Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


ΜILTIADES, CH. IV. 125eeteri and reliqui J2. Whyris putet thepres. not impers. subjunc Τ-13. Why ould no nihil putet sibi utilius

say in the kingdom rernum o Darius.' In Cic. this se of autem is mos common in the philosophica and rhetorica works where an easymow of connecte thought is natural) it Occurs lesa frequently in his rations an in Caesar, an is eas common in Tacitus Mand Wh adds unum nomen, quod eminet, eligitur, et prim loco ponitur eui adhaereat autem.'


Atheniensibus: hy t Atheniensium ' 3, 6 , 4.)-6. Distinguisti belween inimicus and hostis. -7. What casu is Sardis ' 2 1. What is the Englisti os appellere navem, I

Cicero' accountis a tumultus.-3. ive the derivation

sormis aec plur. There is no doub that iapri the age of Augustus, this a tho commoner accusativo endin Os Word With gen ium.

Z. AE and Note. 2I Q. to ait OG or is the placo is a port, a put in to.'2. With ad 3. Intransitively a triremis appulit. 5. Euboicae gentis, implied by the precedin Euboea. 6. Ace of the Greeli orna V. II. T. Atheus. 8. Urbs. 9. Hoosten se oppidum like the Greel αστυ os a Capital o. g. os Sparta xvii. 6, ID Syracuse x. 9 I Thebes xvi. 1, 2 , and os Atheris Severa times. e Ses urbs os thens ni in i 5, 2 cii. 7, 5 l0. Tho Greeli astu ii 4, 1.

3 1. Tumultus is pr0perly an Sudde an UneXpected occurrenee, that auSes consuSion. As a War, t Mone that realis ut Euddent an violenti it is, therelare, more toto Dared than bellum. 2. Potest enim e88 bellum sine tumultu, tumultus esse sine bello non potest. Quid est enim aliud tumultus nisi perturbatio tanta, ut major timor oriatur.-Gravius autem tumultum esse quam bellum hinc intelligi licet, quod bellovacstiones valent, tumultu Non valent.'' Cic. Phil. 8, 1. 3. Horse-sparer Vorom prideσθαι, o pare θῖππος, horse.- layrunner' ἡμέρα, αν ὁραμεῖν aor of τρέχω t run. . e ma3Suppi ejus generis cur Sorun ., qui, in but it is a regula ex , ample filio ut give P. I. 48. . illi quid ut ut is not -- common es Caes. B. G. 5, 10, I mi lites-mi8it, ut er Seque-


tioni S. When is the demonstrative is ea, id, sed inthi Way heri the reciprocat Suus Ouid e more regu-ren tur: and 7, 49, 1 ad T. Seoetium legatum-misit, ut cohortes educeret, Q. 4 1. Proe-itorio proe-ire, uo go efore It was the oldappellationis tho Roman generuis, ut When the word us a Romantille o ossice, as appropriate to tho civi magistrate calle tho Proetor it Was confined to the generat os a foreigu state : special-l to the commander os land forces. 2 Proetorium se tabernaculum , the generat s tent in a Roman camp. 4. The impers. subjunctive osten sollows the proesens historicum y.-Obs. The clausequi eaeercitui progessent whicli Seem SomeWhat superfluous maybe compared With p. 1. 2J, qui cons Apollinem. 5 1. bl os quisque quam celerrime a Sssu a pOSSi-bleu immediately 2, 3. It expresses the vehemencem Miltiades s exertions to prevat o the Atheniuncto Ormo cum a Soonas possibie. The impers expresses illas a continue endeaVor. 4. Fu inii esse underetood dependent on Euch a ver as, he urged, argued, ino. 5. The mar the actions os seein and ob8ervin us Contemporaneous illi desperari an auderi, an ascontinuing. 6. The insit pas8ive, Sed in an impersonat way: ascismo osten the case in the thir singulari e g. curritur, meri rum;

8. When tho writer spealis, scit were, in his N person undsrom his own oint of vlew. Thus Cic. de r. 1, 54, 23l quum ei Socrati scriptam orationem-Lysias attulisset, quam si ei videretur, edisceret. ere ibi Would e sed is the writer Wished toreser the wOrd to Lysias, saying rea this, fio thin reeli: but the demonstr. es is sed a the pronoun whicli Cicero himselfwould naturali emplo to denote the person meant.-Z.4 550.



