Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류




be quat to the Perstans, fbut that is they dispersed,

but occasio ally us here, to time. 6. The objecta or meaning os,hicli message as. See bove ch. 2, 7J, 2. T. From Stat, Eupine uotis sto, illi the adverbia termination im. 8. Do twhile ou stand there; be fore o leave the vot . . Gratia Was Sed in abi plur gratiis as adv. The old comi writers used itus a trisyll. but the corrent later sor is gratis'. Ingratia doesuo seemo have existe except tu the time o Tertullian; ut ingratiis, ingratis, ere so ei a the opposites of gratiis, gratis. The comic riter sal tuis ingratiis amborum ingratris.' c. but asterward the word was sed adverbially. 10.


stances of this negligerice rom C. Nep. l-ll. What is the Eng. Os persuadero alicui aliquid'-12. Reditus in Asiam. What Lind os substantive are Ot Uncommonly llowed by anotho substantive illi a prepositiona 2 l. How are qua eadem sed heret Milt 3, IJ, 2.J-2. I there any thin remarkable in reversus

Cn. V. si 1 No.-Gradus is the position assumed by a com-batant, his antage-ground gradu depellicis to b drinen romis favorabie position ς' . . to b deprive of an advantage. 2. De gradu dejici as in Cic. de si . I, 23, fortis vero animi et constantis St, non perturbari in rebus asperis, Nec tumultuantem de gradu dejici, ut dicitur. 3. Totarive risuS down i. e. Dominu elevation reali 1igurative spe or opinione dejicere. 4.Dod iterum. r. Int ii 624, c. 5. Beenus Merens is referredi past time, bein connected with fecit. 6. Litorali that this reas doing - that it a no proposed' intended. 7 Pontem rescinder e, interrumpere: - dissolnere is heroused becauso the bridgemve themellespont was made os bonis, and therelare musta destroyed by disconnecting these bonis. 9.That the subject is changed, Xerzes ein the nom. t eaecluderetur and yet notis ressed φ. 10. es: in , 3, of this ver Lila, ut pons-dissolveretur atque ab hoStibus circumiretur So XX. 1, 3Nam quum frater ejus Timophane occupaSSet particepSque regna posset esse l. e. Timoleon . 12. Verba Substantives, us aditus ad portum e reditus in patriam, sto See r. Intr. i. p. 271 e. 2 2. The pers is generali reverti in authors ho roto elare in Augusta age though they use revertor und infin. reverti. Ses

Sollv. 23 1Η. , donee pudor avertit castrisque communitis Capuam eonisapit sc Hannibala



Marathonium tropaeum and give an instanc os a simila US O tropoeilm .-4. Wh i possit in tho Subj. -5Wh are Marathonio-tropo o separate di-6. What is there peculiar in maxima post hominum memoriam classis

-7. What is the foro os de in devincere ' Milt 2, 24,

to , is here ut so the victor iiseis. SO Cic. Tusc. Disp. 1, 46 Salaminium tropaeum. 4. It is a les positive expression han ho indicative, leaviii the decision to the render: Vυναιτ αν. 5. To ad emphasis tomach. 6. Dis raro in Lat. to modis a Substantive or adjective by a substantive governed by a repoSition l. αas azim is here modiflexo definedi post hominum memoriam Sos Pr. Intr. i. P. TI, e. Cu. I. IJ I. Phalericus relates to things, Phalereus O per-SonSQ e. g. Demetrius Phalereus. 2. That the prope Romanending of the ace was m notis Venio ad Piraeea, in quo magis reprehendendus sum, quod homo Romanus Piraeea Scripserim, risnPiraeeum sic enim omnes nostri locuti sunt , quam quod tu' addiderim ' Ad Att. vii 3. Bremi say the Lai. orm as SuullyPiraeus, Piraei. 3. Aphrodision Cantharos, gea. 4. 'ir meo moenia circumdaret ori iris eum mos ni bis cir


strue di is qui or ut the more common in this constructioni

6 Tho beaut that produces admiratio an revecto sis perSon, it denote manly beauty. 7. Equiparare mali equul' rem rei, O rem ad rem to equat sebo qua to' nequipararerem or aliquem aliquὰ re, the acc. bein the perSoni thin equal-led. his is tho more sua sense of tho Ord. 2I 2. Prohibere ne or quo minus faciat the sua form . Prohibere aliquem saCere. Prohibere aliquem facientem. 3. Properly to prevent one . ii do in thinifrom goingon it it a 3I Q. Adv. os direction to a place. 2. To have this mean- in or object S quo huc, dyc. Spectare. 3. Quo O qu Or- uis hinc Spectat oratio 7 hat is the meaning ο object of this speecha properly toward what potnt oescit look Demosthenes φιλιππίζειν Pythiam dicebat. Hoc autem eo spe fit ab it, ut eam a Philippo corruptam diceret Divin. 2, 57 118. 4. Froni hat: it follows Word O likeness, unlikeness, qualitu diversity, identity, e. r. Intr. i. 194, p. 38. 5. The irs placo amongst the Grecia states, speciali the chies command of their

consederate fleet an armies.

