장음표시 사용
PAUSANIAS, CH. IV. 175IT. Explain the meanin Os incula laaeare, an signum detrahere here.
2 1. Translate the oinis hic ha been agreedupon etween the kin an Pausanias in t O WayS.-2. In has ille litteras, hyrare has litteras separate da 3 l. What is the meaning O gravitas'-2. DiS- tinguis belween se ipse an se ipsam. Pr. Intr. 368.4 4 1. What is the mos exac renderiti Os itaque '
aperire, resignare; or Solvere λυαν . 17. Argilius meant torestore the fastening and Eeal that is to do the Ietier u again, is holaund nothin writte incit against imself e therelare oosenedihe threa o string and pullexit orwith the ea unbrohen . 2I Q. ea quae inter regem Pausaniamque convenerant Or ea quae regi cum Pausania convenerant. 2. Such separation both gives emphasis to has litteras sese this letter , and avoid the concur
2. es. 3. The pass. is preserre so genera trullis an assertious : hen that is, there Si reserene to particula perSonS. 4. Dod templum. 5. Anastrophe DOm νά-στρέφειν.6. illi pronouns. 7. Con 2, 2 hunc adversum Chabr. 3, 1, quam ante. 8 Sus an tenus. 9. From con-sidere.
10. With in 11. O the cleps of the altar. 5I a Sometimes ad aram. Cic. Verr. 2, 3 8, ut numquam antitis tempus ad aram legum confugerint . . Ara
Thucydides sayche prepare a false seM. Tibini. 4, 23, 23:-Verieris saneta considam vinctus ad ara a.
6 I. What is tho Englisti os modo here l-2. Wha
4. Liv. 3, 21, dum ego ne imiter tribunos, nec me contra SenatuSconsultum consulem renuntiari patiar Cic. Rep. 1, 2. Tencamu eum curSum . . . . nequis ea Signa audiamu8, qu receptui
canunt. 5. mplicatus Or implicitus. 6. Η uses implicatus eXcept when speakin os a diseaseu a Cim 3, 4 Ag. 8, si T. Liv. has in morbum implicitus; gram morbo implic itis . ' ut implicatus bello 26, 24, 16. So aes has gramore morbo implicitus, . . , 18, 1 ut quini erant ordines Lmpli ciaci, B. G. 7 73, 4.-Cicero has neuri alWay im. plicatus Later Writers use either serm Without distinction.
O ara may be considere res sed so the protective poWer of the altar m fugere in alicujus fidem, misericordiam, Oc. . r. Inu. 415.
sa him loosening the thread, and pullin os the eat, tho inquired What re ason he had O SO Udde a re SO-lution. A certain Argilius had come o suspeet, that is he conveyed the letter, he was to e putrio de ath. Is hoc onveys this lette lis illi putri de ath. Cu. V. 1 l. Whon is deiter to e translato bysatius ' Pr. Intr. p. 84. Ob S. to X. 34. -2. Whalis tho Englisti os in eo esSet, ut clyc. ' Ρr. Intr. 479. 3. What might e sed insto ad os qui eum admoners cupiebat'-4. With what differen cocl-5. Is thoro stilla third wayl-6. What disserenuo ould his maliel T. Distinguisti belwe en vultus and faeses Ddd facies. 4 2 l. What ambiguity is there in quo χαλκίοικος
3 l. What is there unusual in dicitur eo tempore matrem Pausania Diaeisse ' Ρr. Intr. 29T. J-2. With What form is the impersona construction Very Om-CH. V. II I. Qui eum admoneri cupiebat. 4. The Xpression ould e then moro inde sinite Lit,ould asser that he wishedhim toae Warne somo horum other; Ot, that he wishe t warn him himself i. es qui eum admonitum cupiebat. 6. The expression Ouidae indefinite, like the qui eum admoneri cupiebat, but ould impina isti that tho state of hisaein Warned i. e. theessectis the waming should continue.-Z.4 611. 2 1. The quc ma referri the precedin cedem Oro the precedin Minervaeu for both the goddes an die templo ere called χαλκίοικος. 2. Eloli circa Chalcioecon Minervce est templum cereum congregati creduntur. . Liv. 35, 36. 3. o Minervce. 4. 1 Sincerit can referri both, it is more lihelyrio reser to tho
ne reSt an ear earin Minervce, quae χαλκίοικος vocatur, Ouid
hardi hel referring the quae t Mineri ce. 2 Thucydides has το
Pr. Intr. 15. Brem thinks that the ejus edis hic solio scis a reason sor iis reserringto the temple, ut Since edem ad preceded the ejus edis is suffcienti explained. Miiger says that the impersona constructio is almos invariably used wit intelli itur, nuntiatur Witti definite announcementsin dicitur it is maintainta) les frequently Witti traditur, dicitur seople say , narratur, dcelaratur illi putatur, creditur, Tistimatur, it Sini R eXception.
obliqua Τ-8. How is it then that it is no compererit, in
Pausanias On earning this, fled sor refuge into thotemple They say that he was uried in the samo
3 3. A verba subst os tho laurili deciension Oeeurring oni in the abl. 4. es: Timoth. 3, 1 hic quum esset magno natu ἰund Dat T, I, Scismas, mazimo natistius. 5. es Liv. 10, 38 6 sacerdote Ovio Pactio quodam homine magno natu. Im major natu, azimu natu grandior natu T. es.
