Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류



3I V. t tho public cost. 3. In the Prytaneum, here perpetualire Was hept burning. 4. The Prytane or presidenis os the Senate lareigninis Sadora, enuoy Who ad returne homo Dom foreig mission whicli the had conducted with abilit and citigens h hadaeeum Signa Service to the State, o the descendant os suc citigens. Dici of Antiqq. 6. Uictus quotadianus in Prytaneo De Orat. 1, 54.



an instanceis iis eiu used with an epithe whicli x- pre S Se pratSe, Scit is in his hapter. 4. Explain iis VS here.-5. Xplain the use of homo and vir in the sol-lowin passage Marius et tulit dolorem, ut vir et ut

homo, majoremferre Sine cauSa neceSSarist noluit Cic. Tusc.

2, 22, 3.-6. HOW Ouid o distinguisti homo honus est,illi epitheis of prais froni uir With suci epithetil

HOW may theSe particles e construed when the have

CH. I. 1 1. Homo is opposexto deus o bellua man, as ullum an e ing vir to mulier, human ein os tho malo sex. 2. Catilina utebatur hominibus improbis multis; et quidem optimis se viris deditum esse simulabat, Cic. Coel 5, 12.3. Eae hoc esse hunc numero, quem patres nostri viderunt, divinum hominem, Africanum Cic. Arch. T, I 6. 4. Africanus is talienas belongin to the huma race, and et alsed above ita charaeter hecis considered, that is, illi referene to the whole humanruce. 5. Η endured pati like a man, that is, ithout an os


ΠΟte. -l4. ive an inStance of the separation os is 'from iis Substantive, as here in Dei que-cecidit proelio.

14. Agesilaus ua naturam fautricem habuerat in tribuendis animi virtutibus, sic malescam nactus est in corpore sngendo. Ages. 8, 1.

2I I. Multaque, in prim ii Sicul orum in dicendo

copioSus St, commcmoravit. Cic. Vere Act. 2, 2, 36 88. 4. By the participio piched. 5. No in Lat. a person is osten aidio do hat he causes to e done. 6. Atticus S ather omnibus doctrinis . . . flium erudidit - had hi instructe in. Att. I, 2 e dii an tu, Chabr. I, 2. T. DiStributive ado. 8. y addin im to the supine oot cas-im, punct-im. 9. Cute utim, gregatim privatim. 10. Tributim, tribo by tribo : an viritim, the word inmur passage. 11. not Ver numerous army Praci Intr. i. 778 . and Diff. o Id. 75, 5 . 3. Cic. does notisse haud ita, ueretice, Cornelius, Virgil, Horace O. 3I a. omnia miscere, Sali omnia armis miscere, Veli plura mi8cere, Cic. 2. T covot to long or. 4. An inscription


Alcibiados as indeed among th sirs os tho Athen1ans in politica ability but inconstant in very relationos lis . Pausanias a sirst lamed sor havin carve do a goiden tripod that unde his command the Perstans were annihilatexat lataea, and that thoi genera him- soli had salien in that batile. Pausanias is to bellam edsor havin carve Lupon it. that he with a no very numerous arm annihilate the Barbarians at lataea. Tho Lacedaemonians are Ora pratsed Ora aving erased this inscription, and carve Ion it nothing, ut that the Barbarians ha been si ted sti lataea by amo Ver numerou arm Os Greeli S. W hundred thous and of tho insaniry, hicli consisto os iched en, fel in that battio Pausanias is to beatame sor havingi eguit tocreate ali anne os politica confusion fastor ho had annihilatexilio Persian a Plataea. CA II. l l. In hat sense is Hellespontus hereus edΤ-2 Overn Cyprum and Hellespontum. Milt. I,

2 1. What Lindis similarit do es par denote - 2. Whycis elatius in the comparativel 3. Distinguisti

homines and γράφω. 7. carvo upo it ci Alcib. 6 5 in quibus devotio fuerat script a. o Suet. Caes. 85, solidam

columnam-statuit, scrip sit que Parenti Patrictu an Liv. 4, 20 11 se A. Cornelium Cossum consulem scripserit. Inscribere, incidere.

