장음표시 사용
4 l. Sic fecit, ut fuerit e Xplain the tens os
of the Supinae ridere, vis-um e vi8-δre. 3. O mur a continued streamin os theseople o Alcibiades' Ship. 5. Perinde acui.
Quum sibi ita persuasisset ipse, mea-litteraS cI c. Cicadiam. 13, 10. 5. tribuere, attribuere, ad8cribere, adsignare, acceptum referre q&ci . imputare, Quint. Plin. un.J V rom tho Antibarbarus os r. Intr. Par ii. T. Probably beenus Nep. states this as a reason hy the Athenians ere probabi right and sine the auSe neceSSarii precedes the OnSequenee, he States it asan historica factio over theyMere probably right in attributingat their successes o Alcibiades for after he had Once ahencommand of the feet, the Lacedaemonians ad neve been able to stan against them. 3 5. t expresses that ait', o spea generalty both audiore presentediim With crowns the rich with goiden the oor illi
206 QUESTION S MN there peculia in rursus resacrare '-5. Givo simila in- Stanee S.-6. What do Ome a Should e rea insteados resacrare
Allienistro amed to the trireme Os Alcibiades, just asis both the past reverses and the pre Sent SUCCESS ero due o im alone Wo impute both thoesos os Sicilyand tho victories of the Lacedaemonian to urSelVeS, jus ascis, might have been equa to the enem fis,e had pleas ed. We attributo Oth Our paSi reverse and Our pre Sent Succe S to Alcibiades alone justos is Theramene and Thrasybulus ad not haro the chios command with him. No ne a So ard-he arte asnotri Weep so the sate os Alcibiades. CH. VII. l l. What is the grammatical nam sor Such an Xpre S Sion a non nimis diuturna Seechap. 4, IJ, 6. J-2. an belli standisione l-3. What similar Orm Occurit
3 I. Explain the ne in ne-tyrannidem concupiSceret. 2. Oe Nep. ver Se magistratus os militam Commanda
4 l. Id ille ut audivit; hat is ut here l-2. What tonso do es t go illi in his sense i Pr. Intr. 514.J-3. Where a Pactye -4. What is the derivare os, e-Sacrare. 5. Alc. 4 4, clam e sub-durit Thras 2, 4, tum ill is Lemporibus, c. 6. Resecrare aster thonnulo is consecrare aut consacrare is Dundin themon Ancyran.
Suet. i. 897. So impertiri, impartiri inscetus an infacetus: bipertitus bipartitus. CH. VII. I 2. No excepi in his orna domi bellique, it musta bello or in bello. . Domi militiceque. 2I Proverin with an evi intent: - henco areacherou8ly c. 3 1. It refers to the timebatur, hicli is placed ratos cingilio principat notion in the sentence. It is his consideration utSO, that justifies the Separationis ne sto iis verb. 2. es: erat in classe Chabrias privatus, sed omnes, qui in magistratu erant. auctoritate anteibat Τ. Chabr. 4, 1. 4I I. In the Thraciai Chersonesus. 4. It is a Greel uame
ALCIBIADES, CH. VIII. 207tionis Neontichos y-5. Pars Groerim.-6. The Groelis ha bos oro possession in the Thracia CherSOneae, how then is ep. correct in Sayin primu in Thraciam 'ntroiit I
it that Alcibiades ould o tali Cyme, be cause hewas bribe by the Ling Men a that Alcibiades
What is ducere bellum Z-J0. What ther ver is sed in his ense l-ll. What is there unusual in erat Super 'in Latin letters νέον τειχος nemwall. 5. Accordin to Bremiit is here an adj as in Graeci gentis, de Regg. I, I but in both placescit is a genitive dependent on another genitive. 6. Introire is a penetrate in to the interior. CH. VIII. I 1. y neque autem, hici, neve OCCur neque
thing against a Sense os ut o an in ard seeling. 3. Nullo dolore cogi, ut ab officio recedatur. Auet ad Herenn. 3, 3, 5. 4. That he could notarinthimself to do it could notaearto docit. 5. Mora possibilit h could not without violatin his nature i. Αἰγὸς ποτα ς AEgospotamus o Goars irer T. maheu stop, to stop. the correspondin intrans Ver beingconsistere. 8. to te at anchor it his seel. 9. To protraci the war. 10. Trahere L 11. The usual lam ia
Cic. ad Att. 10, 8, 2 Sall. Jug. 23, 2 36, 3.