4 2. y postquam, hei tho action to e mentione di nottali placo illis ter the had heard. 4. To mahe preparations for uildingahem. 5. Qui.

Datine quotes C pro Lig. 5, 13, et nos jacentes-prohibebis y ut this is quite mistake the passage is et nos jacentes ad pedes Wh are lying at Our feei supplicum voce prohibebis 'a his construction, heresore, hould e confine to persons ho ars, atteast Eoin a d any thin immediately.



5 I. Distinguis belWeen primum and primo. Pr.

os interim here overthrow oderisein's distinction, that interim relate tora O in os time, interea tora paceo perio os imo Τ' 6. Whon is rehother' or to botranslate di sive-Sive Seu seu l Pr. Intr. i. 456. i. 543, o J-7. What is generali used inste ad Os et nullus J-S. How is et O be construe Diti et undique and whon has it his orco -9. HOW may quo factum St, ut be construe da 10. What are sepulcra here l

5I I. 6d jubere. 3. Tum, tunc ἰ-tunc, hen a definite potui os past time is meant, in is ip8 tempore' quum , c. 4. Not to et oui, ill g c. T. Nec quisquami ulluS. 8. tit: it has this fore aster negative propositions. See abOVo3, 2J, 5, of this Lila. 10 Gravestones.

Imand say agnoscimus in interim unitatem temporis, qua duae res continentur hoc est, alteram rem in idem tempus incidere in quo altera agitur Interea autem duas res componit uno in tempore apparentes. Sed facile fieri pOtest, ut haec rerum ratio cum illa tempori ratione commutetur; neque umquam vulgaris sus discrimina servavit, sed promiscue hinc vocabula ad unam notio MAEt poris communis e rimendam adhibuit. iii. p. 421. a Putare.


tained great glory amongst ali nations. Themistocles directed them to par no placo, but 5, 8J to uild the walis filiapei and OmbStone S.Cu. VII. l 1. What is tho Orco os autem here l Milt. 4, IJ, 1. 4-2. What ense is venit J-3. What simila expression have e had to causam interponens y Milt. 4, IJ, 3.J-4. Construe ducere tempus. What timescis meant i and what Other veri, is sed in the Same

secuti '-3. What d substantives in io mean'-4. Whatis munitio here Τ-5. What is thoiorivationis Ephorus' Stato the number an poWeris the Ephori. -6. Whati accedere or adire ad aliquem J-7. What is contendere '-S. Wh are meanti HS J-What ouldae the usual pron Ounl-9. IS Equum S alWayS Ollowed by the ac c. with infin is not, hat ther construction is there Τ

η means that the wordis markod hould stan last that i stiould standirst: η' thalann adjective and substantive O mari e Stiouldie Separated. Hic is a favorite pron. illi Corn. ep. herases it for the reflexive sui in ηBVera PaSSages. XXiii. 7, 2, quod cum his pacem fecissent: , , ne ille insciantibus his tolleret 10, 6, magno hi pollicetur praemio fore. In this ense the reposition is usuali omitted. Freund, and Krsiger LatGram 305, Anmerk. 2, p. II. ., theres Ore think adire ad magistratus in this chapter IJ was necessarnio avoid theragurative caning of adire aliquem.



2. Distinguisti et e en dii publici, patrii, penateS.-3. Wh is quod possent, c. in Sula l 5 1. Whyris esse in tho infin Τ-2. Hominus it be construe di Pr. Intr. i. 460, c) l. -3. Is there any thin peculiar in oppositum ἶ-4. What is the Lat.1 to suffer hipaerecky'-5. What is there peculiarii fecisse naufragium ἶ-6. re there an Other X- amples of this in Nop. -T HON ad the orsians twice Sussere Sh wrec in collisions illi Athonii

patrii thos of Attica pen eueli man sinovsehold gods. 3. In obliquo narrons an assertio an opinion o Themistocles, ,hich

