Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


ALCIBIADES, CH. I. 195Whilo the were causin Lysander O illidra , Pharnabazus substitute another letter Pharnabazus endato tho Ephori a testimonial settin sortii What conscientiouS-honest Cimon ad obseruod both in his management of the war, an in his dealin With tho


an Xample rom Cic.-5. Oes the se of the neuters nihil, quid', quidquam, O nemo, quis', quisquam, addStrength to the assertion Τ-6. What hocida remarhedos excellerer T. What is the derivationis vel f Ρr. Intr. 456, note a. J-S EXplain e vel here. 2 l. Distinguisti belWoen pulcher and OrmOSuS.-2. What advor is more frequently used mitti a Superlative than multo '-3. ive an instanc os multo illi ho Superlative.-4. What Oe Summus here mean Τ-5. What two interpretations are givenis is an oratio

Cis. I. I 3. Thoras os thoraeut nihil instead os nemo. Nihil me infortunatius, nihil fortunatius est Catulo : Ad Att. 2, 24 comparo also ill 5, 5J, here nihil relates to the sem.

pugna qua pugna nihil adhuc est nobilius. s. es. That it hero marks pre-eminence in What i bad, as ei as in Lati good. . They are early equivalent to side-sive, thether ora' ither or Se Pr. Intr. i. 541. 2I Q. Dod formosus. 2. Longe. 3. Si ita res e88et, multo uic herrumis eam nos haberemus. Sall. at 52, 20. 4. Not tho hies in rank,aut mos distinguished. 5. Somo translato is, a 'manner generalty includin his Near-ance, action, e. Oratio is then the style and an age of what heguid but it saetier, illi thers, to conside Vos to mean pronun.


s3 1. What do adjectivesciti sus generali meant

4 l. What is ε mittere se ' hom What is the notion

etation or elocution ' and oratio, language.' 6. In os planum, Plin. Ep. 6 1l os confusum, Id. b. , T and oris-vitia in peregrinum Sonum corrupti. Quint. 1, 1, 13 T. Dod disertus. 8. The are Sometime explanatory Pr. Intr. i. 789, q). 3 1. The ein ful of or abo unding in hut the oot denotes. 2. I may bo consideresa meaning abounding in labor ;V butit ather means incline to labor a libidinosus, tuae uriosus, inclined or linen up tocius and luaeury respectively. 3. Vita relates to his life in public ς ictus to his anne os livingint home.

Dod vita. 4. Nobilium vita Mictuque mutato, mores mutari civitatum puto. Cic. de Legg. 3, 14. C. Tuditanus quum omni vita atque ictu aecultus,-tum eju elegari est habitum etiam orationis genus Brut. 5. 4 1. o unben oneself the notion seing aken Domin boto that is unstrung. 2. Intendere. 3. Relazare. 5. Whenthe VerbisXpresses a repeate actionis continue state, the ver of tho principat sentence belli in the imperfeci. r. Intr. 14. . 507 b. 6. Aud no.' T. Subesse, hen polienis a cauSeu ground has the notion of ein place unde a a foundatio orsu ort. 8. No aut more frequently by cur somelimes by quamobrem. r. Intr. i. 575 577. 0. Opposite: -so, diversa inter se nata, uaeuria atque avaritia. Sali Cat. 5.

Compare summa suavitas o Hii a vocis Att. 1, 3.



Os ali his contemporarios Alc biades adapted himself the mos dexterousty to the times. In Alcibiades naturo Seem to have tried ho great a disserone there an bein the sam individual Alcibiades, than whom nobodyWa more Xtraordinary hether in his virtve or in his vicos, han a taloni soriusines of ever kiud, and was ullis ability. Cicero Was by sar the OS eloquent manis his age. ObOdy could Oppos Cicero in oratory With success. Alcibiades a by a themost princetyos ali his contemporaries both in his public an private lis e Psor m part have unbent mySeis, Orcis here any re ason, hyri Should undergo Such labora. CH. I. I l. Wh in domo J-2. Give eXample S.

CΗ ΙΙ II Q. Domus ahes the repos. When it means tholicus as a bulldin or family. 2. In nex Chap. in domo sua : in domo furtum factum es ab eo, qui do mi fuit. Quint. 5, 10, 16. Quum omnes impuritates pudica in domo quotidie susciperes Cic. Phil. 2, 3. 3. Privus andieno, id formis gigno. 4. ne ho belong t a family of his own not, thatis to that of him ho represenis, as it were, his father. 5. Divitissimus ditissimus elong rather o poetry and the POSt-AuguStan prOS Writers. 6. Divitior, excepi inmorace. 7. 0 hera id hos en or reished he w ould o have been

imagine. 11. es, in the late riter Appuleius saltem singite aliquid reminiscimini thin ovor quid responderitis. apot



p. 338, 38. 12. No sor reminiscor may meait 'thin ovem an oner 'las et ac to thinlabae cal by thinhing.'13. Reputare. Cia. ΙΙΙ. 1 1. The hujus consilio ein emphatic hould bo placed in a principat sentence, M it was. It was by his advice,- that the Athenians declared war, c. 2. Peloponnesiacus is the sua form but ep. se Peloponnesius exclusively. Sunt. 4. Paus 5 4, inae posterius deis Delphici responso erutus, o Dat. 8 6, sic bellum, quod reae adverεus Datamem SuSceperat, Se datum. 5. Livy.