Darius havin prepared a fleet os sive hundred ships, gave the command of ito Datis an Artaphernes.-Assest os sive hundrediships, tho command of whicli thoking had give to Datis and Artaphernes, alle to Eu

CH. V. 1 1. When ibi is expresse With tempus, it denotesnot meret the timo, but a continuin stateri a time os difficulty acriticui time, o crisis.-Z.4 475, Note. 2. καιρις. 3. Itreserito civitas implied by Plataeenses se Plataeensis civitas. 4. Synesis, o Synthesis Comp. v. 2, 5 I xiii 2, 14 xxiii. 8, 4. 5. Mille is hero a subst irem thinks that as a subst it implies that tho number is comparativel a Sinal one. Comp. hominum mille, iv. 8, 3.-Se Z. 116, Note. 2 1. Aster a past tenso a consequence With ut is ostensu in the pers sula iusteud of the impere subj. 2. es. 3. lis



3 1. What mons bound the lain os Marathon y-2. What is tho sua meaning of e regio be J-3. HOWdoes Bromi construe i heres What re asotis oes he

give J-4. Oes nova arte belOnit instructae erantis to commiserunt '-5. What wa the nova ars ἶ-6. What is the orce of the nam que y-T. O What re e et Sometime equivalent l

Accordin to remi, quo factum est ut valeret ould stato his influene a a genera lustin result ut valuer it confines it tolli particular case. Comp. prosigarint, petierint, hap. 5. 5.J

3. remi improbably construes acie e r egione inStructa, danis drare u his arm ac cord in to the natureo the gri uid, as 1 e regione in opporite to the enem ν, Would suppos an lannatura ellipse, an 2 the Athenians erodram umbelare the Perstans arrived. 4. Datine and thera cinnova arteri instruct erant, notato commiserunt. 5. The sell- in trees, and placing them inclines besore thei ranks. 6. It explain the non ars. 7. Et-et are osten neari equiVulentu non Solum e etiam the tronge statemen bella introduce by the

sideration. O in Nepos it mos frequently occurs here a result is no limitedio the timem iis cause, ut has a Wide sphere. e concludes, theresore, that the distinction hic Brem draws ouldie more correcti reVerSed. Xcepting the lis of Atticus, the subj pers in the other liVes Occur 35, undati subj. impers. 73 times. The subj pers pasa but Once, AriSt. 1, 2,- the Subj pers de ponent 7 times. meis. Vorlesungen, Anm. 480. ,rsiger preser Glinther' explanation potius dixerim, ubi de re praeteritangatur, persectum subjunctivi magis eventum facti spectares imperfectum men tem et consilium agentis. in comparison is implied non aequum suis, io Dis sor his mena' l. e. mas avorabie so them uisor thei OpponentS.


tive valuerunt. 3. Ad-hoc se tempus up to this time: i. e. tho time os Cornelius' Wriling. 4. Adhuc is used principali osti me hactenus O sp a me. 5. Pros arcto rout them,so that the cannot form again, O Offer an surther reSiStunce prosternere A tronger lit to stri e them to the earth, O that the cannot recoveo, to crush, to de ea ut ter ly. 6. Opesare tho utWar means an instruments of obtaining an objecti riches, pomeri und injur, trospS, adlieS, Te89urces, Q. Cu. I. II a Gen. aster proemium. 2. y the demonstra. tineu non alienum videtur docere, quale proemium huius victoria

trita sit Milt I. Alienum a re in Character. 2 2. o both rari seldom conferred an tenues of si hi


it oppos eda 3 I. Explain the orco os huic in huic Miltiadi.

