uteretur B.): Caes. B. G. 1, 5, 1 -λε-tii id, quod eon, tituerant, Deere eonantur, ut e finibus avia Teant. D.


perator mean is Spolieni a Roman l 4 l. Construe and govem hoc revonSO.-2. GiVO simila inStance.-3. Overn facerent.-4. What ShOuidb observe in the sentenc hoc oraculi, C. Τ-5. ay Sponte Suam Sua sponteae used indifferenti l-6. With What clas os verbes is sua sponte Seldom Sed l-T. What is a rare meaningis sua sponte J-8. Distinguislibet e en Sua ponte und ultro.

5 1. What is tho Englisti os aquilo I . Compare

tho Greel practice illi his se Ostentus With aquilo.-3. In appositionS, Whicli generali precedes the SpecieSO the genuit-4. Besore hat consonant is ab found l-5. Besore ha Lindis Word do the historians se emto preser trio χ' l-6. What ero in Septentriones 'menis, tutemenis, C. Panother person are related. 5. In thelangvage of the Roma Republic it ould mea a Genera towhom a triumphia been decrees: it, instemard approprialedas a litterio the EmperorS. 4 1. In consequence of this responSeu Or, On the reception of this responseu an abi. Os causein. 2. Hoc nuntio, ii 3, 1. 3 ut omittes: so moneo habeas, c. 4. That both tho l. os cause, an uiso tho nom. of the necessor sentence quum accessisset are luce binore the conjunctio quum. 5. Thopron precede Sponte in the poets and late proso riter sua ostensollowsi is omitted. 6. It is soldom used with a passive verb: quod honestum sua sponte forcit oren ake peteretur. C. do Sen. 13, 3. T. For iis o nisah virtus est ipsa per e, Sua sponte , - laudabilis C. Tusc. 4, 15. 8. Sua sponte is opposedo compulsion ultro to the suggestionis influene os


5 I. The ortheast reind, ut osten sed a here lar honorth-Wind. 2. πρὸς βορέον νεμον, e. 3. The Specie generali precedes the genus. 4. Besore the liquids, and , , , , j, i. e. besore any of the consonant in Iulii Cresaris mens imperatoria . . Liv. and Caesar osten uso ab elaro nationa and other proper ames S also Nep. ab Scythim ab Lacedaemoniim undalso belarea, ab Gallis. 6. The evenistar ut the norit polealso thoareat and litile bear'; thei the orth generally.

Bremi callii an ablatine absolute adding, a mali iliis intelligi-ble, it musti remembered that a the Romans hadiso participi Oseesse theyused the abi. it a pron o adj in many relations, specialinthOS Os causa und time, here the Greelis ould have sed a participie.'-Allowing the mode of speechao have thus arisen, it was certainly empicyed Where a suitabis participi might have been mund e g. dato here. This passage overthrows Doderloin' statement that sua sponteus OPPOsed in rogatus, provocatus, invitatus DOd sponte. Septentrio major an minor.


Nep. -2. OnStrue in agri collocare.-3. Whymo in agrosy-4. Distinguisti etWeen creber and frequens

whicli of the wo osten implies blamo l-5. What is theopp. Os creberi What os frequens 'f2 l. Is prudenti adjuvari a sua phraSel-2. What is tho Latin sor 'o di, O exhibit prudences -3. Explain the se Os adjutus here. 4. What is thegrammatica term Or a constructio of this inda-5.

CH. II. 1 1. Mi or gen. but ostener the geri. an once thoacα qui summam imperii potirentur xviii. 3, 4. 2. o setile them in thei allotmenis: the regula term for apportioning the landamon a body os colonisis. 3. illi ponere, imponere, collocare, tho Romans a re generali do considere tho tot of est that follows the lacing, ather tha tho motion hilo tho lacin isgoing on: liene in illi the abi. as e Santo place r putriri, rathe than to place or put in tot ut the used 'in',ith tho ace. as, do into' when the notion os ein remove or transferredinto any thin is considered, ithout o more than, the notion os romaining there Thus in naves imponere x. 4, 2 , turrim in muros collocare, Caes. B. G. 2 30 4.-Se Z. k 489 490.4. Dod Soepe. 5. Creber Opp. rarus frequens opp. infrequens, pauci, Singuli. 2I Q. O. 2 prudensia uti. 3. Tho adjutus vita felicitate, to hicli it standa ne est, an suffcienti intimates the Lindis notion t be supplied to prudentia. 4 Zeugma DOmςευγνύναι, tocisin: 'Ord eing sed it two o more connected Wotas, no onlyis,hicli it completoly suila. 5. It means com-



3I Q. Quamvis has tho subjunctivo in the sens os howeτer much ohe indic. When it means although, and State any thin a afaci Cic. seldom usos it in the sensem although. Z.4 574.2. quam a much asu Vis, su please. 3. regio, Suggested by the precedin regia. . to the esse inter eos regia dignitate his possessionis regali0wer. 5. The notio that solio a quam re. g. non magi amore, quam more ductus. v. 1, 2. 6. Militata command the ossice os commander-in-chies: thus imperia are osten contrasted With magistratus military command with civilmagistraeies. 7. ἡγεμον. . . Neque eo minus. 9. Not

cas ent. Soci a Se facere, the person is spolien f, as himsel thotausem occasionis the action. In Gree it,ould bo παρή- II. Proscisci in ropes εσθαι, to et out o a rearlike e edition Or, Et ali evenis, it a militar command.