quum' c. 3. o orci any it is extremet Slight. 4.Paucis ante die bii quam Syracusae caperentur,itacilius- Uticam -transmisit Liv. 25, 31 Quoe causa ante mortua St, quam tu natus 8ses Cic. Rab. 9, 2, an above, Arist. 2, 1, quae pugna facta Si prius, quam poena liberaretur. 5. quare blocis ossione sumounte With a head os Hermes o Mercury the amowas usterWarda ive to simila busta of the deities. Ho es in

Κrsiger says that as in the caseis quum the impers subj is generali used even when the relation is a Simple relationi time, unies that relationis tim/ictoae emphaticali potnted Out.



Pars Athenis. Diff. os Id. T.J-7. What oes dejicere here mean Τ-8. What Other ver is sed of throw in domni statue J-9. What Sortis ver is vocitare I 3 l. What Lindis ineu sis translated by apparere ' . When is the reposition repente dies ore the Sec-on o tW substantives that are governe by the Same preposition l-3. y What formiis the degre os oppositio generali implied that requires the repetitionis the prepositioni-4. Whycis pertineret in the sula aster quod J-5. What are the conjunctions aster hic an is usuali quis '-6. What is exsistere ἶ-T. Give instances of this Se Os aesistere.-8. Whyci opprimeret

in the subj Τ 4 l. What is the meanin os convenire in aliquem J-2. O What Word or Ord does maxime belongi 5 l. hyris sebat sed an no factum Sty-2. HOW is prodisset to e construod and os,hat disser- ence belween the Ensis and Latin us eis the tenses is

-vel nisi an quam aster the comparative . . It is reser-red to tho ind of tho multitude, a What the thought O communi obfrirred omne another. 6. stan sortii. or iegint be : -used especiali os Sudden nexpected occurrenees. 7. Neque umquam eae illo delendi hujus imperii tam consceleratus impetus aestitisset, nisi, c. Cic. pro M. Coelio c. 6.-Quid

futurum deinde, a quod aeternum interim bellum eis is ta tyLiv. 2, 32. 8. The relat quae may be resolve into of auch ahin acto. aer. Intr. 476. 4 1. orae applicabie to a person : to be likely t be rue ofhim. 2. T in Alcibiadem i. e. no Alcibiades in uligher de

Thuc says, o πλεῖστοι παρ ι Ad et η σπιν τρύχ cum a s Et in bello et in pace in nulla alia re nisi in virtute ; tu nulla re meli earum in ιν tute


200 QUESTION ONit an instanc '-3. How is in nobo ' usuali translato into Latin Τ-4. iv another instanc Os poni en Seri, haber i.-5. What irregularity is there in

the conStruction non solum spem in eo habebant maximam, sed etiam timorem J-6. What is the grammatica nameso the se os a Verb, c. ith two OrdS, to ne Illy


The consequence illi that, henever Oua into public y0u ill dra upon o the yes os all. Thethrowing own Os at the statues that wero in tho ityos Rome on ne and the et insanio night ille thomultitude illi gruat ear, est the hin Should have ref erene to Some conspiracy. It was sal that Alcibiades celebratud certain mysteries in his Own houSe. The Athonians onteriaine great opes of Alcibiades and considere 1 nobod in the Stat his quai. I belligmanis est that this War Was declared by the advice of Alcibiados, Nicias a fili sed illi reat ear, est thelibert of the eople houldae crushed. CH. IV. I l. y hoe crimine compellabatur is timeant that he a formali accused'-2. What is the proper meanin os compellare '-3. Wh M is intueri '

anotheriegan. 3. no-anybody. 4. Pres. 5 quae partim humilia atque ab honestate remota pii untur. 5. Though spem in aliquo habere is correct timorem in aliquo habere is not so that Somemther verbisust be supposed a governing