conficturoS-composituros 4 l. What is the meanin Os par est in ea re mea I-2. ConStrue contra ea. 3. Distingui Sh et e enevenire, accidere. -4. I delictum confine to a sin os omission ' Pr. Intr. 428. -5. What is the meaning
supererat δ. 12. Fecit lucri or lucrifecit Thras 1, 3.
The super is separate sto the esse by Virg. Iamque adeo super nua gram, M. En 2, 567. io posteaquam in Mutilus militum Hatum est Caes. B. G. 1, 46. SO pedestres navid es me Mnas Cic. de Seneci. 5. G oclea into Omething hurtol. Jauman construes nullus insignificant in in quam nulla erant homitum adversus deos vires Iust 2 12.
aliqua re, O With in aliquam rem'-2. GiVe in StaneeS.-3. Translate rio hide, O bury himself, in the count in his houso.' 4. Translate clo hine himself there. O. Are any eXample With in and the abi. 1 unda 6. What
Cu. IX. II Q. Generali With in aliquam remJ. 2. Abdere se in terram, in intimam uacedoniam in contrariam partem terrarum, e nil Dom Cicero. 3. Se rus o domum abdere. 4. Se eo not ibi abdere. 5. Liv. has cetratos-in insidiis abdiderat, I, 36, is the re adiniis correct and with the paSS. participi the abi. illi in is the sua construetion, that participierepresentin the actio of the ver as ver abditi in tabernaculis, Caes. B. G. I, 39, in tectis silvestribus abditos, Cic. Inu 1, 2 ut also in liram Arduennam abditi Caes. B. G. 5, 3. 6. He
IIo new that Pharnabagus sed to receive sto itfixi talent reVenue, every year. Alcibiades sinoingio bur himself in the heari os acedonia. He opes that i ho buries himself in acedonia, his ealth maythere e concealenci but he opes in vain. I hallo asit manage his, is I do but obtain an intervie withtho Ling. obryas is turning ali his thought to tho liberationis his country i I communicate his to the Ling, nobody ill standio re me in his riendship.
use either the acu With in or the abi. Without an prepos. se totum in litteras abdere, ad Fam. 7, 33 or e litteris abdere Arch. 6, 12. 7. opes, fortunas. 8. Iisaeing Sed without a sed, autem vero. 9. Aliud utile interdum, aliud honestum rideri solet. Falso. Nam eadem utilitatis quin honestatis est regula. C. de T. 3, 18 74. 0. Frustra an nequidquam.
2 Tho woa adversative partici autem ipsum aut e non
What is tho meaning os persequi here l 2 I. What is re-nuntiare '-2. What is the mean- in os the phras res mihi tecum est y-3. ive an in-
3 I. Ho Wouldbo construe non tulit hoc y-2. Ho is et to e construe tu non tulit-et maluit '-3. What is ementia'-4. Os What is violare generalty used l-5. Is iter comparare a common phraSes 4 l. What is hero peculiar in vicinitati' . Give another instanc O this.
