장음표시 사용
correspondi-3. What is tremi' Objection to communitas J-4. Distinguisti belween comis and communis.
-NO ne i S humbi a noto have accesso Miltiade S.
3. That, though communis is sed lar condescending, Gable thesubst communitas is no found in this sense. Dis howevor probabio stoin the use of communis and of the Greeli κοινύτης that it Was Eoused though no instance of taut his is found in existin writings. 4. Cominis the person lio, Domin gentie, amiable Character, is obligin and courteous to ali. Communis is the person lio, Domwnateve motive, is affabieri inferiors, trentin them us equuls. Ju Ι 1 1. Neocles I. Proper names in em especialinthose in Aes osten tali th gen in i in riters of the goiden age . 3. He supposes trio have arisen rom i sor ei in the gen o Words ineus e. g. Achille , Achiller, Achilli M. That the nom. may boum: i. g. that rom Neocli, ma infer a nom. Neoclus. The positio of the areo genitives hujus an adolescentice, hic idopen o the Same substantive in diffferent relations P. I. i. 28.
Potentiam potestas I See 6d potentia. e. g. in ep. Pericli, Alcib. b. I. in many MSS, Andocidi Alcib. 3, 2.-andalso rom ther endings, Polymni sto Polymnis), Epam. 1, 1. Coti stomCotys) Ιpti. 3, 4. O in criticali correct edition are Ound Isocrati, Timarchidi, Theophani, Aristoteli, rariteli, Ven Herculi: illi many ottier DO eles; uls in the names of barbarians Mithridati, Ariobarzani, Hystaspi Xerri. Ciceve preser ille gen Z sit 1.)
puer.)-T EXplain the Se Os the present Subj. anteferatur, putentur uster the pers emendata sunt.
2 l. Distinguisti belWeen ordiri inchoare, incipereT What is ordiri oppos edy Dod incipere.)-2 EXplair
do thus verbs tali in the Sense Os being descended from y-6. Oe the partes natu in genealogie generallytalio a prepositioni nota-T. DiStinguisti belween probatus alicui and probatus ab aliquo. -S. Explain liberiuS.-9. Oe negligens, he Spolien Os property, denote careteSSnes Only ἶ-l0. What is the Opp. os negligens in this senses
3 l. Explain frangere in non fregit eum.-2. What Lindis activi cis industria 'o what is it oppos eda
plain prodire in concionem populi and distinguisti it froni
T. I implies a continue consequence lastin Do the time spolienis to the time of the narrator D. 2I : nobi birth: Dominenus. 3. From Lycomedes. 4. Em Eeldom M a. d. χ' ut the are osten followed by the abi. ithout a reposition. 6. It is generali sollowed by abl. ithout a preposition. V. 451. 7. In probatus alicui, probatus is sed adjectively, and expresses generalis habitua approbationis his conduci probatus ab aliquo Ouid only XpreS approbation os a single action, o particular. 8 It is used as equivalentio liberius iuuet ouo b Englished by too. It expresses caretessnes o indissereric in mone mattera: ut implies morori prodigality erpensive habiis, the fruit os such caretessness. 10. Diligens saning, frugal. So patre usus est dilicente,
3 1. Frangere, to distiearten. Dis opposed i erigere, athere, in Just. 22 6, 7. ac victoria et Siculorum animi eriguntur, et Poenorum franguntur. 3. Elther se dare or here se dedere alicui rei, the lalter expreSSin more Strons a tota surrenderos oneseis. 4. es e. g. se totos libidinibus de didissent Tusc. 1, 30. 5. Causes tried by arbiters in private houses. 6. o come formar in a public character in to adsessuli popularassembly. re in concionem is meret to attendes as a latener, in more Oter Without takiL an more activo pari in iis deliberations.