5 I. It houldi regulari quo hos y sor in an elliptica sentenco os this hin tho subject is place in Latin in the accusativo no in the nom. to the ver understood is the subject of the other senteno is in the acc. with inf). Thus the Eanthat Plato felitho fame a Pythagora. seitD; Platonem ferunt-sensisse idem, quod Pythagoram:-no Pythagoras C. Tusc. 1, 17. Seo Pr. Intr. i. aut 15. Z.4 603, a). 2. considerable distance', butoet generalty ithin sight opp. jurta, Dod. . ex laseenim Thucydides si posterius fuisset Brut 83, 288. 4. Animam deponere. Man. 1, 3.
Os c rfecit is a light irregularit to say, cullus mortui corpus quo hi, instea of cujus mortui corpus-quo horum corpora Or quem mortuum-quihi: but this is a sortis thin that occurs in ali languages Bremi. a remi doubis hethor the meanin is that he wn burie 'at some distanes 'om the place herede died, ' O 'at some distance rom the place here malefactor Mere buriem' quo hi inferuntur qui ad supplicium essent dati): eo sellicet loco quo erat mortuus. e refers the forme wit good eason; though heSnys ep. must then have taken the account, not rom Thucydides, ut stomgome ther Ruthority. Thucydides's Ords 1, 134 are καὶ ab τὸν ἐuελλησαν uis ἐς το Καιάθαν, os περ τους κακουργους, uβάλλειν, πειτα ὁοξε πλησίον του κατορυζαι. oes the Κλησίον που mean Ome here ear here he die ' a somewhere ea the Gadas ' f the former, Nep. a rees illi Thucydides, an his Se of inferr infoderunt in exac correspondence illi υβάλλειν κατορυ at pro*es him to have had the passagetes Ore his eyes. Is it no possibi that a non or haud has been omitte belare procul ' though procul undTAησίον που re not contradictory ta cordin to Oderiein's explanation ot
placo a Pausanias They a that he was urie notiar sto the pol herea breathod his last. It is aidinat Pausanias, being carriediutis the temple stili alive, immediatet expired. Astor the Ephori discovore theguit os ausanias, the immediately locke u tho
adolescens y-4. EXplain is estimata.-5. What is the Eng. Os vincula publica J-6. What is mostly used instea os in nor in Latin l-T. y What ense illsolvisset e construed Τ-S. What ense ould e sedi tho presentis posse precedes for instance tranStatego cannot be et ut unles yo pay the ne impoSed.
Imer. 4. item Estimare is to the sum hic the accused isto panas compensation is condemned henco lis estimata is sed D tho ne imposedipo a defendant. 5. The public Wison. 6. Neque o nec. 7. y the perscindic.- inlesthe paid 'o clangvago not ein Eo particular a tho Latin in marking thatone actio mus have bεen complete besor anotheraegris. 2D 3. Paronomasia. 4. Just elow: non tam generOSusquam pecuniosus Cic ad Div. x. 28, 1 in ore et amore I
betWee Spernere, contemnere, devicere, avernari. 3.
What is there peculiar in negavit e paSSura Seque nupturam θαἶ-4. What i negavit equivalent Ol-5. I progenies Ver USed os a Single person l-6. ive a Simila inStanee, Where et mustae understood to implythe positive jubeo .-T. Oe quoniam gover the Subj. Τ
ducere e domum, beea e tho husban te thoarido to his homo T. nubere, do voti f3I I. It is probabintho dependent gen. hujus c. rapinices f 4I I. Probabinoni te Η; proposui. 2. Od. Spernere seo speciali 3). 3. The nupturam cannot dependis negavit butis inmanit underetood. 4. Diaeitis ararmavi non Tq774. 6. Phaedr. Fab. 4, 17, 30: non et dimitti, verum cruciari fame I. No.