What is committere proelium ' 4 l. In est nactus-corruptus est, hyri the Strepente di-2. a the Umber Os statues erecte in honor os Demetrius Phalereus reatly three-hundredi



adjuverant sed, o adjuvissent'-4. What case is imperio'-5. What Sense Ouid in quo imperio iv l-

ri an g, ho ere themationa enemies of tho Greelis. 3. It is state a a fac by tho historian is adjuvissent ero sed thoworda ould e quoted a it,ere, a partis his Commission and thus referre to the Athenian people See p. 3, 4. 4. Abi. Os cause or instrumente inmeans of this command in consequence of this command. 5. In quo imperio ould mar thotime a a continuin state: hile he hel this command So vii 5, 5 horum in imperio xxiv. 2, 2: cujus in priore consulatu6. Oracium an obligationi duty. ero obedience as uesrom the inferior powe to the superior ne T. itaein opposed i vi e ugnavit. 2 2. An important notion is placed elare a clause eginning With quum, ut posteaquam, e when it is destrabio that this notionshouldi brought prominently ut, an arreSt the reader' attention. So xxiii. 3, 4 Ad Alpem posteaquam enit, c. 3. It is opposeda vis by verba representations,' argument. I doeου not necessarii impinthatio adtiessed them himself. 4. Workswith whicli a town is invested o. g. tho fossa, agger, vallum. Inf4 tho machines for sto in tho town seem tot included. 3 1. be o the potnt os, o Vt be Vithi a litile, esse in eo punet S momento temporis . . It is no certain for thoughtho impersonat lam in eo est, ut hoc faciam is o the wholo thomore common, et the pereona form in eo sum, ut hoc faciam uiso Oecur and Droibi expremes a potnt reached with dissiculi is the exertions P p e M o n. . . es XXV. 9 6 neminici nopinionem Meniebat. 4. opinio ire mentem venit ould Memine more natura construction. In iv. 4, 1. e have ei in suspicionem venit, or suspicio ei venit in men.



6 1. What conjunctio must e supplied bes re

pecunia multatus Sty-2. What Was a talent'-3. Aredisserent sum meant by this Ord y-4. When talent isthus used by itself, ha talent is meant Τ-5. Explain iis in ea lis-oestimata est.-6. HOWci quantu SumtuS factus erat tot construed J-T. ars and explain sin)proeSentia. 2. From tho root of the supino. 3. Totidem-atque murksequatit between disserent person or ut disserent times i. e. Whenthe relation is ne os diversity). The comparison is here betWeeuth number he had when e et ait, and the numberio ad henhe returned. 4. The cum toto construe by to' marks thoduratio of the accompanyin circumStanee the abi alone Wouldoul mar tho in or manner. O XXV. 7, 2 Summa cum eiu offens Done domi remanserunt.-Z.4 4 2.

tes of present; Scin W ci ni id ii is non posset, 2. 3. Abl. os cause. 4. α vulnere ceger Liv. 26 8 9. 5. Thoposse main a continuin possibility Wherea th discessisset maia a complete action. 6. The Lingis Persia T. O. 8. I refers this consideration to the in os Tisagoras it Was the circumstanco hicli as e feli oblige him to eland his brothet o xviii. 9 6 mutat consilium, et, quonia m imprudentes adoriri non posset, sectit iter suum. 6 1. But: the relation etween the partio absolutus and multatus est bein an adversative relation. 2. Properi a balance the the sum e hed audis money, a certain de sinite sum

the triat, is osten sed, as here, for the punishment; speciallywhen it, ' ne Sos. 1, 1 xiii 3 5. 6. Quantus hero, tantus enim. 7. In proesentia se tempora β S in prue mens tempus Cic. Cat. 1 9. Tho plura implies that the times, o circumstances of the time, ero uni vorabie to his in hicli sonsa temporaris osten Med. D.

d Theraeiter explanation is give ii. 8, 44, 1.



sussering rom hi WOUndS.Cu. VIII. fi l. Construe crimine Pario. . Whatis tho Engi. Os crimen '-3. When may antem poS Standabsolutet si e Without a case l-4. y ho many years dii tho tyrannyis Pisistratus precede the condemnationis Miltiades l

4. Explain autem in omnes autem-dicuntur tyranni.