장음표시 사용
io ascribe to Christ in mathematius, in natural philosophy, c. No supposing, that ourior also, hic stem to be thesentiment of Dr. Priesti , ad hel those calle demoniac in the scripture t have been reali possessed by demons, hosedisorde wemo anomio have been o ingio natural causes, an cureabie, here thecure is possibie, by natura mean this would emo the least impe chinen to his suffciency, for his ossice of teacher os the divine illo men, an more than his ignorance of the true system of the world, since discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. Put the cas also that our Saviour ad applied a texi of the old estament, as relatins to himself, hicli di notoo ou, or thers, appea to e such: ithout D firming any thing, suppos only that it wasso it would notistae his character a a. te cher come rom God Which was notrio exples exacti each partici of the hebre. scriptures s
as subject in error Panswer, that Ianow of no inconveniencerio christianity, in supposing that neitherine, nor an othei man, was naturali imprecabo. himselfra sno claim to any such prerogative, and theo eis of his mission did not require it Hestys, indoed, to thecie s. Joh viii. 6.
in that place the connexion naturalinteatius to undetitand imposura oni : and whenhe was stiled good, thinhing, me mansup- .pose, stom the manne in hich it a seid, that more a meant by the appellationthat he was intille io, he expressi disiclaime it, saying there mas non Dia Demae I we interpret the languam os scripture rigoroussy, e must say that Job was a perseet character sor it is sal of him, Job ii. a. that he was a perfect an an umrighi man. It is also aid o Zacharias andaliza- beth, Ma tho mere bus righictus besere God, malaia in ali he comman enti ancordia nances ostia Loia, scimeles This encomtum is Certaini equivalent to halcis Did fChrist, 1 Pet si at he id not sis, eiurema guto functa his mouth, a Cor. V. I. He made his io e sis for us who inem no
fro mera. in to those, Who lay great stressis o thetiterat interpretation os scripture, and who
o Univeo es. Io Ithin stat, are authorige to inser Domine passages that have quoted that thecharacter o Christ must have been almost infinitet greater tha that os other men, I
mould recommendo thei attention be-
sides the passages quote above, whicli, Ealso interpreted literalty would ea us to
conceive of the character o varwus other
christians in generat, is notrio be interpreted literalty what can obligerus to a literat interpretationis simila expressions relatingto the excellence of Christ' character And, is in this passage, and every other, in hich the wota In is sed, e re to understandsome vertis of iniqui , something that est the world would condemn, a bas and wrong, e must lihewis restrict the mean-ingi it in the fame manner, hen it is
cirisi There is a greaines and dignit γ in his character, superior so that os avisther man. I iter distis thata se is anc ambureihata reseice in the contemplati m D. ut thin ais that Uca account for the superiorit of his viriue, and the exalte natureo his stelings, without supposing that, illhe was divinet inspired, whicli I se nooccasion to ficat an earllier period than alitile besere his baptism he was naturali agreater, o belle man, than Abraham, orJoseph, o Daniel.VΤhis extra will give yo Dr. Priestley'sown sentiment of Christ, semerulia different than ou ould take them to be romthe representatio of the president of agdalen collegera no that he intend to mis-lead, ut his prejudices magnis objects. What he concludes illi in that place, assomething ight wron in Dr. PriesMey, he
sion and second coming, Christ is in suu in pupillage.'
the words, in a sate os pupillage, eing his
Whateve improvemenisae made in morat excellency, via in teu, integrit and benevolence, in the dissiculi scenes and triass
state, and we have reason to belleve theywere se beyond what an other of the human race ver acquired, there must stillhe oom for greater in an endles progression in his devovi an delightful en dea-vours, in that other Worid, o no moreos, and to op after, he infinites hol , andat semen Betu; etween hom, and themost exalte of his creatures, though theystalli everarowing in knowlege an vir- tue, and goodness, the distanee will stillae infinite, as hen the fir set out in their
I hos discoveries of that exquisite symmetry, and ari With hic every thingin theworid os nature is made, and adjusted themost wonderis simplici , in the litile thalmankind have hitherio been able to trace, of thos laws by hicli the whol systemo visibi orbs round us, in one o whichwe have ou habitation is supporte and
Duerned, rescribet en o oura, minutes, momerus, an adapte at the iam timerio
the est ends, an to generat appinesse these view of the infinite, benevolent artiri
la Newton to se an adore i presentevery here; hic filled the hear of the
8wedisti philosopher o illi continuat
raptures of devout admiration, hilst, ithimmenseco The devotiones turn o Dr Liminues inri vcndes est superstition, and trul rationes, is see throughout allhis ritings, wher it could naturali have a place. Igive a litile specimen o it stom the conclusionis an oratio Μ hic he spohe at psal in 7 I, he he was admitted to the mys and ordinar profession es physic. Fis D thee, o omnipotent GH, I humbir eripis than fi ving f the immensi benesis that have been ea disponam thraus theraeisus proterition andpraesiance.
veri an other inconveniencies, thou res Madis present to
worlds, which he was radedi to record and illustrate, and ais to Mike discipies, homould carr o the executioni his plan: these views, e says, of the reat Creator, which, the hol Jesus' nobier ossice andemployment, in Ving foundation sorrescuing mankin from the chians and -- series of vice an ignorance, and bringingiliem to virtve and immortality, ould notallo hi leisure to stud an contemplate here, ill furnis him it nefanis un-ceasing ong os presse and adoration.
are se much indebled, and his emplomenti that the worid, though e must necessarii babbie in a reat measure, lihechildren, pono circumstanc so much at present beyon us. ne ining oweverwe may be certain os, illi respecto the place of ur future destination, of those
ginning imperse state, such a ori asinis has been bestowed furnistaed with lacha lavisset abundauce of things delightful and
agreeable to ver sense; it se muchbeauty, variet an usefulnes in ali is paris, that the labour an ingenuit ofmen, sor so many thousand years that th have been Hace upon it, have discoveredoni si much a mews that infinitet more yet remain to e brought to light what ma notae expecte seo the fame munificent hand when thos creatures mali, by ..his samur to them, have been ad more perseet, and Worth of his regata i