Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


Verbos ter quo minus Suali construedl-13. In tho Sentenc bes re ne quis impediretur is any thin omitte d

Intr. 269. -2. ivo the derivation Os statim.-3. Whatis offendere aliquem J-4. ConStrue ossenSum fortuna.-5. Is his se of fortuna common

CH. IV. 1 1 non solum-Sed O verum etiam e non modo ge O verum etiam. 2. In non olum-sed the notion illi

sed is osten a more comprehensive notion than the former hicli itincludesu a Pollio omnibus negotiis non interfuit solum, sed proe- fuit Cic. ad Fam. 1, 6. 3. his eiu regrette in eac8 doesmot necessarii impi an warlike ability. 4. Od. illa 5 Milt 5, 2J, 1-x and note on p. 79. r. Intr. 418, Withremata a. 6. ex but in illi the nee i used When motionor remona is implied os iu in naves imponere e turrim in muros collocare. 7. Cic. pro Flacco, 19. 45 custos-in in m.

Oreli. frumento publico est positus. 8. y the dat. as Caes. B. G. 1, 20 Dumnorigi custodes ponit. 12. y tho articipiat substantive. 13. es eo consilio, ne quis, o J 2I I. O meet a mali unexpectedlyy. 4. et by acciden i. e. thom he had accidentali mei 5. but Cic. has aliquo casu atque fortuna. De T. 2, 13, 3.


3 l. Distinguisti etwoen quotidie and indies o in dies. Ρr. Intr. 69, t. J-2. Ouid indies e sed here

3I I. sto locatus, invited, and the negative particle in so that invocatus non vocatus, ininVited. 4. κοεῖν, asin Lat. ocare. 5. From the indefinitenes of the resereno such us at an time horiound uninvited. 6. i Down Doma higher place, 2 away rom a particula piae to nother. 7. Nullum diem proetermitto, quin hoc faciam. 8. Whenit stands, without an mordis time, an in a positive Sentenoe asin dicere proe termittam, c. 9. The thing one or no done mundependis dies o tempus and stand in the ger in die ac me nullum tempus proetermittitur de tuis rebus et agendi et cogitandi Cic. ad Fam. 1, 5. 10. es. II. Protectionuespecialintho faithsul grantingis that protection, hichaea ad virtuali or XprΘEst promise to grant. 12. From it vaguenem os referenoe, and Do iis ein notistate historicatly bullas habnas Cimon 's molire. 13. Eaetulit here se esserendos curavit justus o canisa he uri e them at his omnis ense sor εἰ e


Cu. I. IJ I. uicis the objective gen in de Se Os r Oncem- in himself. 2. Fortuna eaecludes ur W endeavors felicitas generali pres poses them, but a bles With success. 3. Not necessarily, o Lysander valle himself dexterousi of the want of disciplino that prevassed in the Athenia camp. 4 Apparet eum confecisse. 5. I Apparet is alWay used impersonali by ep. 2 h leaves ut the aec pron in ther instanees. Paus 1 3, in quo erat haec sententia : Suo ductu barbaros apud Plataeas esse deletos ejusque victoriae ergo Apollini donum dedisse se se dedisse T. Quo facilius p par ea ita degenerasse-Nero Suet Nero 1. Membra nobis ita data sunt, ut ad quamdam rationem vivendi data 83 appareant. Cic. de Fin 3 7, 23. 8. The persona use of φανερὸν or ὁηλον εἶναι. 9. I means properint do a thin so thoroughly that there is an end of the matter: thus conficere bellum to en a Warshenco applied 1 to thing re it referencsto'hicli ho thiniis done,

e g. conjicere provinciam, to Setti a province i. e. to arrangelis mira completely, O put an end. to iis disordere : and 2 to person or livin creatures h ure verpo ered: . . conficere


when that to hicli ho person is di sobedient is a thing f3 l. Explain factiosus. -2. What is ibi indulgere f4 1. What ori os veri, is dictitare'-2. Explain

mazimam im Ser entium, Cic. N. D. I, 36, 10 l. 11. No: Nep. means that it is generali unknown unknown by those hothinitas highly o Lysander militar character ecauseae terminuinii tho PeloponneSiun ur. 2I Q. Neque enim e the neque potnting ut the reseretice Omprecedin assertion. 2. It is motis uncommon in his orks, a sonae crities imagine. When it occurs there is generali an antithetica wordis notion hicli the negativo hasu bring out/.V 3. Yes there is an antithesis belween immodestia adversariorum ;and sui Xercitus irtus. 5. In uot'-modestia stom modus, the notae ping ithin properibounds.' subordination or reant of liscipline.' T. ex Alcib. 8, 5. 8. Intem perantia nimiaque licentia. Cum S, . . Od. errare. 10. Nep. relates their antis disciplinem an historica faci a thoactua cause ultimatet os their deseat. 11. Problabintho ablativus causalis, notu heurken to a man, at his mord. i 12. Yes dicto atidiens fuit iustis absentium magistratuum Ageru



