Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


very learne friend who has lately been retaing the third editionis Michaelis's Enlectung, o introductor lectures to the Ne Testament, prinis a Gottinge in

1777, and much altered improvia, and -- Iarge from me fir edition inform me, that this german writer therei expresses his Mubis of the authenticit of the Revelation St. γοhn; ut halcis ver remarhable, and whic is indeed my oni reason formentioning this circumstance, is that Michaelis inform his readers that Lutherhad also his doubis concerniniit; and proves ita quotations stom in prefaces, ann edto early editions of Luther' german bible; whic have been since suppressed So that others have been a free in thei criticismson scripture, as Dr. Priem .

To se nothingis r. Whi Us frequens

declarations against retaining the songos Solomon, as a parti ou sacre Writius DG

Durali late Principat o Hertford college, whom I have cited above thus stoel expreseses himself,bout ita This


his poema generali considered as an epithalamium composed by Solomon on his

ought tot consideres. In respecti to the

mystical sense hicli it is supposta to

eontain, I must frankl achno lege, stat' cannot percuive the ea seundation sor it his notion I suppost, War originalty derived stom M Targum, and adopted seon' after is some of the facters, ho, ici more piet than judment, thought that, a St. Paul compares in union o Christ in his hurin marriam, his poem ouot also tot interprete Wissi refere e to the fame subject Bucho is it con- istent with his idea, that mister me name o God nor of Christ, ver occurs in ict that them is notisne tingi cor mora sentiment tot found that it is no once either quoted or most distanti alluded α' in an par of the aere Writingi . on' hic account perhapscit is no directed


Metted Dareat, good, and learneimen dum in ali ibat long intervat; and that this noves opinio ma tendis meaten the fundation

thai se can in reasn pretendis is, Io reachis cauIion fore re quis sablisse opinionsu but furet is ought noto preclude us fram mallet due inquiris an n our rational pomers o vo due convictio os former errora, rom publie' deriectis them. In re- gardio an supposed inconvenience accru- in to the christia religion, I reali ste none. the contra , as it is se eli instablime o the fure orcos prophe , ,hic, thrones, principalities, and pomers, canno prevat against it appears to me more so the interest of that religio to qui an unienabi post than to expost it


os service toyout mention that this learnedman, has in the fame ork, p. 22. c.

a For transsa g the original, vhic is a generat oride erer, ndio redemer, Dr. Dureli in thes ginning of his comment ominis texi, render this reason. As Pthinh it,ill appea that there is no allusion to Christ, o to the resurrectionis mea n in his passage, i seenis Miter uo substitute a ord insteia a Meemer, hic ma not misseia ou ideas. I rechon this a valuiste criticita, and worth of eing extended is a variet o cases. Ambiguoias ord in the vernacula transsations of the bible, an in public sermons and disco ses, stiould e Moided, hererat an e done.


hereiner espous m cause even on his side the grave and that aster these men mali his exercised thei crueit upo me, ,hichra coni pareo flayin me 'alive, Ι

self in flavour, and n longe alienated seo me, sine eem at present Theworth author then adds; As for the interpretation hic converis the passage into a prophec of the resur-

reo ionis the body besides that it implies a degre of light ili corresponding wit the times, in hic ei ther Job is suppost to have lived, or his hook o have been

written it requires suci interpolation of ne words and forced construction of those


persuaded, Mith the allowance of such liberties, an ingenious conjecturer may mahe almost an textis scripture depose in favis of thisi os an other doctrine.

The best commentator have theresore justly exploded it Nor let it e imagined that

we are unde ining the Dundations of

ae moves, and wanis no assistance hom salinoodis error But nother re me in

an wis allo exto hanae the mori God deeeitfuli , rom an apprehensionis the ill isse, hic unstabie or iche me may mahe of a right interpretationi it, at the hagard of theiriwn salvation fitter, o more just vindication could not have been made, of the reedom of Dr. Priestley's discussionis the sacre writings; than in the apology, hici, this learne author offers for himself, and so the liberties heiath tahe wit the texi, an canon os scripture, in these two quotations hicli Ihave cited froni him. The oubtin con- M a cerning


cerning the genuinenes of an particular partis scripture, or even o good groundsrejectiniit, is soria Dpm tendindito invali- date, that it confirm the authorit of those

le on this account, an to hic he mahesyOu parties p. II. a. of his undergraduates


about the matter. Such genera accusations thrown ut in

the air ithout proos are fit oni for themo of readers, wlio neve thinta; and canasse these onj. Whether Dr. Priestleyinterpret scripture rightly or not ortalia card an partis it Without cause, canin lybe determine by iis prope evidence.