ire in concionem.-7. Why are the imperfeci prodibat. gerebatur USed Τ-8. DiStinguis belWeen invenire and reperire. Dod invenire f4 l. What houldae observed in non minus in rebus gerendi promtu quam eaecogitandii'-2. Give the derivationis callidus.-3. ive Cicero' explanationis thewOrd.-4. Whatio es hi paSSage ho Wit respectrio
4 1 Thom essionis the prepos. incaesore eaecogitandis, here, the notio 'ein oppoSexto eae Other, e might ruther have ex- p icci iis insertion. 2. Callum that horn-like hardnes of shin, Whicli long-continue manua labor produces o the palmo theliand jus belo tho fingers, c.-Ηene calliditas the acquire knowledge of the worid and of men gained by experieuce audpraetice.' Dod. 3. Versutos eos appelio, quorum celeriter mens versatum calicii m autem, quorum tamquam manu opere, Sic animus usu concalluit. de . D. 3, 10, 25. 4. That it oes no necessarii impi long experienee, The noeles in Very oung. An acute in and ound jud ent earns ita lemon o practica wisdom in a comparatiVely Shori time experienee cunno te ach, without intellectual Ower, t inser the genera principi stom insulated facis. CH. II. 1 2. To old ne s rs public command o magis. tracν ores appea for the frs time asin orator e fore the eopte la the purpos os spe ahing on politica questions'. 3. accedere
i equ1Valent O capeSSero rempublicam '-4. Distinguishbetwee revublica and civitas.-5. Distinguisti belween bello Corcyrgo an in bello Corc.-6. Xplain proetor Milt. 4 4. J-T. Is ferocitas alWay used of tho Mild couragem Whicli barbarians and wild beast are capablo Τ 2 l. Explain metalla.-2. What mine are meant l-3. y largitione magistratuum are, to underStandbribus that the magistrates received ' oriribes that theygaue f3 I. Explain frangere in Corcyraeo fregit. . Would maritimis proedonibus con Sectandis e correcti Prael. Introd. p. II 8 note . -3. y What ne Eng-listi ord an marithmi proedones e conStrued l . ha meaning have frequentatives in re, ari ' Se e
ud rempublicam Respublica relates more to the lares, uirs, administration, c., of the state civitas to the Stato as abody a community. 5. The abi. Withou in denotes the timogeneralty with in it denotes the time considere a madem ofuit iis paris: so that in eli Corc. ould mea dur in g, througho ut the war it the Corcyreans. T. Even honused in a good Sense, it implies Somethingis ercenessu os proud desance of otherS. 2I Q. mines: a v. 1, 3. 2. The silve mines nea Mount Laurium, stom hicli acti citigen received 10 drachmae v ear, and tho holo produce of whicli is suid o have reache 100 talenis
4I Q. Terra marique a in ep. de Reg. . . Terra ac mari Cic. ad Att. I 0 4 mari atque terra Sali Cat. 53, 2 . 5I Q. Vesseis of war. 2. Froin thei Shape; ein longorand narrower thun Ships os burden. 3. Threeri the were thenealled triremes: ut biremes, quadriremeS, H quinqueremes em
longi generali bulli l-4. What Lindis esset accompaniexu fleetis naves longin and sor ha purpos ess 6 l. In a militar Sense hat is petere aliquem J- 2. HOW hould dicerenturae construe da-3. What assad many interrogative taliel-4. What aco might e supplied aster miserunt'-5. What pari os spe och is consultum ἶ-6. When is his partis spe echisedl-T. In quidnam facerent de rebus Suis, Xplain the Orce sde. S. What i tho generat me anin os facere de '-9. What a tho actuat ansWer of the Pythia, a given by Herodotus l-10. Respondit u se munirente Xplaintho Sem ut here. T l. hycis valeret in the Subjunct. y Prael. Intr. i. 109. J-2. What is the meaning Os id responsum quo valeret y-3. What partis Spe ech is quo '-4. ive an instance of thi menning.-5. PerSuasit conSilium S Ser When is perSuadeo follo ed by tho ac c. illi th infigWhen by ut 8-6. OnStrue eum enim igniscari murum ligneum.-T. On What oes signiscari dependa Milt. l. 3, 5. J-S. Distingui Sh etWeen muruS, moenia, pa-
9. τεῖχος Τριτογενε ξυλι νον ιco ευρυοπα Ζευς
μουνον πορθητον τελέθειν, τυ σε τεκνα τ' ὀνησει.
