Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


adulte maia no recourseo sacrifice, hut to repentanee, to Wiperit Way.Μoses, the divine la iver of the Israelites, neveraeaches that the sacrifices, hich heprescribe to them, ere types c pre- figured, o had an reference to the deatho Christ. This application ingenious menhave since inventedior him. ut he irioinsinem a religious eremontes, o -ys of Wormip, o divine appotniment, o Mepthem rom idolatry, and in the worstipis Jehovin their God the onlycliving and true God, and in a just obedience to his la s. He never inform them, that the sacrifices, or an par of the rituat he ordainia, could

pensate for thei breata and neglecti their


moris roserve the living God i. e. hoo muchanore stat that ut assurance hic muhave of the pardon o murrans, and of the divine favour sor ver, confirme by theblood, o deat o Christ in attestation fit, e effectual to reclaim an recove thesinne to the sincere obedience of God'cla s. The greater partis christians for ant

Ull furnisti yo with an eas clue When, for


Nothindican eleans us fio sin, ut halbring thesinne to forsakecit And the doctrine and motives of the ospe confirmed by the biod o deat o Christ, are most efficacious to this end. Yo will et them moreover, that therea n hy the e Testament riters adopt this way of speahing, a meret in allusion to thei antient religion, hicheonsisted much iis sacrifices, washings, C. But the used it also, hen speahing of therthings, and didio appi it solet to Christ.


Tiso Universities dar

that there ere non of them reai sacrifices. Nesthe was Christ' deat aurata .crifice. ut in the episti to the HebreWs, where suci sacrifica language is moros ali sed the postle mas necessitate and calle out as it ere, to weli pon his Mathos Christ, in language allusive to their sacrifices an hebre ritual, as his designwas to me the superiorit of the christiant the e isti dispensation, an to contrastine rea advantages received by the death

had rom thei jewim sacrifices, an topoint ouillo sar the forme surpassed these.

his apostles, as je s. to spmk of the things of the gospe in language borrowed romthei forme divine religion and wormip. The great mistahe of many o Christ' sol- lo er has been in interpretin literalty. What


Since Christ' v iluntar death, o sacrifice of himself, a the scriptures somelimes term it, a thus nothin more than anacti obediencerio God in attestation and confirmatio of his divine mission and doctrine, is hic manhind were to besavia, or attain eternal lise; ou ill pereeive that i hence sollows that there is noground sor hat is calle his D atone-ment, or ahing satisfactio se the sin os

meni his death, is pacistin the wrath


is the dissionour done to the divine la lysin in orde that in Almight miisti pardon it consistently wissilis justiee. His Math in the cause of God an his truth, is

mostio erfui means an motis to bringsinners to repentance, ut an have no

That Christiuid nothiniis his Math, ori any the way, to rende Godalaxandmercissi is inners; or ather, that Godis of his o- accor dispost to Argivo. me thei sins, withou Christi an other person interposing or intersering and without an other condition than the sinner's repentance, o fin declared by the al-might himself, continuali an expressty in the old Testament, and neve acter On-


xviii. 27. From these declarations, hicli contain the constant uniform sense of the old eo tament, it appears that God would have largive me thei sns, is Christ' death


Hence it follows, that there is no ground inscripture so the doctrine entertained by many, that the repentance of the sinne alone is

their e But here it may be objei,d. What then whereinis the gos Pisae preserred to the lain is the sorgivenes of sin mas by the lalter equali istin the sermerd What benefit have inristians bem Jews t I an er the greatestinat is possibi tote e*oyed. The Israelites mere assured by Moses and the propheis, stat God Would pardo their iniquities on thei reperirance. ut then the were taught nothinifurcter. It was notata them, stat the pardoning merc o God Mould exten iiset to continue thei exist- ence, and conser fimour on them in a future worid. Theyha no explicit revelation ad of this But that the Minishould e continued, an die be made hare sinterer, Mas a revelation reservia sochim, Who Mone broughelis and immortalit is light through the gospes, a Tim. i. Io This is indeia properi TH aosPEL Pand i Masthenotificationis Bareat. Nem to us, o die race fine Mathens, hic dre. stomahe apostles of Iesu obat


posing in thei beli is there is no rea n tothinx that an change has been made in tho Divine in since, ut that heris illingio receive the christian to mercyrus readilyas thecie . This most important doctrine of the enficac os repentance alone o the par of thesnner, a sussicient to recommen him topardon,ith God without an interest orintersereno o Christ, or os an other person,


niversities. 27 Aut above ali the beautiful and affectingparabie of the prodiga son, Luke v. de- livered by ou Lord, is most decisive, that in his estimate, repentance is ali the atonemento satisfactio for the reach of his laws, whic ou heavent Father requires, O restoreis to his favour The doctrine of his apostles on this head, is the fame ith that of thei divine masiter. It is neve declared by them, that Christ id an stincto reconcite God tomen, ut o reconcite me to God. enmere alienated turne away hom God by thei sins an oni o that account, and tin the forseo them, God was turned aWayfrom them. You may the conclude, by the testimonyof oses, an ali the antient propheis andandis Christ himself, that is ou sorahe