tho subst urbem This is Ver common hen the appositio is hostronger notion. 5. ne Eliould expeet fecisset, the sentencobein a subordinate Sentene in Obliquo narration. Sometimes, hoWever, the ins is found, Speciali Where a relative may be resolvedint a conjunction illi the demonstrativo as apud quam se et apud hanc , so that the sentene beeomes virtuali a principat Sentence, connected co-ordinatet with the preceding one This is an imitationis tho reo construction. Z.4 603, c . . es Alc. 11, 6, quibus rebus essecisse : Dat 5, 4, quo feri. 7. At arathon an Salamis sustering hiprerech bein a figurative expression raeing orsted and though Marathon a no a Seu-fight yet it

mence quibus des adhiberetun cannoti the right rendin here. Facere naufrassium is, os course, a Murative expression here sor eina orsted in araeu-figlit.


6 I. Whycis qui-intuerentur Subj. -2. Os poti and magis, hicli denotes quantit sor degre os inten Sity), and hicli referenc O selection ' Ρr. Intr. i. 437, 9. J-3. What is intueri y-4. What ould remitterent be in direct narrationi Pr. Intr. i. 460, c), 3 J-5. Wh is miserant in the indi: though it is a s

ordinate Sentenc in obliquo narration Τ



2 l. Explain cum im magna cum dignitate. Milt.

What tonso is Sed illi postquam, ut, ubi, O denote Wheni aster a perSOn ad done S an Soyl-4. Howma quo videbat e ConStrue di-5. O i ne construod aster verbS Os fearing -6. Ne propter e, C. the noni is hero iacedoemonii et Athenienses, o v is it that se canio sed os Themistocles ' Pr. Intr. .. 369. -T. Where a MolosSiay-8. Cum quo ei hospitium fuerat: hyci cum quo Sed, o quocum '-9. What

is Argi orum, c.-Argos is probabi Luce plur. rgo Sing. beingused principali by poets and geographeri . 2 2. es: e must conside ejus used beenus the Lacedaemonians are the principat subjectis the wholo sentenoe. BJ

Varro L. L. 9, 50 150 Graecanice hoc Amos, quum Latine Ami. Datine says, Witti referene to Nepos the relater, ut his reason ould nearly adreays justis the se of is λ suus 3 obs the Englis idioni is osten the sume: thenae heard, Oc.

Sometimes early the meaning O eram, a se .vκειν. e quotes rom ep. Attic. 7, 1, Quae amicis suis opus fuerant ad Pompedium prosciscentibus, omnia e sua re familiari dedit.-The explanation ivon fro Duline is mi preserabie.


tens preferren to the perfeci indicative ' Pr. Intr. i. 500 end), and 50l'. J-8. What hould bo observe in his

use of the impers. Sulla aster priusquam and a pastaenSe l-9. In hat Other constructionci a precedin comple-

ted action put in the impers subj l by I. Explain publice.-2. What cis the 'ord or

tho impers is S used though rom the sua accurae of tho Romanidio in marking the completion sine actionaesore anotheriegan, one might have expecte the pluperfeci: o. g. Themistocles did notquit tho sanctuar tit Admetus had inen him a promiSem protection. 9. In the lam quum interrogaretur, C. O interrogatus esset aer. Intr. i. 415 S. 5J I. In tho name of thei respective states: opp. privatim. 2. Palam opp. clam, occulto, Secreto, eae insidiis.

Bremi says receptum is purposely thrown into the participia sorm sor Themistocles ad Sureis a reception, ut it was a great objecta him i con-frm this, an malle it more indin by the religious Solemnit of the circum-Stances an maniae Opit. Κrit says Conjunctivus-licet rarius cum hac voce priusquam conjungatur, potestate multum differt ab indicativo quia res illa ad quam respicitur, non ut certa ponitur, Sed ita, ut in Vitatione adhuc Versetur, et quadam quasi conditione tenentur.-Cic. de r. 1, 59, tra oedi quotidie antequam pronuncient, vocem sensim eaecitant quo SigniticatUr non facta jam pronunciatio, sed pronunciandi consilium. De T 1, 21, 13, in omnibus ne otiis priusquam a Vrediare adhibenda est proeparatio dilissens, i. e. priusquam tibi recte suscipi posse videntur. Ad Cat. 4 5. . ac Ann. 1, 39, religione Sese tutabatur. Bremi non solum sanctitate quoe etiam hominibus tribuitur, sed etiam resistos veneratione Cic. Balb. 24 55. Sacra Cereris-surum majores nostri Migione consci coerimoni eque voluerunt. So lin. 6, 27, 31 ipse in m aE si caerimonid.