CH. X. 1 1. The hirty are alWays calles rant O accountos their cruei despotio exercise of pomer. 2. Nam quum triginta tyranni, praepositi a Lacedaemoniis, Servitute oppressas tenerent Athenas Thrasyb. 1, 5. 3. It is the pari os reor; ut also sed adjectivel mitti a passive meaning of What istaed, immutable, c. 4. Certus, ratus, si mus, saeus, Acad. 46, 141. opp. irritus. 5. Res gesto forms, a it ere,ono Substantive notion, measures ' is gestus ere considere asa participle the prep. a Wouldae uSed. 6. Res gestas regum: Cat. 3, 3. Sora uim bella gestu Han. 13, 3. 7. O p sue him: t run him down ascit ore tu ho oo his ithe alivo oriend. 2 1. o maho an announcemen to a person illi reserene to Some commission received Do him. 2. It is sed os a good understandin or friendly relations etween parties o generullyos the term on hicli ono stand with anybody. 3. Alia omnia sibi cum collega ratus Sall. Jug. 43,2. Si mihi tecum minus e S et, quam est cum tuis omnibus. Cic. ad Fam. 15, 10, 2. 3 1. Could uot stand this.' ut os course the meaning X- presse is that te di no stan it. 2. But. r. Intr. i. 233. 3. Clementia is the mercisulnes an humanit os hortae or udge, ho oes no inflici pon the malefactor the punishment he deserves opp. crudelitas.' Dod Alcibiades camerio himus a fugitive, and thus Pharnabagus' hin receptionis him as an instane os ementia. 4. Os trespassin against something thatis acred. 5. No: ut either iter parare or se ad iter comparare Liv. 28, 33. Duline say that iter comparare is Stronger than
4 I. Tho abstraci subst licinitas is sed O the concrete, cini us e se tho eigh rhood. 2. Vi cinitatem, antea sollicitatam armis eaeornat ali ut 36.
Sensia. Them. 8, 44, 1. J-T. Defend ejectis against the propos e re adin injecti O conjectis. 6 l. What was humanae of this emale l-2. On
strue contectum-cremabit. EXERCI SE.
that his mea Sure S Can Stand.
od J-5. o long id Theopompus live aster the ageos Alcibiados l-6. What oes aliquanto mean'-T.
What is the superi os adjective in dicus, scuSy-8. What formes occur beside nescio quo modo '-9. GiVean Xample os conSciScere in the ense os agreeiurio do
esset in apud quo Summa laus es Setyge8tarum pronuntiator sincerus et grandis etiam fuit. Brut 83. Thucsdides rerum e licator prudens, Severus, gravi8. orat. 9 . 4. The two verbs hould e connected by ut, tho relationbein an adversative one. 5. bout fift years. 6. r. Intr. 402. Si non statim, paulo quidem post, i Non paulo, at aliquanto. Dis es than multo, more thun paulo. . dicentiSsimus, incentissimus. 8. Nescio quo casu, Milt. 7, 3 nescio quo pacto. 9. Tusci fere omne consciverant bellum. Liv. 10, 8, 1. 10. In this sense tho pers has the meaning of tho preSent.
2 I. Amplius relates t compas and eaetension plumi number an quantit magis to qualitν potius to preferen e Seeir. Intr. i. 427 31. 2. A uitati magnificenceu thus Atticus Was, in his modem living, splendidu8, non SumtuoSu8 Att. 13, 5. 3 Tho gravo an dignifie demeanor. 3 I. It is a constructio ad synesim i. e. aecordin to the meaning not aecordin to the word actuali used). t refers to Thebani, implied in Thebas. 2. Lais o ni men populatuS claSSemeorum fugavit. Timoth. 2, 1J. 3. Ingenium Boeoticum.
Boeotica Sus Boeotum in crasso jurare aere natum. Or Ep. 2, 1, 244. 4. Pindar.
4 2. Est might havo boon sed is tho historian had eliose fo
Alcibiades among the Lacedaemonians o sentiretylgave himself up to a hard Way os lis e that nobody couldoquat him in tho rugalit os his diei and dross. Among tho Thobans tho ighest commendation is to cultivatebodii strength. Whatever eopte Alcibiades is livingwith, he wil bo rechone d the firSt famong them. Alcibiades is hioly extolle by the reat historia Thucydides, but very man writers have iuen him a b ad
Englisti has a not, omit it init has nono, infert it. 3. 11 thosaci that in ur dotabisuli expresse ussirmation e Xpres the Not, undisice versa : hereas the Romans di not. 4. a DdoubtWhetherie illiso como: dubito an sit denturus.- b I doubtwhethor he wil como at all), dubito an non sit venturus. 5. That it refers to a comin sentenc : und therelare must e construedin this'. f2I Q. Wheroas. 2. Nam quod, c. non id solum hic potuit, sed contigit ei, ut-vindicaret. Se also Z.4 626.3. Contingit, evenit, and accidit, See also nontricii. 18, With restat, reliquum est, and si I9 Z.4 621