10. The oraclo a givera for the purpose fieri sollowed: respondere therelare involves the notionis adnisingo do tho thingrecommendes and therelare is sollowed by ut, lihe verbs of adnising, persuading, 6 C. TI : ha the meaning of that answer idas. 3. Auadv. Os place quo valeretaein literati 'in hal direction it hadit force. 4. Se below 4 4 also Cic. de Nat Deor. 3, 2, 5 cohortabatur, ut meminissem, me et Cottam esse, et pontificem Quod eo credo, valebat the meaning of Which was P agine, ut opiniones, quas a majoribus accepimus de iis immortaltibus, S tra, coerimonia8, religionesque defenderem. 5. illi per--ade uo convince anybody, it ahes acc. illi ins withri per ε ad toto any thing, ut With subj. 6. For that this a tho
8 I. Has tali more forco here than hoc ould have Τ
wooden ali meant: ascis it were, eum enim esse murum ligneum, qui signi icaretur. 9. From munire. 8 1. ex like τοιουτος, it here an elsewhero implies ruise; this admirabie, eaecellent' advice . 2, 3. Ιt sonaetimes has a depreciatin larce: e. g. pro tali facinore. t oinis ut thethin stato emphatically, and calis attention to it, hether so thΘpurpos os excitin approbationis dicta robation e. g. V. 2, 1. X. 8, 3. 5. Ad sacra procuranda B. D. the arcem an sacra beingso a separated acto mali it omeWhat improbabio that the aro notions connected by and and ns ep. sterward says, uulis defendentibus, it is probablo that he would hore mar that thopurpose a no defence, but the continuance of the religious rites 1 is triae indeed historicatly that tho Perstans ad dimouit intakin tho Acropolis but this fac Nep. oes no notices, ut asseris generali stat the too the cit nullis defendentibus, interfectis sacerdotibxs, quos in arce invenerant, , 1. 6. Cecropia, sto Cecrops. 7. Lilio tho Gree kρά it signifies ali that relateato divine Orship; ut here, specialty the sacrifices offere tomi. nerva on the Acropolis.
whe what is satytoae dono by landr c. take u some considerable time. Thus v. 2, 3 pari fortuna in terra usus est But terra proscisci, pergere, ' c. 2. y the insin aut orium. Ortyut with subj. 4. t prevenis the occurrene of three trisylla-bles, ach with the accentis the first syllabie, hich would avo been very monotonous longius drbaros progredi. ut the quewould ver probabi have been chose stomother consideratio :
bui. Pr. Intr. ii 233, 241. 6. Non putabant-suspicionibus oportere judicari, et aespectandum dum se ipsa res aperiret, V. 3,
has an adversatine, sed a corrective Or limitin larem verum Or vero
This explanation is very doubisul. an says the preposition is omitted incertain usual formuloe, ut hen there is no sueti formula it is expressed. ΗΘ condemn the opinion fierZOg and thers that the bl Rione usis casus localis denotes a widefertensio unconfine by an definite limiis,' Herg. ad Caes. B. C. Hand)s Ord arm in1sednm nomin informulam composita Simplici ablativo ponuntur, quae aetra formulam requirunt praepositionem Veluti dicitur terra marique sed in terra. iii p. 246.)a The folio in are instances fit illi Sulla. his placuit, ut tu in Cumanum venires C. ad Div. 4 20 quamobrem placuit ei, ut ad Ariovistum legatos mitteret. c. cies. B. G. 1 34. SO Withisisum est: Visum est, ut te facerem ceditiorem C. ad Div. 8, 5, 2.3 SO V. 1, 4. Elpinice negavit se passuram Miltiadis pro entem in vineiata publicis interire,-aeque Callia nupturam,ic o xviii. 6, 2 xx. 2, 2 XXV. 5,
assirin the reui or importance of an sertion autem Currie On a
