장음표시 사용
sit aperit.-3. Si e conservaSset: Oe Se relate to the
Themistocles feared that he hould bo condemne dissilio troason in his absenco. When Themistocles he ardiliis, he went On board The Athenians an Lacedae-
3. Praeterita ADMONEO memoriae mente futura, Ut monitus discus quae Sint CuVeuSque, MONEBO.This, however, does notriuite hold good os admoneo. T. Deducere. 6 1. In navem adscendere, navem conScendere): Scendere lato limbis o ascen to a placo here ne hallae elevate aboneothers in rostra, to ascend the rostrum in malum, to limbis a
open ea e opp. tho harbor, c. 5 Dod gratias agere. 6. Gratiam referre se χαριν ποὁιὁύναι Gratiam habere, χάρινεὶθεναι or ειν. Gratias or grates agere M χάριν λέγειν.
2 1. To hat tense of ἡκ doe the pers veni Correspondi 2. What Ord Or douse has also the mean- in os fami0 -3. Is Groecus O Graius the more Sual Wor sor Gree in profeci Pres. 3J b. J-4. OnStrue qui plurima mala omnium Graiorum in domum tuam intuli. -5. OVern omnium Graiorum.-6. What principiemay possibi have led ep. to chOOSe que ather than et O ac in patriamque meam defendere '
3 1. What is the Greel sor in tuto SSe, an in
What cases is tutum sed sub Stantivel in thi Wayl-2. os coepisse an incipere hicli is Q mahe a Winning
cipat sentenco in the sui l . g. I do this I shall, dyc.
Ρr. Intr. i. 15.J-5. HOW US to have a leaSant companio in nybody be translate into Lat. Τ-6. Distinguisti belween hostis and inimicus.-T. What nyliave led ep. to se inimicus here ather than hostis -S. Is colloqui aliquid cum aliquo tal ose any thing ith anybo ' a usual constructioni-9. What is the usual constr. -l0. ive a similar instane to annum temptris dare.-11. What is the force os de in de his rebus J-12. What peculiarit is there in Dut-venire
3I Q. ε τω σφαλει Βαι. Thuc. In tace an abl. With propositio Q e. g. in tutum pervenerunt, ii 4 3 ra. Dod incipere. 4I Q. Nunc is now of tho present time, an osten emphaticallyos present circumstances P. I. i. 865. 2. O chas audiriveo ut lilio a it beast. 3. Cuncti ali reali combined: universi ali combined in ur anne os conceiving them. 5. Anybo bo the acu after the verb, an companion eput in apposition reii Iane anyhody, a pleagant companion T. To mar tho antithesis belween amicus and inimicus. - . 8. No. 9. Colloqui de Irsu re cum aliquo. 10. Caes. B. . 1 3 Se dies ad eam rem consciendam spatii postulant. 11. - quod attinet ad visit respect o. 12. Theuec me is underatood, beta implied by the precessing mini.
Witti colloqui res may be compare in tituta majoru lis se rem a Sall. Cuc 5 9.
