Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류



ΝΟ , hether ou Lord was the se of Joseph and Μar in the ordinar way of propagatio of the human race, o the sonos ar only by the operatio of the X-traordinar po eris God is in iiset an indifferent matter. In one Way, a weli as in

the other, he wouldae equali fitted sor thepurposts of his divine missiop, and equallys tot honoured For there is no merit orreat worth in beingior in suc an extra- Ordinar Way, an more than in beinibornos a rich and noble family rather thanahatos a beggar, There is howeverio presumption againsta miracle of this hind, o serve the purposes of divine providencerat that time. Andine obvious use of it ma stem to have been thesecurin a prope attention in Joseph and Μam to the pious an virtuous education


But it a nodia miraclei tith a hindas iobe xllege in proo M ou Lord' divine mission and theresere is neve mentioned assech Anythis together illi the delitate circumstances of the factoma have beenthe cause of iis einiseldom talhed os, and not much nown during our ord' ministry, and in the time of his apostles. As to the absurdities of the athers, asthe are calles, po this su est, in the folio nxtimes, the serve to me the follyof the men, but domo invalidast the fact

Dr. Priesti , after a very serious examination, and laying the result of it, and his arguments b ore the public is persuaded that the eginning o Matthew's, ah of Luta' gosmis, hic treat of theriiiraculous conception do no contain aeonsistent account of things, and ais have no equat externat evidence of testimony sor


an Luke, as have in other paris of theirgospel-history. Other persens achno lege these to e difficulties in reconcilin thonarratives; ut domo thin thos dissicutities of sufficient sorceri counterbalance and se inde the positive vidence, hic appears to thema remat for thei authentici , after ali deducti'ns made You, whoare able, area form our Wn udgments. It is o no consequence torus as christians, whacis the decision any farther than sineat least of the evangelist has delivered a peremptor account of the fact, it is desimble toliave satisfactio concerniniit There mustbe adreedom in discussanidoubliui potnis in

hist ory, sacre o profane, to Come a thetruth in the same manne as in inquiries o natura subjecis, o mahe many experiment that fati, efore yo arriverat the experimentum crucis. Dany one an solve Dr. Priestley' doubis, and restore the credit of the histor in his mind, no One,illae more ready to retrach What he has advanced Andi the miraculous conception has iam the invention o som early ver-zealou chrisitiatis to do honoura Christ, he this is made


Yo Would have considered, that a man senteriaminio heaven f his Aod, cannot betahen literalty Enining inre beaven, in thecas o Christ, ou ould have found tohave been his ein translate frum his earth, aster aving been raised rom thedead in three days, to a state of hiis favourwit God, and tho possession of immortM life by the divine poWer. Yo would have nexi inquired, ho could


him, to Mais in E TERNAL redemptionsorus, a the postle spealis in the fame place λThe scriptures ou ould farther perceive insorinus, that it a Christ's eat, and labours, and fortitude, in preaching the

truth, Redemption is the recover os a thini, purchase

delivered fro sauern in antient times by money aiddown so them, ence the word is transferresto signista redemptionis desiverance of an hind. x procured in an othe way. Thus the Divine ein is assed the re-Memer of the Israelites, in bringin them out of ssaver in Egypt and Moses is esse aid tot thei redeemer, as 'hewas the divine instrument empla d incit. Anythus Christis ou redeemer, in eing sent an empi edi almigb God, o desive mankind rom mei sin and the fatal consequences of them is persiste in The means used by Christisere the doctrine an powerfui motives of thego et to hic Maave attestation a cominifrom God, hy dyin or stteddin his biood in ita defence. The residemptionis the worid heresere by Christ, is mei desiver- ance rom sin, an restoration to the divine tavour se evexu in paeans and motives o the gospei.


Thus then he obtained eternat redemption ordetiverance sor us. For his eminent virtve

Thator Horne mouid express an extremeastonissiment at this interpretatio of the

scripture-langvage of the lood o Christ, is no difficulta be accouniersor Dom his early impressionis and prejudices, and by


his having been aught to conside the medding of the blood os animal, and the sacrifices in the old Testament, a method ofappeasing the wrath and displeasure o Godsor the sins of men, originali institutelwith a reserence to the latur sacrifice and deat o Christ, ho alone a hel abieto mahe satisfactio sor the actua transigression of men, an sor original sin, Uthe si os our fir parenis, in the mili ofwhich ur hole race are suppost to e

Thus the dar heathen dea for noother couldae iis origin os appeasing the wrat of thei false ods, commoni mehdeified by the blood of animais, and osten- times h human victims, has been applied by christians to the most mercissit Godi ascis nothiniles than the deathis Christ, sup- posed tot aaeing equat is himself, could interpos effectualty se a to dispos him to


selves, o Will earn that Whateve was the origin o sacrifice. as a religious ritς;whether of mere human invention or of

divine suggestion uite to the gros insant

state of the woesy the were nothing morethan ways of expressiniis θmbias, ortut-ward signs, mens sentiments and reverentialregard so the almigh ieing, ho madethem, and o Whom hendepended for everything either in intreating pardo forabeis offences, oriegging the continuance of his blessing an manifold goodnes to them, and giving thanks sor it. Νo valueis at any time putrapon sacrifices, in the scriptures, ut a the were fignificanto an accompante Wit theseiecoming.

correspondent, penitendand devout tempers of mind. his is thei constant language. See Isaiahi tonameone instanceonly Thesacrifice hich alone could rende the sinne acceptablerio God was notis bieeding victim, but. brotin and muris Mart. Sesaid David Ps. li. when labouring unde theauit os crimes of the firs magnitude, murde and adulter .