Distinguisti belween Simulare and isSimulare. 5 I. o must undique e construe di 2. Whatis more sua than ejicere Onlyl-3. Oe Cic. Ver Se ejicere absolutely l . What is mitte dies re qui '-5. Ho may llius proprium e conStruedl-6. How do esit happen that the verbii qui aut continere tu T-aut confirmarat re os disserent mo Od and tenses l

It is vident that he acquired a great reputatio more by good luch thani merit. For the war a ended nothy the valor os thei opponenis, ut by their Wn ant

o discipline. It is plain that thorathonians fel into tho

wh have supporte the cause of the Athenians Hepretended O b his creature.

meden docuimus, miri Beli. Αlex. 33. 4. B quam ac orrisi . 5I Q. Mi hom ver state. 2. Ejicere e republica oris civitate. See Them. 8, 1 Alcib. 4, 6 also ejicere in eoesilium, xvi. I, 4. 3. YeSP ejicere nos magnum fuit, eaecludere Deile est Ad Div. 14 3. 4. The antecedent pron. S. 5. mis creature. 6. ne se of the impers. Sula is uo marhSomethin Contemporar an continuing.V The uest riendshipwit Lysander a a continuing thing but the preceding oath, a snite acte ence ep. mus have used qui-cintineretur, aut-confirmasset, even i he had cnosen to describo both classes inde sinitely - uc a mere etained, or ad Wom, C. :biat he has preserred mahing the resereno indesnite ansas a thought Lysander's in the fidit case, and donite, as an historica factue larρd by himself, in the secondy.

Κruge says, suam an ac reser to the aliud e nisi O the negativm quam Rn ac re comparative, nisi erclusive-Nihil aliud nisi approaches to the med ning f hoc unum nihil aliud quam to that os idem V uti himselfhakes Dur PISSAge hoc unum molitus est.-Se Z. 9 735. The whol maybe ive thus ercepi such as Mould he presume heraepe tructo him by thoi connectionis his euestyrienes, or liose hora ad octuali sis orno remul true to him.


CA II. l l. To Whom O What do e ipsius referr 2. What is the orco os de in defatigare f2 1. Is divertere used as et a devertere in the

What is the sua meanin os proinde '-3. What aretho usual particles for ascis; jus as Uy'-4. Whon is

3 l. ive tho disserent me aning os consulere ali

quem consulere alicui consulere in aliquem. Pr. Intr

Cu. II. 1 1. o Lysander noto the decemviralis potestas. 2. It is equivalent to a strengthening partici but withou losingit rea meaning dolon to ear them down, i. e. ill theysinh, as it were unde tho eight. 2 1. rem thinkscit is, when separatio Dona ne S companionsis to bo marhed, and Georgos quotes Domitu. but without a resor-ene to the passage cum perpaucis azime dis via inera illa Freundientes that it ever occurs in the classica age. 2. There- fore' in exhortations in igitur cum eaehortatione quadam . 0in- dors P. I. i. 368. 3. Perinde illi ac, atque ac Si or quasi. 4. When tho jus ascis' does no introduce a simple comparison, ut one that is founde on a statement ad justae re. 5. Per latrocinia potius, quam bonis artibus ad imperia et honores

nituntur; proinde quasi proetura et conSulatu . . . er Se

ipsa clara, magnifica sint, c. Jug. 4, 7. . ex Alcib. 6, 4, ut nemo tam ferus fuerit, quin ejus casum lacrimarit, roinde ac si alius populus, non in ipse, qui tum sebat, eum sacrilegii

damnasset S also in the Sume hapter 1 tanta fuit omnium z- spectatio visendi Alcibiadis, ut ad ejus triremem Sulgus conisueret, proinde ac si olus advenisset. 7. The remur is Cornelius s. S. Tocit in ιαπερθειν, meaning through and through - ut terly

Cf. Cic. de Nat Deor. i. 38, neque admirantur, neque requirunt rationes earum rerum, qua Semper viderit proinde quasi novitas nos maris, quam maenitudo rerum debeat ad Tquirendas causas aecitare. Proinde ac Caes. B.


fac by Wayis Xample He a that the decemviralpomer Ouid e stablislied in ali the cities. ThuySee, that utiles the decemviral ower stablished by Lysander is dissolve dy, very thin Will e conducte d exactly accordinit his plenSUre. Cu. III. 1 l. What is there peculia in dolore'

2 l. What is there peculia in Delphos, Dodonam f3 I. What is tho derivationis antistes '-2. hy