know that Thucydides has ritton that Themis iocles assed Over into Asia in the eignis Artaxerxes. know thalamos authors have state that Themistoclesnflicte more viis O the hous O Xerxes than any thor os the Greeks. stor tho batile of Salamis erXos returne d into Asia. I it is necessary, e illlostro the ridge hicli ou have mado ver the
Cu. X. l l. hycis hujus separate from amm, magnitudinem ' See hap. l, IJ, 5. J-2. What oestalis implyΤ-3. What is the orce Os enia in veniam
dare '-4. Distinguisti etween mirari, admirari, demirari. Pres. 3J, J.-5. Litteris sermonique Persarum distinguisti belWeen litterae und sermo.-6. HOWdo e Daline explain the present Subj dicatur aster eruditus Sty See bove, hap. I, lJ, 8.J-7. Who re hi qui in Perside erant nati J-8. What is the Statement
permission. 5. The simplest explanation is that litterae in tholiteratur of the Persianx tho study of thei authors Sermo, Onversation illi them . . Datino consideriit a periphrasis lar Persaeu ut this pulsis absurdis hyperbole into the mouili os Corn. Nep. that I an hardi imagine imo mean Perstans, ut tho Asiatio Greek about tho Persia couri: to homoli Persian was indeed Ver necesSary, and a language constantly used by them, butuot thei mother longue.1 Intelligere. The les probabie explanation, hicli remi seem to preser is that litterae reser to the knowIedge of the Persia custom an mariners p sermo to the laneuaile. ' his ord, he says, is seldom sed in the sense of Iinrua in the olde writers aut is ound in Nep. Hannib. I 3, 2, Graeco sermone. Atuc. . i. aermo Latinum and in Cic. Bruti M. It is common in Quintilian
2 Explain Themistocles' return rom the Persian
shouldi observed in sua sponte ' Milt. 1, 44 5.J-6. Distinguisti etWeen sua sponte an ultro.-T. Whycis pollicitus esset the subj l 5 I. What is the derivationis quoniam ' Pr. Intr. ii. 840.J-2. Os quia and quoniam, hic agre es e Stwith αεί, hicli Willi Orici hich with beeause, Which
2 Asia Minor is meant, hicli in tho timo os Cornelius Was the Roman provinco os Asia f 3 1 eli αρτον. Bread is mentione a tho principat ood osman: i. e. so the necessaries O lis : opsonium, hicli is properly any ood exceptare ad that was cooke or ressed by the id offre, is used la the delicacies of the table tho more luxurious articles of ood drem, furniture, c. 3. Athens tho tom os Themistocles existed even in theinys of the geographer Pausanias , non tho largest basin os the Piraeus. 4. Seo the tutement of Thucydides, reporte at the end of this hapter. 4 1. - multis modis. Cic. orat. 45, 153. Sed quid ego noculei Sine ocalibus oepe brevitatis causa contrahebant, ut ita dicerent, multimodis, tecti' fractis. 2. - nec tamen as Ages 1 4 Phoc. 2, 5, c.
3. SUMIMUS Suri; APOUSque ut possideamus: PRENDIMUs illa manu volumus quaecumque tenere.
Seo Dod sumere. 4. sithout denuinge aut betior hero though e oes no deny,' since his is the rea meaning thoughrae allores.' 6. Dod sponte See iit. 1, 4J 8. 7. Beca erili statemen is made notis an historical ac by Nepos, but a tho statementis Thucydides. 5I a. Quom is quum and jam 2. Quia rara, decause
Somannib. 8, 4, and Cic. Leg. Man. 3, T in lacio luce. I. e. in the secon centur aster Christ.
rather the occasion Os an action O the opportunit for performiniit, than the cause O ground of Ll Pr. Intr.
quoniam, Aret, 4ince. 3. Quoniam. 4. Quod has ostenthe objectivo meaning os quia. 5. From an obsolet plura ques,to hic quibus belongs a tria Domares. 6. o. T. It is ove a the statement madea Thucydides esset damnatus.
CH. I. II a Dod requus. 3. Gen. O dat. 4. Gen.: but no exclusively.-Z. AII. 5. Meus oequali oeg beingvirtuali a substantive. 8. Accordirigly and 8 e i. o. asmight naturali be expecte froin the circumstance of their elageontemporaries. 9. The si si an in the state cit meaning in ii. 6, 3 is more generat. 10. Ob-tractare'. 11. V pullagainst another, henco tocte an opponent O a rival. 12. Obtrectare ero alteri aut illa vitio8a Emulatione, quin rivalitati similis est, emulari, quid habet utilitatis ' quum sit cernulantis angi alieno bons, quod ipse non habeat obir ei tanti autem, angi alieno bono, quod id etiam alius habeat Tusc. 4, 26. 14. es e. g. qui huic obtrectant legi atque cau86B. C. Leg. Man. 8, 21. 15. Dat , and in luter riter the acc.
2 1 That genera trullis i. e. assertioris alid at ali times aroput in Lat in tho imperfeci sub aster a pastriense, CCOrdin tolli generat ut so the sequence of tenses. IV Should generallyus the present te e . . alamele , guiteles Character.
AEqualis temporum illorum. Cic. Ob-trectare, accordin to Paul. ex est. i. facere quid contra tractantem Dod considerS i sor obdetrectare, ob haring the fame meaning S in Ob-ambulare, Where it, apud alone by near.' Surely the meauingi ob m adversus siti true One. Notio eve alway e. g. herioldiim that God a the punisher of the wicked rather than 'is.
