Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


....... by impartinxto him his o ver and authori , made him a thesam time a partiser of his glory so that

thus, very thinc in constanti referre to God, an no terminatin in Jesus Christ, ho is considere oes a theorga an instrument of the o e and merc of the Father, it is alWays God Mone o is the objectis our adorations and there is nothing that shoch us in conceiv- 4ng that E an communicate imself toa man a fully, and as intimately, as ejudgescit necessar se his own glory, and


the argument in the foregoinisection, and stom these two extraordinar testimontes, as; that a the evidenceris se strong and unsummount te; and ali me rationat unprejudicia worid, ho turn thei tand to religion and the sacre writings, are miniit every daymore an more, via that ou Lord Jesus Christ was truly one of the human ac



hindi favourable circumstances of providence in his birth, b extraordinar gifisos a divine powe and wisdom pon haering on his great ossice and public ministry, and by his consummate piety, and virtve: it cannotae lameable in any one inhing the scripture for his guide a Dr. Priesti has done to inquire into the character, and the extent of the power, belongin to this favoured man, and messenge of heaven. Asaeing one of the human hin then, yo will e persuaded that Iesus the sonos ary, must have ecome very thinggradually by litti an litile; and throughthe attention, and hel of thos about him, he acquire theso ers of speeta, memory, reason and the disterent habit Which --

Iongrio human creatures.

In his progressive acquisitioin ad iminprovemenis Dominis infancy, to the attaim. menti sucis a degre and stabilit os pie 'henevolence, an virtuost se -government,mhichae appears to hau possesse Μhen Menstred on his divine office of eachar and favisur of mankind atrituri years of ages that


from our de of the perfectionis such abein after ards It is certain that is the discipline and correcti m os errors, anainfirmities, propensities an inclinationsto ron things, though no allowed orindulged, e learn to drea si and evit ischilare to rea the fise by coming oonea is it amabit os vigilance and circumspectio is acquired, and we e me fre

os Our Lota's initant state, and youthful cha- iacter, and improvemenis, the domo COntradict


phet Samuel, and Joh the baptist, hohad esse an specia designation rom hea- veni as, rom his insancy, turne to God by his providentia care, hich methim at his birth, and furnished the means


os a pious education and that togethe withhis years the goodnes of his disposition, his pie , humility, integrity benevolence, in- creased and stom malli mnings, were continuali strengthenefand improved Forthes could not, that we know of be in fusta, perseet, ait at once, into him, o any human Ming no do an suppos it tohave happene but by a gradua process, in Samuel and Joh the bapti, the sametheresereis iobe concluded concerning Christ. a. o perceive, that simila languageis sed concerning the divine extraordina protectis ove Samuel and Jolin the baptist, as over Christ though the were character far inserior tolim But we domo conclude thos tino men to have been unde theimmediate direction o God in an thing, excepi ha relate to thei propheticisDfice, in ascertaining an fulfilling their divine mission, and was Hon the reacho thei natural po ers. either have eany ground to conclude ther is concerning ou Lordci ut that in ordinar thingseven relatinxto his ministry, here naturalabilities sufficed, e acte accordin to his



have been mos strong, acute, an comprehensive. a. ndos these Wo propheis, Samues and Joh the baptist, ali Will consess, eremi liablerio fati s have emo reason to conclude that Christ Was impeccable. He himself appears to have thought, an is have been sensibi of the contrary, hen


his V hat could not affect him, halwouldiem triai tomim. Μr Tucher, the excellent author of thes Light of Nature pursuedd though noone perhaps ver more intiret harmonized withir. rieme in his sentiment on thadoctrine os necessity, and the person os Christ, does nevertheles here tali a contrarypari an supposes ou Lord is have been preserved in the most intire rectitude, Without a Wis o destre fur instance of this


Whether no ita not agreeable to scripture justi interpreted, and more consistent vith, and uitable oour ord' character

assio beJomed Midi extraordinis endo ments of drand mi , test the essem of them stoiud be conisunde uitas thes uidio moria Maom ther ore the filia chara,

Was united is an illiterate carpenter, ho me nee me' imagine Dinia more knowlege hereb in mathematic 'astronomy, geography, solicy metaphysici or oster stiences than an common carpenter might have attai 'ed is, could suppose him neve incerio have neglected the improvement of his talenta. What sit matural know-

Iege he had was imparte to him, and the wondera hev horrid were perstrmed by the facter, in the ame man- ne a thois of Moses and the propheta I I domo mistae, his orth person siem to p hiso degradingi of our Savio ' naturaliaris and abditie mough I am far fio laying that in his siluation, MI Would have carried him totaeepanowlege in mathematic an astrono . ut surein the sublime simplicit of his

anstructions his singula presence of minfand the remaric- able pines and acutenes of his repties pon ali occasions, togethe with the beaut and correctnes of his imaginationii his parabies, mar vinat, est a fine genius a veri

Common rate.


as a man, o have been se ea persection, a lis appears o have been by the means and assislance afforded him, ithout suci a continuat operation pon him although hesen mortis absolute perfectiona ou illvite in in eighing Win the matter. Τ those, Homo attend to the ver-whelmin evidences iaetches out 'bove, testistin our aviour o have been originali an trul a man, and consequently of very limited powers, Dr. Priestie Will appearto have give amo degradin representationis him, in What Dr. Horne has pichedu an put together, in a very uncandidmanner, Dom different paris of his orks,