ALCIBIADES, CH. IV. 2014. What is the Orce Os neque ignorans y-5. Give Simila instance S.-6. What i the grammatica nam of this constructio J-T. What is invidi crimen I S. What

is inuidia -9. What is Cicero' distinction e tween invidia an invidentia '-I0. oes his always old

sideris observe any thing so the purpos os regulatin oue S conducta it. 4. An bein mel acquaintermitti: the nequebein place emphaticallyaesore the negatine or ignorare. 5. Non is frequently used bes ore nullus, nemo, nihil, c. o uiso k 3. non-noluit Chap. 7, 2, nihil-non efficere, I c. 6. Litotes o Meiosis tuessen ing) lessieing asserted than is reali meant. 7. W meaning are possibie, 1 a charge proceedinistomenv : or 2 in charge intende to mali him au objectis popularhatred', se invidiosa criminatio. 8. Elther enum: O the ha- tred, unpopularity, α, hicli attaches iself O the person euvied. 9. Invidia est, quum invidetur invidentia quum quis inridet See Tusc. 3 9 20. 10. notis invidia. 2I Q. In proesentia. 2. Haud sub si O. 3. That in

though 2. That the two verbs have different subjecis. 3. The charge du ty, o command with Whicli a mancis intruste d. 4. Stricti upo a participio tellin or directin him : ut Euch an omission is frequent in ali languages. 5. Navem Orcin



daemon. Alcibiades cannot be uri. e re Warethat Alcibiades anno beauri, while hecis present. The Eumolpidae musti compellexto pronounc Alcibiades accutsed Considering this , I hinti it bos to void the impendin storm. hen o have quitted the ity,

5 1 A sacerdotal samit at Athens, priest os Demeter Wh ministere in the Eleusinian mysteries. Their jurisdictio also extendedio cases here religiona ad been violated. 2. From the Thracia bard Eumolpus, ho was suid o have introduce tho Eleusinian mysteries into Attica. 3. Ver rarely. r. Intr. i. 819Seo Z.4 613. 4. P. Lentulum, ut se abdicaret praetura, coegistis Cat. 4, 3, 5. TI Q. Δεκέλεια. 2. Decella. 3. Αλεξάνδρεια, Aleaeandrea belo de Regg. 3, 4, and Veli Patero. , o Aleaeandria. Seu Z. H. Note. 4. Not strictlyrio lochadem beleaguer it butio do so irtually by cutting 1r Supplies, laying the countr WuSte M. 5. Pelopidas an his companions by riving the Lacedae. montans Dom the ciladelis Thebes, patriam obsidione liberaverunt Pelop. 3, 3.


hon illo mill bring an invidious accusation against

CH. V. t l. What is acer, as applied to a persona -2. IS neque autem ver ound No. J-3. What is tempus here '-4. ive ther inStances. 5. What is instituere 2 l. What is hero peculiar in id Alcibiadi celari non potuit J-2. What case Oes celari Overni Pr. Intr. 25l.J-3. What then Ouidae the regula translationis ahis could not be concealed fro Alcibiades P-4. Does Cic. se any the formi S. IS an Other instance of the dative mundi-6. What is the propermeaningis agaisy-T. What is the derivatio a givenb Cicero l-8. What is attendere properi y-9. IS any the compound os tendere sed in ne arly the Same Way l 3 1. What is the meaning of Senescere '-2. HOWis Lacedoemoniorum Ovemed ' and ho must ita con-Struod δCH. ly q. Vigorous, enterpriSing, ike. 3. It is equivalent to opportunum tempus', in Opportunity. 4. Belo Chap. 8 6, tempus rei gerendae non dimisit. 5 o et ato ut a thingdeliberately to adopi a fixe deliberate resolution. 2I Q. Tho dat aster celari. 3. r. Intr. 284. Id Alcibiades diutius celari non potuit. 4. es: Since in the active thoconstruction is celare aliquem de aliqua re the acu bein seldom und except with ne ut prono un8 , he osten retatas the preposition in the passive non est profecto de illo veneno cellat a mater. Cluent. 66, 189 celandus de no8tro consilio videtur Ait 10 14 V.4 391. Note. 5. Thero is a doubila instanc in Hiri Beli Nex. 7, quod neque celari Aleaeandrinis possent in apparanda fugd. 6. een-scented: is aliound 7. Sanire enim Sentire acute est ea quo agoeanus, Lia multa cire Tolunt, et agice S dicti canes. Div. 1, 31, 65. . o stretch to putinny thing on the stretch. 9. es animum intendere in aliquid. Cic. Acad. 2, 15. 3I Q. To grore oldo enco fig. t grore ea hem to in E2. y opes undeuiocri hos os the Lacedaemonians.

the Gree χοόνος Ometimes. man says. ormula neque autem non usurpatur a bonis quidem scriptoribus nisi Praecedente alter neque, aut alia negatione ita, ut oppositi ex altera Partis tr enti t. p. 585. He quotes Cic. ad Fam 5, 12, 21, neque enim tu is es, qui qui


5 l. Explain vigere in vigere icto S. 6 l. What is recipere in militar language Τ

tive S.