Complures hostium is ound Hirt B. G. 8, 48


hand is comparative, illi res to a malle number. 4. Some, an notis ery femu it is howeve les Strong, a this paSSuge hoWS, than complures. 6. Verbes compounded illi re osten denote a

dut imposed ponis person the laying onaim the obligation to docomething ei de re debitum Regg. 1, 5. 3I I. Dod necessarius. 6. Because thermis the conjungi might avo been referre t the precedin accusative eos quos ceperat. 8. Optare et domoahes the ins cupere hardi eve ut.-Z 613. Note. 9. Quod ego quidem nimis quam cupio, ut impetret Plaut. Capt. I, 2, 17. 4 9. The usua form is ac face occur in Plautus, oreneo,&e 10. rustWOrthy.

Comp. renuntiare Alc. 10, 2 redisere et 5, 1 referre Eum IR I; 'λSecre Caes. B. G. 5, 30 2.


S l. What is the orco os coni cum in col-laudat

-2. Xplain ne cui rei parcat. Pr. Intr. i. 80. J-3. Is ollicetur in the sua teri Se and Ood Or Such a Sentenco as it is here placed in Τ-4. The ord si fecerit, nullius rei a Se repulSam laturum re in oblique narration to hicli Nepos a paSSed a i Osten done,srom tho direct form. Turn them int direct narration, a XerXes Ouid Se them .-5. What ense is feceris heret 6. O turn his into Obliquo narration: he

6 l. To What is in quo facto equivalent l-2. ΟWhat is quam equivalent l-3. What is the sua positionis non illi a participi an est y-4. When houldit standa es ore the participio l-5. Give instances of iis standiri emphaticali bes ore the auxiliar ver at tho

He answers that is e rives the garris oris of tho

Xerzes' me age a relate by Cornelius, it wOuidi more sual toplaco the ver in tho subjunctive ,-tho narratio belli oblique Pr. Intr. 460 since, however, it Was an historica fac that Pausanias di malae these promises, the indicative a stand*. Se Pr. Intr. 466 the last sentence an compare Milt 3, 4J I. 4. Ιdjsi feceris, nullius rei a me repulsam feres. 5. ut pers. 6. Id si fecisset, nullius rei a se repulsam laturum. Pructi. Intr. p. 163 b. BA. T. Instea os a pastriense, he had used the historica present collaudat etit: e therei ore se the pere subj. instoad of the pluper . Compare also Presntr. 468, Uith the Remarh. 6 1. Dum ista facit or faciebat the repos denote duration. Comp. hem 2, IJ. 2. Et eam. 3. Besore the est. 4. Wh3n there is nother participieri Whicli Dis opposed as, non deterritus sed concitatu e8t. 5. Onon 1 3, accepturos non fuisse: an. 12, 3, ausus non est; ill 2, 5,

ausi non urit.

Comp. Cim. I, 4. si ea, quin pollicis metur, proestitiSset. Iompare Conon 3, 3 delibera utruν colloqui malis, an per litteras vers. et reae o fit a s



ter in marriage. Is yo drive the Perstans sto Cyprus I Will serid a rustWortis person to conser Withbou. fyo do his, O Wil reduce Sparta and the est os

2 1. Who ero the qui aderant'-2. Whycis possent in the Subjunctive J-3. ive an instance rom

II, I, qui post aliquanto natus. 2. Pel. 2, 4, neque ita multo post. 3. ex that o disclosin them gradu atly undas horiound persons inclinesto receive them and suppor hims dra

Mis plans o Dulews: cogitare, to thin abo ut a thing bein ostenequiValent to lanning t. 6. Tho distance of non rom thesolum, to hicli it belongs. 7. Modo os living: it is ver ostenjoineda another Word, as here, and thse denotes ali that belong to pereon' mode of ining excepi ha thes addes or denotes hene hero it includes his table his tent, his furniture, hi State, C. 22 a. His uesis. 2. The ver is ometimes in tho Sula. aster quam it a comparativo. 3. Quid ' tu, inquit, animo


tion l 4 l. What ense do postquam, ut, ubi hen ter' talis DPr. Intr. i. 14. J-2. What a the