Spectivel tali in Latin riters of the oldo Ago '
10. O hat a quod e considered equivalent in this
any thinito e observe d about the tenSe sit appellatus -J5. FrOm What do es collabefactus comet-16. Whendo the compound os facio tali scior, o so, in the passive J-l T. What is properi the meaningi collabe- feri y-l8. O liat is the or generali applied Τ-l9. What is meanti testula illa J-20. What orco has illa herest 2 l. How ould the even ears' ar bo4. Indic. 6. Disinterestednessu prop. the withholding oneselffrom another' property righis sto. The subjunctive is sed in limitations of this kiud that aro adde aster positive talementa Z. i59. . numquam illum ne minima quidem re ostendi, quod quidem senserim Cic. Am. 27, 103. . Sisar a least. 10. To quantum. I. Agnomen. 12 Phocion 1, 2, eae quo cognomine Bonus est appellatus. 13. That tho nam is no in the gen after cognomen, c. ut ascis indeclinable in apposition to t. B. 14. Sinc it follows aecellebat, tho imperfectsula. ould e the usual construction: ut Eee r. Intr. i. 418.-Z.4512, Note. 15. Collabe feri. 16. When the chango a into iiii the active ' perscio, perscior: ut labefacio, labeso, c. Zumpi 183. 17. Torae made to fati compare hoc. 2, 4, concidit autem marime uno crimine. 18. o bulldings, thalare in dange os falling. 19. Ostracism. 20. That wellknown, o 21. Bellum illud septem annorum no bellum
Datine adds that the modest of this expression is uis increased by theus of the nrst person plural See res. 8. This is especialty the case hen the person bearing the nam is the nomio the verb: ut also in ther cases Gabinio Secundo o nomε Chauciua usurpare concessit. Suet. Claud. 24.-cui fecimus Aurea nomen. v. et 15
From ha are the notion Os reprimi, concitari, here bor-rowedl-3. Is Q See a man write, videre aliquem mcrib ennem, O videre aliquem S crib er Hy-4. Is quaerere ab aliquo the ni constructioni
i. 3. J-5. Whycis elaborasset in the subj. 8 5 1. Explain the hic.-2. Xplain the per in per
sito direction, both in Gree and Latin Τ-S. Does fere eXpres doub Whether it Was actualty in the ixthbo arq-9. What is the derivationis fere ac corditi tomanda-l0. What is a populiscitum J-Il. Is the derivationis
a horse m reprimere o coercere, to holdiim in. 3. Both aro correct justin in Ensisti to se a man writing, unxto se a manrerite dolio partiep. is used when the emphasis is O tho actio seenas it reas do g is the emphasis similio preceding per8on Orin thererb the nec an ins S Sed. 4. NO: quoerere ab de eae
aliquo.-Z.4 393. 4I Q. Generali non nosse aliquem. 2. The notanowingbyuight. 3. Liv. 26, 12, 17 Productus Numida)-igno
rare se mulierem simulabat. Suet Vitell. 17 nam ignor ab a tur. 5. It is in Oblique narration.
With post expresse had been Chosen, postquam Ouid have occurredtwice in one sentence. 6. It is sed os motion stom tho interior os a continentis eo tr domito the conSt: O καταβαίνειν. T. Adscendere and ἀνα βαίνειν. . Accordin tomand i does no . . aut his arguments do o Convince me. . fere, ferme Jrme fi ly, strictiy. 10. Accordiu to Roma custom a decree passed by the whole nation l. e. Senate undiseopte pleb8. Populiscit here in populi jussu. 11. o populus and sciSco
164 QUESTION ONpopudiScitum, populus an scio '-IT What is tho orsos sciscere '
tin that ho Ahould boianishodior tonaears, ho inquiredo him. hy ho thought that Aristides deservet Such a
Senatus cim Mea plebs si ii Sia, popuIus Libi t. 12. Scivi populus jure a civit Phil. I, 10, 26. Cn. III. 1 2. Particulas si, ecquid, niSi ne num fori Sequatur. 3. y fortasse illi tho indicative, o forsitan withthe subj. 2I I. Dod modus 5 . . Res c. publicae, public vices. Somat. 2, 1, majoribus rebus proeesse. 7. carenoui; that is, for buriat, andienco it come to mean a buta, liho lis Gree ἐιe φέρειν.