장음표시 사용
stritas vulgar ind wit a di, that ofancient counciis, os great an splendidchurches, Romisti, Greeli Gallican, of gland Scotland Ireland of protestant synod priestε, minister of almost ali denominations. articles, creeds, Confession offaith ancienvand modern catechisms, c. et such is in force of truth, When permitted to spreadiis penetratin beams, as at this da in this hare munim os urs that not a se are ait seeliniit influence, and comingove seom the worstat of three o more divine persen or oti, to the achnowlaymen and wormimo one sirst cause and lebenevolent author of at things, ne fove-xeig eternat in and Spirit, the single person of ΗΙΜ, Whom the hol Jesus, called Joh xx. 7. his ather an ou isther, his God, and ou God and whom he constanti involied in humbi prayer, xvii. 3. a the ono true God It was an unwissing testimon to thesi creasse of the number of christia unitarians, xvhich was exhibite besere the public a se
Thought o the progress of 8ocinianism; wit an inquir into the cause and the cure In a ulter umbi addressed to lecunia orthodox, and candid minister of ait denominations. M. In the pictaee, it is sal to have been Mawnis for the most part by one person, but that severa contribute recit, and aliconcerned, Concurre in the publication.
past, a these gentiemen, Me mahinna rapid progress in his country, is a saet too
evidenta need a proos, and in on idea, a matter greatly toae lamented a me can-
iam but apprehend that his doctrine robs the rospes of sime o iis peculia glories,
bring christiani early to a levet widi the religioni nature, and thus tend to prepare the way for deita , are a Domininian that iis abe tors see it in this light some of them, Me
readit admit, are me of upright vieWs, and excellent morat characters, ho mean to serve the interest os christiani Bat this does no alter our vlaw of the doc- trine itself, nor tessentur apprehensionis iis tangemus tendency. We have nota do with men, ut things.
an other The forme of these proposi- tions v readit aliove Thelalter, must dispute The doctrine of the atonement
by the Math o Christ, appear torus to be founded pon such vlew of the divine persections and to suggest suci, motives to' universat holiness, as et afri yield such consolation to the penitentauit , that the denis oscit greatly weahens the efficac of
the gospellas a practical system, though it
this doctrine se clearly reveale in the sa- cred scriptures that icis matter of astonissi-
men to us that any Who receive them as
the rule of thei faith, an oppose, o for a moment doubi concerniniit Nor can we hel thinhing, that in reconcile the scriptures to the opinions of the socinians, necessarii requires them, tot tortures in such a degree, a must ten to give to the
generalit of reader such an idea of their obscuriu, as is lihely to promore scepticium .ith res et to thei divine original.
ineream pread thema unles seme vago ous methodibo adopte to prevent ii and wesseel an ardent isti that ou Who are taetri, the dese e of the sospei, ould exert yourselves in orde to se important an object It is it a viem os exciting oo to this that e presume o publissi the present addrest. Farae it minus to suggest or indulge a
the civit magistrate to restrai those, bo with so much successareac o write in desene os an erroneous opinion Whatsos ever Me ar fuit persuaded that ali have an qua right to thin sor them- silves, an to publisi thei opinion in What manne the please In repi tu thia representatio of the tendenc of the opinions of thiae called Minians Pwould oni observeo that uni scit hedeism, to bellave in a God, and a Providonce, an a future eterna lis undiscoverable bynatures lighi, an madeanown only by thegospel o Christ, unitariana are far fio sa-vouring o leading to it And who are theseire critics, and interpreters of the secredWritings, and wbether the doctrine of atone- mentie containc in them, an hono ableto God, ou ill have some opportuni of
F He was a personis remarhable tintilicit o man-ners, and wmines of disposition, and of a constant evenchearisiness, esittin the innocence of his iis, an his .ell-groundedinopes of exchanginiit sor a betaer. I lived formerisso montia together unde me fame mos With hi in ambiae famil' .ho had been his friendi protectora, Domine time of his beinisor esto si his counto sor his religious opinions. What the societro St. Genevieve in Paris is no I know noe: ut i*ward Mooseus ago, mendis severat of the orde both there an in the provinces, the retainexa high esteem so thi good Bither, cedon perhachis familiaretriend mere,on to cali him, and inheriteda portionis his liberat spirit. The librariani St. Gene-vieve in particular, the same I belleve, ho succe Minimi stat hono able post deese regrelied in me in private, stat load of superstitio an idolatry, to hichae Was adail Witness, and most ardently wishad se a reformation. a. Dr. Le Courve in the year 774, When he Wassa, and haddost his sight, ut in ther respem e πω his
among the things, his learnia foreigner. Who ha taken refuge among us, discovershimself to have been a belleve of the divine unit in the stricte sense, rejecting the
notionis the spiritaein an thinidistinet Dom pd himself, and considering Jesus
christis nothing ut a human creature, o the instrument empi e by the Di . vine eing, an investe by him it ex
concurring 1 diose of this his judicious, iter, missi regata to the late Dr. Le Couinyer, and the present growing prevalence of the opinion called socinian respecting the person es Christ. What Dr Mippis observes concerning the former, Liuia transcribe. The celebrated Famerae Courayer, author of the dio sertation omine validit of englis ordinations continued to the en os his lis in the communion of the roman castoli church. evertheles in the declarationis his last sentimentsin the doctrines of religion recenti pub-
he actualla an prosessedl retained nothingos,hat is commoni intende by them But he might imagine, that hemiould thus
give les offence, and more easit remove theprejudices of his readers. t is no a good precedent however, and name and Minime belle tolerabandoned together W are tot in the preface, that the --
it into the princest' hands, wimed it notriobe ad public in his lik-time, fordear ofan disagmeabie consequences, and the re.
flections that might be castiponaim senati But a that period is past, andae has heen
long out of the reach o mortes things, andescis apparent that he intended it should oneta bo prinita, the literar an christianwori are indebie to the trulflearnexand respectabie editor so the honourable parthe has aetia, in no suppressinifre religious sentimentsu hicli som have been knownis do in siluations like hiso ut satri producina
mahe one ora o extracts fram it I). A declaratis lassentiment on the dimerent doctrines, religion. BE IN G oon to appear besere God, begin the venerable riter, then in his 86t year an desimus to et the sincere part hic becomes very one, as est asto furnisti ali into hos hand this ritingma sali, with that testimon whic ali person o e to truth urged likewis bis myconscience to declare my thought o the
doctrines of christiani , and the disserences whie divide christia societies, I proceia todo it it that simplicit an integri Whichaecome a man in the near prospes of
I bellere, p. s. that there is butino God, and that his spirit is no a substanc distin Dom imi and that Jesus Christ, o hoin the deit was moxintia mately
is the gospel Andes have no conceptionthat an other in os trinit can accordwith the unit of God. Ianowthat many of the sethera have had recourse to the multiplication os substances, o give us an idea of this myster and others have imaginedother systems, hic sevoured more os
m myraee respect so the lalter mahes me thin itis litue consequence to adoptnotions, hicli osten have much obscuritfiatbem, and are semetinae involint in contradiction. The incarnatis momover has nothingis it contra to the doctrine of the nil of
ingly, it is extremel remarhable, balineis ther Jesus Christ, nor his apostles have everrepresente these mysteries o us, a Com