4s a Messene constituta xv. 8, 5. triumvir reipublicae



into Englislii 4. Why are incolerent an relinqueretur in the subj.Τ-5. y What indis Sent. Ahould se op- PTHSSoae con Struedl-6. What ense Ouid tradidisset be come in direct narrationa T. Bremi is for rejectingium, in in hoc fuit tum numero' ho do es Daline defendit l-S. Whycis crederetur in the Subj Τ 3 l. Construo hic. 2. What remar do es remi malle On his Se sis erre i rought reordy-3. From What ursuit is premere and urgere i tib hard pressed)derive di-4. Besore What clas Os Word is ab preferre dio a by tho historians J-5. Wh is 'a' sed bes ore Fortuna

ea xxiii 3, 4. 4. Because the though is Darius's, no the historian s. 5. ipsarum i e Ionioe et Eolidis urbium e ipsarum notagreeing With urbium, but referring to the countries Ionia and Eolis just mentionedin. 2I Q. Groece loqui. 2. Fromin isti to distinguishaetween Gree s. i. e. inhalitant of Greece, and Asiati Greelis. 3. Thought thut the eastes rea os retaining reas to delirer, ' e. 4. Asaein necessor clauses of u sentenco elongin tu obliquo narration. The Sula refers these clauses to the mini os Darius. Seo .cl. 460 b), 461. 5. y a conditiona sentence. 6. Fiat. pers. 7. He thiniis that it contrast theu' rehen he oas ne os Darius's friends , illi his subsequent position illi respecto Darius. 8 It refers the opinion to Darius A ind reas in thenumber of thos to hom that charge of u ding the ri emight in Darius' opinion be ent rus ted credi posset)V 3 I. In his state of things It must notae Oined with asterre, Which would requir huc a adv. o place. 2. That this is thooni instanc tu Corn. ep. but that Tae osten O Se asterre, an even ferre that Cia. Ses the pass. nuntii aster Pntur, o the intrans nuntii veniunt . . rem huntinge totarive and urge


4 l. hycis transportauerat in the indie ' Ho is free from any thin generali eXpressed in Latini

and recidere.

5 l. Distinguisti et e en plerique, plurimi, com-0lures, C. Pr Q.J-2. I obstare ne aliquid fiat, a

f4 1. It is stated by tho historian a a faci, o reserre to themin os Miltiades. Seo Z. 448. 2. Liber aliqua re Tho 'a' here denotes the quarte Dom hich. Z.4 468. 3. Dominatio is absolute despoti governinent. Periculum is the ange toae apprehende homoli Perstans the ange os fallin again underthei power. . . I. 460 c), 1 . 5. and that asilyu et

se etiam. 6. pontem rescindere, diSsolvere, interrumpere. 7. rescindere, to destro by Separatin the component part o any thin with shar instruments recidere, to ut ama a part leuVingilio remainde uninjured e g. comaS, ungueS.

5 2, 3. . Ι Question o k 15, p. 216. 4. idem mihi expedit, quod tibi: idem mihi tecum expedit: ut the alter oni in Livy, Tacitus, &c. e. g. in eadem mecum Africa genitus L. eodem mecum patre genitum T . . l. Ι. 460, b , p. 163.

summa imperii. T. Beenus severat Overnor are Spoken Os8. The tota or sum made umo at the paris talien together enceth principalis mos important thing. Seo vi I, 1. . Probu-bly illi regno: ut as aestincto mayae applied ithe to a personor a thing, it ma possibi referri Dario 11. Ceteri οἱ stλλοι) the others, in Shar opposition to theribelare mentioned eaeli individua is then considere usaelongin t the whole lum, und generalty a os equat importauce in reliqui οἱ λοιποί the est, the re- maining individual are considerex not indididualis' biit a formitiga hole, and osten a Uaesiimportance thun thos besore mentioned.

In Cic. orat. 2 33 tibi mecum in eodem est pistrino, Crasse, Vivendum, themecum does notae long t idem. But thei downsal Would not e so necessar a consequencs of the dotao Darius as of the overthrow of the ensian empire.