So bothiremi and Dahne. Wit this se may be compared; ut nemo ontentus vivat, audet, Masat. 1, here nemo cannoti the nom. to laudet, but quisque implied.
prison. I Wil not suffer the sonis Miltiades orae confine in the Same prison since I an preven it. hesays that he illiso suffer e brother, her Uri sa-ther' child, o die in a public prison Since he nn prevent it
CH. II. I l. What has besen romarhed abolit thous os talis' Them. 2. 8J, I, 2, 3.J-2. What is the
naeaningis Satis eloquentio ἶ-3. Oescit exclude the notionis a very high degre of the hin spolienis Ormo Τ-4. What is prudentia '-5. Oes hi paSSage Seem against that distinction Τ-6. What is tho derivation Osprudens J-T. Give ili' explanation. S. What is Bremi' Opinion Τ-9. re prudens and prudentia ostenus o os military scienc Τ-I0. What re quum-tum'
CH. II. I 2. Enough sor a statesman enough sor ne hodi not trustrio eloquenoe ni so the means os arrivin ut distinction. 3. It excludes it inasmuch ascit alWays implies a reser- enceri som object for hic no deficiency existes. 4. Ao- cordin to oderiei th prudens uses right means an regulates them illi circumspection, Domin natura judiciousnes pervadin amati s holerantiare. 5. es sincerit attribules Cimon es prudentia rei militaris to his early acquaintance illi, arithe operations in his suther' camp. 6. Providens. 7. Prudens reserari a uice apprehensio Os the natur os the circumstances thature present, and of that conduci that mill ead to effect that aromost beneficia to the agent. It supposes also that the naturaltalent is sortified by experience an practice in human mirS.-Prudentia regard thos trullis that nable a m auri pia his partsuccesssuli in lila, and both to forese What is lihelyrio happen, audio be ready to meet t.' 8. It agrees ith this as he considem to includo both theor an practice 9. Not veryostem; ut in Hann. 1, 1 the surpassing prudentiam Hannibalis spolienis and compared with the fortitudo of tho Roman and Conon is calle prudens rei militaris, Con. I, 2 and Veli Pu-
Comp. Cic. de Div. 1, 4 111. Alii autem in republica 'ercitati
strientem tyrannidem multo ante pris p iciunt quos prudente posaumus dicere, id est, providente S.
2 I. In such a Word a Strymon onis, icthe a C. in emi the Greel aco in iste more commons . Osa nou of the hir in is, no increasin in the gen is
barbarorum uno concurSu maximam vim pro Stravia '
terc. 2, 29, has ingenium singulari rerum militarium prudentiae dat. coluerat'; Iad cuilinate his natural talent to a reonder fulpractica acquaintance it militat nos irs' 2 I. That in em, but ep. Livy, and Curtius, illi ho writers of the Silv. age, frequently use . . m,aut even Cic. ham in in Zeuxin, poesin. 3. To en them for a colony, i. e. to formis found a colony. 4. To is With uec.-m k- in the laeet. 3I Q. From stat supino oot os stare. 2. O tho Epot;whilo the person Stood there, i. e. immediately . . The emphasis adde to azimam ima separation hom iis dependent gen. and remova tomea the endis tho clause.
4J I. The iron res of the AthenianS. 5I Q. es. 2. Thei conduci ould then have been rela- ted notis an historica facta Corn. Nep. ut a Cimon s alleged
motive, hether reatly his motive or not. 3. in Who Elis: gessores is here sed for the inhabitant of the fland whichris thooni instance of this meaning. 4. vain confidenCe. 5.Yes it means by his mere appearance, ithout the necessit OshRVing reeoumeri armS. 6. Manubius is an l. aken by the hande manubi se res It originali meant the booty, ut speciali the generat' sharo oscit it Was asterward used of the moneyrealized by the booty, praeda bein the articles themselves that werelahen Dor the enemy. 7. A division into thre pariss onerior the public reasu , ne so the oldiers, the thir so tho generat,
ther read prudenti eaecoluerat. Statim se εὐθέως, πειτα osten sollows an abi abSol. His e et manubiis.-Cic. pro domo, 38, has P porticum de Manub is Cim Hreis fecit Liv. 33 27 de manubiis duos ornices ecit
tot a monument of his Victo . . - ab ea parte, qua See Milt 3, IJ, 2. 9. - munire.
Cu ΙΙΙ 41 2. In quam invidiam pater suu sincideratJ. 3. es : Att. 22, 1J, ne ad id, quid for ad quod natura
cogeret, ip8 quoque sibi accelerarct. 4. Vitavit, ne in id, quod sor in quod Homerus, infideret Veli Patere. 1, 7. 5. When the fame preposition has been exprosSed helare the demonstrative. 6. Pater ejus. 7. The dis is referre to Cimon the nom. of the principat sentence ejus ould bo the proper ord for the historia speahingis both Cimon an his sather. 8. The quod does no agre either illi sus agi or ὀστρακιων. II It is sed vaguel - thing hicli, proceedin Whicru
2 l. What Lindis destre is desiderium'
3 l. What ther sortiis might be sed for sue years terrae a banishedy' Pr. Intr. 3I0.J-2. Construe an explain hospitium. Them. 8, 34 9.J-3. Wh is utebatur in the indic. -4. Might it avo oon in tho subj. -5. What che no represente a Sayingl-6. In Sua Sponte O Sponte sua be sed indifferonti l Milt. I, 44 b. -T. What i here meanti Sua Sponte 4 I. What may ou compare illi post neque ita multo J-2. What do es ita mean hero '-3. What orniis also sed sor in morbum implicari