3 I. Equo Marte L h puri Marte Curi ); qua manu
ea sic des niunt, ut rectum quod sit, id perfectum o sicium esse des niunt Do T. I, 3. 4 2. Disaeing apari, discedere is to go way rom ne
another, O tW O more parties, und uo go to a place lisse rent undis emo te romethat hermone reas booreis in discedere tho resereno is more to the place tu hic tho personinoes in decedereto that rom hic he goes Hene decedere is the regular ord forquitiing hat ori besore occupie Or 9SSeSSed Ο. g. O Ra0Vernor ile in his provinceri for quittingi place of reSiden ce here noreo ut reis to stan utSO, O giVing right u 08Session, cwhicli ono hould or might have maintained. 4. es eaeadversus Ara enim Aio Loquenti, quam Septam idem ti8, eae adversus eum locum conSecrata St. C. de DiVin 1 45, 10 L; here ono ΜS reades Xadversum. . i. his fornicis solan in Thras. 2, 7 in secundo proelio cecidit Critias, quum quidem eae adversus
Ex Asia Sulla decedens. Cep. XXV. 4, 1. decrevere,-uti legati in diebus proxumis decem Italici decederent S.); de suis bonis Omnibus decedere a). eessitque jure suo L. But discedere ab armis discedere Victum discedera in sententiam. c. Urit ad Iu . XX. l. Numidae in duas partes discedunt Sin
What is the constructionis accedere, 'O approneli,' 'Og to'Τ-3. Distinguisti etween interficere and occidere. 4. Whicli of tho tW denotes a sanguinam deuth-blowl-5. Whicli is in usual and genera term so puttinito de atha -6. What was tho armos Athon calle da T. What is the derivationis Acropolis
SO Cic. de Legg. 2, 2, 5. ostquam Theseus eos demi rare eae si 'is et in tu, quod a stlatur, omnes e conferre jusSit.
2 l. What is to bo attondo to in the positionis
quum J-2. Whyris domos in the l. l-3. What regularorde i Observe d When suus relate to quisque -4. Sihi Orderisve departed romt-5. Whon is it sua sorthe suus O be place inter the caS Os quisque y-6. What is tho number of the ver aster quisque -T. DiS- tinguisti belween decedo and discedo.-S EXplain pareS. 9. What Lindis assertion are aio, a Frmo '-10. EX-plain testari as here sed .-ll. hy are aiebat, teStabatur, Jrmabat in the imperfeci l 3 I. In minus quam vellet, moveret, hyri vellet in Subj l-2. ConStrue suis uerbis.-3. Distinguisti be-
4 l. o must qui e construe in qui si disces-SiSSent, e l-2. What must e suppliedl-3. Into What tense ould discessissenti changed is the narration ere direct J-4. Wh is cum expressed in majore
2I Q. That tho nom. Dequently precedes it. 2. Because quisque though singular, implies a plurality. 3. That the suus immediatet precedes the quisque. 4. YeS: O und then ; e. g. Liv. 21, 48, 2, in civitates quemque suas dimisit. 5 hen thocas Os suus is used substantively, or has particula emphasis' 6. The pl.-quisque divides the whol number into iis paris it ma boConsidere as explanator os the true nom. thoy: that is, each os them U 7. h. 3, 4J, . . Pares Persis. 9. Od. dicere. 10. rm positively ς' ascis one could produce it-uesses testes' to the trulli os the assertion. 11. Becauso homade the assertio repentedly. 3 1. It is referred to tho min os Themistocles no relatexas facta Cornelius. 2. In his name. 3. Suis verbis is used When a message oae delivere is put in a pereon' mouth so that the words, though spolieni him, are reatly the ord of the persongiving the commission suo nomine is se Wheno perSO GVe unother permission to ac for him, in his name, but accordiu to his ore discretion.
Acin, quid quisque habeat Sui:-quod est cujusque maTime suum C. Z.