Scytala J-3. Xplain more illorum.-4. Whyci reverteretur the Subj Pr. Intr. i. 460, .J-5. Distinguislibetween reverti an redire. 5 l. What oes etiam tum mean'-2. What arethe w meaning Os etiam tum ἶ-3. Give an instanc est isto eras, cur non in proelio cecidisti pilius, qui in potestatem inimici venires Eum 11, 4. And clarius eaesplendescebat, quam generosi condiscipuli rere possent. Att. 1, 34. Postea, quidquid erat oneris in nautis remigibusque zigendis, in frumento imperando, Segestanis proe ter ceteros imponebat, aliquanto amplim quam ferre pos8ent err. 4, 34. 5. With elle und posse. Vumpi, k 560. Note. 6. Theiriwn moderate habit peculiarly unfitte them for earing the extremfluxurnos a Persianaanquet. 3I Q. Conveniendi. 2. 1 Enti ance or admission to person then 2 the permission or right os entrance then 3 agen of the ground was adde to denote the purpos sor hicli tho admission us required. 3. Itaque si qui mihi erit aditus de tuis fortunis agendi, c. Epp. ad Fam. 6, 10, 2. 4. As an adj it,ouldae sem. bubit is here used Substantivein Troas Ec regio and put in apposition illi ager, as fumen Garumna in campum Marathona, c. 5. That introducedantum and

exacti the fame Sige to thei Commander-in-chief. When theyWishedri seri an order, the wound a thong round this stich, and wrote the orde on it no ne could re ad his, ill the letters erongain brought properi together by being Wound round a stic os homine sige in the Sume Way. 3. In the concise a culled La- oonte Doni iis belongin peculiarint the Lacedaemonians, Lacones. 5. Dod reverti. 5 I. Eden then. that is, stili. 2. Tho meaning of thθword is no altered, ut thei reference Ailate us that, undas early us that. 3. Etiam tum ita hominum sine cupi


oscit me aning a late a that. 4. EXplain regi.-5Nas ausanias a Ling Τ-6. What i neque equivalentio in neque eo magis y 6 1. On hat principi is genu hominum, quod Loto vocatur, to e referre t genu hominum, qui Lotae vocantur Pr. Intr. i. 48 49. V. T2.J-2. Give an instance of genus, qui vocantur Milt. 4,

oportere - 2. Give an instanee rom Cic.-3. What isther peculiar in the Se os et it exspectandum y . Give instances.-5. an O produce an instance romNep. -6. Ouid se ipsam aperireti hero admissibi l

regi d is vim to ne of thei hings. 5. No he a guardiant his cousin Pleistarchus, the sonis Leonidas, ho commande ut ThermopVlae. 6. Neque tamen or ero.

uer rather than the infin. 2. Nim censet lugendam e s Memortem De Seneci. 20, 74. 3. When a negative and affirmative senteno are Oine together in thi Way, et atque, O que re USed, here e liouldis ut 4. Equidem illud ipsum non nimium probo ea tantum patior C. de Fin. 2 9, T. Neque desideravit quemquam ea potius discessu nostro laetatus est C. 5. Huic in primum suasit, ne se moveret, ea aevectaret quoad Aleaeandri fliu regnum adipisceretur Eum 6, 2. 6. sor se ipsam aperiret wouldae to discove itself, ruther than somethingislδe.'


interea. Them. 6, 5J 5.J-2. HOW Ouid a letterito Artabazus' be generali expresse in Latin l-3. Onwhat princi ple ould the participio e sed Τ-4. re

Cu. IV. II I. Epistola ad Artabazum scripta, data, miδδα,&c. 3. In Latinis substantivo is no osten modified by another Substantive governed by u preposition'. 4. es: Such examples ure not raro Cic. de T. 1, 11, 37, senis est Marci quidem Catonis

epistola ad ilium do T. 2, 14 48, aestant epistolae Philippi ad Aleae antrum. 5. es for instance, Liv. 23, 34 litterae quoque ab in ni male ad Philippum, hicli sciust tho urpassage. 6. Verba and ther Substantives expressin an actionue g. thos in o. T. Deductio in agros via ad gloriam manno in vita fuga ab urbe ; defectio ab Romanis. 8. Me suspected began to suspectris came to suspect 9. iit 7, 3J, utrisque venit in opini omem signum a classiariis regiis datum e so Att. 9 6. 0. become Suspected by ny-body: to sal unde his suspicion. 11. Nearly in the sense os

14, 22 : Cogites, quid agendum nobis sit super De gatione it is howeve rare in ita). Virg. Geor. 4 559 inoe super arvorum cultu pecorumque canebam Et Super arbὰ ibis.

15. Somethin in thi Way the were soldod in tho formis a littio book, themtie round with a thread lino obligareJ, tho no beingcovere With acor a in os chalh creta. 16. Epistolam

In such constructions the subst with the preposition is Joine attributieeuae themille substantive almost that is, like an adjective.