CH. III. 1 1. It is used for the cause of the gries the wrongwhichio bolioved himself to have suffered, and whieli he was exedat. . ex consilia tollendi Wouldae the regula construction: but consilia caperem inire belli ne arly quivalent in meaning to a single vere expressin purp0Se intention, e. e. r. meditari, conStituere, c. are osten followed by the ins Seo Z. 498. 3. Te consilium cepisse, hominis propinqui fortunas funditus e ver tere, pro Quint. 16, n. 4. Cic. Acad. 2 6 17 nec enim esse ullam rationem disputare cum his, qui nihil probarent 5. Ages. 3, 4, mi quum tempus 8Set i8um, copias eae trahere eae hibernaculis: so Dat 11, 1,man. 13, 4. 6. Conpued - εἴωθα,

T. Bein also an historica faci, Dis herois Stated by ep. 2I Q. The aro sed so the oracles a Delphi an Dodona respectively. 3I Q. Ante-Stare. 4I : Qui quaerit is p emit, non quoesita inveniuntur'


what Oes the sentence quanta Sanctitate . . . geSSiSSet

dependi-4. What is sanctitas J-5. What is tho derivation os accuratus -6. O What is accuratus no used l-7. What Ouid an epiStola accurata e -S. What

In ep. o have satrapes Paus 1, 2, Alc. 10, 3 satrapen Con 2, 1 a trapar 'l. Dat . I, Oc undiere satrapis


LYSANDER CH. IV. 193then is accurate scribere '-9. O may auctoritas e construed here l-10. On What Oe magnam enim ejus

2 l. Whati dos . liberaliter properi Menni-2. Givo instances os tib eraliter polliceriir promittere. -3. I liber necessarily a booky'-4. What is hooriginal meanin os liber ' and ho did it et tho mean- in os booky'-5. What is liber gravis'-6. longleiter' i grandis epistola, e . . Cic. ad Att. 13, 2 P ad Hirtium dederam epistolam sane g in Hem: OWgrandem is ound in Ome manuscript here hycis iis belli an epithetis more common occurren C than gravem a renSOn againSt iis eing the rue re adinga T. Ferre laudibus is an unusual Xpres Sion: hat is theusual ne l-S. ive an instanc O instances os ferre With laudibus. 9. What Ahould e remarked in quem quum legiSSet probaSSetque . . . Subjecit'-I0. EXplain

the tens eis Signatur'. Pr. Intr. 509. J-11. What might be sed inste ad os dum signatur '-l2. What is sub

circumstantia statement. . Meight the eight of his


2 1. In a manne thalaecomes one hocis liberalis o good

hesitation, but not fu lled. 2. Ante adventum meum liberalissime erit illicitis tuis omnibus Cic. ad Att. 5, 13. Quibus auditis, i Deraliter pollicitu s-eos domum remittit. Caes. B. G. 4, 21. 3. No an writiei document of Severa tenues. 5. An earnesti writte letter ono lihel tohavo eight with thos to hom it Was addressed. 6. Becausea transcriber oulda lihelyrio change the es usual epithet gr/vem into the more usual grandem e ut it is very unlihely that many transcriber Would chango the sua grandem into the rarer gravem. 7. Aliquem sterre laudibus. S. In ep. AttI0, 6; quod si gubernator praecipua laude fertur, e Caes. C. 1, 6, Duces eorum suum consilium laudibus fer emant, &c. 9. That Lysander is the nom. to legisset, Pharnabazus to subjeeit See Them. 5, IJ, 9, 10. II. Inter signandum, lauring the sealing ' ,hile the sealin Wa going onM GI ,hile it was a sealing. 12 Propori to thrus beneat e

Other read obsignatur


194 QUESTION S MNeere 7-13. What is subjicere testamentum J-14. E plain accuratissime accusare.-l5. What hould O re- mari ab Out the se Os accusare here l-16. ivo similar

meanin os imprudens y-6. What is there unusual in ipse suusfuit accusator '-T. Give inStanee Os a posses- Sive pronoun Sed with a subst of this Lind

Lysander, havin Sat What he Wisbed, as remove db forderis the Ephori. Pharnabaetus in an important letter, ritten at great tength, extol Lysander to the

henco substitute ono thinisor another. 3. Properinicsubstitute a false ili lar a genuine one: enceri,forge a Will. 14. ery circumstantially: mahin definito charges and accompanyiu them With satisfactory prooss. 15. hut it accusativeis no a person, but the thing with Whichahe person is charged. 16 Cujus tu desperationem accusare solitu esses, Cic. Epad Div. 6, 1, C. 3 1. I Postquam illi tho luper feci, tho persect ein themore common Pr. Intr. 514J and 2 the se os voluerat to marhtho isti as havin emisted e fore tho time os his addross. eshocidisse tho pors. terrae ad sat what he wis hedo say 2. o rea it attentively properly, a mahe oneseis ac- quainte Uith it. 3. αναγινωσκειν. 5. Mithout intendiniit; Minintentionalty 6. Verba substantives in or lae, io an us

uali tali the objective gen os the per8ona Pronouu e. g. accu-aator sui rather than suus accuctator. 7. Habenda ratio nona aera solum, sed etiam aliorum, Cic. Do T. 1, 39, 139